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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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I would like to 'de-Nazify' alot of my beliefs about this world, what books should I read for this?
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>i want to be fucked by futa.
Me too bro
It's not fair
>I would like to 'de-Nazify' alot of my beliefs about this world, what books should I read for this?
The problem isn't Nazis, it is Germans, read Christopher Browning _Ordinary Men_.
That's a horrible thing to say. No people are evil by virtue of blood.
>conservatives bitching about sustainability
god, I've never been smugger.
I doubt anyone who reads can maintain the /pol/ driven nazi meme. I mean this sincerely, having read Mein Kampf and modern bullshit like Siege. It’s so atrocious the people who praise it can’t have read any of it and are doing it as a joke or signalling flag.
If you’re actually some flavour of extreme right today you wouldn’t touch those retarded losers with a ten foot pole.
>hurp a durp I can’t believe in a conspiracy of elites without the JOOOS and that must mean nazism bad
As if nazis invented antisemitism. Again, just shows you know nothing and have read nothing.
>hurp durp aryan
You don’t know shit about biology or haplogroups. Neither did the nazis.
>hurp durp duh left
As retarded as nazis, with nearly identical persecution complexes, you people only disagree if the evil capitalist piggy wears a kippah or not. Violent overthrow to enact the not-dictatorship that will truly free the people, free speech bad, wrongthink punishable, unpersons get the wall. All the fighting between nazis and antifa is clearly repressed homolust. You should just fuck each other like the fags you are.

Post your favorite literature quotes.
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>Came to learn that none of this stuff really imparts wisdom, and learning only happens from experience.
Experience is the hardest way to learn. You shouldn't have to put your hand in fire to know that it burns.

If you do that says you're pretty blind.
I have never read this woman, I stumbled her quote searching for something else, I think its pretty neat.
A pedophile.
>But in some cases it is really more creditable to be carried away by an emotion, however unreasonable, which springs from a great love, than to be unmoved.
"But what makes you think one girl came up with the idea, and nota few at once? What makes you think a girl came up with it at all, and a country girl at that? Couldn't it have been some fast-talker, wanting to get sucked off for free?" talking about health benefits of semen

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Does the Book of Job teaches us that God is a sadistic tyrant who likes making innocent people suffer for no reason?
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I'll just leave this here, as commentary I liked despite not being religious
I believe God gave us intelligence and expected us to use our brains to ask questions about reality around us. Are you saying that we don't even have the right to ask? Why did God give us intelligence then if he doesn't want us to use it?
Yeah, the demiurge is a dick
>low wit: God is a tyrant
>Mid wit: If you believe in God you must accept the good and the bad for how could anyone question the intelligence that created everything
>High wit: God is a tyrant and will gaslight you by making you think his works relate to him not directly fucking you over. ps wife's & children don't mean shit
>Are you saying that we don't even have the right to ask? Why did God give us intelligence then if he doesn't want us to use it?

you can ask, but can't demand an answer. sometimes there is a clear answer, sometimes there isn't. be grateful for what we are given, not entitled for what we don't have

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Will zoomer literature usher a right-wing cultural revolution and finally produce contemporary prose worth reading?
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McCarthy wasn't wrong. The country was being infected with Marxist communists. He just didn't know it was a Jewish plot and his efforts were subverted.

If he actually succeeded we wouldn't be in this mess.
You are so goddamned brainwashed by modern American-based culture war bullshit it’s ridiculous. (You are right though that there really historically, factually, and obviously was communist infiltration, as, for just one example, revealed from parts of the Verona project eventually being declassified and revealing sophisticated Soviet spy networks in U.S.), but the movement still ended up targeting and harming the careers and reputations of many likely innocents as collateral damage. Plus thousands of gays or suspected gays being fired from federal government jobs during it, for instance (because of fears they could be a good Trojan horse for getting blackmailed by communists, which may even be true in some cases but it’s still an example since it’s dubitable this applied to every one of them).

>and has never really been a dangerous or edgy position to hold
You sound so fucking retarded when you make incredibly broad “all”/“never” statements like these. I’m not even a leftist and can admit there were times in the U.S. (I’ll be generous and leave out obvious things like violent CIA-backed coups in Latin American countries to eradicate socialism, or it certainly being very edgy and dangerous to be hold open leftist views under the Third Reich) when there were cases in which it was “dangerous to be a leftist.” A mild example, the Dixie Chicks speaking out against Bush, and backlash and radio boycotts against them. MLK Jr. surveilled, harassed, and threatened by the FBI. COINTELPRO again. A more extreme example, violent KKK attacks/beatings/lynching/murdering. Medgar Evers (black civil rights leader) gets assassinated. Tulsa Race Riots. Etc

This could have been written twenty years ago. It's not like internet slang, wikipedia, emojis and l33tspeak didn't exist.
oldest millennials were in their 20s in the 2000s. is that still considered childhood to gen X faggots?
>Plus thousands of gays or suspected gays being fired from federal government jobs during it, for instance
And who do you think were the biggest victims of this? That’s right: conservatives

