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Previously: >>10969796

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (pre- order May 9th, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

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Are we going to get a reissue of the DP2 cable?
Why do you keep posting this?
He loves Cable figures and wants to see if some hasbro marketer will see that suggestion
He who?
The guy who keeps posting >>10979856

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What happy meal toy or unreleased TF would you like to see redone today?

>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

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Both official and 3P largely being based around what was used on the shows is a bummer to me because I want updates of more toy-only characters. The loophole is that the animes used most of the molds at least
>A real figure probably wouldn't have made Megatron mecha-shiva.
What's the point then? Shivatron is something that needs to happen.
Heh...one could say he's some sort of Beast Wars Neo...
I was on the fence with this guy because I still have the original, but the more pics I see, the more I'm convinced Hasbro actually knocked it out od the park with him. Which is so weird, because to a lot of people, he's a literal who. The only fault I see is the plesiosaur neck, but im sure we'll get fillers for it from a 3rd party.
Hasbro fucks up popular characters all the time, so being a store exclusive toy in America as main exposure doesn't change the way he will be made. Also Takara side does the engineering so possible someone there feels he is important to get right.

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Previous Thread: >>10946823

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Is it too much to ask for him??? So I can complete the trio!
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>Ugly ab crunch
>Swivel elbows and knees
>No accessories
>Nanaya face shop exclusive

That'll be 14k yen please.
I don't fucking care. I need to pose him against Shirou. Also I have a bad feeling Aniplex is going to exclusively produce Buzzmods on Type-moon license, starting from Mahoyo with the upcoming movie. That's why the radio silence of Type-Moon figmas after Ciel, but I hope I'm wrong
I just want someone, anyone, to finish the OG Fate cast.
Fucking Illya has 117 figures on MFC and none of them are a figma or similar.
You'd think after milking out Prisma Illya for all it was worth they'd have gotten to her by now.
Still do hope those Rayearth girls reissues are a real thing.
Though I'm in a bit of a conundrum that I'd want the mechs as well if I have the figma. And those are closed pre-orders.

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Previous Thread: >>10953976

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Aegis Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 25th)
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2024)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA

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Thanks, just had a little time taking out his contributions to the collection, and having some fun playing around with them this past weekend. Went as far back as my Space Leos apparently, one of the ones that were purging dented boxes way back when; then egging on some of the others in their circle of friends later on.
Gonna make a trip out this summer if I can, check up(like I can do a whole lot though...) on the middleman that while not-showing is wrecked with this friend gone. See some spots recommended.

In the meantime got to imagine the What-If of two extra Kampfers deployed for OP Rubicon.

Also for Macross owners here, did the Hi-Metal VF-0D turn out okay? Noticed it's available on Amazon and considering it again lately.
Yeah IDK the instructions even mention it and I cracked the ball joint trying to get the Sutherland’s arm in, no idea what the deal is but I don’t recommend going for it. Still haven’t picked up a replacement copy.
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If Roze is piloting it in the first episodes I'll buy it, otherwise I'll wait for his KMF
Did anon get his Strike Freedom yet?
Find out on the 21st.

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Recent announcements and updates
>Robot Toys (Metagate) Legends Bumblebee and Cheetor
>Lucky Cat Legends Nemesis and SG BB Prime
>Magnificent Mecha MPM SG BB Prime
>Rising Force Legends Menasor
>Iron Factory Orion Pax (white)
>Mechanic toys Legends Broadside
>Jingong (Metagate) MPM Drift KO
>Cyber Era MPM Drift OSKO
>Bingotoys Windblade and Shockwave
>Unique Toys Abominus and Springer
>Planet X Trypticon
>Iron Factory Ultra Magnus
>XTB Ultra Magnus.

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The Dragstrip looks great though, he's literally dressed like pic related but with a ridiculous pompadour
>None of the individual members have any samurai aesthetics by default and yet combined, they suddenly become one
I'll add to what >>10979852 said in that Motormaster has on Geta sandals, and Dragstrip is wearing Takeda ninja styled "pants".
>He has just kind of always been the worst of the G1 combiner designs.
I assume you mean he does the least with the parts?
I think he looks best when the arms are cars and the legs show the underside
I dunno, the cars just being cars fits well with Menasor
Motormaster is straight up a Jotaro reference, kinda wish they made one a Sukeban female
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forgot pic
Sukeban sounds cool, but not suitable for the regular members.

