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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

Russian nationalists frequently claim North Caucasians, Central Asians and Siberians were all on the stone age or bronze age and had no writing or cities at all before Russia brought "civilization" and build the first cities. In reality North Caucasians like Chechens and Dagestanis used the Arabic script and Central Asians used Arabic script as well. Buryats used Mongol script. All of the North Caucasians, Central Asians and some Siberian peoples like Buryats, Yakuts, Shors and Siberian Tatars were in the iron age and smelted their own iron. The Yenisei Kyrgyz were even farmers and they had a 2000 year old Chinese palace.They had cities. The Golden Horde itself had a capital city Saray and so did Dagestan.




>You are on the money here.

>Chechnya & Dagestan has experienced a genocidal ethnic cleansing in the 1994-2000s conflict/war.

>Native, (white, European) Russian people were systematically displaced by Islamists & terrorists.

>This will be addressed in the future, and will be thoroughly investigated. The Criminals responsible will be brought to Justice. We have not forgotten.

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What's funny is that we owe Western European civilization to the people who speak the North Caucasian tongues. They are nearly related to the people who created Gobekli Tepe and the Old Balkan cultures who invented metallurgy and many other things important to civilization. Not to mention founding all the Atlantic Megalithic cultures.

Everybody lies about their national myths. It is normal nationalistic thing and yours is not different.

That's true for every single nation.

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There must be some kind of god because the alternative is the law of physics being inherent properties of the universe. But since they re laws, algorithms, they re not chaotic, but orderly. The problem is that chaos cannot create order. Order cannot be present by itself for eternity, it has to have been ordered.

Atheists claim there is a program without a programmer. This where their reasoning breaks. There cannot be a program without a programmer because order cannot be spawned by chaos.

you could argue then that god itself was also spawned by chaos then depsite being very orderly since to order the universe he must be intelligent, but here is the kicker : god is a supernatural explanation. Without supernatural, you re claiming, in the framework of a natural world, that order can be spawned from chaos, which is completely contrary to everything we can observe. The only way to justify order spawned from chaos is a supernatural explanation. Therefore some God must have create the universe.
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Oh, I misudnerstood because it didnt make sense since the answer is in the first post. I wrote, please reread, than it must be supernatural, IE something that does not respect this rule, therefore a god. BGecause the complex programming of physics as an inherent property of a godless universe makes no sense since it relies on something out of nothing in a natural framework. you re basically implying a miracle while pretending there is no god which is contradictory. while both are subject to the question, it makes sense for god because it is supernatural thus beyond simple explanations that do not break the rules. Something out of nothing cannot be explained by the natural.
either the laws influence on objects, or the objects influence the law, sicne this is relative ther eis no way for you to know if it is one or the other nor do you have a way to know. It doesnt really change anything anyway, since in both cases there are complex orderly algorithms that repeat patterns at work.
That's only if you think that there ever was nothing though.
I'm not talking about matter or space, but about the patterns of the universe (laws of physics), which are orderly algorithms yet atheists claimed have been programmed by no one.
So am I. You argued that orderly laws cannot come from nothing or from chaos. I'm saying that this objection only works if you think that there was either nothing or chaos before these laws.

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The good timeline.
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There was growing public opposition to it, even in the best case scenario for the Confederacy there it's still just a matter of time. You're also ignoring the Federally backed black insurgency there too.
"King Cotton" was doomed, but only because Egypt was able to outcompete them, not because capitalists cared about the abolitionist cause.
>not because capitalists cared about the abolitionist cause.
Yes, that's why Britain maintained slavery until the early 1980s. You clearly know so much about this topic.
Capitalists run the market, not the state.
the most boring one as well

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Muhammad was based prove me otherwise.

You can't.
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>marrying a 9 yr old is le ebin based xd
Kys you contrarian loser
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>marrying a 9 yr old is le ebin based xd
>it was fatima, his son, and 2 or 3 of his grandchildren that died too who were there for the mubahalah.

And they all died strictly in 632.
And with the way Mohammed died, without being able to establish a successor, resulted in the rest of his family warring and murdering each other like lunatics, which has resulted in the main sunni-shia split, which is weakening Islam to this day.

God is not mocked, Mohammed.
>attack everyone around you
>get stopped
>cry that you’re being oppressed
>gather strength
>attack everyone around you

What period of Islamic history am I referring to?

