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>just discover the funny trivia that rabbits eat their own poop
>I remember that in islam pork is considered impure for a similar reason
>do a quick google research to discover if rabbit meat is halal or haram
>it's fucking halal and it's consumption is actually endorsed in the quran

Godamn islam is pure hypocrisy
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Tbh you don't need to be a Christian to find killing fetuses morally abhorrent.
>we don't know how to preserve meat with salt even though the sun beats down on us and we live on a peninsula
Yeah no wonder most of your population is inbred
Pigs are relatively clean animals. Pig rearing practices make them live in their own shit
Because they're considered companion animals, and because they are far less efficient at turning grass into meat than cows are.
Mostly because of the friend aspect. Horses are some of the smartest herbivores, and the use of horses requires cooperation between the rider/driver, which often leads to mutual respect and a bond.
So your best argument is
>it makes me feel icky
Which is about as sound as
>magic book said no
This is a good example too. Horse slaughter is illegal in the US because it makes horse girls feel icky. That's it. Those feelings aren't shared elsewhere, horse meat is readily available in most of Europe and even just across the US border in Mexico. But the feelings of horse people were put ahead of logic and horse slaughter is against the law. This is no more or less logical than not eating pige because magic book said not to.
>The Pork Taboo has more to do with economic warfare against the Hebrew urban middle class in 7th century BC than anything else
Now explain the pork taboo in Judaism.

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Pretty much. So many legends we’ve produced. Makes me proud.
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I'm a bigger fan of the cenozoic than the mesozoic. Reason why is because it's a pretty diverse time to be alive all things considered. It may be called the age of mammals, but there are a lot of reptiles and birds that have a mainstay, and even more if you include the past of the cenozoic with things like elephant birds and palaeophis and such. Only ones that get a raw deal are amphibians and invertebrates, which is also why I like the paleozoic the most.
I really like that image. Very dark souls.
What the fuck is that lovecraftian horror flying in the left image? What does the AI know that we don't?

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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Anyone know what this is? Found him on my porch.
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wheel bug nymph
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ty anon
love these little guys
I’m enjoying the opportunity to talk this much about moths
>I've seen in some species of moths that they don't have mouths and live very short lifespans, like 2 weeks
Yes, silkmoths don’t have developed mouthparts so they can’t eat. As caterpillars of course they eat loads, but as moths their only purpose is to reproduce.
>How come they don't have any- mouth appendages to consume food? Isn't it counter-intuitive?
Not eating lets them put all their focus on mating. A surprising number of insects work like this, where they eat in the early stages of life, then once they become adults they don’t eat, just bone. Crane flies and sawflies do this. All the species of moths I raise are silkmoths so they have very short lives as adults

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How is it that some non-social animals become very social when in contact with humans?
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that tiger is likely drugged to shit.
You have any citations or are you just gonna be a hummie hating pessimist?
wtf that timger has human feet
"Non-social" mammals usually make an exception for their parents, which is what that tiger thinks that man is

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i got a box with 170 dubia, couple of them turned adult last week
im planning on separating 60 weakest adult males, preferably those who grew slowest, so they wont breed
how can i mark the 1st 20 males, so i know to keep them?
a drop of nail polish or permanent marker on their head
this may actually kill the bugs, since the volatile organic compounds from a lot of those products can fuck PEOPLE up with close enough expose, and the bugs are thousands of times less massive, thus substantially more sensitive to it. even the ethanol from sharpies might be enough to fuck the bug.
You want a non-toxic paint or paint marker, posca is the major name brand but any water-based non-toxic paint will do.
My dubias appear to not be breeding. I have a ceramic heater maintaining at 90 F, I give them a mix of fish food, cricket feed, and various fruit and Veg scraps. What am I missing? Is it humidity? Should I give them substrate too?

