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White people are more upset about the death of an actor from a gay fantasy film than they are about the dead in yemen and palestine. Why are white faggots like this?
Fuck the middle east.
Nobody's upset about either. Who the fuck told you otherwise?

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It seems to be everywhere now.... when I found it in the past typically only on Heavy Metal album covers?
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>Why did they make these clothes?
Shock value.
It works.
Your jimmies were rustled sufficiently, right?
Fashion is if no consequence and relies on publicity. Stop giving it to them?
Christ is King but you're still a retard. You can do all the magic or witchcraft you want but as long as you quit and say "sorry" you won't go to hell.
I've sent enough people to the grave to know it is the end of life.
There is no after-life. There is no 'after'.
The brain dies and everything in it is gone when rots.
We can read some it post-mortem but it takes a lot of effort and a lot of sophisticated technology.
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"Why does an action requier a potential?"

Literally 60 IQ questions, why would someone want to debate an idiot that doesn't understand basic logic?

It's not a debate, you're a fucking troll.
Larpers most of them but if they do not repent of their witchcraft, they will go to hell.
It is so exceptionally foolish that they seek out supernatural and spiritual assistance everywhere except for God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit
Beyond retarded
They're lighting candles and using ouiji boards and other dumb shit , instead of praying to God
And they think the candles and all that is going to get somewhere good and they found some cheat codes that Christians are too dumb to use
It's foolish and arrogant
Christ is King
God bless anon
Some of them may turn to Christ and Christ will be there for them when they decide to do so

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If you don't reject muslims, you're not white.

This genetic garbage has been trying to conquer Europe for centuries and now because of the kikes, they are not far away from their goal. Whites will still prevail though.
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>what direction is your morality going faggot?
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Because that's what their prophet did, while Aisha was playing, she was taken and given a male haircut before meeting Muhammad
Muhammad loved underage tomboys
That's why bazi kids are a thing
If the prophet does it then it's allowed
stupid muzshit pedophile
the name of your god is Lah
it is a counterfeit shit demon and you love his pedophile

what does this have to do with the God of abraham? was your marauding pedophile sex cult leader even circumcised abraddarr?

and what if i brought up lat, manat and uzza

how would you lie about the 3 daughters of your god Lah

Eurocucks deserve Islam for being weak faggots. Islam as the religion of inbreed subhuman pigs but they are right about the west. Keep blaming the kikes faggot.

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Mexibros you aren't seriously going to elect a fucking Jewess as president are you?
but is the baum really sheiny

inquiring minds must know
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Not like any country really has a choice.
Wouldn't be the first Jew president for Mexico either.

Shit ton of jews in D.F. that run the whole country.
Same as in US.
Yeah I'm sure she is going to do a lot against the cartel...

>Commbank wants to ban cash transactions over $500
>"Any cash payments of over $500 should be done through the electronic payments system," said Comyn, "This would likely save the government about $5billion in tax revenue leaks."

The greedy banks are desperately pushing to end cash. Remember to withdraw money when you can.

>‘It’s very unfair’: Australia’s visa crackdown is disrupting international students and hitting university finances

>Australian police shoot dead armed teen after stabbing attack that had ‘hallmarks’ of terror

