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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

Had to be drug-related right?

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And once you factor the straight up lack of reports in shitholes like mexico it takes the lead again.
im an extreme gringo... i'll be safe in histórico in cdmx right???????
Mexicans don't like gays or accept that faggotry. Aussies pretty much tow that line and love to be drugged out degenerates constantly drunk. So, do the math
When Tyrone shoots Jamal Daquan and Kareem in some Baltimore ghetto it’s considered a mass shooting. The media won’t tell you that part but love to use the statistic to trick retards
im pretty sure they weren't actually fags. they were brothers

>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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again why the fuck would I relate vancouver to global cities? you really think I haven't been other places? I just got back from a 2 week trip to japan and shit sucks here in almost every way compared to there except minor nitpicks, but this is where I live and moving to another country (besides the US lmao) is not that easy and it's where my family is, and I'd much rather be here than almost any other city.
I thought only America tips
tipping culture here in Vancouver might be the most aggressive
you will get chewed out for tipping 2$ on a $$15 meal
the servers are very arrogant
when you click the tip option on the POS machine it sometimes starts at 20% as lowest
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>the servers are very arrogant

White servers are the most uppity and entitled.
Fuck this godforsaken cold shithole country.

Won't be long before you see entitled and uppity 2nd generation poojeet waitresses.
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If you look up Canada or any Canadian city on Reddit you see the Redditors praising every little thing.
Vancouver? CECI UN VRAI PARADISE! Yes, ignore the shitty culture, nothing to do, the fact you can't afford anything, the ridiculous rent, the 0 social cohesion, the lack of jobs, the shit weather. Because in CANADA you can be TRANSGENDER!!!
I hate this country and the people that live in it so fucking much. Canada is LGBTQIA2+DISAJ North Korea.

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14.8 seconds of airtime edition

>Last Thread: >>2637085

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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i mentioned that because every time i got off the ride, people would complain about how much it threw them around
let me mention one more thing since i hit the limit in my previous post. from my observations, the express pass is really not worth it in most cases. most of those people seemed to wait just as long as me in the regular line. dont waste your money on it.
if you are curious about butterbeer, it is just cream soda. there, i just saved you $9.50.
from what i could tell, most of the ride lockers were free except for the ones near the water rides. if you need to use a locker, they are going to expect you to keep your pass on you so you can reopen the locker. maybe bring a ziploc or something to keep your ticket dry, assuming you are getting a paper or soft cardboard ticket like they gave me. if you accidentally put your ticket in the locker and close it without realizing it, there is usually an attendant nearby who will let you back into it. just remember your locker number if this occurs.
for lockers, all rides except velocicoaster have the lockers in the area around the entrance to the ride. deal with the locker before you get on the ride. velocicoaster is the exception because you will access the lockers around roughly halfway into the ride line. the entrance line side has access to one side of the lockers, and the exit line side will allow you to get your stuff out from the back side of the locker.

if you are going to volcano bay and are not staying at or near cabana bay, just take a bus to city walk and then walk over to the buses that go to cabana bay. you save a lot of walking this way.
>harry potter ride in islands of adventure. i almost dont recommend it because you are going to feel like you are getting sea sickness if you get one of the outer seats
I found out how you're supposed to ride it. First of all you shouldn't look around at all. You should just look straight ahead and the ride will point you at what it wants you to look at. Also keep your head back totally against the seat and they actually blow air in your face which helps. And I'd also recommend doing it early in the day before you get too hot.
oh, that makes sense then. i was curious, so i was looking around some while on it. it was a ride that really made me want it to end sooner than it did. i didnt bother riding it a second time after the experience i had with it
Yeah I got sick on the ride the first time. I rode it later on the trip early in the day, with my eyes straight ahead and my head flat against the seat and I did just fine.

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What places have you visited, or want to, that you'd describe as a shithole, whether endearingly or not
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But did you taste the hotdog spaghetti?! It’s divine!
Everybody likes him. Oh, except a lot of dirty African politicians and corrupt civil servants that he’s badmouthed in print or online over the years.

That passing through Somalia thing he did, though, was not so much based as it was mind-bogglingly stupid. He’s lucky to have survived, or at least to have avoided kidnapping. He’s honestly had an unusual number of lucky breaks over the years—he once befriended a dude who was trying to mug him, too.
Im guessing it would be more government and school protection. They would definitely make sure the local organized crime/police know youre off limits for kidnapping. Its really only the unorganized randoms that you would have to worry about so Id wager it wouldnt be that bad. Iran made the same offer, anyone who gets kicked out gets a scholarship at the University of Shiraz, which is actually a huge deal, its very hard to get in there in Iran.
Lmao you turned down Imperial and ended up in Barrio Logan. That whole neighborhood is a fucking shithole. The rest of San Diego is ok, but that city somehow has worse roads than midwestern cities, it's incredible.
That's awesome but most of those kids probably don't know Arabic or Persian.

