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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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If you are European do supplement brands actually matter?
BioTech USA (Europe) MACA works on me like a charm, does that mean a generic cheaper product will also work?
US products are full of gay preservatives and slop
From my knowledge, European supplements are cleaner
So yeah, you could ship some junk supplement from the states because it’s cheap, but it’s cheap for a reason and it’ll cost you more than money

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Your response /fit/?
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somebody post the "i can't stop raping my wife" cap
i ask the same question myself.
She posted it to reddit with an alt account so she could screencap it and post it to her personal social media for clout and manufactured outrage.
What bear?

Any fitzens into caving? I've been wanting to get into it but I cant find any cave locations to explore on google. Other than obviously the commercial/normie ones. How do you find caves locations any telegram/reddit groups?
Ya, join a grotto. We don't tell randoms cave locations because assholes smash formations that took thousands of years to form.
Look up the National Speleological Society and see what your local grotto is (grottos are like chapters of the NSS). I randomly showed up at a grotto meeting a few years ago, and that led to lots of new friends and crazy caving adventures. My experience is that cavers are usually pretty welcoming. There are lots of weird characters in the caving community too
No but I agree that would be cool as shit.
Where u located. Nvm don't give out that info.
Most mountainous national or state parks have caves
>Most mountainous national or state parks have caves
Has to be sedimentary or marble rock. You won't find caves in Yosemite for example.

Name a gayer sport

Hard mode: can't say cycling
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just be leftist as well lmao
What's wrong with the community?
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gay not but this gay
all less gay that what OP posted, sorry!
What kind of climbers do you hang around with? Unless they’re 185cm they don’t weigh more than 65 with wet clothes
>bjj and frisbee golf
>not the gayest shit on earth

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Is there a plant based protein that doesn't taste like complete ass?
I have a milk allergy
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Fucking based, you just shit all over that fucking loser. Is he even smart enough to know why he's wrong.
bongoloids are honorary amerisharts, they are almost even in terms of degeneracy. so glad this cancer left the EU.
Cope harder

He isn't going to recover from this one
>I have a milk allergy
Me too. So pea protein is normally a bit too expensive in dollars per proton, and it tends to get loaded with sugars and shit to artificially up the calorie count as a cope on the manufacturers' part. Even if you find a good brand, which you should do your research on anyway, the protein levels are always underwhelming.
Now, you can get beef isolate protein which is simply made from beef. I find it easier just to eat more food at that point (the beef isolate is expensive) but if you need better macros, and are willing to tank the cost etc, it might be your solution.
you can have my pea protein straight from the source *unzips*

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I'm in my early 30s, just weighed in at 397lbs.

I've been following the sticky and ramping it up daily. I just need to know I'm not completely fucked /fit/. Is there hope to crawl back from this level of fat? Motivation and a routine are the hardest parts but if I know it's not too fucked for words I'll keep improving.

My joints are mostly fine, I don't have diabetes or thyroid issues. I am uping my protein intake quite a lot.

I'm doing a deficit between 500 and 1000 depending on the day, I'll admit sometimes when I know it's gonna be bad food later in the day I'll eat like fuck all before that.
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Drop to 300 and stay there
Not OP but I’ve been fat my whole life, 200+ in high school, 300+ in college, and 400+ once I lived on my own and had the money to buy anything I wanted to eat.
At your biggest, what did a typical day of feeding look like? Did you eat lots of cookies and drink lots of Mtn Dew?
No, any man who allows himself to get to 400lbs without doing something is not salvageable. You are a good candidate for surgery or Ozempic. Clearly you don't possess the self control to maintain a healthy bodyweight through willpower alone.
Lol OP is never going to lose that much weight. Fatties like him who actually lose that much weight are extremely rare. He hasn't even begun the multi year journey of dieting and he is already posting on the internet.

Three weeks of dieting. I thought I lost 18 pounds. I stepped on the scale. I actually gained 2 pounds. I just ordered a large pepperoni pan pizza. I don't give a fuck anymore. There are some people born with the genetics to stay fit. The rest of us are doomed. If you were lucky enough to have those genetics, I bow to you. You won the genetic lottery. The rest of us just have to deal with the hand we've been dealt.
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>girls didn't seem to mind I was fat
If you have zero standards then yes, you can get laid or find a relationship when obese.
Supreme has yucky veggies on it.
Pizza should only ever have meat and cheese on it.
Not even chilies? Made pizza last night and chopped up some home grown chilies on it with ham, salami and blue cheese. Was pretty good, I was shit at launching the pie on the stone tho and almost fucked everything up.
For me, cooked veggies only add an unpleasant texture/bite to the pizza.
But that's the beauty of pizza, we're both right because there really isn't a wrong way to do pizza toppings.
>unpleasant texture/bite
Oh yeah, agreed. Which is why I chopped em pretty small.
>we're both right because there really isn't a wrong way to do pizza toppings.
Also agreed.

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74192805
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6 mins max
How did it feel?
We use freedom units in the best country in the world. Idk what this 5k shit is. Two miles?
3 miles
An honest poster. Kek

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No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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>worth the side-effects
Depends on how far things go. You have a good job or career you can't afford to lose? You in a good relationship you don't want to end?
The answer's yes regardless
Like other anon said every day pinning isn't necessary for Tren E. 3 times a week is good, 2 works
Love Tren but it's got me in always hungry mode with bad cravings. Not good for this cut
I hear you brother
then what prevents women from pissing the bed?
50% potency after 45 days.
Jano posted an experiment on this.
Then why dont low test guys piss the bed? they dont have hardons in the morning
Damn what a worthless substance

Has anyone tried GOHAN(gallon of honey a night)?
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You thought I was a bee and now I'm going to fuck you up!
You can have some of my icecream if you wanna hang out, fren!
Honey is a pretty strong antimicrobial. This would genocide your gut bacteria and probably give you an infection when you stopped. You'd prbly get the same problems people on long term antibiotics do.
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Indisputably based
No but I eat like one kilogram a week easily.
That doesn't sound right.

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Hope edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For tubs of lard who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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I am a girl who wants a boyfriend with saggy, deflated gyno and tummy strech marks. does anyone know where I can find one?
fatty contest
try /mlp/
or the new /mlp/ aka /vt/
Add salad and sauerkraut with fries. I hope you aren't adding oil to those fries

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Why do women think it's acceptable to look like this?
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he ate one tofu too many
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Seeing more and more of these so-called "BBWs" on Tinder ATM. Concerning.
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Tits are good, but their gut is too big.
That being said would because I love big boobies like nobody's business.
>tits stayed the same despite the weight gain
this one is better off staying thin
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What's the ideal bmi for you?
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40 BMI, 10% BF.
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Only fatfucks say this as a justification to say BMI isn't a good metric. Fact is, unless you're a professional bodybuilder or elite athlete, if you have an overweight or obese BMI, you're overweight or obese.
Ideal BMI for health is 24-26. Ideal for not *looking* like a fatass in clothes is 24-28.
But what if they both weigh a pound

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>People on this board actually claim to be physically fit when they don't get 8+ hours of quality sleep every night

Sleepmaxxing is like Kryptonite to fitness communities more than fasting. No one will ever confront the fact that simply catching the required amount of Zs will always be better for you than all this other cope.
Who here doesn't think sleep is important? They might not prioritize it the way they should but I don't see people bashing it.

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