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My sister is mostly asexual but feels bad saying no, so she gives random guys sex if they insist. She was crying to me the other day and told me about how she felt used for her body. She said that on multiple occasions guys would start kissing her and then taking off her clothes, and she would just freeze up with anxiety and remained paralyzed until they finished.

She says she is depressed and suicidal. I'm really worried about her. She is very shy and doesn't know how to handle situations under pressure. I'm not sure what I can do to help her. We grew up in a broken family too, so she never really received any guidance from our parents.

How do I help someone in this situation? I am not available to follow her around all the time and protect her.
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It's not a non-sequitur because I am elaborating on the statement you made, "Women lie", which could use expansion. As a matter of fact, both of your responses up to that point in the conversation were non sequiturs to what I was saying, since at no point did I talk about women withdrawing consent retroactively but about situations where consent was never there in the first place. This is also very clear in the posts.
>and its entire function is as a strawman
You are wrong, frankly I do not see why I would need to strawman you. Again, your post was not addressing what I said. Instead of arguing with you about that, I simply chose to run with what you said and present things as I see them - sure, some women lie about rape, but OP probably has no reason to doubt his sister, and it is also true that if she was in the situation OP described, she was raped (as per my earlier comments).
>I am pointing out she is lying here.
So you are accusing OP's sister of being a liar, even though you don't know her, or anything about these situations? Then there's nothing for us to discuss, because you have already made up your mind without any particular reason or piece of evidence to support your opinion.
You're so full of shit anon-kun
You may KNEEL now. I will allow it.
I kneel to you, shitlord
I respect that. You should read Plato when you have the time. It's the best thing I can offer you over the web.

I never came from a stable home
My parents would fight constantly and I would usually just be alone having to deal with it, I never grew up with extended family, so no cousins or uncles.

I had friends and was social but never had any deep connections. In college I met my current girlfriend and we clicked, she knows about my family and she tries to include me into hers but since she’s Mexican, she has a huge family and it feels overwhelming

I don’t know how to confront her on this. Her cousins and siblings try to take me out to places and sometimes I just say no because I’m not used to that (I mostly go but even then I still feel awkward)

I don’t know how to tell her that this is all new and awkward to me because I don’t want her to get offended. How can I tell her this?
by... Telling her everything you written down here, including that you went on a tibetan weaving basket forum to ask about it from how nervous you were.

Alos, hang out with your new latino cousins, they are cool and gonna take you to brothels and get into banter fights. Lots of fun.
>I don’t know how to confront her on this. Her cousins and siblings try to take me out to places and sometimes I just say no because I’m not used to that (I mostly go but even then I still feel awkward)
"Confront" her? Ask her for help to become more comfortable lol. Or maybe tell her that you need more time to get comfortable if you're less daring.
Hope you're not white btw.
I know the feeling. My parents threatened to divorce each other about every two years until I was about 18. Due to the disfunction I had very little to do with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Most of my younger cousins were bought up on game consoles and are barely functional airheads. I've had trouble making friends as well.

My suggestion is to follow people you like online, join a club say a social warhammer, starwars, tennis whatever your into club. I used to do Windsurfing until I was about 24 now I mostly just do the occasional trail walk and ride. Sometimes you'll find friends just by doing that stuff.

You have to keep in mind to due to radical political divisions and people being told what to think by their politicians it really isn't as easy to make friends as it was a few years ago. Gen X and Based boomers have said it really was more social in the past.

That's all I got for you op.
>Hope you're not white btw.

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My mom said that my boyfriend will lose respect for me and leave me, because his friends all have gfs with better jobs than me.

For example my bf is a programmer and so are most of his friends (despite them not being very smart, they got their jobs through connections and just being “chill”)

Their gfs are also programmers or one of them is a dentist. I don’t have a good job. Despite me being intelligent and knowing a lot about various things and the world, most people seem to look very down on me and think they’re better than me because they are in better positions. For example my cousin is extremely stupid and a shit person but she is some kind of a middle manager, and her friend is the manager of a single location of a sporting goods franchise. They’re both fat and bitches and look down upon me.

In addition most of my boyfriends friends are shallow narcissistic assholes, for example the dentist girlfriend was over an hour late to one of their restaurant meetups because she “decided to go to the gym first before”. So everyone was basically waiting for them. They’re also super late other times, like recently they promised to pick my bf up from his house and they were over an hour late and never even called him or answered any of his texts for hours to inform him.
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Your mom is half right and half wrong.

