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Another Wasted Weekend edition
Previous: >>31146229
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I honestly feel bad with how much women are mentally stunted children with minds permanently in high school.
I like you. Now say "just kidding" and confirm my trepidation concerning men being kind.
>useless for anything but sex
To you maybe. But I get enough other stuff done to entertain myself.
Not him but I don't think women are mentally inferior but yes their socialization often leads to pretty off putting personalities. If a male acquaintance had a similar personality it would be easy to dislike him and you wouldn't be friends.
you don't intimidate men, they just don't want to be around a banshee.
Another point, men don't care about your job or income at all. I dated a 45yo lawyer sugar mama with a wheelchair ridden husband, and I always declined when she offered money, even when I desperatey needed it (I'm a poor hick).

My grandma needs a kidney transplant. She just started dialysis maybe like two weeks ago, I'm not sure. My dad got checked if his was a match but it wasn't.

A couple of days ago he said I should also get checked if mine could be suitable. I immediately said no because I don't want to. I never liked my grandma. She always treated my mom like shit, abused her when she was younger, so I kinda hate her. Also, she's a smoker.

My dad got super offended and upset, people around me are saying I should do it for my dad.. but I don't want to, idk.. also how can I tell my dad no in the nicest way possible?without sounding like I don't care.

I'm 23 for reference.
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You don't owe that bitch shit. This will seem to cause a rift in your family, but it was really there all along. You just stood up for yourself and exposed it once and for all.
You're grandmother probably isn't vegan and over the course of her life has paid for the murder, mutilation, slavery, torture, rape and theft of organs (breasts, heart, muscles, thighs, etc) of hundreds of innocent animals. She needs to learn what bodily autonomy means and that she's NOT entitled to anyone else's body.

Don't give her shit
I seriously doubt a doctor would be a fan of that plan anyway. Go get "checked". Just tell the doctor you don't want to. They can't make you.
Don't do it. The old sacrifice themselves for the young, not the other way around.
Nightmare mode
What this anon said >>31148256 and make sure you are scheduling the appointment if it even were to happen that way there's no legal precedent for the doctor to not just lie to a third party
Even if you were to get kicked out the house NEVER EVER SACRIFICE YOUR BODY

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Is this true?
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In literally 2 minutes you can see the comment history of this guy
I'll let you reevaluate the validity of any of his claims
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Obviously not.
Go outside.
It's an exaggeration but meeting women naturally gets much harder after college and the dating pool quality gets worse.
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>Over 60% of adults never attended university
Fever dreams of socially isolated autistic incels
>YoU cAn OnLy FiNd ReLaTiOnShIpS iN UnI
>>Over 60% of adults never attended university
Boomers who predate dating apps and #MeToo. It was a different game before that.

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I'm lost in life.

I'm almost 30 and I haven't really made much progress in life. After high school, I didn't really know what I wanted to do so I just worked random part-time jobs and went to community college. Ended up transferring to a university and got a BA in Linguistics after like 7 years cause I took my time. I wanted to get into doing transcription or something where I'm working with data sets cause I like that kind of stuff. Only, I couldn't get anything at all except shitty minimum wage jobs. I eventually got a slightly better job at a hotel but it wasn't something I wanted to do forever. Last year, I got my current job teaching English in Japan which I was excited about, but it turned out to be kinda shit. I'm also finding that I don't really like office environments.

My contract will be over soon and I have no idea where to go from here. I feel like all my motivation is gone because I had hoped that this job would be "the one." Now all I've got is a useless degree and a bunch of random work experience that probably won't do much for me. What do I even do next? How did everyone figure out what they wanted to do in life? How did you find the job that you feel you "fit" in?
>How did everyone figure out what they wanted to do in life?
The majority of people will never find out what they "want" to do because they usually settle for what they "have" to do. It can be really unforgiving when you decide on a certain life path that you end up regretting, because starting from scratch is an even harder thing to do. Some people are better at handling soulless and mundane jobs because they cope by accepting their fate and by convincing themselves it is their purpose. Where you "fit" in is ultimately up to luck and how you feel about your circumstances. If you are chasing for perfection, you will never be happy.

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>get a crush during a relationship
>just try to ignore it
>relationship is good, guess the only issue is that my bf has become fat during the past few years
>although im still attracted to him and he hasn't really changed in my eyes
>also, my bf and this crush are very similar, i think that's why i got the crush in the first place
>last week, crush and bf are talking and i'm also there
>last time either of us saw this guy was almost 2 years ago
>we chat together for a bit
>i just act normal because i do want to stop having this crush
>then bf and me start talking about my sister
>crush gets surprised and curious when he hears i have a twin
>we start joking about her and what she's like (she's very weird/special you could say)
>crush starts heavily implying that he wants to take her out and date her
>we're all joking about it but i start to sense that he's somewhat serious about it
>crush asks us to bring her along next time

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>so it's pretty much just a superficial attraction that I'm hoping to get past.
And you think him becoming off limits because he's dating your sister wouldn't help with that? It sure would for me.

