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guess letters and whatnot
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You seem mean
>looks like a trans girl who tried to rape me once
Wasn't expecting that,was she cute?
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My evil twin
Weebmoding FTM
Roachmoder or repper
Bi mtf

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TERFs are retarded, but if there's one point where they actually are right in, it's that trannies are fucking misogynistic a lot of the time

You become the pinnacle of pick-me and develop the gender essentialist views of an 1800's person to validate yourself, and not only slander trans women who choose not to conform to the behaviour of trad heterosexual submissive woman with non self-respect, but some also go as far as to slander cis women who do that as well.
I've seen trannies here unironically say that cis lesbians that cut their hair short and/or don't dress femme are not real women
Far more and far more intensely are misandrists who internalised systemic misandry and cannot grasp how one may stay a man if they can "choose" to become women, not understanding they can transition because they have innate dysphoria, which cismen don't and transmen have the opposite way.
I've always been friends with women.
They've all told me time and time again that some of the biggest forces into pushing them in a small little box as a woman were her mother and female peers.
Not to say women are evil or just as bad as men. But that in a patriarchal society, enforcing patriarchy is the norm even for women. Womanhood does not exempt you from enacting misogyny, in fact one must go out of their way to unlearn it or else be misogynistic by default.
Okay I low-key thought you were making shit up with the hair stuff but apparently long hair makes you a woman according to >>35680541
The 1800s were peak human civilization though. Have you read books from then? The literacy from back then is shocking. We're like morlocks today, specialized perhaps in keeping the gears turning, but ultimately dull savages.

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>mfw lived a life completely lacking of experiences, friendship and love
>now at my lowest and most depressed trying to troon at 25 years old and pick up the pieces
Please God let this work and not just be a postponement of my anhero
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It's good that I'm a girl

It makes me happy, it makes boys happy when they look at me, sometimes even girls are happy about it


in 2012 i was 14 and i was buying estrogen patches and tblocker off the 420chan HRT thread
just tell ur parents and hope they're fine with it lmao
>in 2012 i was 14 and i was buying estrogen patches and tblocker off the 420chan HRT thread
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well they werent and now ive been on hrt for 2 years since 16 and am still boymoding
I started at 23 and got good enough to piss people off when I complain about not passing
meh, i'm numb to it all now. once you get old enough you kinda give up on life in general
as long as i don't turn out like the last generation of hons i'll be fine

did they kick you out or something

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Qott: bros what’s your favorite Drake song?

Previous: >>35673357
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Dunkelheit and it's not even a question
sure <3
>get 8 hours of sleep
>still feel tired
>more work to do
guys sticking to my resolution is gonna be hard… and i have to wash my hair and rehearse today… sigh
You got this.
u wanna know what show we’re putting on

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I'm an ftm that wants to date a cute slim and tall tgirl with small tits, were will u find these beautiful girls
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No problem, a beautiful girl like you deserves the world.
valuematched relationship
Back off man I was here first.
Frick off buddy
Heck no buster

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can we have another german trans general
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bin hon irl
Deine muter !!!
Ja, Apartment wird von Ausbildungsunternehmen gestellt deswegen auch schon Ausstattung und Mehrkosten, was geil ist.
Ja, Lokführer, bist die Psychologin schätze ich? Und haha auf 4chan inklusive Sprache nutzen ist drollig

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QOTT: what would you do with your life if you had no restrictions on what you can do?

Last bread: >>35671926
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>maybe because I'm a minority immigrant
idk but if it would make you feel comfortable maybe I can help you move to get the treatment you need. as for the latter part that's tough but mortality is a thing every human being will have to face eventually and I suggest giving it to charity. helping feed some kids in war torn lands will be the best thing
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Today I start a 30 day ab challenge. Which me luck ladies
I am dying. I will move out of here, but I won't live if I don't get treated very soon. I will be homeless if I live in a few months.
Charities are evil. They're a money laundering tool of capitalism. NEVER give any money to charity. ESPECIALLY if they tell you not to give directly to those in need.
I think you may need a bit more than 30 days, papi. 30 months sounds more plausible.
delicious breedable hips you got there bro

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The creepy transwomen here unironically made me sympathise with feminists more. Thank you for opening my mind to the feminine struggles of dealing with creeps.
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No, I'm not.
you just have long hair and wear makeup and avatarfag as women all the time yep yep
Based. protect everybody but transbians
I'm intersex and diagnosed as such. Never experienced any dysphoria. Take your interphobia and shove it up your ass.
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>>35673785 (last episode)
QOTT : don’t post your ugly face this time
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so disspointed in maiq
shooting up a kindergarten are not "lofty goals" kek
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i need a new job so bad
Always the low hanging fruit with you, probably because you're too stunted mentally to think of something that would actually hurt me.

But if you want unhinged narcissism here you go, I'm better than you Larry and I always will be, because no matter how low I fall I'll climb my way back up and live life how I want to live it, fuck fate. You're also not stuck here you just get off on being bullied and made miserable
today I take my cat to the vet with nomi's help
harvested a lot of violets and dandelions yesterday. will do so today yup yup.

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I'm a 8/10 twink but also a mentally ill romantic stalker who only likes twinks.