Based or cringe?
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You shouldn't need an old hippie to tell you that. You shouldn't be talking to old hippies at all unless they only used to be and aren't any more. Kerouac is only redeemable for the fact that he fits into the latter category. He (pretty early on) saw how what he and his generation were doing would ultimately be destructive. That being said I don't blame him or them for acting that way in their youth at that time in history. It made sense. There's also nothing redeemable about the sort of post-industrial Mad Men world that was in full flow and that they were rebelling against. Unfortunately they didn't have the foresight to see that there was and is a third path between conservatard wagie drone and libshit faggot. But Kerouac finally saw the light towards the end of his days. His late life interview on Buckley is extremely based and I honestly get why he drunk himself to death. He was no GLR or William Pierce and he knew that but yeah eventually he went back to Catholicism, denounced the hippie movement, and gave a huge middle finger to America and modernity in general. Good for him. Love me Ti Jean. RIP. Truly.
Don't tell me what to do or not do Anonymous.
>In Palimpest, Vidal’s memoir, he devoted 10 pages to describing his final meeting with Allen Ginsberg in 1994, and how the two men discussed what happened that August night with Kerouac. “Jack bought Burroughs and me together at the San Remo, on the edge of Greenwich Village,” wrote Vidal. “Hot night. Jack was manic. Sea captain’s hat. T-shirt. Like Marlon Brando in Streetcar. Drinking beer. Burroughs looked like a traveling salesman who had traveled too far in a wrinkled gray suit. He had published a good novel, Junkie under the name William Lee....Bill was quiet. Jack was loud. I suppose he was drunk.” Instead of letting Burroughs make a pass at Vidal, Kerouac started flirting with Vidal himself.
>According to Vidal, the two writers had intercourse. In the morning, Vidal wrote, “We had woken up on a low double bed...Jack was hungover. After we had dressed, he said he would have to take the subway back to wherever he was living with a black girl,” who would be Alene Lee, the woman who inspired The Subterraneans. “Only I don’t have money,” said Kerouac. “I gave him a dollar, and said ‘Now you owe me a dollar,’ which he reports in The Subterraneans.
>Forty-one years later, Ginsberg told Vidal that “’Jack was rather proud of the fact that he blew you.’
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>I don’t get what your alluding to but no
It happened to Burroughs and it's generally considered to be the inciting incident that brought him to the things he wrote about and coming to terms with the way it colored his latent homosexuality. I was implying that maybe you and your brother are brain fucked fags that get off on being scum. Respectfully of course, that kind if living can produce interesting art.

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What literature is xe referring to?
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You don't need theorists for something that is just evidently natural for humans to believe. You only need theorists to lie to you when have to lie to people.
I don't know bro, literature can make you more cautious. Seeing characters fall from the shallowest, typical dramas. Literature can make you cold hearted, too objective and analytical, seeing people as characters playing silly games. Can give you a false sense of above- it -all -ness, which no one really is. In this world you are a player whether you see it or not, and literature as well as sapping up your time gives you a sociopath's perspective and can teach you to un-play life.
This is the most blatantly transparent bait I've seen a while, it doesn't bode well for the Fascist-Racist intelligentsia if they can get hooked this easily.
>You can tell that Unamuno has never been to a proper shithole country.
He's literally from Spain.
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>brahmin poetic genius
Would you drink water from the dirty feet of this poetic genius?

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Post your novel idea. It's not like their going anywhere.
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no, maybe like >>23356923 suggests, it's a bit edgy. Mostly I prefer doing wordplay, myth, general stoner nonsense that doesn't try to intersect with the 'real' world much at all.
Yeah but I'm a faggot who uses a typewriter so I'd either have to switch to a computer like a normal person or scan it in
And also the Slender Man is in the tapes and starts haunting her in real life
Sounds like early Hayao Miyazaki kinda, I'm into it
>Toy Story 5

>The Block
it could be a triple entendre; it refers to the chopping block (guillotine), the inanimate nature of the characters (building blocks i guess??), and perhaps the setting of the book is contained within a single city block. it's not very clever in retrospect.

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Make use of your local libraries
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So much this. And I'm a poorfag so I only read from my phone..imagine reading aristotles entire work on your phone. This hurts anons
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I've never really liked the library. I don't like the time limit placed on reading the book as I have a very longstanding habit of reading multiple books concurrently. In 2019 I surrendered to the ereaders once and for all. I was already a seasoned digital pirate and having nearly (key word: nearly) everything I could ever want, for free, both on my Kindle Paperwhite, and on my phone. However I found PDFs to be unpleasant to read on my phone, and impossible on my Kindle with the 7.5" screen. Some ebooks were only available on PDF. So after several years of going out of my way to purchase said books that were a) only available on PDF, or b) not available digitally at all, now I only need go with option b) when it comes to buying new/specific/physical books as I bought a tablet earlier this year and finally am able to read all those PDFs I previously couldn't. I still buy the odd random book though, usually unexpected finds in thrift stores.
>Kindle for epubs
>Samsung tablet for PDFs
>Amazon and Indigo for the hyper specific stuff
>Value Village for surprise finds
>while supporting the author
Lol. Lmao even. If you pirate it and give it a glowing review on a couple of sites that’s doing more than a rental does.
>walk into library
>the middle aged female receptionists stare me down until i leave
Nonironically this. Whenever I ask these overweight, likely liberal women anything they act as if I've bothered them and not asked them to do their fucking job. Not sure why, as I'm 6'0ft and have nice hair and fairly handsome. The older librarians like me, though.

