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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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basics out of the way:
>Photon (by far the best place to trade volatile sol shitters) now supports pumpfun tokens
>you can buy/sell directly within the webapp with a much more readable UI

So go to new pairs on photon with these settings:
>mint disabled
>freeze disabled
>LP burned (doesnt really matter for pumpfun as they're all burned on launch)
>min 6.5k mktcap (to filter out insta rugs)
>min 5 txns

Then sit on the new pairs screen and quickbuy (SMALL) any new pair that you see. Then when the tx fills, sell as soon as the first sale comes through. 6-7 times out of 10 you'll be out in the green (usually a 40-50% gain in a few seconds).

I am up 50sol doing this off .25 buys over the past few days. I'll report back if it goes horribly wrong.
>then when the tx fills, sell as soon as the first sale comes through.
*sell as soon as you see another wallet sell a significant amount (e.g. 1-2sol or more). There will likely be 10-12 multi-sol buys in before that sale happens, so even if it's big you'll still be in profit.

Wait... zoomers hate us now? Are we all boomers here, now that the bull run is over and crypto is dead?
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Some big keynote speaker they chose for the commencement address. Forget his name though
This guy sounds awesome
Also evidently someone fell from the upper bowl of the stadium during the ceremony and fucking died? wtf?
You sound like a woman.
What the fuck, at that very same ceremony or what
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>The ceremony reportedly continued without interruption as news of the death spread through the crowd. The last of the students and others entering the stadium passed the area where the person fell, which had been quickly cordoned off with yellow tape around where the body was covered.

>The death was not remarked upon by any of the ceremony’s speakers.

>“We are aware of an incident at the stadium during today’s commencement,” the school said in a statement Sunday night. “An individual fell from the stands. They are deceased. We have no additional details to share at this time.

damn, what a way to go, right during your graduation

Was this a good financial decision?
1. You can't self-bump.
2. Nobody knows what you're asking.
>inb4 "Advertising my stream."
A YouTube video. So my brand kinda. Is the why there's no more counts for the people in the thread?

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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That may happen if AI creates life extension.
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hows it goin' copes?
up 45%, you?

If it doesn't go sideways, it will dump, then go sideways again, and then dump.

>I'm tired of this. I'm selling my altcoins now.
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It's boring and what should we do now?
Going all-in on that move seems pretty risky. I'd rather scout around for other opportunities that can still bring in rewards when the market's down. It's better to avoid chasing easy money kek.
You telling about staking?
Staking is one of those ways, but I'm also referring to the DePIN space. If you know, you know.

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Sell all your altcoins. Just buy the dip. That's my advice for you today. No need to stress yourself anons.
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Anon dont want to make it, now is the best time to buy. Degens are buying AAST
Shall I sell my bags now??
Goodluck anon. I'll just hodl my assets and stake whatever's up for grabs to rake in that passive income.
It remains not favorable for small stakers.
Yup, I agree, and it also depends on how much you're going to stake so you can reap the rewards. I have a decent amount of DUA tokens, and I'm earning NAI tokens for it. Still on the lookout for other assets to stake tho.

Will dumb money buy my ponzi coins at All Time High before the great crash of 2024?
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>waiting for a crash to finally start investing
KEK I love to read this over and over again. See you never, loser. >-u-<
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We're been in a real-terms recession since '21, dollars will never be worth more, retard.
The reason the bond market is inverted right now is that people are unwilling to take less than 5.2% on 2 year bonds because the perception is that markets will outpace 5.2% over the next two years.
A large % of the cash in the market is foreign capital. There are tons of value traders in the US who are fleeing to alternatives, like crypto, fearing high valuations in the market.
European stocks have had mediocre returns over the last 5 years. The top performing ETFs in the Eurozone are all hedge funds. Where is all the capital in the Eurozone going?
The greatest growth has been in large cap, American stocks over the last 15 years with no sign of anything changing. This was done while margin investment capital is at lower levels than in 2021.
This is also true for anyone not holding assets. Real wages are down like 3.5% since Biden's election.
Don’t expect a crash until Trump gets elected in 2024. They know he’s going to win so they’re planning on blaming a mass depression on him to taint his legacy

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Every pullback is an opportunity
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If you DCA enough you don't even look at the chart anymore.

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>grayscale isn't bleeding anymore

I thought there was still a month's worth of dumping before we could continue the party?
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They've been stacking Litecoin too

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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You send a tx to yourself where the xmr or wow isn't spendable until a certain block or timestamp. So it's always yours, just not spendable. Send a tx view key to prove you've done it and get shitcoins in return. And you could probably have the shitcoin get burned after the lock expires if you wanted.
But what is the point of the shitcoin? You cannot give it to someone and have them redeem it into the original coin, so it's not wrapped wownero or anything, it's just a different coin with a weird initial distribution.
It's a shitcoin, there is no point. Though there is wrapped monero on secret, but no liquidity and no one used it.
the answer isn't really straightforward.