She's right that your bf in particular might have an issue with it. You yourself should be very concerned about the kinds of company your bf keeps. If he's friends with "shallow narcissistic assholes", odds are he's similar to them, maybe more similar than you'd like to admit to yourself. And if he is like that, then he might very well dump you if he thinks you're not a flashy enough accessory. I wouldn't call that a loss.

But she's wrong if she thinks men, in general, care about a woman having a high-powered career. Most guys don't. Some guys want a woman to be able to pay her own bills, but the more family-oriented the guy, the more likely it is that he'll be happy to provide for his wife and kids. Among those guys, the more devoted to her career a woman is, the less appealing she is.

>How am I supposed to be respected by anyone when it seems most people just value extremely shallow things and I don’t?
Why do you want the respect of people you don't even like?
>because his friends all have gfs with better jobs than me.
who the fuck cares about the proffesion of his girl lol? as long as she is not a prostitute we dont care the slightest
learn to cook
Ok then fucking do something. You don't have to get a degree or anything but assuming you're at least just as intelligent and passionate in general then you should be able to achieve something in similar worth.
Maybe it's writing a book.
You don't have to be the same. I could build a pyramid made of cow dung, doesn't mean I should.
You don't really seem to be in a place to judge cause it just seems pathetically defensive and baselessly self righteous.
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>My mom said that my boyfriend will lose respect for me and leave me, because his friends all have gfs with better jobs than me.
Sorry to tell you, but your mom's retarded.
She's projecting female attraction to work the same way male attraction does.
Females care about the social status (usually linked to wealth and/or a high paying / prestigious career) of their man. Many consider it even shameful if their man doesn't have a good career, or god forbid he earns less than her in the relationship

Men just don't give a fuck. Not at all. None whatsoever.
Even literal entrepreneurial-minded successful business owner millionaires will probably take the hot starbucks barista or the 7/11 cashier with the cute smile over some career woman with a high paying or high position job if the poor girl is better looking or has a more amicable/approachable personality.

Hell DESU if your career's too good you might even intimidate a lot of men away from you, basically everyone who earns less than you or is in a less prestigious position than you is already out of the equasion, because 1) men naturally WANT to fullfill the provider role and 2) women naturally WANT MEN to fullfill the provider role, at least statistically speaking.
Marriages where the woman earns more than the men are MUCH more likely to end in divorce - mostly innitiated by the woman.
BTW same goes for education, if the wife has a higher education attainment than the husband, the marriage is more likely to end in divorce than the other way around, again the absolute vast majority of divorces (like literally ~90%) initiated by the woman.

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Im 5 years in my relationship with my gf. She's pushing for marriage as it means a lot to her, but i've seen so many stories about men dealing with divorce that the idea turns me off.

Also another thing i just want to bang tinder whores for the rest of my life and the idea of relationships seems lame to me. What do you think? What would you do?
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what's a retard phase
>i've seen so many stories about men dealing with divorce that the idea turns me off.
A good prenup, set up by a lawyer will protect you.

Whenever prenups are mentioned, you will instantly get random faggots telling you that prenups are useless and are thrown away by judges. But if you do even the most basic bits of research, you'll find that this is bullshit.
The thing you're in right now, anon, although perhaps for you it's not just a phase.
why do you think im a retard? and it better not be because you believe i have a "good thing" going, something that a lot of men don't have. everything looks good when you don't have it.
>why do you think im a retard?
Because you want to fuck whores instead of marrying and having kids. This is a retard's way of thinking.

im a nice dude, average to good looking, has money, own place, smart, has hobbies etc.

Cant seem to find a gf though.

Not even asking for a lot. Just want a nice girl to have a deep connection with. No prerequisites. Has to be attractive ofc but thats not hard.
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You will have my time

>im a nice dude
Just this one phrase shows how inexperienced you are. Nice is weak. Weak is attraction killer. Women see this miles away, by the way you talk, things you say, body language. Women are black belts, and you are trying to spar with them with your white belt, shaking legs and one basic move they see through

Nice is manipulative. Nice is dangerous. Nice is repulsive. Peasants are nice. What you want to be is good. Capable of violence, abuse and heartbreak, but choosing to show them kindness insead. When you reciprocate their effort and reward them for being nice to you, intstead of just being nice hoping good boy points wont offend her highness

>average to good looking
So average. Looks for men are not important. You emotional self control, self esteem, self respect does. Work on that

>has money, own place, smart, has hobbies etc.

