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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Why is 3 considered by so many to be the best one?
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>she'll talk about his background and how he was born on D-Day, on the battlefield, via C-Section.
imagine fighting on d-day when youre 9 months pregnant. does kojimbo really?
Pretty sure he was a premy baby, but whatever.

Oh right, I forgot about that, my bad. Yeah, the fact he gets actually possessed, then hypnotizes himself to make him think he's still possessed is... a decision. I guess it was to mask his nanomachines or something? I can't really remember, but I do know it was partially because Liquid was too much of a wildcard and he needed his plan to execute perfectly.
If everyone and all the wikis get it wrong, what's your basis for that being the actual truth and not your headcanon?
Big Boss in MGS4 says something how they can't transplant someone's will and personality to another's even with nanomachines, then he says under certain conditions someone can be made to act as another and the X button flashback shows specifically Ocelot in MGS2 being taken over by Liquid.

Plus, if the arm wasn't actually taking him over why would he replace it with some robotic arm?
The funny thing is that it doesn't really matter if it was hypnosis or possession or nanomachines, because Ocelot's entire mind and personality was still transformed into Liquid's... so either way it's just Liquid except one explanation is convoluted and confusing.

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I have a problem with my "xd2" Quake 1 map. While playtesting, I noticed that something strange was going on.

At first, it was just minor glitches—textures failing to load, walls clipping, or odd camera angles. But soon, things got weird. I'd enter a room, and everything seemed fine, but the moment I turned around, the walls would change. Passages I had just walked through vanished, replaced by solid walls or entirely new hallways. Doors that should have led back to other areas now opened into dark, cavernous spaces that I didn't recognize.

The monsters were another problem. Sometimes they behaved as expected, but other times, they seemed almost sentient. Shamblers walked through walls as if they were air, and sometimes they would freeze in place. On a few occasions, I faced invisible enemies.

I tried everything to understand the problem. I restarted the map, reloaded the game, even rebuilt the entire level from scratch. But each time, the same glitches reappeared, and each time, they seemed to get worse.

One night, in a desperate attempt to understand what was happening, I activated cheat codes and turned on "noclip," allowing me to move through walls and explore the map without restrictions. I hoped this would reveal the source of the problem—perhaps a broken trigger or a misplaced entity. But it only made things stranger.

As I drifted through walls, the map shifted around me. Rooms rearranged themselves, and corridors twisted and turned as if the map had a will of its own. I tried to reach the silver key, but it kept moving, always just out of reach. And when I tried to backtrack, the walls had closed in behind me, trapping me in a labyrinth of constantly changing geometry.

It's not a creepypasta—it's a sort of strange buggy map that reacts in a way I've never seen before.

link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2n289ltgmdps883/xd2.zip/file

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actually 5 downloads
Whatever, it's a really strange map.

I'm not here to get attention like you.
I'm done with such aggressive trolls.
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>So long gay anon!
>wah! Ya! WAA HAA!
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Why is she so sassy?
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English as a fourth language
Uhhh lo siento yo no hablar espanol
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which one anon?
good morning sar

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What if we put a cathode into a vacuum tube haha
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what settings do you guys use to take pics on your phone (android)?
When, 10 years ago? You've not getting an HD capable PVM anywhere for $200
Can maybe get an SD 14incher for that price in places where CRTs aren't a big collector fad yet
Cont. from last thread
i now managed to properly install the driver as well as get VMM to recognize it. Problem is that i still dont get a proper image displayed.
its scrolling either vertically or horizontally, depending on which sync cable i plug in.
i was told once the drivers are installed, using split sync cables for a combined sync TV wouldnt be a problem. how do i fix it then?
if I'm spending that much, it better be a 40" diamondtron
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set shutter speed to 60hz for 240p/480p and 30hz to 480i and that's about it.

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On the plus side it turned off an entire generation of console kiddies to Ultima which is good gatekeeping.
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>muh gaylord scottish
That cuck's mary sue self-insert was beaten fairly and he threw a tantrum and banned his opponent lmao
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what about this game? the cover looks cool so it must be good!
>Ultima sucks.
Your JRPGs are copies of Ultima or Wizardry, or blends of the two. In fact, Ultima 3 invented TRPGs too.
kek i didn't know that existed

i bet invo management on a nintendo is fun lol
>Your JRPGs are copies of Ultima or Wizardry
With all the shitty parts removed, mostly.

>new gba game is about to release
>no one's talking about it
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This. It sucks because she's a cool looking character, the games usually look great, but I've never been able to finish one they are just so damn boring.
The first game was very good for a gameboy game but after that it was pretty mediocre.
I can just jack off to porn online.
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Only played Risky's Revenge and it was painfully mediocre. The gameplay itself is decent enough, but the level design is fucking atrocious. It's all fucking flat.
Risky's Revenge is like the 2nd worst game in the series, and that map you posted is like the first level, the equivalent of a training area. Later parts of the game get fucking absurd mazes - the two things the series creator can do is 1. awesome animation and 2. stupidly complex puzzles (it's why their second most popular series is Mighty Switch Force).

