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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

I still don't understand how Slavs also come from the Steppe + EEF/WHG stock when they are so completely different in behavioral phenotype and looks than the rest of Europeans.
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Some do have R1a but it's not local and instead from vikings.
Toгдa oбъяcни нaличиe кaвкaзcких гaплoгpyпп y pyccких.
Moкшa, eй 3 тыcячи лeт, пocмoтpи тaм, нeмeцкoй и нopвeжcкoй линии 3,4 тыcячи лeт.
Хз, мoжeт этo и кaкaя нибyдь capмaтcкaя чypкa, нo тoчнo нe пpимecь aзepбoтoв.
Toчнo пpимecь кaвкaзa вo вpeмeнa жeлeзнoгo вeкa или нaшeй эpы, вoзмoжнo кoнтaкты pyccкoгo цapcтвa c кaвкaзoм.
Пoчeмy y pycни нeт нaтyфийcкoгo гoвнa и Иpaнa?
Tы шизик мoкшa.

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>Once saved always saved!
Where and when did this idea become a thing in the Christian faith?
I want to go back in time and save Joan from dying a virgin with my big white cock, if you catch my drift

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What European ethnic groups have the palest and whitest skin?

Am I right in assuming it goes something like this?

1. Faroese
2. Icelandic
3. Scottish
4. Irish
5. Norwegian
6. English
7. Welsh
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The Mediterranean is at the latitude of the continental United States, they get approximately the same amount of sun year round (however with much milder winters).
every pale person can tan eventually. i think it's more damaging for paler people who burn easily. i'm pale and when i do tan, i get a light brown, orange, and kinda golden mix. It's harder for me to tan, but i do eventually. I just burn easily. I also freckle.
I'm Belgian and I can't tan to save my life, I get red
>le i accept your concession XD
Kill yourself you stupid anal shit cock sucking faggot goofy orange skin is fucking ugly and (((tanning))) is unironically a jewish psyop to turn white people brown
If you think fake spray tans look better than naturally white skin then there’s no denying that germ niggers can’t into aesthetics and need to be genocided expeditiously
Explain to me why literally all zoomers wear sun protection to prevent getting tanned and why ethnics worldwide bleach their skin to imitate europeans
who's that mulatto with a blonde wig

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Why does this make incels rage?
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White people hate breaking old stuff, they make museums & shit
>they focus on art and books and sculptures
Muslims destroyed a lot of that, too
good question, i couldnt care less about one flavour of oriental moron blowing up the statue of another oriental moron

They also didnt blow it up because of "idolatry", they blew it up because while people were starving the west offered help restoring a fucking statue instead of helping starving civilians.
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Yeah nothing in histry right...? You're so proud of your elementary tier school achivements, right? Arabs cunqered from Portugal to Khazakistan, created incredible works of architecture and geometry, incredible temple to God.

What have the Lebanese done in the last 1000 years?

>INB4 muh Phoenicians 3000 years ago mufucka
Yeah... They built some shitty boats and sailed in the Mediterranean lake, thanks to the gigantic cedar forests they happened to live in. Meanwhile Yemeni, Omani and other Arabs despite having much less natural resources sailed to Indonesia, China and East Africa, a much more perilious journey.

Before Greek influence in the 6th century BC the Lebanese just built mudbrick fences with some standing stones to sacrifice their children to demon, the Arabs built gigantic minarets and mosque complexes with beatiful glazed glass geoemtry that puts all those stone age tier shit to shame. Just shut up sucker, Arabs conquered your servile ass, you're lucky to be able to speak their language and follow their religion and THEIR rules, and that they didn't slaughter all of you child sacrificing Levantine abominations on the stop.
They were getting all kinds of money up until that point, including humanitarian aid. They spent the money on bombs instead of tractors. Anything else is a cope.

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The weakness of France and the HRE in the 15th century gave temporary rise to Burgundy, situated between the two powers, and which was greatly influential in continental politics but lacked cohesion and fell almost as soon as it rose. The four great dukes of Burgundy, two Philips, John, and Charles, never achieved kinghood but their wealth and prestige for a time exceeded that of many monarchs. The ancient Duchy of Burgundy, centered around Dijon, was inherited by Philip the Hardy in 1361 and steadily expanded its borders. Philip remained one of the French "princes of the lilies" together with his brothers the Duke of Berry and the Duke of Anjou, but by allying with England in the Hundred Years War his son and grandson broke free of allegiance to the French crown. Philip's great-grandson Charles the Rash earned his name by overreaching himself in his attempt to outmaneuver his neighbors.