>‘Radicalised’ 16-year-old shot dead by Australia police after stabbing man
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Probably something about will to power, fantasies, polirical impotence, general incompetence. It's pretty gross eh
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The debt-based Federal Reserve & the IRS were both created in 1913.
The new IRS conveniently forced everyone to use their new Federal Reserve Notes to pay their new US Federal Income Tax.
The Fed was supposed to stabilize the US currency by backing every Federal Reserve Note (FRN) issued (TO BUY US TREASURIES) with 40% gold (40 cents of gold for each $1 FRN issued).
In 1933, everyone’s gold was confiscated by the Treasury (except $100 worth/person) b/c the Fed convinced US Pres FDR that Americans were hoarding gold & they were forced to trade their gold in for $20.67/troy oz. Federal Reserve Notes were also now no longer exchangeable for gold.
In 1934 the Gold Reserve Act allowed FDR to establish the gold value of the dollar solely by proclamation & raised the exchange rate to $35/troy oz, extracting wealth & value once again from the American public.
In 1944, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) was formed at the Bretton Woods Conference.
In 1958, Bretton Woods pegs all foreign currencies to the dollar, and the dollar pegged to gold at $35/troy oz. Debt-based Central Banks under the BIS pop up all over the world to facilitate the Fed and the BoE in their check kiting, fractional reserve, debt-based central-banking ponzi.
In 1971, Nixon depegs the dollar to gold entirely, making the US currency free-floating fiat, which completely negated the original Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which was to back each Federal Reserve Note issued with gold.
In 1974, Pres Ford legalizes gold ownership again without limitation.
The Federal Reserve & its biggest shareholders, the NYFed’s primary dealers, for the next 50 years and up to today, continue to issue our currency out of thin air, while charging us interest to do so. Rewarding insolvent, failing banks and investment firms using QE and taxpayer money over and over again, acquiring assets during crises, while rigging global markets.

Where's the evidence sandniggers planned and executed 9/11? It doesn't exist. All they had was evidence of retarded sandniggers doing the jew's work.
What does exist is a bunch of nefarious jews anticipating and celebrating the jets hitting the twin towers of WTC.
Please explain.
>filtering information selectively

If I may stoop to your conversational level, you are arguing with something or someone else. There is some evidence to suggest foreknowledge of 9/11. Please work on your comprehension skills before replying further. Thanks
Typical subterfuge. Explain UMS. How can such an astonishing cohencidence occur? And why is it being systematically scraped from the web?

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Every time I bring up the importance of joining the military as per BAP, the browns complain that money is all that matters today.


There is now an online narrative (peddled by women) which has been taken up by cucks and men that dating someone above 18 and below 25 is """pedophilia""".

Why are people falling prey to this bullshit?

Even men on Twitter are starting to peddle this shit.

It's clearly just used up whores and older women pushing this narrative. Used up 28 year old and 35 year old women LMFAO.
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I want to fuck 12 year old all day long but my next gf once I divorce again is going to be 14. you are fucking homo.

Canadian women are dogs. You have no idea what it's like to be in harajuku eye fucking 14 yo all day. I am hideous btw, inside and out.
There are actually prostitutes over 60 because of older men who don't want to have sex with someone the age of their granddaughters! Reminder that creepy Bill Clinton took advantage of a teenage intern at work, while Donald Trump hired sex professional Stormy Daniels -- who was 27. Trump is not a creep because he prefers mid 20s to 30s.
doesn't matter. it subconsciously brings their confidence down a peg seeing ugly people hit on them
Your mother and the current breed of high school girls are both talking about *the current thing* and have the same opinions about *the current thing*, women aren't men they don't mature with age
Women are perfect, physically, from 18-25. After that, 80% of them spoil. That's just an objective fact.

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The capitalist concept of value is based on exolitation, all capitalists are criminals
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No. You literally made that up.

In free market, value is a subjective concept that varies from person to person and from time to time. It's volatile. Value calcifies as "price" every time a successful transaction is made. Prices are a sort of reference point for quick transactions, so every customer doesn't barter with the cashier. This makes economy infinitely faster.

Sadly excessive government makes sure to devour all this surplus productivity. They convince two digit IQ population that a bit of inflation is good (not true). Surplus based deflation means people could be a lot richer.