>Not even asking for a lot

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it doesnt work.

lie and manipulate, its the only way for autists to get gf
Have you ever asked a girl out?
This anon is a total retard, but I'm a phonefag so I don't even bother to break my fingers for him.

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I'm not very funny or snappy or quick with my responses and I think it's impacting me at work. How do I get good at banter?
unironic answer is mindfulness and being in the present moment
Very interesting/astute answer. Can you elaborate more on how to achieve mindfulness? I have the bad habit of being a compulsive daydreamer. I enjoy thinking a lot about what to contribute to the book I'm writing when I'm at work.
Bro you literally just need to be in a good mood and not nervous and your "banter" will be normal. If you're in a good place mentally but still struggle with producing actual words that are pleasant to another human being then find some streamer or podcast with the type of persona you want to give off and just slowly incorporate it into your day-to-day.
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>I'm not very funny or snappy or quick with my responses
faking it isn't going to help you, I'll tell you that.
>I think it's impacting me at work
focus at work and don't worry about socializing. Make your money, put your head down and leave at the end of the day. Why do you care about what they think?
>How do I get good at banter?
practice. Literally by meeting many people. Talk about a myriad of topics. Learn not to be so agreeable. Learn not to be so disagreeable. Add to a conversation, not cut it short by being selfish. Be aware of what is being talked about. These are all skills that can be mastered. Plenty of YouTube videos about this now- go watch some.
you practice like you’d practice learning a language
open excel and start writing down lines + their context that you think were funny from movies/standup/podcasts. once you’ve memorized 1000+ of those you’ll be able to apply something there to almost any context. maybe try to stick with observational humor if you can find more examples of that as it applies
more broadly in day to day situations
there’s no other answer. people who are funny studied exactly like i just said (they wont admit it cuzz that takes away the mysterious “talent”), or they had mates/parents who they passively memorized from

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I went on a walk around this large park on a nice sunny day. I tried to smile at people and most of them avoided eye contact with me. One man just stared at me and didn't return the smile, so I stopped smiling.
I tried to say hi to a woman because she was saying hi to others on the path. She frowned and looked to the other side when I passed her.
I came upon a family with a small child, who took one look at me and started running away. he fell and scraped his hands on the gravel. I didn't know what to say so I just walked past. A young blonde woman walked past, looked scared and started walking very fast when I looked at her.
Everyone else were couples, and looked like they wanted to be left alone.

What am I to make of this? How do I process people acting like this in a more positive way? I went home and cried.
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and the only girl i talk to just got mad at me, mama mia... its over.
people are faggots, sorry you had to experience this man
I I just wish I knew how to process this better. I almost started crying in the middle of the park desu because I felt so dejected.
If I knew what I was doing wrong I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
Based Quasimodo/Shrek

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there's this guy at my work that ive been exclusively eye-fucking for a while now. he ticks all of my boxes. the only thing is that he got married last march. My other coworkers tell me that his girlfriend is fat, ugly, and kind of a bitch, and i feel kind of bad for him in that regard.
i am aware this is morally corrupt, but also everyone reading this thread has a really fucking dark secret to themselves. if its just a secret little thing, it wont have any effect on anything. and if anything does happen, i'll make it clear to him beforehand that this is a decision he is making with his brain and not his dick. i seriously dont want to fuck anything up.
im 99% confident he has a boner for me. i really want to fuck him. how do i go about this discreetly?
>inb4 christfags admonish me for being a harlot
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Retarded bait, kys
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I have a kind of fetishistic taste for chubby older guys. And he's shy, too. aouuuuuu
If this happened im aware we'd both deserve it tbf
wont happen unless he's positive you're not gonna blab like a fuckin shitty young slut will invariably do. So I guess reinforce that somehow, your capacity for secrets.
I'm in a sexless marriage and I work in a factory, how do I get factory sluts like you without getting caught?
100% this
don't listen to anyone here, if you want to bang him. do it. Its men's biological duty to spread seed to as many women as possible.