Is there any place in this world for me.
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yes u can fuck all the men u want until u hit the age of 25 then u can decide to force urself to have a wife and family or forever chase that high.
Ill be the judge of that, post pic cutie
Post pic, we could make out if you're actually 8/10
You will not live too long

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4chan's /lgbt/ board combines two demographics which you rarely see together in the wild: the most misogynistic people on earth and the most gender dysphoric people on earth - which leads to interesting results.

The one that is most noticeable to me as an ftm is the fact that every time I come on here, there's at least one post seething about ftms.
The main points of contention are usually some permutation or combination of the same few misogynistic and transphobic ideas.

The core beliefs include male victimization (women have it easier, why would you willingly change) and infantilization of females (they're dumb women that don't know they're actually just traumatized/misdirected by society/etc). Conventional transphobia shares the latter, and rarely the former (never in TERF-style transphobia for example), however, the fact that the users of /lgbt/ are usually gender dysphoric themselves (a conventional transphobe wouldn't come on to this forum in the first place, there's better places to spew transphobia) I believe leads to more entertaining rants, which display psychological issues you wouldn't see in a conventional transphobe.

Like I said, however, this is merely the result that is most noticable to me, due to the emotional reaction that it induces, which is a reflex that is out of my control. There are several other results that should be interesting to discuss.

I'd love to see more people talk about what other "results" they see on this forum!
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MtF here
I don't have any issues with FtMs
I do have an issue with theyfabs though. They take over trans discussion in all spaces aside from here and are the most likely to go back to calling themselves cis in a year or two because they got over the idea that calling yourself trans makes you quirky.

I almost killed myself over this shit, it pisses me off to see people act like it's fun.
it’s so funny because i am a staunch feminist and i think i’m more authentically tolerant and left leaning than most of this board. i support FTMs, nonbinary people (i hate the term theyfab) and MTFs, i believe misogyny and the patriarchy are real, and i loathe racism. i do think that part of the draw to this board is how unadorned the hatred is - there isn’t any toxic positivity, any pretending or dogwhistles. everything is as it is. and in some ways, this has been really good for me. passgen and the hrtgens pushed me to passing and now stealth. i have a much thicker skin with regards to transphobia. but i have noticed my internalized transphobia intensify and become more deranged. it comes in waves, but when i hate myself, it’s like that thick skin turns on me and i regurgitate all the terrible rhetoric i see here
t. mtf
>but i have noticed my internalized transphobia intensify and become more deranged. it comes in waves, but when i hate myself, it’s like that thick skin turns on me and i regurgitate all the terrible rhetoric i see here

relate hard from the ftm side
I just find myself wondering if half the posters have ever met a woman irl lol. Like pre transition I lived with my gf for like 5 years, and we hung out mostly with her friends. The contrast in that experience and the shit people say here is wild to me. I just want them to go to like one co ed dorm party lol. Just go talk to another human in person. Walk around down town or something. You’re right about the pessimism too. I think the pessimism + isolation is what creates a lot of the negative energy. That and randos coming in from the front page.
so real. being a manlet is actually abysmal. i wear womens shit that doesnt scream faggot (i hope)

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QOTT: Do you collect anything? If so, what?
>looking for
>not looking for
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25 M MN
CS (working as a dev), Motorcycles, History, Anime, Rowing, Psychs
Would be down to play Tekken, CS2 or Zomboid occasionally
Grinding tech shit so I can get a fully remote job instead of my current one, quarter life crisis lolol
I like talking about media or most things
Eva, FLCL, Lain, FMAB, watching Naruto atm
Lost in Translation, Bladerunner
Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid

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Fucking idiots just need to say there state
do you also have matrix
I agree any post that says USA I just skip over, be specific

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I don't quite know if this is the right way to describe it, but I've been thinking of the ways MtFs practice passing and it seems to come in at least two categories, what I'll call Unconscious Mechanical feminization and Conscious Behavioral feminization. When I think of Conscious Behavioral feminization its things like, concsciously working on voice pitch, selection of clothing, makeup. These take a conscious effort to perform like manual breathing, until it becomes second nature.

The second category I'll call Unconscious Mechanical feminization, which seems to happen whether you think about it or not. When I wear my nails long, I end up grasping objects, typing, touching my face, in a more feminine way without thinking about it because I get poked or chipped nails if I don't. The same with wearing heels, I'm forced to sway hips whether I think about it or not.

What other kinds of Unconscious mechanical feminization is there to help transition and pass? Anything to help the process along without thinking about it, or even getting tactile feedback to make it happen naturally? Thanks!

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Hi im a transgirl and was wondering if yall had any advice for flirting this guys (both over text and in person)
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basically whenever i e-flirt, i just send anime evil and anime blush gifs and if they send one back and i think they r cool i just say like 'wanna see me naked? :3' and that works usually...
post gock
im a khhv.


https://unsee cc/album#dhcHBjd1dsar
stop it spicebag

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>masc bros
>trying to remember the last non-faggot that actually used the word masc
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we should put all fems and skinnies on roids and make them true masc

eugenia Cooney on roids would be so hot
>has no body hair
how can i find a job while being depressed
>bi guys
Yeah but nobody wants bi guys so

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