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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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>We're going to test that!
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my problem with the twisting test is how the force was applied, I don't think the jaws being inserted into a larger piece of steel and that piece twisted reflects how the pliers are used, it should have been the pliers clamped down onto a flat piece of steel and then twisted so all the resistance was coming from inside the jaws instead of an external twisting force being stopped by the jaws.

the knipex pliers performed terribly in all his testing methods because none of what he tested reflected what long nose pliers are intended to do: manipulate materials in tight clearance spaces. the knipex pliers are fantastic at doing what they're intended to do, they're dogshit at working as holding pliers for random fasteners and cutting through fucking deck screws. I wanted to see him test how well the pliers could do a straight pull on various materials to test how well the teeth grab in that function, since that's my #1 use for them
>he appeals to redditors and boomers
>i watch his stuff
outted yourself fag
clickbait retard who trollishly designs his tests to be 100% useless for determining product quality. he might as well drop each one down a plinko chute and the winner is whatever falls into the right slot.
It’s not Todd’s fault that you didn’t buy Gearwrench like I recommended! Now you’re all Mr. Sandy Vajayjay over here
goddamn all those girls are hot...unlike the "females" of today with the tiktok freckles filters and other gay shit like that, they all look like clones

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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Get a tait. Actually I do have something to offer. See this anons comment:
A twenty five year old motorola would be a good investment too. When they say they don't make em' like they used to. Motorola fights in to that. They used to be great before they outsourced all the engineers to india.
Instead of water I would recommend isopropyl alcohol from the pharmacy. More controlled.
When your rotator weighs more than your antenna, it's time to rething your antenna choices
>Will it hold a 2 element 10m yagi?
Mine holds a 25ft high 6-20m hexbeam with a medium duty rotor on top. If you have any doubts just throw another cement block on. Make sure the roof is supported too.
Does anyone have a HF/VHF/UHF mobile radio recommendation? I'm considering a few
Seems gimmicky
Serious contender
Seems like an overlooked good contender.
I'm not gay
>Yaesu FT-991A
No detachable screen
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for leatherwork, you need a very dense material to tool (draw) and stamp on. We all have little granite slabs. I make luggage and messenger bags almost exclusively so that little slab is just top small. 2x3x8 slabs of granite are reterdedly expensive.

here are a few factors I'm considering.

1, my house doesn't have a concrete foundation so reverberation will just always be an issue. I want to get as much force transferred onto what I'm working on as possible.

2, I have read that a work bench the size I'm going to make will weigh 100s of lbs.

3, even the best concrete tables eventually Crack, sometimes within a year.

what are your thoughts
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Awww someone missed nap time.
If you use proper admixtures/plasticizers, fibers, and get your mix dialed in, you can absolutely make concrete that won’t crack and be unbelievably strong and resilient. It’s not granite, granted (tee hee), but GFRC is pretty damn strong.
I get all my admixtures and fibers from below. You can also find other companies for similar products.
I should add that yes I’m aware “all concrete cracks”. The cracks don’t spread and their hairline and on the edges if they appear at all. It almost acts like epoxy if done correctly.
I don't get why people do this to their kids. mean-spirited pranks that they 100% know are going to make their kid cry, betraying their child's complete trust in them for a laugh then posting it online for updoots.
the kid's not going to understand the joke, and even if they eventually find it funny they're never going to forget the betrayal they felt upon taking off the blindfold and believing wholeheartedly that their parents made them put their finger in a dog's ass.

truly millennials inherited their parents' narcissism and sociopathy. I guess it's up to the zoomers to break the cycle now.
"All concrete cracks" i have never heard that and im a master steel concrete builder, are you sure this isn just some kind of salesman trope like "breakfast ist the most important meal of the day" pushed by lazy cement manufacturers?
Don’t know just always heard that and people here tend to get argumentative.

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A) I can get the storage shelves I want for $300, plus tax.
B) Or buy lumber boards, and build one for $150.

I got the tools, but I'm on a budget. I'm worried I will fail : ) What would you do?
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You should check your local estate sales for shelves. I see this shit go out the door for around $50-$90 on avg. You gotta tear it down of course but thats ez
>What would you do?
not ask or post here about it.
It's going into a garage. It'll hold like hoses, bags of shit, garage stuff : )
Good idea
Just buy off a deal.