Their wealth came mostly from the prosperous towns of Belgium--Ypres, Ghent, Antwerp, Bruges, and Arras. The dukes of Burgundy had an itinerant court with no permanent capital city but outside the Hotel d'Artois in Paris and the ducal palace in Dijon they had residences in Lille, Bruges, Brussels, and Artois. The Burgundian court was one of the most magificent of the age and featured endless tournaments, feasting, spectacles, and processions. The dukes enthusiastically patronized the arts, including the sculptor Claus Sluter, painters Jan van Eyck and Roger van der Weyden, poets, musicians, romanciers, and tapissiers. They and their courtiers wore the finest and most elaborable outfits designed to impress and astonish. The dukes were masters of diplomacy and especially of strategic marriage.
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No, Himmler, we won't bring Burgundy back so you can nuke the world in this timeline.
Did Himmler actually dream of bringing this state of Burgundy Back and If yes why the fuck Burgundy

Ancient German tribe.
the nobility thought the chaperone was a balling ass hat
IIRC Kaiser Wilhelm also mentioned the idea of bringing back Burgundy to the king of Belgium. German map painter autism I guess.

The dutch language should be a regional dialect
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You are a complete retard incapable of interpreting information correctly, I'm sorry to say. "Teutonen" do not even exist, the Teuton tribe was last heard of in the Cimbrian War, later usage of the term stems from confusion with the appearance of "Deutsch"(Thiudisk, Theodisc, Teutsch), with completely different etymology.
Bavarians are not Alemannic, but Bavarian, Alemannic, Hollandish(Low Frankish), Saxon and so on are all German.
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>You are a complete retard incapable of interpreting information correctly, I'm sorry to say. "Teutonen" do not even exist, the Teuton tribe was last heard of in the Cimbrian War, later usage of the term stems from confusion with the appearance of "Deutsch"(Thiudisk, Theodisc, Teutsch), with completely different etymology.
Wrong. Old map of Sluis, near the Dutch/Flemish border from the 15th century. It very clearly referred to what we now call Dutch people, not German people. You are the retard who doesn't understand Teutonic = Diets = Dutch = Nederlands
>TRANSLATION OF CARTOUCHE TEXT: Sluis very fair town in German Flanders.
Teutonicae Flandriae = Teutonic Flanders. There were other regions of Teutonicae like Frisia.
Read: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/kili001etym01_01/
It's a dictionary of the Teutonic (Dutch/Diets) language. Contains old Dutch words, not German words.

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>This is your brain off communism
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Now there was a team
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ice affinity

Who/what is God?
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God is a superintelligent AI that will be created in the technological singularity.

God is who was am me in you then always now forever better than never by you than me.
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Something much more complex, meaningful, and deeply relevant to the human condition than any mere anthropomorphization, or the deterministic materialist "debunking" of same.
God is us personifying the forces of nature
Born from the fear of the unknown and untamable
Searching to put blame on no one for unfortunate happenings
Trying to bargain with the wind and rain
Seeking the power of the fearsome Thunder and Sun
We made up imaginary beings

Time to part with our imaginary friends, to separate fiction from reality, told from known, myths from life, fantasy from science. To reduce them as iconography, aesthetics. We don't have to reject them, simply acknowledge them for what they are, human nature. We can embrace the ideals engraved into them.

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>Noooo we don't actually worship the devil it's just some other guy who coincidentally has the exact same background as the Islamic devil
>His name? Why it's Moloch Taws
Who do they think they're fooling?
> abrahamic religious literally worship the demiurge
> accuse others of worshiping satan
>Malak Tawus is believed to be "pure and without sin, above and free of any bad actions, obedient and devoted to God and consisting of light."

whats the problem? its like christians praying/honoring archangels.
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Based yezidis not bowing to ywhwjak, jewsus and pedohammed

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why are indians getting shorter while virtually everyone on the planet, even SSA countries that are poor and have famines are getting taller?
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It's because westerners conflate caste system with race hierarchy.
In reality, it's basically what's happening to the west right now with our sacred protected demographics (but some are more sacred than others).
Sounds like a typical cope a South Indian lungie monkey would say. Southern states are not only full of manlets, the men are also beta af.
Strange pattern. What is actually going on in Kerala? Also it seems regional averages aren't very important anyway since caste difference seems even more significant.
jews work against them because they know Indians are the inheritors of the indo european pagan faith
Average pajeet is malnourished af. Kerala has better food welfare. Meanwhile the western states and northern states have been subject to wars in the subcontinent way much more than others, so historically and genetically have been filled of martial castes that have ingrained hunting, cooking meat and fighting (exercise) as more or less caste tradition.

