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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

Whens the bubble popping?
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why does the retard need 3 n64s
It already did.
He hosted Goldeneye and Smash tourneys at his house when he was a kid and wanted to have the same setup again.
Fuck you, made me check
How are people happy with lives like these. I'm not trying to be a sneering ass but damn man...
More power to him...

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is go
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crt is prob in the adjacent room
again, its not mine - i just thought it looked neat
Yet you wrote all of those words to express how much you obviously did care.
As the youth of today would say, "that's pretty sus, queen."
the best piece of shit is still a piece of shit

avrs are often now an acceptable input source to transcode old video, with many newest tvs completely abandoning analog inputs.

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do playing retro console games on handhelds ultimately devalue the intended experience of the game? Is it not better and more engrossing and impactful to play them on an actual big television screen?
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if its a handheld game you didnt experience it playing on a TV and if its a console game you didnt experience it on a handheld. the nintendo switch fails at both
Jokes on you for getting a handheld without HDMI out, best of both worlds
Was it about being sexually aroused over floor tiles?
look anon it has to be carpet everyone had carpet in the 80s it wasn't until 2010 that hipsters memed imitation wood floors into existence
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>tfw too poor for wood panels
>grew up in a house covered in ugly wall paper

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What are some of those little things you've used to improve your setup? Controllers, scalers, whatever. Share your thoughts on them.

I hook up all my consoles through a surge protector and the ones with the wall warts are often a pain in the ass, but these short extension cables have been a big help with keeping things tidy.
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I got sold into getting an Extron, but I got the wrong one, ISM, since it adds lag regardless of what I do. Will be getting the Crosspoint later on, but it functions save for stuff like rhythm games and 240p content.
I'm considering using a large USB-C charge block instead of the original power cords for some reason. Any reason not to go this route besides burning money?
I have an extron but I use the cheap ass chinese amazon switchers because my whole set up is built around component video. Extron seemed to be a pain in the butt to hook up but truth be told I was being lazy. It would be fantastic once you get it going. Only thing is I think you need those phoenix to rca audio jacks.
>cheap ass chinese amazon switchers
enjoy your signal noise
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Don't notice it on my CRT
>Only thing is I think you need those phoenix to rca audio jacks.
Fortunately, all of those phoenix ports came prepopulated, but setting up the precut RCA jacks doesn't do audio right for some reason. I followed the instructions for unbalanced, unless I didn't do it right, which seems plausible.

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Why is Kojima obsessed with hapas?
Was it ever clarified what it was about that one female mgsV character that would male people repent of their words and deeds?
She was naked because she had to breath through her skin and everyone laughed at Kojima
What a fucking loser dude
>She was naked because she had to breath through her skin
Well but this is quite an interesting way to justify fanservice with actual plot and lore though. Why did people laugh at him?

What's the closest home console equivalent to the Game Boy Advance? It's technically superior to the SNES(resolution and sound chip notwithstanding). Is it closer to the 32X? The Jaguar?
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Game is a technical marvel AND it actually plays very decent (or great depending if you consider the console)
Medal of Honor Underground was 3D, but it looked & played like ass.
pretty much an SNES with a 32x level cpu and super fx built in
Yup, 3.58 MHz is just like 16.78 MHz, no difference of over 4x there! Textured 3D and flexible hardware image transform, I totally remember SuperFX doing that!

GBA receiving SNES ports ruined people's brains about the console.

Yes, its very neat use of available power. But could it run if the driven output was cranked up to the snes resolution?

not only that, but in this game is it rendering full screen under that car-interior hud?

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aka the "desperately wanted to be fifth gen but launched too early and were consequently too underpowered to be considered a worthwhile upgrade from the Genesis/SNES" gen
which one had the most potential?
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The SH2 was underpowered as fuck and devs were forced to program for dual CPU and multiple co-processors. It was an insanely bad architecture.
The Jaguar was always designed to be a cheap mid-gen system.
What makes you think that?
Architecture literally doesn't matter if you have big enough sales. The PS2 had an awful architecture yet everyone developed for it.
SH2 is fine, the Saturn's biggest problems are the VDPs and lack of a proper devkit.