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and now you know.
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If I give you a sloppy rim job, who gets paid?
I report every muriatic post.
Kek….hows that working for you princess
if you put some effort and do it not sloppy, you'll get paid
always put effort in your job anon
Clearly I’m getting paid in that scenario.

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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Honestly, the 3M, DeWalt, and Mirka equivalents are about the same price range as Festool anyways, and getting the fancier fixed shop models can be the same or much greater price. The really big advantage they have is dual filters that alternate and bang the dust out of the one not being used regularly without pausing suction. The other is that they have a power pass-through that turns it on with the tool.

Another thing to think about is putting together an air filter to circulate the air and catch fine particulates, and you can do that with as little as a cheap box fan and filter.
Okay /wwg/ be real with me:
How realistic is it to drill a 6inch deep, 18mm diameter hole in a 2" thick piece of wood with a spade bit and without a drill press, while keeping it perpendicular?
Make yourself a little square jig and it's certainly doable, assuming your bit has a vertical edge
There are other ways to do it, the basic idea is to give yourself a square reference to get started.
I've got the new Dewalt silent something shop vac and it's a lot quieter then my old screamer. Was under $200.
build it to code for where you plan to be buried

also make it so you can use it for shelf space or storage until you die.

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Is there anyway how to get Solidworks for free? Solid Edge has free license for hobbyists but I would like Solidworks since its more popular.
I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.
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I remember those threads. That was a fun time. I like to think Linus was spasming at his keyboard every time he saw or typed the letters x and z
Holy shit what a garbage model tbqh
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some riveting posts from the tripfag
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I'm a little bit lay with all this sfotware sorcery and o after reading the thread and some more on the internet I got some questions. The only unavoidable problem seems, as if you make you sure you pirated SD dont get internet conection you are clear, to open a file saved in a pirated software on a legal one, that aparently the file carry info that would trigger a phone home in the legal. So if you make a file in a pirated SD, open in a Opensorce software, and saves it would it still phone home if the file saved in the open sorce was open in legal software? Some what like libre Office changes .txt (word) to .odt or this extensions doesnt really mean much.
There is a way to be caught or how to prevent if I take my file made in a pirated software to print, machine, or 3d print in a third party busnisses?
Solid works doesn’t sign your files unless you have a student version then it marks the file student version forever

You export as an X_T for machining before you start programming for CAD

You export it as an STL for 3D printing or 3mf if newer 3d printing

Printer sliders don’t give a shit where you get your files as long as there aren’t any errors in the import , if there are it will auto repair but it smfucks up a lot

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Hello. I would like to find quality hair clippers to cut my hair off with.
I have bought this set a couple of years ago for a great discount, is this hair clipper a good model which should last me years?
The hair clipper is a Wahl 09243-2616 and doesn't use a battery
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I've buy a new set every 18months or so

The attachments break and they get blunt. I've tried sharpening them, but it doesn't work.
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Wizard, beat me to it.
>about to use mine right now!
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Here's what I got. Wahl makes a good product but these two are rather old. Not sure how good they are now. These two will probably outlive me.
I use WD-40.
I think that's the one I got.
Nice thicc cord
I already responded and told him that dipshit.
> a box of a hundred will last you a few years
I dont even get ten shaves out of a blade.I usually replace after five. You must be using some space age shit.

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I'm not talking about used cars. I mean for metal, machinery, etc.

I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

Nigga, I don't have that. None of the metal recycling places will sell me material. I just want to get some cheap metal parts and old machinery, but they won't sell it to me.
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>they don't bother to learn how to find things.
Shouldn't the scrap yards want to get new customers?
Is NYC getting as bad as they say on twitter and youtube or it is all lies and political posturing? have you been robbed lately?
>the noble savage wastes nothing

imagine believing some 70s era propaganda. but they do infact play by different rules. reservations are micro-nations with their own legislative/governing bodies and do not have to follow most regulations.
We have scrap yards, however they serve a different purpose as the shit people bring them typically gets recycled rather than just kept sitting around in hopes that someone might want it.
Yea, that's probably why it was mentioned in OP

All the top soil available to buy is extremely sandy, nothing loamy.

