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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


Am I the only one here who never even tried to get a girlfriend? I'd love to blame it on being an incel or something but I just never felt like putting in the work, now I'm a 31 HHKV.
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why won't people just choose to be with a mexican instead? they are very attractive, their family is close and a language that is super helpful if you are in the us. i use to work with a guy (long time ago) who had married a mexican woman. she was attractive, educated and they seem to get along pretty well. the only issue that he seemed to have with her was that she really like clothes and spending a decent amount of money on feminine things. she made her own money so it didn't seem to be too big of an issue.

he even had told me how right before the 2008 collapse and banks were giving huge loans to anyone with a pulse, that she was against it. they qualified for something absurd and she was the against the idea of them going into that much debt. i understand that a lot of them can be short and fat, but i still believe that they are a hard working people with strong traditional values.
I love Mexico and learning Spanish. I've visited Mexico City twice and even managed to get laid once. But Mexican people overall are very standoffish to foreigners (or at least to black people).
>why won't people just choose to be with a mexican instead?
The women come over fat, over 30, with a man and some kids. The young ones are out of our league.
Yeah they don't really like niggers in Mexico from what I've heard
My fatass gf is mexican, its very helpful to have a beaner translator. I am currently on the toilet getting my ass destroyed by the Mexican food we ate last night

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Film Edition

Previous thread : >>77394059

Rules: Ignore impolite moids

>What's your favorite film and what do you like about it?
>What genres do you typically prefer?
>Do you have a favorite director? What do you like about their work?
>Is there a film that had a deep impact on you? In what way?
>Is there a film you never tire of rewatching? What keeps you coming back?
>Do you care about the cinematography of a film? If so, what's the most aesthetically pleasing film you've seen?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>And be appreciative of your bf.
i am incredibly appreciative of him every day but i could always strive to do better, and this is a good reminder
>during the ads duh
It's time to start on the next assignment.
>Why are you not able to finish with the gifting? I woukd think your brother woukd still appreciate it.
I already gifted him something for his birthday which was like 2 days ago. other than that, i cant get in contact with him because of his mom.
>what kind of family issues do u have, i hate my family too
all of my family members are annoying in some way. im not sure how i can explain it. for example, my dads a narcissist and my mom is paranoid and overprotective. >>77405717
>by ignoring impolite moids.
i'll try. it sounds like simple advice, but its difficult to follow.
I'm sorry, I thought your brother's b-day didn't occur yet. Did he receive it?
>Just doing a workout, then relax
Nice plan
>dad was not feeling well
Is he okay?
>This nurse is a literal idiot
Do you have to deal with her a lot?

You don't send it to a channel with everyone else, only to and admin. Which is basically the same info it would take if we were to make our own image board, but at least we wouldn't have the infra, legal, infosec, and (partially) moderation issues. I think we shouldn't do anything of that at all. But if most nonas want to do it, at least we should do it right

Gib cinnabar kind of day.
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Can't coom to a married woman.
Just being an all around chudcel.
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aisu its time u know what to do... the cuck and ntr doujins the feminine benis jewpron pipeline to gateway homosex must be destroyed!
Will senpai keep his hands off his pp too?
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succubi flock to me as i have mastered the art of semen retention... aisu u must not listen to them and complete the ritual to ascend to e-chad valhalla
Seeing women as people instead of just coombait... Perhaps... Anything is possible.

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Why is she so proud of doing this? As if she won olympic gold or something.
How the hell do women suck girths that big without getting sore jaws?
she looks like brock turner
you couldn't do this shit btw
>As if she won olympic gold or something.
That's a pretty big exaggeration. If you took a particularly large shit or shot a particularly large load, do you think the expression on your face would be that of an olympic gold winner?
Because women are whores? A useless talent unless she's going to make a horse cock sucking video.