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The boss that elevates MM1 to kino levels
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I'm playing through the Mega Man games for the first time and didn't have many issues with this yellow guy. I really struggle with spazzy unpredictible enemies though FUCK Quick Man
Nha. It is a cool fight but the rest of the game is still just an alpha version of the MegaMan formula. MM2 is the beta
Quick Man is the spazziest of spastics, there's no easy way around him without Flash Man's weapon
The yellow devil has too much health. Dodging his pattern ten times in a row isn't fun anymore. It's a shame because he is visually interesting and it's fun the first few times. The pattern should have been random but he should have had half the health.
It's only a problem with buster-only runs.
MM1 is a rare game in the series that is more fun when you are using alt weapons.

Nobody ever talks about this. What's wrong with it exactly? Is it fun to play?
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It sucks, it's obviously unfinished, it's a buggy mess, the only good thing is Copeland coming back for the music. Spyro deserved better
>Nobody ever talks about this.
They do, it's just that all anyone has to say about it is that it sucks.
>What's wrong with it exactly?
Only one world, different flame mechanic not being utilized well, the glitches, inconsistent framerate, inconsistent graphics that are either passable or shit, and overall just being half baked.
>Is it fun to play?
No, either stick with the original trilogy or skip to Heroes tale
This was the first Spyro game I had played (I didn't have a PS1). It was one of the few games I ever sold. Even as a kid I knew something was horribly wrong with it.
Does Heroes Tail hold a candle to the original trilogy?
>What's wrong with it exactly?
there's a full length documentary detailing what went wrong

for me, the lurching framerate was by far the most nauseating and unforgivable aspect of the game.

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Whoever said this game is better than Ocarina is insane.
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Oot scarecrows aren't mandatory so they can be as obtuse as they want...
>You don't need to redo the hide'n'seek minigame
To get the bombers notebook you need to replay the hide and seek game in the n64 version
>MM has way more handholding elements
Such as?
I always skip doing hide n seek even the first time. I never bother with that junk. MM first cycle is cancer. And I don't need bombers book.
Its weird that they wanted MM to be the infinitely replayable Zelda according to interviews yet front loaded it with such a tedious intro
One thing I like about MM is how masterfully it pulls off child friendly eerieness. Seriously how did they do it.
What other media pulls off this feeling so well? And the atmosphere with these weird unknowable forces and all this shit that seems impossible too

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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Googled it and found a direct link on r*ddit in like 30 seconds, you'd think they'd be throwing fits and being faggots about it yet the post was up for months, go figure. Anyway, search for the filenames of the required files.
ooo i know these are ridiculous as a value proposition but i like this one

the gba one is also cool but i hate the dmg one, i know the dpad is that size to make it the slightest bit more useable but it's so disproportionate it bothers me
Alright, that worked, I feel stupid now since I DID search the zip file name but not a singular file name, thanks
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They should have the touchpad smaller and less wide while adding L2/R2 buttons and it'd be good, like pic related
Found a Gameboy SP while walking the dog today. No game, sadly, but it turned on after I stuck it on a charger. I'll let it charge a while and test it more later tonight.

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10901319

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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too soon
My only issue with gimp is the layer system. I just want it to automatically expand every layer to content/image size, and anchor as a new layer. Then add in layer effects for good measure.
That and lack of a circle tool. While I can draw a circle in it just fine, they should've added one fuckin ages ago instead of pig-headedly feeding a meme. Practically a non-issue, but silly.
Then the tunnel is the liminal space between your work and your home.
Unless you live in the subway...
In which case I don't have any change sorry.
I look like this and act like this
>t. Kegan

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Is it worth revisiting for single player campaign?
>those airsoft tier guns
>those shitty driving sequences
>doesn't even have customizable weapon sets in multiplayer
>using Bond's hand viewmodel for every character
it's trash
It's not bad but it's definitely aged. Used to be considered amazing because most fps games during this era were trash and liscened games too.

I personally recommend cold winter instead and apply the 60fps patch to it.
Yeah barely. The best bond experience though is Agent Under Fire multiplayer with Q-Claw anywhere enabled

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>purports to be a licensed game based on the 1989 Charlie Sheen movie
>instead nothing from the movie actually appears in here and we have a Famicom baseball game so generic it may as well have been AI generated
I don't remember if this was planned for a North American release due to its supposed source material, probably not. Not like we were short on luckswing games anyway.
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Why not?
i mean he only reviews Japanese releases so we're unfortunately deprived of his opinion on Friday the 13th or Bart vs the Space Mutants
never make a cover art more cool than the actual game
I don't use fucking /sp/. How would I know that?
>Charlie sheen movie
It was a Tom Beringer movie, you clod.

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