There's flies plaguing my room, what should I do about this, /an/?
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“It”? So just one you dramatic faggot? Don’t waste my time with such trivialities again before I cut off your internet access
When I moved my new place had a fly problem and these helped a ton. Put some syrup or honey in the bottom cup and it works well.
This but cloth moths that probably came with the shitty arabian rug my aunt gifted me.
Then he should probably introduce house geckos to keep the spider population in check.

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>friendly fire: disabled
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so when are you starting warfare against indonesia?
It's not about food it's about violence
They are so SILLY
>recreating shitbulls
they‘re going to toadline horses soon

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animals in ohio

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anything goes
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middle row just looks like monkey putin
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I love them, they're little gremlins
Khabib Nurmagomedov looking ass nigga
>african hominid looks like an african hominid
Who could have ever imagined such a thing.

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good luck will come to you.
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Oddly suggestive
Anon wtf
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Get your mind out the gutter

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Horse General

May Edition

>>4777567 - Previous Thread
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no those have other deformities
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I find miniature horses fascinating. They kinda have horse-like proportions but are incredibly small.
Ponies on the other hand have ... pony proportions.
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pls no bully the pony they have a lot to worry about as is

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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Just pass the flyers out at the truck stop already

“Schizos” are only after mr puppy tape/stretching kit goes brrr/“i gave her to a fellow zoo”. Justifiably. We’re passing flyers out at some truck stops soon with your dog and your posts. No zoo goes unpunished.
Based! Add these flyers to the general for distribution reasons.
My least favorite dog is becoming my favorite dog
Why tho?
They're just too good looking

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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Why is he even apologizing? Did people get upset or someshit?
he's pre-empting internet warriors before they genuinely get upset
he's not nearly big enough a creator he could weather a full on assault some outrage group accusing him of being racist or god forbid a nazi
>Name me any major societal good that gender transitioning in and of itself has done.
lets you spot the mentally deranged from a mile away
>I hate how people are quick to take the moral high ground over something that nobody actually knows the answer to. We have no idea how biodeterminist or culturally determinist sapient species are because we only have one surviving species to go off of.
This just isn't true. Even though we only have humans as subjects we still have the entire breadth of human cultures to examine and from this we can determine which behaviours are most likely innate (if they're found across all human cultures) and what are most likely learned (if they are isolated to certain cultures). e.g. empathy is universal and so is probably an innate part of being human, but smiling to communicate happiness isn't universal and so probably isn't innate.
>empathy is universal and so is probably
there's no "probably" we know even the part of the brain responsible by it and what happen when it doesn't develop properly

>smiling to communicate happiness isn't universal and so probably isn't innate.
were did you got this ? because smiling as a sign of happiness is an involuntary response and is extremely unlikely that it isn't innate as all other facial cues/expressions

also you missed the whole point, no matter where we humans are in the bio-cultural gradient because we are the only subject and therefore we can't extrapolate us 1:1 to what other sapient beings will be in that scale

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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
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It's sad these ones went extinct before we could see them. We have dog like cats in Africa, it would be cool to see cat like dogs there too.
What a weird name for an animal. Must have been Spanish
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>Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
The only good advice when it comes to owning one of these guys is to not do it.
They were named before the other pandas. Making them the real pandas

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Alright I’m gonna buy some ducks.
>I have 6 females and want a male.
Going to get 1 male automatically but should I get 2 males?
>I want to get at least one more female.
Going to get 3 ducks, should I get 2 males and a female or 2 females and a male?
>If I get two males, should they be different breeds?
Which breed(s)? My 6 females are Swedish blue. Also is that too many males:females ratio? Will two males be too much for the 7 females?
>Should the ratio be 2:7 males:females or 1:8?
Also, should I get a goose?
>Please respond.
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Respond. Now.
I reiterate, this is a thread about ducks so you’re all legally obligated to respond.
Okay I’m getting a blue Swedish female, a khaki Campbell male, and a silver Appleyard male to add to my 6 blue Swedish females. Unless anyone else has any suggestions.

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