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A thread to discuss all things Thailand and Thailand adjacent.
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>Turn bluetooth off too if you can.
Why? Would it really be so terrible for my opsec if I'm listening to Spotify though my AirPods while I work?
It can be used to geo locate by gathering information of other bluetooth devices connected to the internet. More commonly it can only be hacked depending on device
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Much obliged
Actually, one more thing: what is the purpose of having a travel router? Isn't it possible to connect to my home VPN through my computer, the way I would if I were using ProtonVPN?
where did you like?

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how is lebanon as a tourist destination?
It's nice if you're visiting (I live there)
i worked in beirut for a bit. it was a perfectly reasonable middle east city
but that was before that massive explosion
they pay in dollars so its not cheap
it's really blown up in the last few years

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Hot nights, city lights. Where to eat? Where to sleep?

Tips to help you not pay too much for the donkey carriage ride in Intramuros.

Binondo, Baguio, and Bonitacio Global City.

Rent a motorbike or take the trike?
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definitely looks like something I could skip
They have places for gays too
What about if I just want to bleach local women. Where is the best place for that?
Go to san fransicko or tel-aviv instead if you like guys then
I didn't even see any girls in that clip, just a few people buzzing about, drunk old expats, ugly pavement, ugly buildings, nothing but shit
are you okay?

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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>Doesn't seem like there is as much potential to live a happy and fulfilling life there

You are correct. Unless your biggest goal in life is to rent a shed and post on 4chan all day the the Philippines doesn’t offer much to anyone. The food is bad. The culture is bad. Every day simple tasks such as grocery shopping are a reminder of how backward this place is. There is only one reason to come here and saying it out loud is bannable.
Rent? Bitch I don't pay no rent lmao. I don't live in a shed either. I live in this brutalist looking concrete monstrosity. Just because it seems like I'm posting here all day because I'm fucking omnipresent doesn't mean that's all I'm doing. Also haha you can't talk about your coomer degen shit you ugly fucking loser. You can't get laid without paying you disgusting old fuck. Your wrinkled old ballsack would never touch the skin of a female without the exchange of pera. You're a loser back home and a loser here. I bet you have no contact with your family and basically live as a recluse yet you want to talk about a shed. Loser pervert fucking degen. I'm glad you hate it here you whiny old bitch. I'm glad you hate the food and the culture yet choose to live here anyway because it's the only possible way your pecker would ever get touched. Hope it only gets worse for you!
The lady doth protest too much
I'm just having fun talking shit on the internet. Coomers are such an easy target. Especially the retarded ones that let it take precedence above all else in their lives. What a pathetic way to live. Never once have I had to say bayad po to make the panties drop.
Nobody here takes this internet shit seriously, right? I mean it's just words on a screen. You get people trying to give you a psychological evaluation based on shitposts alone. It's not that serious. If it is serious for you maybe you could find a home on Reddit or Twitter instead.

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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
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Why would you ever want to live near theme parks? WDW resort is fucking hollow shell of its former self. Especially Epcot. And Universal studios Orlando is worse then Hollywoods.
Saint Cloud anon here. It’s miserable in Osceola. Kissimmee has become mini-Puerto Rico and we’re not too far behind. I think it’s only a matter of time before Harmony, Holopaw, and Kenansville get fucked as well. We’re in a particularly shitty spot because we’re getting sandwiched between Kissimmee and Lake Nona.

There is no fucking end in sight to the growth going on in Central Florida. Were it not for the fact that I’m a single father and have strong family support here, my ass would’ve packed up and left a long time ago. I was considering Melbourne, but they’re spreading out now too.
This may be the most misleading first impression about a place you've ever had, and will ever have, in your entire life.

Yeah, but as MID as Buffalo pizza is... it's still better than NYC.
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>Universal studios Orlando is worse then Hollywoods
Hollywood is pathetic. its like a trial version of Orlando. It's not even close...
WDW does sound to be worse than before, but I never went before, so I don't have a frame of reference.
Universal, Seaworld, and Busch gardens are in a golden age right now, adding so much new stuff. Disney will have to do something to catch up in the next few years.
Blast your heater to the highest setting if you can tolerate that every single day. You can definitely live here.

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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
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Korea is cheap as fuck for anything cosmetic.
For hair it's Turkey or Iran.
I heard Cuba is good too.
>seeing India surprised me
The only people going to India for surgery are overseas Indians. You won't see white people going there.
Malaysia is probably the best.
About the same price as Thailand but you'll find high quality English everywhere with medical workers.
The few times I've been to a doctor in Thailand it was a bit frustrating for me due to language issues
Ok. I think I will deeper dive into Thailand and Malaysia.
I wrote down Korea for cosmetic and Turkey for hair because I have a couple things I may need in the future for that.