Are there any good resources about the lifestyle of Berserkir and Ulfhednar?
Were they living solitary life besides wars or were part of general socium? how were they looked at by regular people? Did they have any outstanding symbology or styoe or tattoos other than bear/or wolfskin that distinguished them from others?
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simple as
Although this type of warrior seems like a general Indo-European thing
>Celtic Gaesatae
>Yamnaya steles depicting naked men with swords and axes
>Greek art depicting heroes fighting nude (They were not crazy enough to schew armor; but in theory they thought it was cooler to fight without it)
I thought most vikings had tattoos
No, because all of this ebin viking lore is second and third hand accounts (usually the latter) from Christian sources.
It's from the ANE (see: Quachics)

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Why do people think Islam is some sort of macho tough guy religion?
Our prophet wasn't some super chad. He was a gentle and sensitive man who expressed his emotions readily and he was introverted and modest. And he said that good manners was one of the most important parts of Islam.
He helped out with the housework of his wives and cooked and cleaned for them as well.
He never hit children or said a rude word to anyone.
He even spared the entirety of the Mecca when he conquered it bloodlessly.
And no just because he fought others who were trying to kill him and his people doesn't mean he was some sort of evil alpha male type.
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Men have always understood that women are not reliable and trustworthy. Women have never sought to have honor.
t. chud
>Women have never sought to have honor.
Have you ever heard of Boudicca? Or any of the women who disguised themselves as men to fight for their homelands?
Isnt posting images haram?
1 in a billion.

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Tired of the regular "Anti-wehraboo" arguments
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This is by Guderian after few days of Kursk battle:
> A hundred Panthers were in need of repair (56 were damaged by hits and mines and 44 by mechanical breakdown)
It rounds to half. And it was being understood that they shat themselves so there was no need to spell that.
Those faggots have really been into aesthetics: Hugo Boss uniforms, balletic parades, great looking gear - same shit underneath. But the Chief Faggot must have been delighted.
>this very real quote from a very honest person
All German reports (let alone post-war fairy tales kek) were basically propaganda and we know that Hitler himself was being lied to and had only vague idea of what's going on in his empire but this is all we've got. Btw, if the ratio in the OP bait was true than the Krauts would have won the Eastern front as the Soviets did not out-produce them _that much_.

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Found this picture on my grandads wall (he's a religious roman Catholic) and just wondering
Could be Greek Catholic
Catholics like to use Orthodox imagery.
Looks AI generated
As much as die-hards hate it, religious iconography is transmitted between the 2 to this day, and there isn't anything uncanonical about using the opposite style of art, as long as the saints are recognized by your side.

But i think it's originally orthodox.

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Was the USSR really like this?
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a brand new closed city? yes.
My father travel to Romania on sone school trip when he was a kid. He bought some meat grinder from Romania, still works. That's the only time my father has left the country (Bulgaria), even today.
The rat race critique has been around since the 80s anon, probably earlier if you care to look.

Capital is all well and good and wealth is nice but people are happy to make a decent wage to survive on and accrue some wealth to retire on while they do the thing they enjoy, rather than making more money than they will ever need at a job they hate.
>He bought some meat grinder from Romania, still works
That's a terrible way to talk about your mother anon
I don't know how it was in the Warsaw Pact countries, but in the USSR you had to apply for an exit visa which was hard to obtain because KGB did a background check on you and if there was anything out of the ordinary (a job in the MIC, no family, bad characteristics from school/uni/work) you'd be denied automatically.

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*destroys fundamentalist pseudoscientists 1500 years before they become popular*
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>Actually, I still couldn't find him criticizing the globe
He explicitly says that it can not be round, because then the antipodes would exist, so he says it can't be round. There's no other way around it. If you can't read such a basic text then I'm not surprised you bought into Bible bullshit that easily.
> I imagine you are conflating this with a spherical earth because in your ignorance you are not aware ancients did not understand gravity
Non sequitur. Either way that's a generalization. Aristoteles didn't understand gravity, Lucretius (who was an Epicurean and follower of Democritus) held that object fall because of a force not very different from that of gravity, still not accurate, but closer to the truth than Aristoteles, not that it matters, Lactantius actually beliebed in Arisotelean physics AND in a not round world.
>I did however find him calling the earth "this globe of ours"
Understanding irony is beyond the peanut brain of an autistic JW tier NPC like you, not surprising, just another example of a tard who can't read a text longer than one line.
"But if the earth also were round, it must necessarily happen that it should present the same appearance to all parts of the heaven; that is, that it should raise aloft mountains, extend plains, and have level seas. And if this were so, that last consequence also followed, that there would be no part of the earth uninhabited by men and the other animals. Thus the rotundity of the earth leads, in addition, to the invention of those suspended antipodes.

But if you inquire from those who defend these marvellous fictions"

So he's calling the rotundity of the Earth and the antipodes (so basically Australians and the likes) "marvelous fictions", just to spell it out to you, saying that the Earth CAN'T be round (so your based trad churchfatherino was againt what pretty much all ancient authors who spoke about this matter after Eratosthenes agreed upon), because well, people would fall down! People can't walk upside down!.