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Look at this cute doggy /r9k/!
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She's a doggirl anon!
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Look at this Shiba Inu doggy!
We like dogs here.
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Teenage doggy
I am happy that you have shared these dogs with us anon

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Work-able males need to WORK or else the ECONOMY will COLLAPSE, destroying our SOCIETY. Understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
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Where the fuck are the factories? How can I MAKE things? Our economy is 80% a service ponzi scheme

>it's immoral to not like browns
>it's totally kill to murder people

You have a bunch of scrambled shit for a brain.
I'm talking pragmatics. I don't care about morals.
I hear you anon. If somebody I don't know has to get shot in order to get my air conditioner fixed twice as fast for half the price, I accept the deal. So long as these violent thirdies are also competent tradies, I'm in.
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I want it to burn in nuclear flames
I want to hunt and kill normies for fun

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I literally don't believe it when normies say they have hard lives. Or that life is hard in general. I'd say robots in the west have a harder life than 90% of people on this planet including normies born in shitholes. Life is handed to you on a silver platter as a normie. Robots have to fight like hell for every single little thing.
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then no, I don't want to hurt anyone or see anyone be hurt. maybe I'm just a pussy but oh well.
1 death is a tragedy, 100 deaths is a statistic. Empathy would be finding out a robot successfully got a gf and being happy for them, or being upset for them if said gf cheated on them. It's basic camaraderie.
Robots cheat all the time, I hate them
>The most-important causes of sociopathy, in contrast, lie in physical or emotional abuse or severe trauma experienced during childhood.
>To put the matter simplistically,
>psychopaths are born, and sociopaths are made.
I spend 12 hours a day in front of a computer

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no means no chud
unless you are attractive of course
I literally just saw this on Youtube seconds ago
Fix this fucking simulation now
men are still asking women out? thought that was a no-no as well, you have to get filtered through their apps safely now
>psyop into submission and guilt and paranoia
>huh men are not men anymore
well played for everyone, really
bruh why can't they just fucking make the move themselces instead of playing stupid mind games(manipulating men)??
I think someone might have posted it here as a Reddit screencap the other day

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Space cult twinks ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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Not even onion rings?
Griff do you let your cowboy get graped by the swamp rapist? Who got it better Arthur or John?
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Past a certain age a man without a bf can be a bad thing.
I eat veggies every day, granted I drink daily too but that broccoli has got to be doing something
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bitch gave me fleas

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killed a demoralizer thread
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happy to help
kys demoralizer
>kys demoralizer
they are not a demoralizer, they rewarded your post with a funny meme related to a demoralizers constant demoralization.
Someone please dump Glegle porn!
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>they are not a demoralizer, they rewarded your post with a funny meme related to a demoralizers constant demoralization.
i'll blame the autism which I mostly don't have instead of taking accountability
there were some in the /trash/ sticky vut I didn't save them
>i'll blame the autism which I mostly don't have instead of taking accountability
no offense my friend, but you are indeed very autistic

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Im an Israeli anon and I want u guys to get to know me better
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ever had calamari?
I already know you, sandnigger, you're one of those middle eastern southern shore mutts whether you live on the mediterranean or anywhere else.
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Do you ever fear you might have to one day fight a formidable warrior class and not inbreds that can barely read?
Insomnia again? Lama lo b mitah, tzricha l hatcheel od yom
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Sandnigger sandnigger sandnigger https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q57783046
>*doubly banned for reflecting jewish racism aimed at jews*

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Would (you) plug yourself in a Matrix-tier VR for the rest of your life?
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>free will
yeah, because reality is really great
never, once you step in, you're in forever. you might experience being unplugged and exiting the pod, but that's also part of the simulation.
>he thinks he has free will in modern society

i mean for all we know, that's what we're currently living in. a god (or other higher entity) existing in the way that religious people think doesn't make much sense, as it would make no sense for us to be able to even comprehend an entity that created us
Who's to say we haven't already? Maybe this is all YOUR choice anon.
wake up
If I'm keeping us in here, whatever's outside must be truly horrible.

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is it true that you americans place toilet paper on the seat when you use a public toilet?
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only when they don't have the paper sheets used to cover toilets.
Why are you going after my man Dave like that, he's a solid guy.
well, fucking Dave likes to heat his fucking salmon at the office microwave and stinking all the fucking floor, he can go and fuck himself
Using public toilets at all is nasty other than standing pissing. But if there is an emergency then yeah. I aint sitting on that fucking thing bare
Why cant Dave eat cold? File a complaint to HR.

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