Thanks for all the info
White people don't come to India for medical tourism but other people from Central Asia/Africa and other SAARC countries do visit here for medical treatments.
Whites have more class and go to Malaysia or Korea for their procedures. Let the 3rd world go to india

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Alright /trv/ I'm going to be doing a road trip in North Dakota and South Dakota that's mostly hiking and camping. After I'm going to spend some days working remote in deep west Nebraska (and hitting up Oglala National Grassland and Nebraska National Forest on the way).

I will see Scottsbluff National Monument at some point but I can do as much driving as needed after work and move around towns.

If I have a weekish where are some comfy towns I can base myself out of with a nice coffee shop to work at? I've been looking at google maps and there's some great options. Is Scottsbluffs city too big to get the TRVE Nebraska feel? I'd prefer to be in some tiny town. I'm thinking Chadron will be the best because it seems comfy, has a good coffee shop and has good hiking to do after work. But any other reccomendations?
I hope you're not a commiefornian or a yankee

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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The dating preference hierarchy:

Rich Viet locals > rich Viet Kieus > rich Korean/Japanese/Chinese men > average-income local men ($300 - $600 monthly) > white expats

Whites have fallen off the dating cliff.

Vietnamese girls have secret Facebook groups where they doxx white males for being cheap, perverted, and broke.

Vietnamese girls saw white English teachers going broke during COVID.

Vietnamese people are suspicious of long-term white expats living in their poor rice-farming country.
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As a white male, your dating pool is relegated to 3% of the female population who could speak english fluently. The girls who could speak english fluently are girl bar employees, or those working in the tourism sector.

picrel, a white dork and his vietnamese girlfriend.
this clickbait video is posted to every SEA thread, it's not vietnam related
that anon should buy an ad

going broke is about your expenses, you can go broke with $5000/month budget
girl doesn't need to speak english fluently, about a third of young viets can speak somehow decent english, and even that is not a requirement
That’s literally the most overpriced area in the city. You can get a nice 2br apartment elsewhere in the city for half that price.

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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>Are you one of those leasing faggots?

Gas, oil, and other fees easily top $300 a month
probably either generational wealth or some job that pays retards 6 figures for being finance frat bros or social media prostitutes or whatever
Where did you move from? Not to be a dick but paying off that amount doesn't really mean much if I don't understand your entire financial situation.

Look at the menu for Sey coffee. Never said 7 was average (you ESL?), only for one place I went to that was packed. Lots of locals, I was going from shop to shop and saw people grab coffee and go next-door to the shitty local thrift store.
Another thing: please explain what you mean by moving to New York for "Adventure". Unless the city had a job opportunity I couldn't turn down, I really don't know if I'd like living there for more than a month. If by "adventure" you mean buy expensive ass food, get fucked up while wearing pants made out of a persian carpet, I understand because that's what I saw a lot of in Williamsburg. Yes, eating out is nice, but how many Asian fusion dishes do you eat before revaluating your spending habits.

Yes, I know there are many different scenes and artsy shit going on. That's the same as every other city with 1 million or more people in the West.

My problem with the word "adventure" is that I've lived in places where there is objectively more shit at your fingertips in a 2 hour radius that doesn't require you to live in Daddy's dime. Ex, some west coast cities are in the perfect location to have access to both extreme urban and extreme natural environments. It just felt like that Williamsburg in particular gave the illusion of variety. You have a billion places to eat and drink and shop, but fundamentally you're just eating, drinking, and shopping. If course if you're a resident you'll make friends and new opportunities will present them selves, but with how much NYers talk about it being the sickest city in earth, I can't help but think they are essentially jerking off upside down into their own faces.
>but with how much NYers talk about it being the sickest city in earth, I can't help but think they are essentially jerking off upside down into their own faces
NYC has always been like this and always will be

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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.
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There are multiple churches in Tokyo and Jesus’ grave is literally in Japan.
No one thinks it's serious business but it is a good starting point for finding a decent apartment specifically designed to get foreigners a landlord okay with moving in. I don't know anyone who would 'brag' about using gaijinpot for anything other than a quick resource for a few things.

Also Tokyo has a fairly large Christian population similar to Sapporo, just make sure it's not that weird moony cult one.
Does sapporo actually have a large christian population?
>land that was shared with a bunch of russian othrodox and settled by many europeans for whaling
It's not big but compared to any other religion in Japan it is
Modern Japan has a love-hate relationship with Christianity. In fact, a good parallel is how Buddhists are treated in the western world. Some of the local Japanese who are more traditional with Buddhism/Shintoism feel like Christianity is a foreign subversion of the "correct" Japanese cultural values, but most Japanese view Christianity as exotic and foreign, even if only a few percentage points believe in Christianity.

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