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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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Not even when I started out was I as shit as OP is. When it comes to art skills you either have it or you don't, and OP unfortunately does not have it.
Bro it's just shitposting, I've seen countless schitzos like op on here for years now, they eventually fail and go away and op is no different, it's just fun to poke at them because for some reason they all display the same delusional overconfidence in their undertakings. Might as well have fun since the board is slow anyway.
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I'm so passionate about this project that I have become a passion fruit. Together, frens, we'll make real our dreams.

I understand where you're coming from and I'd say the same in your shoes, but here I am doing the thing. And doing it basically means that the thing is done. This project is a present to my elderly chihuahua so I cannot fail to do it.

Update frens: I only had enough money to buy three cans of paint. But since red, green, and blue make up all the colors of the rainbow then really I bought all the paint that I will need for this project. Should I draw outlines on the ceiling or just start splotching paint up there? I kinda want to start by painting because once the paint flows so too will my workflow.
yep, sad
OP here. Not even mad about this. I was never not aware that my project goes beyond any reason. Also, it's quite refreshing to see some trolling or autism-hijacking in here.

Today i was slacking a little. Yesterday i retopologized the model, but i am not satisfied with the loss of details. So i tried to fix that a little.
Today my new CPU arrived. I am going to upgrade from a Ryzen5 2600x to Ryzen 9 5950x. It was the best choice without needing to upgrade the whole motherboard.
The model isn't perfect for my taste. Especially the hair-topology feels a little off. Nonetheless, i will tomorrow i will try my luck with the first rigging attempt.

Does anyone have a good tip for this process, especially when working with Maya?

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Deleting the default cube in Blender is bad practice.
You're supposed to drag it out of view.

Of course the total hack hiding under the moniker "Blender Guru" (or as I like to call him "The Doughnut Grifter") teaches you to erase it.
I hate him so much.
I get satisfaction by raising it up a little, so its bottom is flush with the ground.
>I just saved an empty startup file that has my UI and settings exactly how I like them
>normalfriends waste dozens of hours deleting the same fucking cube every new file
Truly subhuman.
In a way you're supposed to use it.
Well that is if blenders main workflow of boxmodelling directly into the intended base topology and using multires with sculpting and use that to export LODs did work as intended.
Blender devs shill it from time to time omitting the fact that it's completely broken and there's no way to directly edit the multires data.

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Previous thread: >>973562
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TIFF is like industry standard ain't it?
>TIFF is like industry standard ain't it?
Yeah, that's what I've been using. It just seems like less because it's good for that task, and more just people stuck in their laurels.
Like I said, TIFF ends up being the same size as PNG (if not more in some cases), so I'd hardly consider it efficient. It's lossless, sure, but it's not as if every task specifically needs a lossless transparent format. I'd be just fine with transparent jpgs if that were a thing.
CGpeers being closed forever is such a faggot move. Thank god i have an account tho.
>for graphics PNG is fucking king


never use png for anything
I'm talking actual GRAPHICS. You know, what PNG was made for?
Logos, clip art, shit like that, GRAPHIC design shit. PNG is optimized for areas of flat color and for that it's optimized as fuck. But throw more than it can handle, like the retards who save photos as PNG because "it's lossless lol", and then you start going into retarded file size territory.

I called out PNG specifically because I didn't want those people ignorant about file formats to come out of the woodwork and tell me to use it.
So like you, basically. Seeing as you can't tell the difference between a graphic and a photo.

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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Why is it so hard to find lowpoly mannequin rigged?
Every time I find sometimes it's either:
>under price tag
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
Lowpoly generally means anything that's not a sculpt
wtf no, thats not what it should mean
even sculpts are generally retopod, does that mean they are then turned "lowpoly" ?
This and a lot of planning.
I think old MGS games are the gold standard, all the models are low with triangles, but the shapes are so well thought of and the texture work is so impecable, that you cant notice how simple they are.
Also, good rigging.
I really need to learn how to draw if I'm going to make good textures for my models, huh

a casual image that i will use for my new album
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Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?
No, what for?
I'm the guy you responded to, thanks for providing a legit sounding answer. I suppose the people nostalgic for this are the ones who are maybe half a decade younger than me and this is part of their connection to what then remained of a 'pre-internet' type world.

