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>kills himself, ruining Nolan's plans for TDKR

Is there a more selfish actor?
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>old /tv/ hated it
no we didn't

How sensitive was he where he became a manic depressive through playing a comic book character? There has to be something else right, did he get diddled by a producer?
There's an older oldfag, that's us usenet anons.
dont you gentriac fucks have grand children to abuse, anyone over the age of 59.85 doesnt matter genetically and should be abonded in the mountains

>I'm an executive producer and a career maker
of women

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post ruskino
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I understood the allegory. The point is that the allegory was stupid. The Germans attacked the USSR because it had already committed genocide against millions of people and was poised to invade Europe. Wars happen for rational reasons, not because of some evil mystical force that humans can't control.
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For me, it's Kidnapping, Caucasian Style
Yes, because no one has ever invaded Russia from Europe before Hitler. The fact that you think the movie is specifically talking in terms of the 20th century only tells me that you didn't understand.
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It may be a bit challenging at first but give this one a try. A good chunk of /tv/ will recognize itself in the main character.


Fun fact: this existential masterpiece had a total budget of 3000 dollars, half of which was Petr Mamonov's fee.
jazzmen is kino

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I miss good TV shows (not crime drama slop).
I miss TV channels.
I miss discovering new movies and TV shows just by randomly browsing through the channels.
I miss holiday marathons.
I miss diverse movie genres.
I miss the five dollar movie bin.
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I dont miss the local affiliate cutting to commercials and refusing to show a music video.
>He didn't just look to see when they were airing the movie again
i don't miss anything. I can watch whatever I want whenever i want however i want.
you literally need to pay them for them to be able to "censor" anything.
Criterion Channel
This is all you need l, vve stream now.

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>Her entire character revolves around being a whore and having sex with random strangers

Isn't this a little unrealistic?
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Average millennial woman
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Woke trash
>there is not one single chance that maximus doesn't know what masturbation is.
Heh, depends. The first episode makes it clear that he's fucked in the head, even by BoS standards. He's functionally retarded, so the whole "When I jark my peepee it pops like a zit teehee" shtick isn't too far fetched I guess. He's still an unbearable character, mind you.
Coal burner
Coal burner fallout casting directors
Captain marvel fallout writers
>Coal burner
only fucks a white guy.
Just say you are a jealous lonely incel and fuck off

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Untalented hack movie snob nerd. You just know other filmmakers like James Cameron, Spielberg and George Lucas (people with imagination) laugh at him trying to be all edgy all the time and never making actually good films.

Absolute slop for people that want other people to perceive them as intellectual about film.
2/10 bait, far too obvious.
Kys lucasfag
The only good movie that's ever had anything to do with him is True Romance. If you like Tarantino's movies, you are a subhuman unworthy of watching cinema.

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Poor emperor
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No, in DUNC they color-coded the Harkonnen and Sardaukar black and gray respectively so the audience wouldn't get confused.
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>In fact Villeneuve's Messiah, if it unfortunately comes to pass, must be
As it was written
I don't know why you are allowing the goalposts to be moved. It doesn't matter what the mechanics of telepathy are. It would still be telepathy.
The main character is a child, anon.
Based. I hope all of this is true. The book isn't even that good and dunefags who think Paul is anything but a monster are delusional.

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Just saw another Lisa x Nelson episode
Springfield has fallen
Milhouse is soi albeit
Isn't Nelson in Bart's grade AND left back by at least a year? How much older is he than Lisa?
I think it's implied that he's meant to be a teenager, so he's at least 5 years older than lisa. He also got Sherri and Terri pregnant at 18, and since Sherri and Terri are Lisa's age...
>The DNA was inconclusive

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>How about the fact that I hate my son? I come home and he's sitting on the computer in his fucking underwear, wasting his time in some chitchat room, going back and forth with some other fucking jerkoff, giggling like a little school girl. I wanna fucking smash his fucking face in. My son. What'd you think about that?
Tony is such a great Father figure, especially to Chris.
I couldn't even hit him if I wanted to, he's so fucking little. It's Carmela's side of the family, they're small people.

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Voiced by that guy that played Greg in the Brady Bunch Movies.

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POV: You got filtered.
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I don’t get it, what happened in the movie?
character vignette, one of them is actually a double agent. that's it

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>*puts his wife in every movie*
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Agreed. Just consistently bad albums.
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>He is supposedly a huge fan of every classic monster movie
>Never did a monster movie.
This is why I hate him. He got the love and talent to make a great gory monster movie kino, but he always goes for cringe pyscho hillbilly white trash horror
she has a nice booty so I understand
Of course he does... he's a fucking kike.
nigga surely you jest, he has made a tonne of trash but Event horizon is mega kino

Give me some suggestions

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so he had the faustian spirit?
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He was a MAGApede
isn't faust about a deal with the devil or something?
>something which is totally foreign to other races
Well that's most certainly not true.
Choosing short term benefits over long term outcomes and consequences, fully understanding the wager.

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>are the empires "elite" soldiers
>every piece of media portrays them as incompetent fools
bravo writers
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Mandalorian made it canon that they can't aim for shit
That's just an amusing observation.
If you really wanna get pissed off at the Star Wars writers, it should be with how every single droid must be portrayed as stupid, silly, incompetent, and I'll tell you why.
Life is precious, it's rare. Droids are not. If the Star Wars universe was written to admit that droids can be competent at flying, shooting, decision-making etc., then that universe would quickly become 'Swarm Wars', where every faction would be mass producing flying droids out the ass, trying to overcome the competition. Battles wouldn't involve organic soldiers but robotic soldiers, every single one of them.
This is what we're gonna get in IRL, swarm wars, because no soldier is ever gonna want to get shot at again when there'll be perfectly competent soldier robots and drones to take their place. Fully robotic wars are the destiny in a universe where everyone wants to survive.
Why are clone troopers so rehabilitated and revered while store troopers are so viciously vilified? Obi-wan had the title character giving money to a homeless clone veteran. The Mandalorian had a storm trooper punch baby Yoda in the face. Why the double standard?
ah well you see Mads mikelsen secretly built a subtle defect into all storm troopers helmets that makes them become retarded whenever the chin is lightly tapped by a womans hand.
People with autism have sat down and counted and during the assault on Leia ship in ANH they're 10 times more accurate than the most accurate rate ever recorded in actual combat IRL. Later in ANH they allow the Rebs to escape while convincing all but Leia that they were trying not to. In ESB they overrun Hoth Base in the time it takes Han & Leia to run from the command centre to the hangar. In Jedi everyone takes the piss out of them for "losing to teddy bears", but they didn't did they, they were successfully ambushed but then immediately took back the initiative, cornered the Reb infiltrators and forced their surrender, and were well on the way to slaughtering the "teddy bears" when Chewie deployed his plot armour and saved the day for the goodies.

Only genuinely retarded subnormals ever believed STs weren't badasses(hey Taika), but the combination of their dumbass meming and modern Disney's pathological cowardice when it comes to showing effective, competent, powerful bad guys in their IPs somehow it's now "canon" that they were shit? Fuck no.

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