While in Eastern states, historically they have spent more time as slaves and subjects under foreign rule than independent kingdoms, so even though the meat and fish consumption is way higher in eastern India, they have your average medieval peasant/slave labour body i.e. lean, malnourished, short and lanky

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>the civilized world is falling apart into civil war
>the common people are following what was once called a schizo cult to cope
>barbarians flee from even worse barbarians
>the elites are too busy fighting each other to do anything
>empires fight fruitless, endless wars
>history blends into myth and legend as humanity enters a dark age

name a more fucking kino setting
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Since this is the extended timeline mod thread, is there any reason to end Pax Romanum in the mod? Is it literally just a suicide button?
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The cold war fags in this thread are really making me dislike the cold war.
Not him but theres’s an anthropological aspect. Globalization has homogenized the world to a degree. Looking into the past shows different ways to organize a society and how those societies behave.
Rome's OP, no fun in playing it.

why are they refusing to accept that they are not Europeans? From Italy to Russia, from Greece to Iceland, everyone see them as Africans. Their language more Arabic than Latin, their genes more African than European, their culture more southern than northern, the heritage more punic than Roman. There's not a single thing about Spain which could be claimed as being "European". They're an African people.
Correct. They owe birthright to the atlanteans.
>everyone see them as Africans.
The Iberians are seen as subhuman mulattos by a majority of /his/ users, sure, but had you ever interacted with a single person outside your house you would've known by now that the Spanish and Portuguese are some of the best and most outstanding of European peoples.
t. polar opposite side of Europe
People on /his/ are far more learned than the average normie therefore our opinion matter more. When we say that Spaniards are mulattos (or more accurately, quadroon) it's because it's rooted in reality
>When we say that Spaniards are mulattos (or more accurately, quadroon) it's because it's rooted in reality
More like rooted in insanity

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Easy in hindsight to shittalk Stalin but in reality could the USSR have survived without the rushed and brutal industrialization, especially with the Nazi invasion a decade later?
Probably not. It’s unlikely that any other Soviet/Russian leader would have been able to wring out the sacrifices necessary to inflict the lion’s share of Wehrmacht casualties and to win the war. It’s certainly impossible to argue with Stalin’s 1931 declaration that they were 100 years behind the advanced economies and that they had to either make good that gap in 10 years or get crushed.
Even with Stalinism’s brutal emphasis on steel, iron, coal, tank and small arms production quotas and crudely hyperfocusing on all those sectors of heavy industry which make tankies hard, they STILL arguably didn’t industrialize/produce enough to compensate for their horrific wasteful 1941 losses and win the war without western lend lease.
Even though I’m 95% scornful of and despise authoritarian Communism, I still think it’s prudent to give full credit to Stalin for understanding exactly what needed to be done to save Russia/the Soviet Union. How ironic it is that Russia’s autistially cynical socio-political mindset was what allowed it to survive.
Have you ever had a boss that was an incompetent dick? The kind of guy that would demand that you do unrealistic things and then punish you for failing to live up to his vision?

That was basically USSR leadership in a nutshell.
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Only difference being that you will eventually be executed in Siberia for treason if you don't do your job properly or if you do your job TOO well.
Dick yes, incompetent no. He won the war.
Lend lease indicates that unlike the axis powers, Stalin was smart enough to understand that he had to grit his teeth and form productive partnership with the Anglo-Saxons and americans in order to get gibs to survive. This was beyond the capabilities of the thought processes of Hitler and whatever pack of meatheads were sharing power within the Japanese “Government” on any given day. And just imagine how easy it would be for Mussolini to redeem himself by just fucking staying neutral, something Stalin was smart enough to do with the Japanese until he didn’t need to anymore
He was one of the reasons WW2 started.

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Were medieval knights actually particularly good at fighting or were they just glorified weekend warriors with the money to buy fancy kit?
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Those are lightyears better trained than the Korean peasants that had been disarmed for centuries by the Ming who managed to route a massive Jap invasion force with spears that made the Samurai seethe so hard they began mass executing civilians.
Koreans weren't disarmed, the common men were part of the local array like the scots and the english. I get what you are saying about Samurai fighting capabilities tho.
They are basically Superhumans. They were the most successful warrior class in all of human history. They are what Lefties portray Samurai as. Knights would have an olympic level proficiency in not just one martial skill, but many.
They are basically the Elite of Germanic warriors, who found themselves in control of new land and people, which allowed them to buy the best equipment there is.

Our entire society was oriented around this warrior class. They didn’t move to the large cities they conquered, they only got taxes from there, but lived in forts. This isn’t the normal way of doing things. Other societies didn’t do this.
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50 IQ take.

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