Hence he was completely wrong, hence you're a retard, a Christurd NPC defending his epic churchfather daddy, and now you've even lost your fake nauseating cloying quasi-Mormonesque attitude as you've been exposed as a retard, you can only spew your bitter rants against atheists who are all evil and arrogant because they don't take what your beloved pastor or apologist youtuber spews seriously.
It's interesting that you would choose to double down after being exposed, as if to multiply your embarrassment, presumably because you cannot contain yourself in the face of an opportunity to deceive and screech.
>He explicitly says that it can not be round
Do they no longer teach what the word "explicit" means to high school students? You have an argument for him saying earth is flat. It is a terrible desire predicated on your psychotic urge to mock, demean, deride and defame. However, even if your argument held water it would still not be "explicit". Explicit would be if he said the very words "earth is not round, earth is flat".
>because then the antipodes would exist
No, he did not believe antipodes exist.
>If you can't read such a basic text
It's really embarrassing to make these kinds of accusations when anyone with eyes can see it actually applies to you.
>Non sequitur.
If you think it is, then I wouldn't be surprised if you don't understand gravity either. What does "down" mean?
>Lactantius actually beliebed in Arisotelean physics
Aristotelian physics does not include a flat earth
>Understanding irony is beyond the peanut brain of an autistic JW tier NPC like you, not surprising, just another example of a tard who can't read a text longer than one line.
No argument?

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There wasn't enough childish whining in the original version? You subjected us to enough idiocy
It is a terrible argument*

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From a historical and theological standpoint? I believe in Apostolic Succession but I’m not sure which Church is “The Church”.
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Here are a few more triadic statements in the Bible just to give a few examples:

"By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth."
(Psalm 33:6)

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."
(John 4:23-24)

"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:"
(John 15:26)

"But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

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>Apostles and their successors literally concocted the bible because the have the authority to do so
No, your masters are not "their successors", nor does any man have the authority to "concoct" the bible because it is the word of God. It derives its authority entirely from God its author, and is bestowed upon the Church (which passively receives it) by His free will.
Amen brother. God bless you.
Thanks anon. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Christian Identity

Was there any sort of international reaction to the ethnic cleansing if Königsberg as it happened? What was the Soviet justification? And so modern communists still think this was ok? They always talk about “settler colonialism,” does this count?
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>Was Churchill really ok with the utter destruction of a cultured European city by communist hordes?
The idea was literally proposed by Winston Churchill. "Expulsion is the method which, insofar as we have been able to see, will be the most satisfactory and lasting. There will be no mixture of populations to cause endless trouble... A clean sweep will be made. I am not alarmed by the prospect of disentanglement of populations, not even of these large transferences, which are more possible in modern conditions than they have ever been before."
One of the ironies is that Stalinism ended up recreating the ethnic cleansing policies of the fascists in a watered-down form. The post-war Polish government under communist control expelled Ukrainians and talked about it like they were building a Polish ethno-state.

On the other hand, there's also the complicated legacy of the Soviet "reconquest" of ceded Russian imperial territories. Poland, the Baltic nations, and Finland were all major centers of the revolution... the counter-revolutionaries just massacred all the communists who didn't flee to Russia. There's a version of NATO chauvinism that refuses to acknowledge anyone in these countries could've been sympathetic to communism/Soviets.

>The next RAF raid occurred three days later on the 29/30 August. This time No. 5 Group dropped 480 tons of high explosive and incendiaries on the centre of the city. RAF Bomber Command estimated that 20% of industry and 41% of all the housing in Königsberg was destroyed.

>In 1945, the prolonged battle of Königsberg inflicted further damage. When the Soviets occupied the city in April 1945, more than 90% of the city was already destroyed.
Not much was left when the 'communist hordes' took the city.
In retrospect it was an atrocity
but at the time, after two world wars in back to back generations, people (and not only on the left - consider the Benes' decrees namesake) were more than happy to expel Germans and shrink Germany by any means necessary
Königsberg castle survived to a degree, that is before the Soviets demolished it

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Were the native’s real as brutal as this Cormac presents in “Blood Meridian” ?
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Most people are. The natives weren't any more brutal than anyone else, but they had their own special forms of fucking people up.

I mean it makes sense, you want to let the other side know you're not fucking around.
It was the style at the time
>they were men at war
They were bandits and raiders that attacked in defended towns and always immediately fled whenever they were met in force
>small band of warriors melts into the wilderness when faced with a larger and better equipped force
That's basic military sense you retard, what are they supposed to do, stick around and get massacred for some retard notion of honor?
If you're like a whiney basedtard maybe. Murder is based.

Basedtard take.
>Omg waaah people like to kill each other??? Hurr durr this means god hates them and so do I >:[

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If you could fight in any war, in any (combat) role, in any point in history, on any side, what would you choose?

Hard mode: don't pick a "safe" option with minimal threat of dying
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One of Sulla's legionaries - looting Greek temples and shitting on Mithridates. And then it's off to deal with the Senate. It just keeps getting more fun, Bros!
>100% casualty rate
Based brave Anon. Couldn't be me. (Reminder to the few special retards casualty doesn't only mean death but also injury)
What would you call a war?
Sounds pretty awful desu
I'm going to pick two options.

1. US sailor manning an anti-aircraft gun in WW2 Pacific

2. Kiwi artilleryman during Vietnam

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