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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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My only criteria is that a motorcycle can fit in the back of it (don't mind if the tail sits down to make it fit).
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I guarantee you, that 95% of truck owners including yourself only need a Ridgeline.
What the fuck, I like the element now
>manual 1st or 2nd gen Dodge Ram with the 12V and a manual transmission. It does not get any more reliable than these.
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>mechanical fuel injection
>timed by gears, no shitty chains or belts
>burn fucking used oil and atf in it, see if it gives a fuck
>20+mpg no problem
>tow fucking anything
>haul fucking anything
>want more power? Turn a fucking screw.
>inline 6 turbodiesel noises
>manual transmission because you’re not a fucking pussy (also avoids common dodge automatic shitheaps)

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hey retards: you do NOT put people or animals in the truck bed

i had to call the cops on this dumbass and follow him until the squad car arrived
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>most br/o/s were abused as children

this explains a lot of youse guys' retardation
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>i had to call the cops on this dumbass and follow him until the squad car arrived
what the fuck is wrong with you?
I can almost smell your rotten fake vagina from here
>following the rule of law is LE BAD

t. rioter

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goddammit i can hear it
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what fucking magic is this
>Cuts someone off
>Slams on his brakes when they honk
>They honk again so he pulls out a gun
>Brake checks again for no reason
>Immediately starts shooting as soon as the guy goes around him
>Scares himself in the process of shooting up his own car
>Guy coincidentally threw a slushie at him at the exact same moment he started shooting so he spun a yarn about how he thought he was getting shot at
If I remember right, this guy got off, too. Truly the most scholarly black of all time.
really? just shorts?

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okay i could excuse the furry shit but this is too far. i finally unsubbed
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lmao on another video not long ago about the car raffles he complained that the views being low could also be because he was out of the closet and the "car community is homophobic" like, come on dude, nobody cares if you suck dick but your videos now sucks. There are plenty of gay dudes out there making car content either on instagram or youtube, they don't rely on the reddit flag alone
Funny enough I got some of his older videos recommended another day with the delorean and it was funny - no fart jokes, no gay jokes, just talking about the car, the cult around it and the type of the owner. He lost himself for some reason.

Anyway, nothing lasts forever. Especially on the internet.
context please
Is that tacticalGF?
The problem was never about RCR being an obvious furfag, the problem is that he's possibly the lamest dweeb to ever grace the car community or the furry community.
He's the type to have gotten bullied for his lunch money once in the seventh grade and he made it his entire personality.

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>replace all of my halogen with LED
>every bulb is bright as fuck, even the 0.1w is burning my eyes
How come nobody sells low end lower lumen LED bulbs? i wasted money on this shit.
itt anon learns about kelvins
your headlights?
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I simply will not join the bright light niggers
I will keep my standard globe 1980s semi sealed glass beams forever
kelvin is the temperature of the LEDs, anon is learning about lumens and candela
>How come nobody sells low end lower lumen LED bulbs?
Most of the cheap LEDs arent that bright. Its doubtful if they are any brighter than halogens

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It's over
>76 second demonstration
>10:39 long video
>opens with generic looking guy talking into webcam
Fuck off. KYS.
casting one part is building a car?
Nobody with any common sense would ever buy a car that was made in China.

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Stop replying to the nobike.

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I,... I dont know
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Doesn't consume flywheel oil anymore, doesn't leak too bad, engine still has a ticking noise on the left side despite new bearings and crankshafts, dunno if it's the primary chain or piston rings.
Chain tensioner perhaps? If these things have those
No such thing in there, just a wide as shit dual row chain
Like having a heavy rucksack if she behaves, fucking annoying to the point it makes me consider highsiding if she squirms.