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-Target exclusives The Rival and Cassandra Cain Batgirl in stores and shipping now
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack delayed
-Ambush Bug, repaint Mr Freeze and Booster Gold (Future's End) delayed
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers delayed

Previous: >>10972407
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The wired cape is literally the only good thing about it over other Batman figures. I'm just gonna wait until a better looking Batman has a wired cape.
>best Tim toy
>his worst Robin costume

This is cruel.
Good move because it feels like shit.
They always start with the bad new costumes before they give you the good old ones, anon. That is, if McFarlane keeps the license after the 2025 renewal
which mcfarlane Wondie has the biggest boobas

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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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Maybe someone came on it
Spike was particularly bad for some reason, but leaving him out he eventually aired out. I thought I got a bootleg when I opened mine.
It's the rubber they used for his coat. Like >>10979764 said, you can air it out and he'll get better after awhile, but will start to stink again if you box him back up. You could also put him in a bag with some fabric softener sheets or an open box of baking soda and that will help as well. Figma Casca had the same issue, but her small rubber shoulder-cloak fucking reeked.
Smells like WD-40.
This fucker was the best smelling figure I ever got. I grew up with Mossman and Stinkor, and their smell didn't last as long as this fucker did. It was like new car, but a thousand times better.

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Are ventriloquist dummies and other antiques /toy/ related?
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Do you have a collection of these anon?
This shit is too far into creep territory. Dummy's aren't cool.
I wouldn't want to sleep in a house that had anything like this
I would totally sleep in a room with these
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I always feel bad for aged toys and knick knacks like these that people go on to call uncanny or creepy decades later. I always imagine if the toy had feelings they would be hurt and ashamed. I get why they get called uncanny but something's really sad about the passage of time turning something meant to be innocent and entertaining into fear fodder.

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Previous thread >>10963871

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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I have her and her ass isn’t that fat
Didn’t they sell pretty well considering it was only 2 of them, 2 p-Bandai and one repaint? Gundam fandom isn’t really a market that’s known for liking action figures unless they can build them themselves. Gundam is never going to get crazy action figure sales.
>Her ass isn't that fat

Sakura bros...

I hope they re-release her with the new street fighter figures the same way they re-released Chun-Li and Ryu. And make her ass fatter so it fits her character model in the games while they are at it.
Well its good a thing I don't give a shit about reddit or his political views and only like his toy videos then
The only hope for Char is to buy seed figuarts. What a curse this is.

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Previous Thread >>10954476



-Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa

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Still waiting for the real classified storm shadow before classic fags ruined the line
Cobra-La Team (plus Pythona) and it's not even close.

I want the first version of Storm Shadow as a Joe, the Tetris Camo version, it's probably his best look they haven't done yet.
We'll get it the same time we get a Destro with a vacuum chrome head.
bio-viper, I barely buy classified stuff but I’d buy him for sure.
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When are we getting a general release Hisstank?

Holy grail thread
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If cost isn’t holding you back then just buy a bigger house already so you can put it in there.
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I got my holy grail and then realized I don't even like it that much. But now I don't feel a need to obsessively check Ebay for anything and that's actually a relief. The character will likely get a new toy in the next year and I'll probably buy it. This hobby is a sickness :D
What is that? I’ve seen all of the Lio Convoy recolours and none of them look like that.
funny seeing this many anons all lusting after their own ebil optimuses. for me it's pic related. I never even came close to the original optimus version of this mold, so i've come to terms with this one being my eternal white whale. year after year they just seem to get rarer and more expensive. I still fawn over the damn thing more than 15 years after its release. if you ask me the MP01 is the greatest optimus mold, and in these colors, it makes the ultimate nemesis.
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>see Jin's Ramos version of Deadpool
>don't want to drop a hundred so I buy the hydro shrink headcast kit from his friend
>drill up through the face trying to make the hole fit
>buy another, damage the face trying to hold it while drilling, crack the head
>buy another and make it fit
>fuck up by using the wrong paint and the figure is tacky and stinks
>I'm no customizer so I give up
>by this time Jin is making them on the reg
>go to eBay and see they're ending at $500-1k a pop
>years pass
>present day
>have 800 saved
>contact Jin and commission him to make me one just like then original
>"I'm sorry anon I can't. I'm a consultant for Hasbro and can't sell custom Marvel anymore."
fuck my lyfeeeee

Which toy line has the best community AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
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All those Ask Jakks segments were no joke. I've even emailed them in the past and they're humanly responsive. I dont know if that's changed yet though
>toy collecting
Very gay concept, I mean sure creating community to share protips ect. is ok but fandom leads to bootlicking and worshipping of brand (toy lines in this case) which should never be a thing.
This is why Hasbro shit on Marvel Legends line and didn't improve anything.
I hate that this is true .... damn you mattel, y u no want my money?
None for both.
I mean Hasbro tries their best to do both, but it still takes them years to learn

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>Clearly you haven't had the pleasure
Fucking GO BACK with your plebbit speech. Yes, I fucking have seen her, I just ignore her. Flynn is worse, you whataboutism faggot. You can just say you think she's worse without talking like a faggot.
Sounds like someone is so pumped full of nigger semen it's backed up your ass all the way to come out your mouth
I really wanted those blanks. Is it over?
Americans can't do anything right.
I doubt the one that's now full owner would be scrapping them when the tooling is probably being made right now. They are probably the highest preorders Boss Fight has had in years.