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For the discussion of Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia and other genres such as Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.

You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

For published novels and tradSci-fi/Fantasy please head on over to >>/sffg/

Due to the constant complaints from /sffg/ I have decided to create a general that will primarily focus on the Eastern web/light novel and English litrpg scene.

>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is:
>Website for Litrpg:
>A website that hosts the metadata of many Eastern web/light novels and translation links:

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Li Fan is rapidly becoming the peak of bugman mindset characters in Xianxia.
>evil or edgelord protagonists
this is good, wdym
I stopped around 600, but he seems pretty good to me? Relative to his age.
Hopefully it gets translated. Tales of Herding Gods and Rise of Humanity were both fun.

Sounds interesting, I'll check it out. I like simulation type stories.

That's part of the fun. You'll never see characters like this in western novels.
I'm not 12 any more and I'm not into romance books

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ç'est sordide comment la vie continue edition

previous >>23352785
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I feel as if woman aren't human.
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I've been there brother.
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Its okay anon, better luck next time.

On a side note, I did go on a date and turns out the girl is very similar to my ex and I don't want to date her anymore.
chuddie incel

Do Buddhists believe in Free Will or not? Can there be Free Will without an unchanging independent self?
All the replies below this one would do well to note that free will as we debate in the West is a consequence of Augustine (and later Luther) attempting to reconcile an omnipotent, omniscient God with the ontological existence of evil. Augustine (and later Luther) reconcile the contradiction with the doctrine of original sin.
In Buddhism, there is no omniscient, omnipotent God (see Nāgārjuna and Vasubandhu), so we should not presuppose the Western paradigm of free will.

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If youre a red scare pod reddit fag, fuck off of 4chan, you nihilistic bitch. Dime Square losers, get out
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The scenario you've laid out is just as fraudulent. Everyone has trials and there's no way you could look at an old man going to church and conclude anything about him, let alone that he's got a happy and fulfilling life. You sound straight up delusional.
Redscare is literally a jewish psyop and you can't convince me otherwise. They larp as catholics but fuck jews (BAP); they claim to dislike racemixing, but fuck jews. Like this guy says >>23358197 there's no real subststance to thier larp, they just turn these things into a quirky aesthetic for other women to download, until they move onto the next aesthetic.
Seriously, it's like Mossad collected SFW /pol/ opinions, downloaded it into these husks of women to spread it to other women and effeminate men so it all becomes one big le ironic larp, which will then in turn make the masses reject those original ideas as le ironic larp, therefore taking away their power as ideas.
Any man who listens to Redscare voluntarily and/or thinks Dasha is attractive is literally a fucking faggot.
>Verification not required.
These girls have fucked so many men that the microchimerisms left in their cunt has turned them into a Frankenstein-esque amalgamation of all the edge-lord retards they've let hit over the years; except those edgelords have likely koved on and stopped sperging out on the internet and have a career.
Also, how could anyone find these girls attractive? They don't have blue eyes, they have no sovl.
So what is she now?
luv dasha
simple as

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which one?
Solaris >>> Roadside Picnic > Metro 2033
i'm just interested in these 2 for now
why is picnic better?
get some real literature instead
I didn't read roadside picknick, but I did Metro 2033 and found it boring
It's just a guy with a quest going from station to station meeting different political ideologies. That's at least half of the book. I guess woooah neo nazi and neo communist stations in the apocalypse would be fun if you're 15, but I'm 28, so it's really boring. Especially because it's all surface level stuff that you would expect, no interesting spin to any of them. The interesting stuff - the dark ones and some psychic effects metro has on people do not occupy that big of a part of the book (looked at by volume)
I honestly don't know how could there be 2 more books placed in that same metro. I bought the whole trilogy together thinking I would love it because I loved the games, but i deeply regret it.
Concept is more interesting and I like the prose better (though that might just be up to the translation). A major distinction that I think may also be a factor is the sense of other worldliness that picnic sets up that is missing in metro. The encounters with incomprehensible alien technology and its implication > Human error makes scary monsters with their barely known singular technology in my opinion. The ground is just more fertile for the imagination.

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>read about a religion
>"ooh, maybe I'll convert"
>read about a political ideology
>"ooh, maybe this is what I should follow?"
Books that will help me stop being so weak-minded and suggestible?
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what makes you so exceptional as to not be a follower ? You're just some guy on 4chan.
Did you mean to respond to a different post?
You can really smoke anywhere? I thought it was illegal
Everything’s legal as long as you don’t get caught
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Here’s a pop sci book on the subject, but I haven’t read it

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