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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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>If so I will take this moment to attest how I remain cool as a cucumber in calling out Op's bullshit.

OP here. My guy, it absolutely doesn't matter if you chimp out or not. I made this thread to ask for opinions on how to proceed with the project, because i don't know it better - not for showmanship. If you have some good ideas on how to rig properly a mesh in Maya - with a missing left forearm, i'd be thankful.

I am replying to most of you, because i don't have anybody else sharing this common interest and without talking about it, i am missing the bare minimum quota of social interactions. That exhausts me.
>OP will make it and that’s going to be on YouTube or something
I have a bridge to sell you
I know a lot about rigging, but problem is how I know what you're doing and how low effort put into extravagant undertakings
and fully expect to pick this up while simultaneously finish a major project, alone, in just 4 years.

My message to you as someone with 20 years of rigging experience is to fuck off with that to a normal WiP thread
and at least do the ground work of teaching yourself the very basics you can get from any source before you start to elbow
your way to the front of the line because of how grand your vision of remaking Berserk with no skills to back your words
while simultaneously shitting on entire teams of people who actually made Berserk adaptations you disapprove of.

Your energy is shit op. I advice to cut your losses and go about teaching yourself how to work your craft in a reasonable/responsible/sustainable
manner if you're serious about becoming a solo-dev.

Even armed with all the background and know-how to do what you wish a single dev can realistically only make a compelling 'vertical slice'
if they go balls to the walls attempting to address what you pretend like you're working on.
>I know a lot about rigging,
no you don't lol
you are coping hard

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Here's your new character bro
if it's 30 pictures and not just the same thing from multiple angles i guess $250 is pretty low. there are people who charge $250 for a single picture though and they're shameless
I don't think it's shameless if the image takes a good while to create. If it takes you 10 hours to make it then you have an hourly rate of 25 dollars an hour
5.0 is HERE BROS!!
What's new?

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Previous thread: >>973562
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This definitely achieves what I asked, so thank you very much, but I guess I didn't describe it very well.
I want the curve to be in the other direction at the point where it touches the original horizontal edges (see the red lines for a shitty but hopefully explanatory example).
Also, is there a way to make the vertical edges rounded too?
I basically want the whole middle section to be completely smooth like in parametric architecture, if that makes sense.
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It should basically look like this from the side (upside down if you're looking at it from the other angle)
Yeah prop editing isn't doing you any favors. Though I'm still not quite sure what shape you're trying to make exactly.
Have you tried just beveling the middle loop in >>982646 and turning up the count?
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Beveling with 2 segments then 7 resulted in this, which looks terrible and isn't exactly how I envisioned it, but is more than good enough for what I need it for (just have a visual representation of an idea I'm saving for the future).
Thank you very much.
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photos are graphics but for real life

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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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And why does he have a doughnut wrapped around his neck?
that's a snake, just haven't modeled the head yet.
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Doing more exploration, ditched previous anatomy -------> >>982391
I'm going into a different direction.
stop making gooks model a happy family of a white man and a white woman
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you need to ascend

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Tbh I used to do it a lot when I was younger, but I been losing hope, and wondered why you guys do in the first place?

I always worried that my work would end up as porn.
I've always been fascinated by the bio-mechanics of acrobatics and stuff like that and bringing the characters I create to life by animating them always had it's appeal. I loved watching Hong Kong action movies growing up and making even short animations of dynamic action movement is what kept me hooked.

I was always working on some project that never got anywhere but I had these 10 second or so clips of characters performing various actions that taught me a lot.
Once Unity rolled out I could slip into making realtime animation where I could not only see my characters brought to life I could move them around and perform
actions as them in realtime, it's very addictive and rewarding as extending and improving a animation system like that isn't this one off-thing but something that gain synergy with a whole library of animation that you can add to over time.
Because animation is capable of an unique type of expression, impossible to replicate in any other medium. There is a contrast between animation and reality, that creates a fundamental distance to the viewer. This streamlines our spectrum of perception and can be used as a huge tool to deliver emotion and point way more effective. You can create emotional organic scenes, which would feel totally off and uncanny with a normal camera.

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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This is the best one
This is the second best one
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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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easing is like the bread and butter of animation, not only in 3d but in all animation in general, practice it a bit, first exercise of 2d animation is a ball moving on the x and y axis and bouncing, look up some 2d animation theory on the subject and you'll see some tricks there, like the deformation of the ball, keeping its overall space through transformation, acceleration, deceleration, exagirating, etc.
I see you're trying to give him helpful advice, but this dumbass is completely resistant to taking it.
He's hellbent on his weird ass "solution" that looks like trash to shortcut learning animation entirely (his own words).
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first character, can a noob get some feedback? around 20k tris rn looking to polish it up and paint it in blender then port to UE because substance painter scares me and im not sure I want to spend the time baking normals when im going for a low-mid poly look.
You can get up and running with SP in under an hour anon. There's nothing to be scared of.
Meanwhile painting in Blender will take you hours to fumble together any kind of "working" solution to approach even a fraction of what SP does.
I can't speak for this exact playlist, but the official quickstart tuts used to be really good to get started with SP.
There's a few things you pick up with experience, like workflows and stuff, and you get a bit more comfortable with the software, but it really is intuitive and easy to use.
Try to think of it this way. Suppose I have a little storyboard where Character goes from point A to point B, then performs action C, pauses and goes to point D and so on.
What happens between checkpoints is not very important so long as I hit those checkpoints. Because that's what tells the story.
Machine-interpolated motions made with 20 years old algorithms are not going to look great, but that's ok to me because I'm not a AAA industry standard compliant studio in my bedroom.
The iTaSC thing has been part of Blender since 2.5x. It's poorly documented but as I'm researching into it, it seems to be the only readily available tool which could be useful in terms of what I've just described.