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Redpill me on the Lexus SC series

Is it still the most affordable and reliable way to get a V8 sportscar (for non-Americans)?
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Too ugly. I even looked up bodykits to see if ANYONE could fix this bloated monstrosity and I dont think they can. This is the best looking one and its still not good

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I don't care if it's slow this car is awesome and I seem to be the only one that thinks so.
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cool, I agree
>Convertible volvo
why not just drive a saab
their 5 cyls are very nice
bolbo is good
i've noticed that many older-model volvo owners who arent elderly are furries

im not furry but i do have an S60R and V70R
>I seem to be the only one that thinks so.
Quite a few zoomers are obsessed with volvos, especially 240s/740s. It suits their more feminine personalities compared to more traditional automotive subcultures
S60 and v70 aren't older, that would be 140 240 740 940
I love my 240

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Which of these makes the best tactical buy for high IQ drivers for the next 3-4 years or so?
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>six million % tax on ICE vehicles and fuel
>electricity costs less than a hundredth of a cent
>is like 200 square miles long
the Norwegian government makes ICE cars unreasonable to own even for rich people because of obscene levels of taxation and regulations, which naturally pushes everyone into buying EVs or riding a bike
There is no tax difference between HEV, PHEV, and BEV.

Tesla is #1 in maintenance and repairability even outside warranties and cheaper to run.

>square miles long
Low IQ post.
I'm feeling generous, would you like to try again?

Post your Hondas
Talk about Hondas
Put loud exhausts on Hondas
Reply to every troll about Hondas

Need help identifying a chassis?

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literally nobody likes honda bros
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They grow up so fast /hg/
Based K20C engine
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I need to pull a few dents and try a buff and polish. I definitely have a 10 foot paint job
Aged black paint can look real rough close up

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Advice me winter tires. R16 205/60.
Should I try stabbed?
I now have Bridgestone Bizzak r16 205/60 without stabs, bot it worn out.
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Studded tires are illegal in the Southern part of Ontario so when you get in to a a car accident insurance companies who lobby the government to make them illegal get giant bumps in your premiums and make more money.
Once again kikes are to blame.
Maybe - I'm just going off what Pekkapiirkajokka told me at the convention?
Here in Russia like 70% of passenger cars are using subbed tires in winter.
Stubs aren't good in really cold weather, it's good when you have sub zero temperatures (not in freedom units ofc).
I guess there's more smooth black ice when the temperature's hovering right around the freezing point?
Because if the weather stays really cold for long, there's just going to be snow and rough ice, and stubs/studs don't really do much on that, from what I understand.
Even then they do a lot more than tires that don't.

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can i use apoxe putty to fix this?
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>You can go back to English class and learn to spell. While you're at it, go to the automotive program so you can relearn what damage can be fixed on a tire.

FTFY my ESL friend.
If you don't know you can just not post here, that's the default. Imagine being such a faggot as to try and correct someone's spelling or grammar in 4chins of all places.
>separates the clauses into sentences by replacing the conjunction with a stop.
>the additional of a comma was however correct as it is joining the preceding dependent clause
You can't fix the sidewall unless you want a blowout on the highway and go careening into Stacy and her goy van full of Chad's babies.
is that actual tire damage or just a scuff?

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>whole brand built on off-roading and being rugged
>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
That is their secret?
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This. Wranglers that get routine maintenance are fine. They're gutless rattlecans with terrible driving dynamics, but they don't literally fall apart at 50k miles like a lot of modern cars. I don't even fucking like Wranglers, but I'm getting a tired of the memery. They hold up better with regular maintenance than virtually any vehicle Ford or GM currently produces. Worst I've seen on a JL by 100k miles is electrical faults which is par for the course industry wide.

Anecdotally, my wife's JLU is heavily modified at 98k miles and is perfectly fine. We're getting it Ultra4 tech ready. The thing has ran trails in 38 states and it has not been gently wheeled. It's bashed off trees and absolutely mangled rock rails and bumpers against boulders. It has a UD44 up front because we broke the OEM axles wheeling it too hard. No serious issues that keep it from being able to drive on the highway. The only failure we've had that didn't come from off roading it too hard was the roll bar speakers blowing out.
People rating reliability based on whether their phone successfully connects to the car's botnet every morning.
"offroading" has to be one of the gayest and lowest IQ activities to have ever existed.
In no fucking world is a Volkswagen more reliable than a Toyota.

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