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Blue Dial Edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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>I had one of these cunts, actually prefer my Citizen.
why did you prefer the citizen?
shitizen mall watch wearer
>your phone or basically any other electronic is hot dogshit at keeping time if you disconnect it from the internet
This isnt true. Computers are very accurate at keeping time.
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are there watches that look nice on thick wrists but are very affordable?

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27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women. How should I dress to accomplish this goal?

I am a computer engineer that has a sizable amount of savings and income. Most of my clothes don’t fit me or look really poor as they were purchased ages ago at Walmart.
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>25+ is when women start getting serious and want you to be stable, have your life in order, money, etc.
I'm 41 and have none of that so my life is essentially over. The only relief is most women these days seem to be in the same position. My old boss was living with her parents still at 31.
Yea as a man you're expected to have everything at 40
I dont get why anyone would be mad at this gif
They are pretty much a looksmatched couple
You unironically can't judge male attractiveness if you think he has a good face outside of just having low bodyfat. He's still better looking than her, but he's also decently older and I'll bet probably has an asian kink.
so youre saying if your 6'3"
have a square jaw with piercing blue eyes and thick dark eye brows
weight 210lbs with visible abs
but have no confidence no money and a bad fashion sense
youre still able to attract attractive girls?
asking for a friend

How much do you pay for jeans?
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>>18109877 (OP)
$12 to about $600
my favorite raws were like $30 its all about the fit and how it works with your body.
the more expensive loomstate stuff is hard to get the sizing right on & you can't really try on the fit before buying because they shrink.
I don't wear jeans. I'm an adult
i buy n&f on Amazon to try on and figure out my size. of course i measure them too make sure and then i bought iron heart 21oz non fade blacks. they really feel good. hoping they do non fade dark indigo too.
gap and banana republic selvedge regularly goes on sale for like $18-40 too.
the fabric's from kaihara mills, i assume their taiwan mill not their japan mill. very deeply dyed and incredibly slow fading but they do fade.
its pretty similar to the old selvedge jeans uniqlo used to sell before they gutted their denim product line.
Yeah his was the only pair I've bought and I tried them on in person. Would not buy without trying size

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This is the new thread.
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holy shit dude how fucking old are you? cut your fucking joke haircut and get the grey dyed jesus mc christmas wtf
also why are you getting your fucking toenails painted? where do you even go to get your toes painted when you are a guy? fucking weirdness but not good weirdness.
also what is your jacket trying to do? it looks like you cut a hoodie open to make a jacket it's fucking bizarre
Bro: it's a big time "No!" from me lmao you tried ig
my man that is a ladies shirt and doesn't fit your shoulders it looks really really weird
also cranberry is the color of bad hotels and thanksgiving maybe just try a nice french blue button up
ok dude good luck in your fashion journey
>i feel like i've seen you wear this same fit 10 times.
Thats fair, after getting rid of old stuff that doesnt look/fit right i dont have a massive amount of clothes. So ive been mixing & matching a lot of my favorites all season.
Like ive been wearing LL Bean moccasins a ton, which would have worked with that alright, but i thought loafers would be a twist.
ahh fair enough. i need to purge my closet soon. it all fits but i have way too much shit.
Sorry newfag, but I'm not the fit poster

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Grid thread
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omitted the hand tools and packout I usually have on me

cant rly rate entirely depends on fit/tailoring. hat also breaks the theme imo. good assuming you've had it tailored
cool except 4 crocs
very nice. something irks me about tucked tshirts but maybe you pull it off
i fw the vision except errolson is a hack and makes me seethe
good but theres a running theme in these threads of bad shoe choice
also depends on fit and body type but probably good

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Every single one of these is a joke, right?
>finally something cool and freaky
hate to be the bearer of bad news but the hack making you seethe errolsson made the jacket the affix blanket/bag as well.
funny how you like his stuff when you dont know its him lol
nigga you only have on outfit??