I am trying to find clay soil to mix in the mud pit. Can I use modeling clay or is there other stuff added to it and will it break down?

I found betonite clay powder which is used to make clay, some says food grade, and some say for cosmetics but I read that betonite can contain lead.

Anyone know how to get mud?
Just steal dirt from construction sites.
But it will just be sand bc of where I live
purify some clay out of dirt in a bucket via levigation.
There are different types of soil in your area. It can't all be sand...

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Posted a week or two ago about getting some broken snap rings out, finally found the time to fuck with it again. One side popped right out with a pick, other side refuses to come out at best it just spins in the groove. Any ideas?
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I've removed far more snap rings than you. Take it to someone not retarded like a machine shop for

or they may simply pry it out. Your ineptitude is not universal.

t.aircraft, vehicle, industrial and all sorts of other stuff mechanic wrenching longer than you've drawn breath.
put it up on your bridgeport like a real fucking man. and mill it out. oh thats right your stupid and poor.
Not the OP but my used pair from like 2000 and fuckall look exactly like that. I've never found a use for them.
Do the tips wear out or something? I've tried them on snaprings before and they're useless because they're like 5 times the size of the fucking E clip.
post wrist circumference with proof
This is the way.

I find a small tweaker screwdriver works better for capturing your progress but if your picks aren't made of chineesium then they should work fine.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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That's not how it works... kind of.... actually it's possible that it could slightly reduce the efficiency... I would have the panel at a 45degree angle as close to you, and as far away from the AC as possible and it shouldn't be a problem.

Do any anons have any ideas on how to drop a large vehicle like a trailer or RV a 8 inches and slowly jack it up again without the occupants inside realizing? It can't be too noisy. But some noise could be explained as sci-fi nonsense.
Looking to reliably raise and drop a vehicle over and over.
what’s the best place to buy steel for welding projects? I’m looking for smaller sizes, like 2 by 3 feet of 20 or 18 gauge to repair a rusted out rocker panel.
How good are waterproofing sprays for clothes and are they any better than molten wax? I want to make me bag and pants waterproof but I worry about it making them feel uncomfy to wear.
theres a shop just down from me sells off pieces exactly like that would suit you fine, dirt cheap too.

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Just finished this deck, step thing for an old mill on my property. Please r8
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Seems like the only thing you diy'd in your life was your reading ability.
dude what is your flashing even trying to do
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Son this country was built on nails.
Looks good from my house brother

So housing is too expensive as it is and I've been feeling ambitious as of late. So more and more I've been interested in taking a task like this. I have the know how and I have family that have built homes before that have taught me the ropes as well as would be willing to help, but I'm not sure about having the time at least right now, so it's more of a future project. People are saying 5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil, so 10,000 sq ft they would estimate as more. 10467 sq ft total living space, fireplace, and basement are in the plans. Planning to build on the west coast, Anchorage Alaska, or in a few options in Russia. Foundations are the most expensive thing to build, so I could take care of that to cover labor costs. Does anybody have estimates for this being viable below 1 mil? Or would you say this is pointless dreaming?
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Even better, steel construction with stone siding for material savings
good, keeps faggot descendants from selling your property and land and forces them to live in it
Or they'll just sell it for someone to tear down and set up their own thing. If OP already put in water, electricity and sewage it's prime real estate
If you knew anything about home building, you would never take on a build over 2000sqft solo

I do large renovations solo and just a good remodel without major structural changes takes a year. Imagine what having to do everything would take

That doesn't even mention that a small house is $100k+ in materials before foundation
I find it's around $80-$100 per square foot of materials for a house no matter how you slice it. Due to:
- Roof
- Insulation
- Exterior Cladding
- Structural Members
- Flooring
- Interior Finish Work
- Windows
- Doors
- Plumbing Materials
- Electrical Materials

The raw cost ends up being higher than you'd expect. Picking pennies can really keep costs down to 1/3rd of "a modern nice finished home". For example, a hardwood floor can cost you $25k, or a similar laminar floor like those cheap apartments can cost you $3k. That's the kind of stuff that will add up if you buy the expensive option time after time.

You could always have no insulation, and no floors, and save like $30/sq ft. But is that really worth it? Only you can decide.

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