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Do you ever make your own breakfast sandwiches at home?
Yes, bec

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If you are not using a rice cooker to prepare your rice, grow up. Boiling it in a pot is not the correct way to prepare your rice. Get a rice cooker. Grow up.
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Actually, cooking it in a pot is the objectively correct way.
>wash rice
>add to pot with plenty of boiling water in it, like it's pasta
>return to boil
>cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes depending on desired firmness
>immediately return to pot and cover
>let sit/steam for 10 minutes
>it's done
When you drain the water, you drain out about 60% of the arsenic in the rice with it.
In conclusion, OP, like iToddlers, BTFO.


Boiled rice is not at all the same thing
Or you know, just buy good Japanese rice without arsenic.

Arsenic is generally found in Indian/Pakistani rice and southern US grown rice.
All rice has arsenic. Some rice has more arsenic and some rice has less, but all rice has arsenic, and it is objectively healthier to drain 60% of it out.

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You must find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.
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You think taking refills of regular soda isn't going to balloon your diabetes filled belly over a couple of years? How long should it take you to die from something before it's illegal to offer a refill?
You feel you're about to have a heart attack. For about 8 hours. It's really freaky how much it fucks up with your heartbeat.
When a single cup is already the maximum daily recommended, why the fuck are ANY refills offered? It was literally a selling point of the drink, they were telling people to get refills stove it was free, when 2 cups is double the daily recommended caffeine intake and well within the lethal range for someone with preexisting conditions.
free country you communist faggot
And I'm free to sue your shitty company for criminal negligence.

What's worse is they replaced the regular non-caffeinated lemonade dispensers with these charged lemonade ones and moved the regular non-caffine lemonade next to the tea/coffee station when it should've been the opposite. They should've introduced the charged lemonade by presenting it next to the coffee, not by replacing the existing normal lemonade dispensers next to the soda.

Even the employees didn't realize how much caffeine was in there considering they were offering it to children.

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Sometimes, you just want to eat like a kid, you know?
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mix them of course
if i've been eating it all the time honey mustard but if it a twice a year treat then going for honey glaze chicken
I usually just jack off and feel way less nostalgic and anxious, allowing me to make healthy food choices and live in the future, not the past
I go with bbq and buffalo personally
for me it's sweet and sour, but if I have to pick one of those it's definitely honey mustard

Does the text on the backs of food products ever make you hungrier?
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i have it in my fridge, Netherlands. I think at least all languages listed on the package sell it in the store
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>be me
>stuffing my fat face
>eaten six bags of chips
>completely stuffed
>four more bags left
>can hardly move
>laying of floor covered in crumbs and chip oil
>crawl over to pile of chip bags on floor
>read back of chips bag
>pic related
>tummy grumbles
>mouth begins to water
>open chip bag
>im sorry mom
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the more i see these posted the more i think i actually like these. they're funny right?
I loved reading the backs of cereal boxes when I was a kid.

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Is coffee good for you?
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>The world is so fucking poisoned
Calm down, millennial
imagine her taking a thick veiny BBC
the only correct post
Hi American!

Do you have an amazing donut recipe or set of techniques you would like to share? I have tried and failed a few times from different recipes online. I have some quality bakers flour this time and would like to know if other anons make their own donuts from scratch.
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Not OP but I’ve been thinking of making beignets, thanks for the recipe bro!

Have you ever tried cocoa butter? I like the idea of the oil imparting complementary flavor like coconut oil.

Do you take it out early to come to room temp or just put it right on the heat? Would be super comfy to make donuts in a Dutch oven that’s over a fire.
fried >baked >>>>>>>>>>> the defrosted shit you get at all the chains.


Couldn't find any other video of them, these ones are severely lacking in sugar.
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m8 just torrent it
Don't have Limewire installed anymore. I've beem out of that scene for 10 years

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sometimes you just want to eat like a king
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The nutritional value of this meal is obviously dubious, but it looks appealing in a perverted way.
I don't see any beef.
What is wrong with brits?
its got BEans nigga
Why are you gay?
Don't have a cow, man

What’s your dirty food secret? Mine is that I kind of love those overpriced, premade wraps from the supermarket.
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Where to even start?
>drinking the tuna water
>not washing cup for weeks at a time
>microwave frozen cheezborger
>btw, have not cleaned microwave in 2 years, interior appears coated in dogshit
>(and the grill? that's not cremated filth, it's "seasoning", gotta love those black lines)
>toilet coffee, shower beer
>scraping mold off leftovers, even tho it has probably permeated with toxins
>pets allowed on counters, dining table, dgaf
>dinner? an entire bag of potato chips ("family size", it's 2024, you can't tell me i'm not a family)
>after decades, finally prefer well-done steak
>occasionally visit 2 fast food restaurants in a row for 1 "meal"
>"curating" the arrangement of items in my recycling bin to less look like a bum
>"wait, it's the five SECOND rule? not minutes?"