But socialists took the Faustian Bargain, they signed the context. Free stuff in exchange for you soul/freedom. Now you are slave of a government of safety nets that are not for you.
Anon people wanted to buy and sell shit 1,000 years ago. Every nation in human history had to replace its currency due to hyperinflation. Why you might wonder? Because supply and demand exists in every society and under every system so long as it's run by humans. Eventually the people selling will increase the prices of what is most desired, and the buyers WILL buy it. Then the price increases again, and they WILL buy it. Then the kingdom steps in because people are buying themselves to death and ruining society, thus raises the wages or gives peasants loans or puts them in predatory contracts to pay off their debts in the hopes that they can never overspend ever again. Then the prices increase again, and debt-ridden peasants who can never spend again WILL buy it. Then the kingdom collapses and a new currency/system is made which is just the last one but with a new name.
I lost my taste for capitalism when I realized it’s jewish bullshit made to turn people into interchangeable cogs and produce infinite growth/stock appreciation/dividends with unlimited immigration for a select few people. Fuck capitalists and their aversion to blood and soil.
you're describing supply and demand, which dictates price, yes
the customer being on fire would certainly value the extinguisher moreso because of their condition, causing their valuation of the good to increase, thus allowing an increase of price
I'm not sure I see the point you're making
>not that the owner believes their fire extinguisher is in that moment a special fire extinguisher.
it's a matter of perspective; that I have the /only/ fire extinguisher in a room full of burning men does indeed make that fire extinguisher special by virtue of it being the only one in the right place at the right time - that's the 'supply' part

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>pajeets shit their pants when they find the Truth.
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average pakistani
>7 men = average
It's a super diverse area, so I think it really depends on the region. Pashtuns are still pretty Aryan considering all the war and shit that's been happening in that area.
yea again that's fair. i'm not pashtun but i am from the north of pakistan (punjabi).
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here's some more Pakistani's

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Economic sanctions should be placed on Israel and the Israeli cabinet should be tried for war crimes.
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Cool, got it. Thanks anon.
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There is only one blek kween and she only fucks white guys.
it's funny how chuds are jsut porn addicts, you know democracy and women safe when chuds can only coom in paper tissues and give money to ewhores kek
>women safe
Most perfect pair of irl anime tiddies I've ever seen

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>can't debate a 24 year old NatSoc zoomer without constantly googling or looking at wikipedia/chat/twatter
>exceptionally naive worldview
>the most lukewarm IQ takes when cornered

How is this nigga even as relevant as he is
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Night Media
>How is this nigga even as relevant as he is

Because he's persistent. That's how everyone becomes e-famous.
I hate all of you retarded zoomers for constantly infesting this board with your e-celeb faggotry. Can all of you please just go and die in a ditch somewhere?
>How is this nigga even as relevant as he is
By appealing to people stupider than he is, ofc.

I've seen a couple of his debates and at his core he want to look and sound good rhetorically rather than say anything of substance or concede to a fair point. He knows exactly how dishonest he is.
Obviously a kike

The rest of Europe (except v4 and Baltics) = shithole
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Iliad and odyssey were oral histories, something "Balkan" continued and also polis' the Greeks had resembles the fragmentation present north
though Greeks as an origin of western values is overrated
And vice versa greekbro. Genetic studies show that albanians, greeks and south italians are virtually indistinguishable genetically.
Politics aside, I would always ally with greeks and italians over any other people. Una faccia una razza.
>Greeks as an origin of western values is overrated

Yes. The constitutions of the Ancient Greeks based on rationality and Lycurgan ethos are closer to modern Balkanic religious-tribal laws.

Yes comrade. The Spartan rethra was akin to Albanian karun.

Get the fuck out of here.
My taxes go to my states well being.

This isnt Albania. Its Europe.

It took 6 days for the Wehrmacht to conquer Belgrade.

It took nothing for Italy to conquer Albania.

I am not worried about Balkanic tribes and their war history.
You are as lethal as the Arabs.
Most of us just got the certificate without even visiting the hospital. Some were injected with saline to be more convincing. 250-300 euros to the doctor.
Jesus fuck, what an absolute cuck. The absolute zero respect I had for you just went into the negative.
Absolutely pathetic indeed.