Is it possible to determine who converted fiat to Monero after it's back in fiat? Yes.
Is it possible to do that using any on-chain info? No.

This kind of info would come from off-chain sources, like exchange accounts, captured network traffic or something like that.

Monero does what it's meant to do, whether or not individuals have shitty enough opsec to completely negate the privacy Monero offers is an unknown. Using Monero as a "mixer" is a great way to squander the privacy it affords you, though. (look into the Bitfinex hack and where the money went afterwards for an example of this occurring in the wild)
there's some site that you guys can recommend for making bets or gamble using monero?

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Remember when you used to have hopes and dreams and a bright future but then you discovered crypto?
hopes, yes. dreams, yes. bright future, no. and I'll forever be grateful.
My life would be way worse if I hadn't discovered crypto when I did
This is the first time in a very long time that the next generation will have a worse quality of life than their parents and no it's not because of fucking crypto lmao
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Crypto really ruined a lot of people even if they didn't lose money on it. It made everyone feel bad about grinding all day long for $10-$12 bucks an hour. While neets were making millions on memes.
Those ended long before I discovered crypto

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The future of finance
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Unironic proof that shitcoins are the future of crypto as a whole, between this one and $PAJAMAS there's undeniable proof that both titties and pussies move the world
>both titties and pussies
jug pull

King of shitcoins
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I can understand your jealousy 'cause you just found out Ethereum restaking's become one of the hottest sectors in DeFi.
Because this retard fuds big coins but hold apu
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Lets see
>had APU, king of browns and curries
>had AVI king of fallen testnets
>has PAJAMAS, god emperor of cats and communities
>No heavy hitter since doge and shib
>No good launches
>Not a single good token that doesn't have rugpulls or scammy contracts
>can't buy shit without paying 50% on fees
>"give me freedom, give me fire, give me frontrunning bots or i retire"
Solana is the indisputable GOD of shitcoins
ETH is unironically only worth as a tech piece, as a chain it has failed to do everything it stood out to do
but you didnt buy all the supply of gold

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Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you... Crypto: The Future of Finance!
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He lost 'cause he's not paying attention, Anon. Could've set up daily spending limits and 2FA for transactions above $50 if he's using a smart wallet like Brillion, Holdstation, or 0xgass.
That's the essence of AA, championed by Vitalik. It effectively tackles the challenge of lost seed phrases by allowing convenient logins through social media accounts.
>went ahead and sent the other half using the auto paste that everything has now
What wallet were you using? Really interesting in what wallet "auto pastes" random addresses it scans from the explorer. Otherwise I'm calling bullshit on your story and you actually had malware or something.
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>the best token is ultra prone to scams and theft
>the second best token is run to the ground with frontrunning bots
>the other altcoins are all part of a massive scam practice of money laundering that will fall one by one
i guess crypto maturity is realizing that shitcoins and community driven projects like pajamas are literally the only place where you can find an ounce of trust, as more times passes, i start to realize that not having a "leader" or "devs" is the best solution, give too much power to someone and they just fuck shit up
yeah every time i hear these attacks it seems strange to me bc i always copy paste manually my addresses

BTC jumped from $56k to $65k. Is this another bull trap or the start of a new bullrun? Tell me folks.
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what do you fucking think op, bullrun never started, this is the signal, move quickly before you lose your chance, I personally will be buying more alt coins (SUPER ) since Im planning to become rich after this bullrun
When bullrun and what's the best thing to do?
There are many ways to earn, especially when you find the right platform for your ETH in the DeFi space. You'll be earning like a winning slot machine in no time.
Don't invest your eth, just hold . Get rekt

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What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?
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someone actually did a phishing attack on my account and stole both my 16 btc and 3.3 ethereum i had, and then after that i found that my ex, the bitch that i taught how to invest in crypto in the first place, made 7 figs with some shitcoin called pajamas, PAJAMAS
people spend so much time in this fucking board they forget crypto is full of scammers, im sad that happened to you bro
>as a crypto investor
fixed that for you faggot
fake and cockroachkinned

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Blackrock is NOT backing ONDO

$250k is not backing a corporation for shit

So why did Blackrock send it
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The cope it takes to get a personalized captcha and think it was for me, no wonder you think Blackrock funded Ondo even with proof against it on your face. Sad
What proof? Alright, settle down okay?
Ondo finance ceo Nathan Altman confirmed it was a redeem in a telegram message. Rekt, Kekt, and no respekt. Gg faggot
>The cope it takes to get a personalized captcha and think it was for me..
I'm sorry but this has me laughing my ass off.
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Can someone please tell me why Blackrock sent Ondo 250K?

im tired of using coinbase. why are american CEXs so gay?

what else should I use as a burger?

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