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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Wooden Grips Edition

Get gud doc: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

previous: >>61569338
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you don't need to know since we're full anyway
Hard to move just because firefighting, especially wildlands is a really niche career field and limited heavily on location. Also moving costs a shitload of money, priced out Uhauls and that shits like $4k one way now. At the point where I'm considering swallowing my pride and working for the gas station in town. At least I'd be making $10/hr over my current wage.
He’s not American. You don’t want to go to his smelly country.
but I am american???

I've recently learnt the AJAX Fighting vehicle which uses a CTAS40 40mm Cannon only carries only 68 rounds in total.
Does this affect fighting capability? Or is 40mm and up acceptable because it is more powerful.
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retard confirmed. nuff sed.
post address.
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Recon vehicles need firepower to hit tanks, helis or whatever the fuck they find.
CT40 is the best light cannon in existence.
>best anything
Fuck ya mudda

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with a little bit of, uh uh
and a little bit of, uh uh
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>Surely you just jest
it ends with a fucking baseball game lol
From now on we’re gonna have to earn our stories
No, it ends with interview footage of Winters and other members of Easy Company
yeah but the show itself ends with a malick tier baseball game complete with sappy nostalgic narration before cutting to the "no bobby, I'm no hero but I served in an Easy Company of Heroes™
Anyone else have military stories?
>Doing MOUT at night.
>Dude forgot to put batteries in his nods before stepping and was too embarrassed to say anything.
>He actually makes it up a flight of steps in pitch black but on the way down he falls down every single one and breaks his ankle.
>First sausage forces him to stand on his fucked ankle while he blasts him and his squad leader
>First sausage gets reported because of this and relieved of command.

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>You clearly need them to know how much you’ve been struggling and telling them might reassure them that even you are having a hard time.
Any time i so much as hint that I'm struggling all I get is "what else is new" or "so is everyone else" or "do your best"
>be me
>just turned 21
>buy cheap ass 1911
>hollow points won't load
>get bright idea
>dremel the feed ramp
>gun bricked
>sell it for $100 of parts
And this is why home gunsmithing is not for retards
I bought my first gun so that I could KMS, but it jammed on me twice. I sold it, bought a shotgun to do it right later, but ended up selling that too.
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Every surplus bolt action I own I've dill and tapped it for era appropriate mount with period correct optics
Media of honor gave me a crippling fetish for scoped military bolt actions.
I'm really into 3d modeling. I also can't tell my family that I like 3d modeling because the only thing I've ever done with it is make fetish porn. It has gotten to the point where I'm planning to make something sfw just to have things to show them in case they find out.
I shoot my bows far more than my guns because I'm a broke college student and bullets cost money. I would like to talk about archery on /k/ but I have accepted that all archery threads will either die or immediately become the gayest, most retarded thread on the site.
I've been meaning to design my dad an insertable monopod for the two guns he has with ar15 pattern grips. He used to ask me to do it all the time but I put it off so long he's given up asking. I think I'm going to actually do it this summer, I feel bad about blowing it off.
I don't hate glocks all that much, I just think they're somewhat overpriced and that other companies do it better. I also constantly mock glocks on 4channel because glock/sig fanboys are the firearms equivalent of stoners.
I think Azur Lane psi-oped me into liking aircraft carriers. I was never into them before I found out about azur lane, now I really really like them. Same story with Hideki Kaneda and the bf109/Hurricane or any aircraft not used in the pacific theater.

What was Putin's end game?

Was destroying Ukraine worth it? They have to call it a war against NATO because their own propaganda points about it being a "brother war" make it even worse. If Ukraine is Russian then that makes this a civil war. Ukraine and Russia are like Germany and Netherlands

Who is starting the brother wars? Objectively Russia is, all else is bullshit propoganda that led to your sons dying for a worthless brother war in Ukraine while China is stealing Russian minerals, water and women and soon probably just outright siezing your land
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Someone already pointed out it will take over 100 years and all the remaining russian combat capable manpool for monke to just take an additional 9 percent of Ukraine, and this is assuming they somehow manage to stop their current military technological decline and western MIC support becomes stagnant.
I wonder if Ukraine will make or get an iron dome equivalent once they win and can start building back up again. I can't imagine that they would want to get invaded again.
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He hit the accelerator brake on the Jewish/American post-WWII liberal world order decline. Probably should have waited another few years until America turns majority nonwhite and things really start to fall apart but Putlers getting old and decided to start it off right after (((The American Government))) finalized their embarrassing 20 year long war loss to the Taliban.
I've seem enough forced conscription arrests and Ukrainian immigrants fleeing conscription to know this is part of your bullshit psyop. I would support Ukraine's independence but that's not what they're fighting for, they're fighting to be a vassal of the corrupt and homosexual USA. If a true third position arose I'd support it but you have to believe in the most blatant bullshit propaganda to think they're fighting for true independence and what's best for the Ukrainian people.
I don't know if you have checked the news but all these "non important" countries are expanding their military industries.