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I’ve seen an increasing amount of broken action figures posted here, is this because of quality decreasing or the owners not being careful? A lot of times people will say it “broke right out of the box”, but usually this is a lie and they broke it and don’t want to admit it. I’m just curious what anons think.
Just depends. Some figures are generally more fragile, while someone breaking a Hasbro figure is usually a sign they didn’t know what they were doing.
I’ve broken a few Hasbro figures
I’ve been told that that’s usually a sign that you don’t know what you’re doing.

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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

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>For legal reasons, I should note that LEGO's use of BrikWars material was always without permission, always without compensation, and always without any kind of public acknowledgement (for obvious reasons). To their credit, the LEGO Universe team at least acknowledged BrikWars internally.

I made sure to include a "BrikWars material is not owned by LEGO" exclusion clause in every one of my LEGO employment contracts since 2002, and I made objections internally wherever material popped up, but it never seemed to make much difference. The fact that I couldn't stop LEGO from using BrikWars material should in no way construe any ownership or imply that they had any right to do so.
Well thats cruel
>Wu-Cru debuted during the Ninjago: Hands of Time season, which had Kai and Nya as the story focus. In all my years in Agency, my biggest victory wasn't the moviebuilding or Wu-Cruing, it was teaming up with Leanne to strongarm LEGO into giving Nya the boxcover spotlight. That was a fight - LEGO's was steadfastly opposed to ever spotlighting a girl on a Ninjago box. It wasn't a total victory; in the end, they only allowed it if she shared the corner spotlight with Kai, and — as in my poster image — the boy character always had to be clearly in front.

>To be clear, this was presented as a retailer issue: the prevailing wisdom was that retailers would refuse to stock any toy that wasn't 100% boy- or girl-coded for their boy and girl toy aisles. Our argument was that Ninjago was enough of a cultural and commercial powerhouse in 2017 that we not only had the ability to push back against that status quo, but also the obligation to take a leadership role in doing so.

>There was a secondary argument that we should focus on marketing to boys because boys were our primary market, which was a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. Did we only market to boys because boys were our market, or were boys our market because we only marketed to boys? Again, Ninjago had established itself enough that it could dictate its own market positioning (even easier to see now with the success of the well-rounded cast of Ninjago: Dragons Rising), and the old excuses for failing to do the right thing were sounding more hollow every year.

>Shortly afterward, one of the senior VPs emailed out a new policy that LEGO employees weren't allowed to have public opinions about gender representation in LEGO anymore, and a year later they laid off most of the North American agency entirely.

Wtf ha ha ha
what the fuck does this mean
>In 2016 I was also called in for worldbuilding on The LEGO Ninjago Movie. Which, if you've seen it, looks nothing like the images above! The movie's original time-travel plot and faceless-horde antagonists got axed out completely and used for Hands of Time instead. If watching The LEGO Ninjago Movie feels like somebody busted apart three separate partially-finished LEGO movies and tried to rebuild the pieces into a finished film, it's because that's exactly what happened.For most of my early career, LEGO prided itself on its horizontal "Danish consensus culture" - meaning every random passerby from the C‑suite to the housekeeping staff could weigh in on every decision, but also that no one had the authority to declare any decision final, and so any project with any visibility would be repeatedly halted at the 75% mark and restarted in a random new direction until it ran out of time or money or both.Usually we disguised it well — I can tell you that LEGO Universe (originally a city game that LEGO wanted to be simultaenously Club Penguin and World of Warcraft) and Knights Kingdom (originally a transforming robotic sci-fi theme) suffered no end of these design direction whiplash curveballs, for sure — but with The LEGO Ninjago Movie the duct tape felt a little more obvious.The best defense was to keep a low profile until it was too late to make changes. If anyone read through the Wu-Cru section and thought "but why would Scott want to keep this secret from his own team," the ninja stealth should now make a little more sense.
Lmao, thats why they suck now
>A lot of my public-facing work was for the new LEGO Life magazine, including this two-page splash spread for Ninjago: Master of the Mountain, with one of my all-time favorite client briefs: "Trap the ninjas in literal Hell surrounded by the animated remains of the dead. But not scary! Our target audience is kindergarteners!"

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