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This run is overrated. Nothing major or interesting in this book happened. Bendis, once again proved why he's an overrated writer.
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It was alright, especially for something from Bendis at that time.
I think it's so overrated just because Doom has a lot of fans and it was a sympathetic take on him where he got to be the hero for a while.

Given how the villains who did appear were treated like complete losers because Benis was writing, this is a real "be careful what you wish for" moment.
That last issue with Mephisto was terrible.
God, Bendis made those guys look like chumps. It was ridiculous.
His heroics were overrated.

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Back with a double update!
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O shit, that is a girly looking lion eye. Between the color scheme and flowers in the hair, is this a Yerta analogue? Not lookin fat though.
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Yes, but they don’t have the sketch of class that the hind paws do.
I think it’s act of author to keep it intentionally vague, they’re maybe jointed like hands but maybe not, the detail is hard to zero in on.
But mainly they don’t look like the hind paws.

Same intentional vagueness that’s hidden that Sette’s brother doesn’t have a tail I think, cards close to chest, enough to see it in hindsight but no giveaways.
Sorry, I think you're right. When I've first seen this page I actually misinterpreted it and assumed they're lion paws. I don't want to be the resolutionfag of this thread but...
Anyway point taken, lions in unsounded have human hands period.
>*sketch of claws
Anon... >>143512322

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>casually animates the most kino per capita than any other nation by a mile
How do those leafs do it??
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You want it to stop, then talk with him off the site. It's fucking retarded that both of you can't work out your bullshit. I know both of you are lonely autists but fuck dude. And I'm not ignoring the stuff about other anon's and quite frankly I could care less about some schizo. This whole fucking 4 hour long drama is because of both of you. He left, why are you still here? I'm starting to not believe you.
I think it be for the best if you left you havent done a thing to prove your innocence if you care youd talk with him in private
I already talked with him in private and this is what happened >>143512658
And it won't be different the next time
It won't stop until he leaves
Are you esl? Because I just explained the art reposting.
You're more literate than she is. And yeah I'm starting to take his side. Because it's idiotic to harass a guy because he "reposted my art" fucking retarded. How do we know you aren't stalking him? You seem to show up whenever he posts first. Care to explain that?
>He left, why are you still here?
He always comes back, he's at this for 2 years now, starting drama with random anons, it doesn't even matter if I'm here or not

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Have you ever had lewd thoughts about your sister, /co/?
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Just fuck off
Seriously, fuck off
Why can’t you fuck off
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I don't have a sister. But I have jerked off to step sister porn (if that counts). Not sure what this has to do with /co/ though.
Fuck off

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It has been over one year since his first appearance
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of him?
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The twist is that he isn't
Ramos wants to have an OC that people like and be a positive part of the spider legacy forever.
because his art is decent but not jaw dropping.
Made to be straight shota'ed with Jessica Drew. Especially since Jessica lost her child now iirc.
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I want to say shut up but honestly they really do have Spider-Boy cling to older women a lot whenever he's in a team up with them or he gets hurt while they're around.
Bailey kind of does have a complex when it comes to older women that show him the slightest amount of affection.

I genuinely think that Stark's a far better character than Batman and Iron Man as a character/story/concept/IP has far more potential than Batman. Batman's just a cool aesthetic, nothing more.
About time Iron Man get his own OG game.
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>no good games
>one good movie
>one iconic story
>was made to be the face of marvel but only because of the mcu and over time lost that spot to cap
>comics are always mediocre with mediocre sales
>is no longer the same tony stark in the comics since his mcu personality replaced his
Nice try starkfag.

He is so fucking cool
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You know, it's very interesting in consideration, because Lucas WAS, at the very least, advocate of the backstory we see in Labyrinth of Evil/Warren Fu's the Eyes of Revolution, to my and many other's surprise. Back in April someone here shared some interview excerpts of Luceno where he confirms just as much when asked whom or what gave him the direction to give Grievous his backstory in LoE.
>kill the mysticism
>left vague
with what's revealed about them the yoda episode of clone wars, I'd say he added more questions.
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It ultimately felt unnecessary too, almost like Lucas was trying to insert a little bit more sci-fi into the movie. I guess it can be a bit of a convenient way for Jedi to find other Force sensitives though.
Yeah, that was weird. Classic case of the Lucas flip-flop. The story is a great setup for the character, and then he went back on it. I genuinely think it's simply a case of him not wanting someone to steal spotlight from Vader, which makes no sense to me, because I love both characters.