I'm having hard time coping that I am getting older
You and everyone else.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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she found a better guy
I'm this guy >>31191020 and I just put it into practice. I said hello to a girl at the gym, she thought I wanted to use the same machine and I told her I just wanted to know her. She said "ooooh" and smiled, then I asked her name, where she was from, how long had he been here, etc. After that brief exchange we both stayed silent for a few seconds and I told her "alright, I'll leave you in peace, don't worry" and left. Was it over and did I do right, or should I have pushed more?
Dude, read my post >>31191899
It's over for you if you have to try and think if you did well or not. Just give up or become gay.
just bang other women bro. It's what men are designed to do. Your whole purpose is to spread seed to as many women as possible. Im not joking, do it. You missed a major opportunity. Its only cheating if there's emotion.
This is very well said. I agree with it entirely from the perspective of an experienced guy. It’s all about the energy and vibe and the natural flow of it all. Great examples of guys pointing shit out like glasses or bags. I do a mix of both just direct hitting on girls, witty or observational remarks and I did them anywhere and you described perfectly how it goes down. I try saying on here that you have improv with approaching but I know this is tough to do without a feeling of anxiousness or pressure which is what you want to avoid. Great posts though, it really is as simple as just going up to them and saying something.

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Lets face it – the male libido is a major obstacle to success and peace of mind. Most threads here and many even on other boards like /fit/ or /pol/ have something to do with sex and relationships. Everyone's obsessed and wasting time just thinking about this, and some more wasting a lot more than that. I will not get castrated for obvious reasons, but I would like to shut down my lust and gain more complete control over myself. Share any tips you got.
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I'm on nofap as of yesterday. I'll try not to do it at all from now on. In my experience, the balls will start aching, presumably because they will be full. Hope it won't cause any issues.
>in general more aware of what i really want from women.
I'm not very interested in relationships, and I deem myself too young and broke to become a father. I really only need to kill the libido (or control it) so my mind doesn't wander and distract me. It happens a lot, and I've already said in the OP how it affects nearly everyone here. Too many hours of a day are spent pondering our sex lives.

Success can allow you to coom into desirable women, prostitutes or not. If I were the kind of man that gets hounded by women and can get it easily and for free, I wouldn't be making this thread. The libido of a lot of men is a self-destructive force because its satisfaction comes at a too great price, and masturbation doesn't seem to do it for me anymore. I don't want to touch myself and when I do go down the coomer rabbit hole, my urges become stronger and stronger until I'm cooming 4+ times per day, and that's kind unmanageable for someone who has more important things to do.

I don't want to lower my testosterone. I'm thinking that mastery over mind is possible and can achieve the same or similar thing.

Here's a video I found that seems interesting. Seems to kind of work.
More accurately, I'm on nocoom as of yesterday, and nofap for a while longer. Been to a prostitute and I've had enough spending personal fortunes on quick and simple pleasures.
hey, https://discord.gg/RvKYreJ45V
Wat? Libido isn't an obstacle at all. Wtf are you talking about?
For how much of the day are you horny? Like 30 minutes total? For like 5 minutes after you see a hot girl bend over? Before you rub one out every night? It barely affects your day to day life.

>Most threads here and many even on other boards like /fit/ or /pol/ have something to do with sex and relationships.

Yeah, obviously, feeling horny is part of wanting a relationship, but probably a very small part. The losers he want a qt gf so they can feel accepted, or feel like they have achieved something, or feel normal, or for a while lot of psychological reasons. Removing libido won't suddenly make all the insecurities disappear.
I get what you mean, but I think libido is most of the reason why all these men feel like they need a woman, or at least that's how it seems from my experience because post nut clarity removes any such thoughts and I have learned to dissociate lust from the desire for companionship. What I learned is that I'm really just bothered by the former, and hardly see the point in seeking the latter, but maybe I'm a schizoid and that doesn't apply to most men.

Hello everyone get ready for a long one.

So I've been dating my now wife for close to 10 years, married for about 3 years and our daughter just turned one. For reference Im 31 and shes 32, both from same country etc..

Dating was fun, we had a good time, mostly same values. We eventually moved out, I proposed we got married. Simple story.

Over the last couple of years though things slowly started changing. Sex was decent before, but it got less fun and les often. After living together for a year it was maybe once a week if lucky but more often it was a month or two, but she was going through depression so I waited and was patient.

During this time she wanted to be less and less physical, which was awful because touch is important to me. But again, she was going through a lot so I was trying to be understanding and patient thinking it would pass.

Eventually we wanted a kid so it started up again and it was good, and she got pregnant and then it stopped, which again, figured it was pregnancy so no complaints.

Fast forward to our daughter being born, and again, due to hormones, post partem, etc... I was patient and waiting.