Obv the internet was already there for them but it was in it's infancy without the social networks, tubesites and smartphones etc.
I guess I understand what they say when talk about how legacy media and games had more 'soul' I'd tend to agree with that statement.
Where I'm lost is when they point to things like 'Frutiger aero' and 'Bryce 3D' type aesthetics as representative of that 'soul'
because to me that would represent the peak 'soul-less' of that era they're reaching back to.

Maybe it's more about having something easily reproducible that's just iconic for the time. Like how ugly juxtaposed neon colors & slalom patterns can invoke certain 80's nostalgia.
Low effort and ugly, somewhere along the way you forgot that you actually need to be an artist to create something good looking in bryce

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>short films - make a real fucking film
>robots as they're too lazy to animate people
>12 fps Spider-Verse nausea
>it's 2D anime... but 3D!
>ugly Pixar blob people

What else?
>he's making a 12fps anime robot blob short film Get some talent, bro.
>3d films, make a 2d animated movie like a chad
>3d art, make a real painting like the old masters
>Cg in movies, do it with puppets
>3d printing, print in 2d black ink only
>3d waifus, they are pigs and filthy whores, just 2d waifus for me
3D as a whole should die

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Thought this video was pretty fascinating. Very rare to see this kind of early CGI at such high fidelity.
This but ironically.

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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I was joking bro
doesnt matter.

find jesus.
Cris, why is there an orchestra of white Google employees surrounding a black male in a field in Tasmania? I don't get the message of that video.
Is a civilization V song.

It's all 3rd temple bulllshit and, I mean, I wish the antichrist good luck but it looks he's not going to reign over not much left of human civilization.

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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No, you are the only person who is the best
This is the best one
This is the second best one
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Did anyone know what happens to @BeanBeanis
All platform had been deleted
No idea who that is but based on your picture I can scry how it was Jail Jesus or both.
probably nuked for making something too based with etna and flonne apparently
I was hoping to see more of his content but he deleted his pixiv account
I think that he committe
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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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>$250 for 30 images is a lot
lol i'm not a dazfag but you guys need to raise your rates
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>>>how can you charge that without feeling like a piece of shit
>>> you guys need to raise your rates
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Here's your new character bro
if it's 30 pictures and not just the same thing from multiple angles i guess $250 is pretty low. there are people who charge $250 for a single picture though and they're shameless
I don't think it's shameless if the image takes a good while to create. If it takes you 10 hours to make it then you have an hourly rate of 25 dollars an hour

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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Still doing exercises with the animation system. I'm totally a noob at animating manually. But the technical stuff is working and I wanted to have a taste of what a longer animation themed like this would look like.
are you even making use of easing, anon?
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No. For now I'm just interpolating poses, still looking for bugs in the C-side of things. I really really have no idea how this art thing works.
easing is like the bread and butter of animation, not only in 3d but in all animation in general, practice it a bit, first exercise of 2d animation is a ball moving on the x and y axis and bouncing, look up some 2d animation theory on the subject and you'll see some tricks there, like the deformation of the ball, keeping its overall space through transformation, acceleration, deceleration, exagirating, etc.
I see you're trying to give him helpful advice, but this dumbass is completely resistant to taking it.
He's hellbent on his weird ass "solution" that looks like trash to shortcut learning animation entirely (his own words).

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You DO use it, right?
I would never

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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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i swear anyone who unironically advocates for godot is a retard
the main purpose of a game engine is to provide a render engine, physics, audio systems and being able to easily port to different systems
godot is like retarded in all of that so all you really get is a shitty editor and at this point you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up
You're kind of a fucking idiot thinking people dont know Godot is still lacking a lot of tools. His whole video was about going to Godot because it is free and open source like Blender and won't get Jewed like Unity that he was using for the past years. Him taking on Godot and getting people into it is planting seeds in hopes of Godot improving in the future.

You're ignoring a lot of context to make yourself mad.
Its rendering, physics (with Jolt) and audio are fine for my requirements.
If a project needs high-end graphics, Unreal is way better. Otherwise, Godot seems perfectly adequate.
It's saved me a ton of time, and has many useful features that an off the shelf render engine wouldn't provide, like file compression/decompression, support for various file formats, networking, graphics tablet support, and surely a lot of other stuff I don't even know about
>you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up
quit talking out of your ass, retard
I replaced some of Godot's nodes with a custom system and I still use nodes for anything graphics/audio related because it's a lot of fucking work to replace them and they work just fine.
You have never written anything "from the ground up".
Yeah i'm sure toddlers watch pixologic youtube Lives where some random 3d Aurtist rambles incomprehensibly for 4 hours

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