I want you to understand this, 1 people out of 100 or 200 being some deluded mutilated homosexual and then some other people feeling pity for him and some scores of brown it's not going to break a nation military capabilities, if western militaries were to set the bar to the level Russia has done so they would get enough recruits to outnumber even the chinese, as things stand the extra cash of "The End of History" period has allowed for social extravagances to come up unchecked but ultimately these aren't going to win Russia the war, if anything Russia has reminded the west while all these non-western actors deserve a boot to their faces.

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There is no reason to carry anything other than a Glock 19.
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>watch any police bodycam and see how bad pistols are at killing people
I watch a ton of bodycam footage and the cops are constantly killing people. The video descriptions are always "despite the officers/first repsonders providing life-saving measures, the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene/hospital"

>you can accidentally press the mag release
To both of you: all the more reason to just carry a revolver
after they dump an entire magazine and a half into the suspect

>Taurus 856 with belt clip
lol, these are the people you talk to online
>external hammer
>belt clip
This is how you shoot your dick off.
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there is no reason to drive anything other than a honda civic
It’s not a cute look though

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Might not be worth much in the immediate aftermath, but history will see such a short lived monarch after such a long lived monarch as a curiosity, especially one with, let’s be honest, a spotty and questionable past.
So probably close to melt to start, but a few years down the line they’ll develop a more numismatic value
You can visually see where the copper washing has rubbed off on where the casings hit the mount. I doubt moving the optic will make a difference if anything the mount needs to be cut back to clear the action.
What gun?
Lurk more

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>For the 10th anniversary of Azov they held a youth knife fighting tournament
/KG/ won
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>They are slowly losing battles, and will lose the war when western support dies off as it is starting to do in the US.
2 more weeks? Election season bullshit does not correlate with the loss of support. After the election, things will go smoothly. Especially since trump/other Republicans supported the aid after meeting with European officials.
Since you're clearly experts on Azov and Joo funding in Ukraine care to tell us what you know about Kolomoisky? Enlighten me
Jews fighting for a White country and not running away. Why would I hate this
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>doesn't even deny it anymore
*Hava Nagila intensifies*

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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

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I don't know, but getting TS clearance would open doors to the world. I would think that I could work at an alphabet soup or contractor while in the reserves. I need you anons to get me some info
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>Met an O-3 who thinks BRS got rid of the pension and would not believe me when I told him otherwise
How did this misinformation spread so far? Why don't people look up their own retirement benefits?
People are retarded and don't think about the future.
You can transition from active to reserve easily but i don't think reserve->active is a thing. Unless you get lucky and string together activations/ADOS/EAD orders.
This could work but what are the experience requirements in an example usajobs posting you're looking at?
Is going nuke as bad as they say it is?

>foreign military aircraft you are entering our air identification zone prease go away quickly to avoid misjudgement

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So….honest question. Has ANY SHORAD with the exception of the Pantsir done any kind of AD work in a recent war? Furthermore has ANY gun SHORAD produced results in any modern conflict?
Gepard and to a lesser extent Avenger have done their fair share against drones.
Amusingly ZU-2-23s, KPVs and ZPU-4s have shot down a decent number. Ukraine has two batteries of KS-19s but i have no idea if they are using them as AAA, last i heard they use them as rapid fire artillery.
Crotale doing god's work in Ukraine
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Ukes relied heavily on Stormer-mounted Starstreak for their attacks on Izyum and Kherson because they lack self-propelled SHORAD

and as countless WGRD players discovered, it has an occasionally-useful anti-IFV capability

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My Brazilian boy made me $50 @UFC301
Need to buy a new mount
Old >>61572935
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Harris SBRM 6-9 (nice) with the A2 approved Pod Loc and paracord mod. KAC mount optional for extra gucci points.
>I know this concept sounds strange but some people use their gear outside
Except he JUST got it a day ago
Went to train in with the idf years ago. Those girls are massive sluts. Pretty good chance I've got a few half kikes running around Israel now.

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Just how many guns do chuds in burgerland own exactly? Is it true that half the world's firearms are owned by red-capped, NASCAR-watching, truck-mudding, Murica firstin' burgers? How does the world cope? There would literally be no way to attack or invade the USA the moment an invader hits a red state.
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Any place with shall-issue permits? Canada is like this, your gun license is basically your background check, and your gun isn't registered.
The mongols are literally at the gates. True.
>Just how many guns do chuds in burgerland own exactly?
There's 16 in just my house.
>Is it true that half the world's firearms are owned by red-capped, NASCAR-watching, truck-mudding, Murica firstin' burgers?
>How does the world cope?
Who cares? Of I hlgave a fuck what the rest of the world thought, I'd cease being American and probably get some faggy little "accent".
>There would literally be no way to attack or invade the USA the moment an invader hits a red state.
Very ambitious of the poor fool to think he'd even get that fat.
Nearly 3 million square miles and the majority of privately owned arms.
The only way this country gets taken is voluntarily or through a catastrophic civil war
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>Without asking the government for permission to arm yourself
It's not the government's decision if I have a gun or not. No state in the US requires a permit to own a gun.

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