Please post more, I love your vibe

Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph

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what do you call this kind of sweater
Looks like a take on a cricket sweater
Yeah, in my limited experience with S&M my complaint would be more about very thin material than the collar. They at least make their clothes look the part.
i dont know if this is /tip/ but its a vibe alright
weird lash out
but yeah the collar was small and weirdly stiff. also the shirts ran slim, despite being the non slim variant

How the FUCK are men finding pants that fit like this on them?
My thighs are larger than normal so they're a decent amount bigger than my calves. If I wear straight leg jeans you can see the difference clearly so I'm looking for a pair of pants like this.
But the problem is, everything I can find is flimsy as SHIT.
I haven't found a single pair that actually holds its shape. Where the fuck are all these fashion influencers finding jeans that do keep their shape like this?
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i'm telling you anon they're all wearing 10-12oz paper thin jeans. it only works in photos and indoor videos. the chunky sneakers help keep the jeans in place a bit but you'll be hard pressed to find baggy jeans that actually look good in motion and don't get blown around and make it look like you have a broken ankle in the wind.
i already answered your question: rick owens geth jeans, specifically the 16oz self edge collab. if you want baggy jeans that are actually decently thick and high quality. pony up 900 little boy.
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vintage evisu from early y2k era will also have this look for a lot cheaper than geth jeans. its quite literally the original jeans zoomers are copying right now. you need to do research on identifying fakes but you can cop vintage evisu for like 50-200 bucks and mog the absolute shit out of any wide leg temu jeans on the street.
acne's current lineup is pretty good too but you're looking at 900 a pair again.
holy poop that looks ridiculous
why would you even take a selfie when you just empty trash cans in a high rise office?
y2k evisus get much wider than this btw my example's just their normal relaxed fit there were 2 tiers of baggy above it.

Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
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wheres this study? or did you pull it out of your ass?
Your picrel isn't of pigtails. Pigtails are braided.
Look it up, not your personal secretary fag
>Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
so just made up BS, imagine my shock

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as a male how do i make long hair not look like shit? i want to not look like a hobo or a tranny
Get layers put into you hair + Stop using shampoo and product that weighs down hair
long hair looks best being swept into a dustpan off your bathroom floor
only plebs have short hair.
>uhhh can't get my hair in the way of the physical labor I do every day, all those excel tables don't make themselves
>the state and my boss NEED to know about all the money at all times
>nooo not my wagie jobie
>need to have short hair to form sex packs with my peers to shag other unattractive people once we're all drunk enough to lower our expectations to the bare minimum
>can't waste time, time is money after all, with keeping my long hair tidy and good looking
>ah it's tuesday again, time for my barbar appointment to keep the pleb cut looking really plebian!!!
mine grows kind of outwards when i first try to grow it out. i stopped using shampoo but i still use conditioner and other shit. i don't know if that's bad.
lol based. i like some short hairstyles though cause i can get something that covers my big ass forehead without looking like a tranny retard.

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What do you call this style?
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In a sane world he'd wear a seersucker or linen single color suit and a straw boater hat, but fashion is head so you get a fucking beanie with a suit.
He should’ve gotten on finasteride like Hasan.
Him and his wife were swingers its an open secret publicly known.
Even a cowboy hat would look less ridiculous than this shit.

Skinny jeans are officially uncancelled!

>However, not everyone is on board with the new trend, and one person who refuses to throw out her favorite skinny jeans is 33-year-old Meghan Naccarato. While she's happy to try the baggier styles, Naccarato told Newsweek that she isn't ready to leave skinny jeans in the past because "they're comfy and they flatter my body in the right places."
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Who cares about gen z. As a millennial it's now time to care about gen A. Gen z are fags and old now.
When a woman is born before 2000 it’s so over
>My ass is really big that normal pants look like skinny jeans on me
those jeans would be like mc hammer pants on me as a 140lb athletic man
skinny jeans can be traced back to la jerking era. these nigs started the trend when the rest of la was still wearing baggy clothes like gangbangers and then it took off.

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What do bring on any given day? And what bag do you use to carry that stuff? Post 'em
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Hand it over
Gimme the bennies
NA projection ha ha
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Is that a 35L black hole?
Bro what kind of knife is that

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How come so many women who seemingly put a lot of effort into their appearance just come across as trashy?
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Bad taste i guess, why do guys dress sexcore?
They don't, they look great, you're just either gay or an incel.
Can't be her - can't have her, I'd be pissed too if i were you.
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Do people know this is fictional or do they unironically take it seriously?

Why does every trust fund baby in NYC look like this
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The trust fund fashionistas in nyc look like that
There aint nothing wrong with all black
Trust fund babys are some of the most stingy people you will ever met
You think those clothes are cheap?

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