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Here's the only tip that you need.
Every single one of them is a soiboi consumerist kike that doesn't even use the handhelds he gets and think that collecting chink e-waste counts as a hobby.
I have a few very capable chinkhelds but lately all I've been doing is playing PS1 on a CRT with the PSP and the component cable. Looks incredible and I can unplug and go whenever I want. PSP means life, or something.
The PSP is the last piece of technology that genuinely impressed me.
last one for me was my first e-reader. still look at the screen in wonder sometimes
>Every single one of them is a soiboi consumerist kike
Wicked is a liertal chad despite his avatar. Eta is an ai hooked up to a megacomputer so he doesn't count. I'm pretty sure soniclove is a straight up criminal
You gave me a retard idea: ctr chinkhelds. Chinks take old ctrs and make disposable mini tv's with their screens so why not chinkhelds?

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>I want the AUTHETIC retro experience!
>why yes I DO play my old games on defunct medical devices
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use what you want, who gives a fuck
>just bought monitor called XE17
>look it up and the diagonal is only 15 inches
what kind of bullshit is this? Should I cancel the order or keep it?
that is the perfect size for a desk monitor
No idea
The worst problem with oled filterfags is how they brag and cope as a real BVM could easily be replaced. They never admit the fact that they use filters as cope for not affording to play in a PVM.

I'm looking all over for it but I cannot find it. It is scrubbed off the internet. It would be amazing to actually find it again.
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my penis is leaking goo
FILTHY NAST. no way youre an adult because grown ups dont act like that--well maybe they do in TODAYS era. im done for now. will check in from time to time. hopefully it gets ripped. sorry to any good souls reading this drama. how utterly vile and nasty. im for free speech but im against vile disgusting filth talk. theres decency ya know.
Well this is it. Just a dead link, maybe anon will post again if he finds this thread

I couldn't find the ISO but I found your twitter account looking for it a year ago lmao also lol
There are entire contintents full of these barely sentient people. This is who they are trying to replace us with. Imagine these people attempting to maintain our infrastructure. It's horrifying.

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Undumped beta build of Legend of Zelda rescued from dead hoarder, cracked out of plastic tomb and dumped.

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Great but Id rather see the cart burned.
Oh shit this is real https://youtu.be/PXA6IE2tUC0?si=2rzBq5RCSanisR6_
yeah, tell that to anyone that unintentionally bought a stolen car at auction
somewhat relatable. used to scan my doujinshi collection and share what I did, but got tired to dealing with a certain group of faggots complaining. so I stopped. fuck em. ungrateful cunts ruin it for everyone.
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>faggots going "omg dump it! There's a pixel in level 3 that wasn't there in the final build!!!!!!!!!!!" Need to get a life
but that pixel is valuable gaming history that needs to be documented and preserved on an unofficial fansite running MediaWiki for future historians of videogame industry codebase development because of the limited lifespans of the cartridge and/or floppy disk which holds binary information that could be irreversibly lost had it not been rescued

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I'm in love with this game. Please tell me the flaws it has so I stop putting it on a pedestal.
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it lacks the camera target follow mechanic that was introduced in 3 which honestly makes it fairly uncomfy
emulating above 30 fps makes everything wonky as fuck

its a good game what can I say, one of those games you really should play on real hardware if possible

It was released as a part of some namco collection, its literally PS1 game emulated. Nothing different at all
What's with this fucking fag behaviour lately?
The biggest flaw is having such a retarded fan that goes and makes such dumb thread.
I need a less biased view than mine bud. Otherwise I'd just get too cocky about myself.
It's just too good, maybe even the best game on the PS1

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Do you know what day it is tomorrow?
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>15 years old me:
It's impossible to have a nice girlfriend and forget about birthdays, or even anniversaries!!! I want to have a beautiful girlfriend when I'm older!!!
>35 years old me:
How old am I? Fuck, what day is my birthday? Is it Christmas yet? Fuck, is summer already over? Wait, isn't autumn now? Whoah
And who the fuck is this woman in my bed? I think I know her but I don't actually remember where I met her
You drink too much.
I wish it was like that
But me and my buddies recently switch to alcohol-free beer, as it is better for your body.
Also, it is not haram
And we are not even muslims, but who cares
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>alcohol-free beer
yeah me too

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It's weird going back to this and seeing how many games have unskippable cutscenes, especially the first party ones.

I'm sorry I just don't care about the story in Mario, get it away.
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Real ESL hours
That and no music in the crash race is the only valid criticisms of the game, even if it's a tutorial about crashing and not racing like this anon mischaracterized.
There's a seven minute long tutorial about racing before you do your first race.
It's 2 minutes, you don't need to exaggerate to make a point (poorly.) I don't even know the point of your reply, was it being accused of mischaracterization? Trying to save face? Now you just look worse.
It feels like an eternity when you just want to play a game and some douchebag won't stop explaining the most obvious game mechanics of all time.

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whats the best one for simple 4 player battles

Im privey to '93 on the turbografx 16 but I feel that it lacks some items in the multiplayer. newer games have stuff like gloves and remote bombs.

Which game is the ULTIMATE bomberman
for me it's bomberman on DS

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