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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That has been done by cheaters in MMOs to do auto-grinding essentially. Start here: https://opencv.org/
There are python bindings. But be aware that computer vision is like flying cars. Lots of promises, nothing gets done in the end.
Looking at that page for opencv, I get the impression that the govt agencies have a lot better version and we're just pecking at scraps
>govt agencies have a lot better version
Remember when there was that big push to put cameras everywhere to "catch terrorists"? In reality it's for behavioral control of the population, predictive law enforcement, marketing research, stuff like that. That's how they solicit money from governments.
Another popular application is automatic license plate readers. With surveillance cameras everywhere they're able to track vehicle movements and issue fines automatically as well.
During COVID there was a kiosk at my town hall which will lock the door if it detected that you weren't wearing your mandated face diaper. I used to get in and out covering my mouth with a piece of cardboard.
It works so poorly it's basically a reverse-scam for politicians. And that's a good thing.
Depends on how well you did on your linear algebra homework.

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You DO use it, right?
I would never
I used to, then I stopped using Windows entirely.

On my work dev computer I dump converted 3D print files there, because the program we use is defaulted to dump the files there, and I can't be bothered to change it. I honestly had no idea that folder existed before that.

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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Can’t wait to see you disappointed when I unleash my next GitHub.
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Axolotl Men.
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Here’s the enigmatic Warlord, the main antagonist of my game and Fygoon’s nemesis.
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Finally made a new render, and it’s just to shit on the /vg/ crowd.
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No idea why I never uploaded this high-quality render of the Doom Gremlin.

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I’m new to sculpting. What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make?
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to clarify I mean the last 10 minutes I used that method to move/grab things in the right places

Use it as often as you like, over time you'll become better and better to spot inaccuracies without having to employ tricks like that,
it's just another tool to have in your arsenal to take accurate measurements while blinding your brain to what it wants those measures to be.

When you're sculpting a face for a long time, esp when you start to get skilled but yet don't have years and years of experience you can
easily slip into a mind state where you are making a face that is turning out better than anything you made til that point and you end up
giving it these sorta good looking features that you therefore grow unwilling to do heavy edits to.

Doing things like this help your brain snap out of it and see that something that looks sorta good still can be very off
compared to what it's supposed to be if you are trying to match a specific look in a reference.
Color changes do not necessarily indicate plane changes.
If you have orthogonal view(aka, isometric view) switched on, turn it off. No person is viewed that way, because perspective is ever present. Look up "focal length" and how it changes our perspective on the human face. And then after you get the concept, try to match the focal length of your camera with the photo. Which will require some guesstimation.
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Im learning perspective so I will look more into this. I’m doing the speedchar face anatomy course which he says I should use 85mm most of the time
I’m trying to get a good head done everyday and then the next day try to make improvements that fit the reference.
as long as I keep the head planes in mind I shouldn’t be absorbing the reference the wrong way right?
>he says I should use 85mm most of the time
Yeah, he's right for general purposes. 85mm is good.

>as long as I keep the head planes in mind I shouldn’t be absorbing the reference the wrong way right?
Yeeeeah... for the most part. Personally, I find sticking to the example planes too rigidly can actually prevent you from capturing a likeness. The planes are general concepts that help guide you in tackling certain aspects of the face. But because everyone's face is a little different, you have to find the planes in *their* face.

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Deleting the default cube in Blender is bad practice.
You're supposed to drag it out of view.

Of course the total hack hiding under the moniker "Blender Guru" (or as I like to call him "The Doughnut Grifter") teaches you to erase it.
I hate him so much.
I get satisfaction by raising it up a little, so its bottom is flush with the ground.
>I just saved an empty startup file that has my UI and settings exactly how I like them
>normalfriends waste dozens of hours deleting the same fucking cube every new file
Truly subhuman.
In a way you're supposed to use it.
Well that is if blenders main workflow of boxmodelling directly into the intended base topology and using multires with sculpting and use that to export LODs did work as intended.
Blender devs shill it from time to time omitting the fact that it's completely broken and there's no way to directly edit the multires data.

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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Why is it so hard to find lowpoly mannequin rigged?
Every time I find sometimes it's either:
>under price tag
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
Lowpoly generally means anything that's not a sculpt
wtf no, thats not what it should mean
even sculpts are generally retopod, does that mean they are then turned "lowpoly" ?
This and a lot of planning.
I think old MGS games are the gold standard, all the models are low with triangles, but the shapes are so well thought of and the texture work is so impecable, that you cant notice how simple they are.
Also, good rigging.
I really need to learn how to draw if I'm going to make good textures for my models, huh

a casual image that i will use for my new album
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Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?
No, what for?
I'm the guy you responded to, thanks for providing a legit sounding answer. I suppose the people nostalgic for this are the ones who are maybe half a decade younger than me and this is part of their connection to what then remained of a 'pre-internet' type world.

Obv the internet was already there for them but it was in it's infancy without the social networks, tubesites and smartphones etc.
I guess I understand what they say when talk about how legacy media and games had more 'soul' I'd tend to agree with that statement.
Where I'm lost is when they point to things like 'Frutiger aero' and 'Bryce 3D' type aesthetics as representative of that 'soul'
because to me that would represent the peak 'soul-less' of that era they're reaching back to.

Maybe it's more about having something easily reproducible that's just iconic for the time. Like how ugly juxtaposed neon colors & slalom patterns can invoke certain 80's nostalgia.
Low effort and ugly, somewhere along the way you forgot that you actually need to be an artist to create something good looking in bryce

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