During all this she gained significant weight (Maybe 70lbs) which is...a lot. She started getting a short temper, very snippy, very rude. I'd come home from 12 hours make dinner and all I'd get is a " ...you didnt wipe the kitchen counter wtf"

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adultery and fornication and wrong, but so it complaining in a marriage. maybe she was cheating too, maybe pop the quesiton.

also, whats the image.
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>And if she doesnt want to be touched or want that? now what?
Does she hate being touched? I get the not wanting sex part but you cant even give her a kiss? Or a hug? It is something you have to feel out. Try giving her a hug in these situations when she gets angry, but also try to hug her more often in general.

Another thing you can try is to flirt with her in anger situations.

Really hoping you can save your marriage anon. It will be better for you, your wife and your daughter in the long run.
She doesn't like it because shes insecure about how she looks. She did gain a lot of weight, but the worse part is watching her try to "lose" it by absolutely zero self control.

But, its her insecurity so she feels bad, and doesn't want me touching any part almost because it reminds her how she looks.

I really do hope to save it too, it's why I made this topic on /adv. I only browse /fit otherwise.
Sucks to hear that anon. What options have you tried to get her to lose some of the weight? The easiest way should be a change in the food you keep around the house. Start with something you both benefit from. Also try to introduce a form of excircise that you can do togheter that is low effort. Something like taking a walk around the block togheter.
> After living together for a year it was maybe once a week if lucky but more often it was a month or two, but she was going through depression so I waited and was patient
stopped reading here. if she lives under your roof, she fucks when you want to fuck. if she won’t, fuck her by force. she’ll cry, maybe, and then stop pulling that shit
there is no other answer to this other than accepting you’re a beta and don’t understand women and have too little experience to be free of their nonsense

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How do I get a virgin bride?
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Move to Afghanistan where they haven't caught up with HPTs
how to find a virgin groom?
>do not be fat like gorlock the destroyer
>have better looks than the cavetroll from LOTR, anything 4/10 and above is fine,
(you could probably go down to 3 or even 2/10, but then the plan might only work in 2/3rds of cases instead of >95%)
>go to your local university
>enter the physics or math or any hard STEM department
>grab a random sub 6/10 nerdy looking guy, there'll be boatloads of those
(again you could try to shoot higher, but at 7/10 and above, even if they're the nerdy archetype there is a chance the plan might fail or he isn't a virgin)
>say "you! hey you!, you're my boyfriend now. don't ask questions, do not resist, your acquiescence isn't required, resistance is futile." ~"wh-what...?"~ "shut up. now give me your number so I can scedule and call you when you're supposed to show up for our first date."
congratulations you are now in possession of a virgin guy who's intelligent, highly educated, and has good prospects to get a relatively high paying job directly after finishing his degree
Men can't be virgins.
Online dating.

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Should I take as much AdderaII as needed to achieve my goals?
I'm thinking 20mg every 6 or so hours (3 times a day roughly).
adderall makes me space the fuck out
modafinil makes me want to do shit
id try a buncha diff stuff cuzz everyone seems to react quite diff, i have friends who cant even feel modafinil, and others who get really bad anxiety from adderall, etc

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Today, my girlfriend started crying and throwing a fit after she saw me hugging one of my best friends (who is female). I cannot explain the feeling of well being that hit me, the sense of 'she is afraid of losing me to someone else,' 'I'm important to her,' 'she makes me feel wanted and valuable.' I know what she did was something toxic, but it felt so good.

Is this normal? I don't have much experience with women despite being in my late 20's. She is my second girlfriend ever, my friends are always telling me this is extremely toxic behavior and much of them have broken up with their partners for similar situations. But I don't get what's the issue. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. I actually enjoyed this situation.
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I don't know of it's "normal", probably not. But I love it when my gf gets jealous. The harder she seethes, the more I'm turned on. For example, I kissed her friend she had been insecure about me being around, and she had a meltdown and screamed and threw stuff. I got a massive boner and gave her the hardest dicking I ever have once she calmed down. I think I just love feeling desired and all the chaotic emotions flying around. I will do it again too.
Just be careful, all women are surrounded by crows ready to destroy you and talk trash about you until she believes it, and because of that jealousy, she will possibly sleep with one, and then, no more love. It's over forever.
Take good care of her, don't abuse that jealousy thing, and let her know that she is loved and wanted. Women take revenge, and turn into monsters.
your gf is retarded anon.
Women who are overly jealous are often violent, make sure she isn't.
time for your gf's cuckquean arc

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