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I politely tell people that they're anti white if their white and are not a white nationalist or a nationalist of any European ethnicity.
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OP confirmed not white
>british flag
checks out

reminder true brits look like picrel
I tell them to go back to Africa
lol no you dont. saying it on the internet with a gay cartoon picture attached doesnt count, you fucking loser
There, their and they're are pronounced the same and I'm white, here is a picture of my legs.

yea that's what i figured

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I love you all.
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I am not jewish lol, also oops, didn't mean to post in the same thread twice. Also lmaoing at all these crypto jews coming out of the woodworks to seethe at me for literally pointing out the obvious that the only way to destroy hebrews is to conquer all their women and force them to abandon judaism. Literally breed out of jewesses a new generation of cristians.
No just made into a tiny persecuted minority trying to live in a basically post apocalypse world. But the apocalypse was a gradual decline in all things as Whites are no longer able to make things work or be nice.
Maybe the culture is shifting. Albeit only a little.
My kid came home from school after a discussion about WW2. Half of the kids have been learning from TikTok and think Jews were the aggressors and Hitler was fighting back.
I'm truly serious when I say I might outlive Israel and Jews.
lol this retarded loser thinks hes saving the world by pooosting alone on this childrens cartoon forum

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>Strange happenings indeed
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>The butthurt belt
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>cutting off your best performer
Fucking bot threads, nobody gonna check this get?
He has some interesting things to say but ultimately it's all conjecture. I chalk him up to a malcontent with a beef with Putin for not being enough of a commie.
> Shilling your own Get
ngmi but we have all been there, burgerbro

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fight your own god damn wars
US Army War College, The Council on Foreign Relations, and numerous powerful institutions and lobbying groups are now all OPENLY demanding a return to the military draft!
- listen to the following videos at work tomorrow and prepare before its too late idiot -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1mGe2JU5tA - The "You're an incel" PSYOP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqzz2FzOS34 - ARMY VET'S EXPERIENCE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pknCR7_vGK8 - The RoboGF doesn't make me join the ARMY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iylb4QI13ZA - "DONT JOIN THE ARMY" by MC DRAFTDODGA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSOWDww6SU0 - is Hailey Lujan hot enough to make you die in a war?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB-rnDmOU-M - The Mouth of Draft Dodging
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnVfY4Orz8k - Broke my arm before WW3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beCzyoYK1CE - CANT DO 1 SIT UP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDcQQUeNgcA - BE ALL I CAN BE ASMR
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what did you just fucking say to me?
you know i can just hold you down and bleach you right?
when im done with you you gonna be a white boi
Oh look, more vatnik projection posting.

Don’t worry, you’ll be heading to the drone kill zones in Ukraine after the next 150,000 call up.
you gon' get fuckin' shot and killed you weak white sissy fuck
It's gonna sound just like this

Why do shitskins always hide behind the faggy kekistani flag?

The Catholic cries of persecution as he butt rapes your children.
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I think it's funny how people are so obsessed with sex. People are like horny hyenas in behavior. I was talking about occultism and cults with a friend once and he put it well when he said that all these groups and institutions are just excuses for gaysex. Let's do these weird rituals... and then let's fuck some ass afterwards okay?
This. Rise above denominations. Serve Christ.
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Crowley used sex in his rituals, mixing semen and blood, and the Masons believe a boy's anus is the pathway to commune with demons who can bestow power on the rapist. The sex is incidental, it's about access.
I know right?
You don’t realize how bad Catholics are until you get molested by a Native American medicine man and it’s 1000 times less traumatic. Catholics are faggots, and Christianity is Golem programming (like Islam)

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What's the solution to modern chanspeak? It's infecting every single hobby board, to the point where all genuine discussion is snuffed out by people who say shit like this.
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It's been a few weeks now and I've never seen a good one of these memes.
From now on I will not be reading them.
/v/ is almost unusable these days due to this shit
There's no actual discussion, the shitposting isn't even funny, it's just a wasteland of brain rot
anyone who uses gay chan cliches that stopped being funny 7 years ago is an npc retard. its nice to be able to instantly know you can completely disregard anything someone has to say because theyre retarded
All of the sudden -> All of A sudden
which is good

but also
Suddenly -> All of a sudden
which is 1984 nuspeak
>"I drink this Kool Aid instead of that Kool Aid."
why 4chinners are retarded pseudos

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