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>appears coated in dogshit
pics your niece will cry in her sleep
none, im a perfect food angel
I sometimes stick out my pinky when drinking from a coffee mug or teacup. I don’t mean to, it just happens.

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It takes two hands to handle a Whopper®.
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Why is meat under the greens? Doesn't the meat juice make it soggy?
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Anytime I see black hands touching food in advertisements I'm instantly repulsed. It's like looking at a pile of festering maggots, it just turns my stomach in a visceral manner.
i gag a little bit when i see nigger hands holding food.
I bet this bitch takes dick like a Champ, and then wouldnt bitch if you told her to make you some food after

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Doc said no dairy
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brazil nuts are good for lungs
only 2 or 3 a day though, no more
eat less salt in large amounts (you can still eat salt just don't eat a single item of food that really salty). drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out excess sodium.

eat smaller meals and stay hydrated. when you eat large, salty meals your body retains water which spikes blood pressure.

as for what to eat long term? I think you know the answer but may find it unpleasant. plenty of cruciferous vegetables. fatty fish at least twice a week. losing weight if you're fat. light exercise if possible (don't overdo it, you can have a heart attack from strenuous exercise if you have heart problems).

your doctor also sounds like a retarded fag that just issued a blanket statement. I would avoid butter or dairy with extremely high fat and low micronutrition but there's no reason that you can't eat low fat yogurt, low fat cheese, low fat milk, etc. When I'm eating healthy, basically every meal has some kind of yogurt sauce since even the zero fat variety is great.

Also I'm just a retard on 4chan please do your own research before you trust your health or life with the information
>went to the doctor for this
>didnt ask the doctor what to eat
>asks 4chins
you are retarded.
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You really think that OP, known fag and moron, went to the doc, the doc looked at him, possibly took BP and heart rate, then just said flatly "No dairy."? You are correct, you are just a retard on 4chan. Fuck you, and fuck your blog, no one cares what you would do. But great job with that little ending where you skirt any and all responsibility, even though you just laid out a life plan for the dumbass! You're worse than a retard, you're useless, except for a chuckle with a head shake.

New slicing technique just dropped
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do people over 12 really slice their sandwiches
you are 20-25 years old and have no real life experience
most of your time is spent posting on reddit
nobody likes you, they just tolerate you
diagonal cut once is superior kys faggot
I like vertical cut because it reminds me of my childhood
(Last week)

What’s your order?
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my brother, there is a way you can now make-your-own mini GSBs with their kiosk

Select: Burrito >> Rice & Bean
remove cheese sauce
add seasoned beef/steak to your preference
add 3-cheese blend
select 'grill it' at the bottom
== $2.00-2.60 depending on local market in my experience to get a mini OG grilled stuffd burrito
Thought I'd hate them, but I got all the shit on their XXL version removed anyway and this is quick and cheap
Thank you, good sir anon. It went from $1.69 to $3.29 as configured on the app from this "mini beef GSB". Will try it, but it'll live or die by how much 'rito I get for that price.
one shitfart niggercunt
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Taco Bell is honestly the one fast food place pretty close to how it was a couple decades ago when I was in high school.
The bigger difference in fast food places happened between the 90s vs. post-90s anyway.
Yeah, I’ll give them consistency. They haven’t ruined their items like McD’s did with the fries.

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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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fuck off ranjeesh this is a white mans board
>tfw the last thing you do on earth is punch your gf in the vagene
>"what bait thread should I make on /k/ today?"
There are different types of smarts, east asians in general are smarter than whites when it comes to taking things apart, while whites are creative so they invented more stuff. The smart blacks tend to be the intuitive type of smart, the if its good i do it. I really think if The Walking Dead zombies situation ever happen, most of the survivors would be black. There was a youtube prankster who went around filming himself surprising people, jumping up RIGHT IN THEIR FACE -- the black guy reflectively punched him.
I was traveling through South/ South Eastern Asia last year and out of all the countries I visited Indian restaurants and street food stalls looked the most disgusting by a landslide.
I didn't see anyone eat curry and rice with their hands, but I saw quite a few guys stirring pots with their appendages and just generally vile behavior like a dude compacting waste in a bin with their hands and then going right back to touching the food they were about to sell and licking his own fingers to taste test.
The plan was to try a whole bunch of local cuisine and just in general come out with as little "modern western convenience" as possible, but I just couldn't. The majority of my Indian meals were ready made meals and quick stuff that I prepared myself.

Also FYI Indonesia had the best food, definitely recommend visiting some time.

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So what diet actually leads to consistently clean poops? Just having more fiber or more fermented foods seems to make things worse.
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Thanks, that took a couple hours
Use a bidet
Back when I was bulkin/liftin, I was eating a bowl of steel cut oats every morning. After the gas factory phase ended, it resulted in very clean evacuations on a daily basis. Some were so nice, I had to take photos of them.

Don't judge me. You'll probably do it too.
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>gas factory phase ended
This happened to me with broccoli. Was painful first couple of days but body got used to it.

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