Plus, even with their similarities using the old Grievous backstory, the end result is completely different. Vader had someone who unconditionally loved him and saw good in him in Luke, and that led to his redemption.

Grievous didn't, and was always doomed to die alone.
>a little bit more sci-fi into the movie
Which would be weird since the prequels and TCW were a very hard turn into the more fantasy elements of Star Wars.
I do personally wish SW went into a more sci fi route, but midiclorians weren't the way to do it.
Yes. The rougher parts are the 2-part pilot and the first episode (purple moron flying into a star).

Right here, at the top of the page:
>Despite these experiences, rather than seeking to dominate its subsequent hosts, the symbiote desired to bond with and protect them.[22][46] As a result, it was eventually imprisoned by its malevolent brethren, who considered it an aberration and feared it would contaminate the gene pool.[25] This prison was later inadvertently incorporated into the makeup of Battleworld by the Beyonder.[26]
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Taking this moment to say: I hate how much they fucked up this coloring style later on. OP's pic has Spidey is a brightly-lit room, and here he's in broad daylight, but they're still smart enough to only use the blue for basic highlights and contouring. It looks great.

But then you have whatever the fuck started happening with Venom, where he was almost entirely blue most of the time, and then Miguel who people fail to know is blue at all if it weren't for the dialogue. Hell, even the first panels where he's holding his suit in the dark, which show it as black, are for some reason majority blue anyways.
>becomes black
>starts kissing men out of the blue
Downright peculiar…
can you shut the fuck up?
You seem upset chum. Got a little black suit on you too? Gonna chase anon to the ends of the earth?

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I like them. Let's post them.
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Need more sugar skulls, its cinco de mayo dangit!
Are you strong enough?
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New update from the comic project:


Thoughts? Will it improve the writing seen from the Valentines Day comic?
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Hope she gets gangbanged.
Based, this
This is just a Sharty general thread at this point and same person who makes this makes the 24/7 IC larp threads
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Stop trying to force a general, you nigger. And stop omitting the "fan" part, you're trying to make it sound like it's an official comic and not some 7chan pisswood tier fanfic dreck.
Still seething about that aren't you? you use the same example every time you come here to shit your britches
By who?

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Youre welcome.
We do it for the drawfriends
are you referencing tera?
Do you have an archive of your work? Rule34 has just around 50 of your older work so best bet is just following every thread...
Anon… Pam is trying to kill Jess…
Yeah but shes not effective in that.
We had art if her sitting on anon who was smilling, full if lipstick marks, Oammy in her Ivy form yelling why isnt he dead already.

Thats just her tsundere showing

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...if Sally has three daughters and each one has 1 brother, how many kids does Sally have?
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Imagine if the series had kept the same art style and tone as the pilot. Escape from Katrina was fine and the movie is genuinely fun, but Rescue from Midnight Castle managed to mix girl toys and dark fantasy without coming off as tryhard or edgy.
Boys would've bought toys of those dragons.
Between 3 and 4. She's guaranteed to have 3 daughters, but the daughters' brother(s) can be her son, or three different people or one person unrelated to Sally if he or they are half-brother's by the daughter's father(s) with other women or another woman.

.... meegan?

Yesterday Spidey saved Chance from some rich doomsday preppers, Peter grew increasingly insecure about not being the breadwinner in his house and a new bad guy named Venom showed up
Today we'll read about new Tarantula and read the first bit of the Damage Control mini series

>previous threads
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Better not lose in front of Jesus, Peter.
Thanks Magister
>Oh no Tombstone broke Robbie's back
>Anyway time for some shenanigans
Yeah. I don't understand the outrage, Marvel has always been super leftist imo.
I said this back when we read that White Tiger arc, but the difference is that back then, comics were written by adults.

Why did kids prefer it to KaBlam? Both came out around the same time, yet KaBlam reruns were removed in 2001, while Hey Arnold still aired consistently for a good while longer. Actually, at a certain point, Arnold was one of only three pre-1998 shows still on Nick, with the other two being Rugrats and Blues Clues, even if you include reruns only

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Death battle thread. Soon to be /VS/ thread and there is nothing you can do about it.
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>"Man, it feels good to live in the empty noggins of so many fags."
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That's just Dio vs Alucard except Al looks like Jonathan for some reason.
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Is he really the weakest character that's ever been on DB? I mean, he lost to a fucking JoJo character for Christ's Sake.
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The weakest one was Batkek.

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