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I hate my parents I freely admit it. They:
>circumcised me
>vaccinated me
>fought for no reason in front of me and even used me as a bargaining chip
>taught me nothing
>didn’t socialize me which pretty much killed my social life to this day
>actively stunted my development and didn’t let me do anything because it might inconvenience them in some way
I’m 32 now never lived a day in my life, no freedom, still in the same shithole town I grew up in, never had a friend or girlfriend, can barely pay rent, and will probably be homeless if anything happens, had suicidal thoughts since I was ten with the only thing keeping me going is the thought that things would get better. My whore mom died in a drunk driving accident where she is the drunk driver and my dad is dying from ass cancer. I have one shot to tell him how much I hate him and the life he has given me. I want it to be as devastating and hurtful as possible and I want him to feel at least 1/3 of the pain I’ve felt since I became self aware. What’s the best way to do this?
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Gee, absolutely everything you don't like about yourself is someone else's fault. What are the odds?
>When I asked my dad about it he said that’s how it is and he apparently asked him to underpay me so I wouldn’t be spoilt and rely on nepotism
You dad is based, shame he got a faggot son
Whenever you want to hate you parents remember that you're basically 50% of each of them. They're assholes? Chances are you're an asshole. Lazy? Selfish? Alcoholics? Same thing. They just did what they did with what body and mind they were given.
>I’m 32 now never lived a day in my life
kek if you were 18 you'd have a point but you've had well over a decade to be an autonomous adult.
>waahhh it's le impossible because of my environment despite being able-bodied in America
If you insist on taking no responsibility then how can you blame your parents? They could use your logic to pass the blame for how they are onto their parents and so on.
Telling him you hate him, no matter how justified, won't make you feel better, and I'm sure you'll feel bad about it for the rest of your life. How about saying "I forgive you"? It might help to heal both your souls. It's certainly a better option than spewing venom.

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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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Okay, I hate this.
I had a dream where I slept with my sister. I hate this. What the fuck and why? Am I that lonely now?
but what if I just want you to myself
yuri on ice is also pretty good
But I'm emotionally and physically exploitable now :<
well quit being so far away then

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23 year old adhd Asperger’s guy. I’ve always felt that everyone I’ve talked to in school, work, etc has been a crab in a bucket trying to drag me down. I have had lots of times when I was so motivated just to have someone insult me or bother me to the point where I would get very depressed as a teenager. The worst part is that person would be an adult. It feels like I have a target on me and I feel really bad. I do realize now more than ever everyone has their own issues and thoughts going on and I don’t mean that much. So why does it feel like everyone puts in extra effort to drag me down the bucket?
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It’s easy to believe things when they agree with what you have in mind and blame other people. But by “they” I mean the teachers I had in highschool, the therapist I went to, my half brother who is my only sibling, etc. these were/are people who’ve had success and have good habits to get the job done. Why was I so significant for them to have put so much effort in making me feel bad? Is there some trigger in people that makes them pick on autistics no matter what? I don’t act on it, but there is an autistic kid I work with at my wage job and I feel more annoyed at him than I would with anyone else to pick on him but maybe that’s like a weird projection of what I have gotten treated like in the past.
>The worst part is that person would be an adult.
It's because most adults are faggot losers who derive their self esteem from abusing children and other people weaker than them. Yes, really.
tbf most aspies are brutally annoying in ways that get regular compassionate adults to over look their bullying, in the same way you'd want a ranting foreign man with a rotting foot to be bullied off your train car, even though it's not morally right
can relate
>the same way you'd want a ranting foreign man with a rotting foot to be bullied off your train car
i wouldn't want that

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i need some real advice. I've loved a girl for years and we broke up almost a year and half ago. im over it and it doesn't cross my mind that much only once a week or smth nothing important. There's a girl in my buddies college class and she saw me every once and then she started talking about me more and more that's like a year ago and since then she's trying so by telling the ones close to her how pretty iam, mimicking the way i react to things talk. and pretty much yapping about me and what im up to and telling them to link her up with me. meanwhile all we have between us is just a morning hello. Now here comes the struggle, I fuckin wanna get into a relationship with her she's like the prettiest and kindest girl in the college and everyone else has either confessed for her to her friends or they just have a crush on her. i want to get into a relationship but my fuckin situation doesn't let me. im currently lost i wanna hit the gym much more make money to spend with her snd just overall be steady. i dont want her to lose interest in me till i make myself perfect what can i do anons help a young brother out. i wanna keep her mine tell i make myself perfect for the time being.
Make your move buddy don't be a pussy ig that's a rep.
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I cant go on any longer at 20
I haven't had any experiences with women,no matter how I cope I know this is an abnormality, a glitch in the matrix even, I read on reddit about all these guys in their 30s and 40s being virgins and itterrifies me, please help
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Are you fucking kidding me? No one on this board will ever fix their life if we keep pretending that not having had sex at age xyz is a death sentence. There are third world countries where extramarital sex itself is a death sentence
Heres a radical thought: your retarded high school buddies are lying about their sexual experiences, in reality girls are not giving it up unless they're a certain type.
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Let me tell you something, anon, which you may or may not find comforting.
Part of why you are so worried is that you feel like there's something wrong with YOU. That you are fucked up or unlovable or something. At least that's what I thought.
Let me tell you that's bullshit. Sure, you're autistic, being sociable helps, but that's only 40% of why you're a virgin. The other 60% is pure luck. Pure butterfly effect tier circumstances that get someone laid.
Here's two examples. I'm me. I'm moderately autistic but I lucked into at least making out with a girl on my first year of college cause she thought I were funny and we talked politics and shit. I didn't have to try or self improove or some shit. We just happened to sit close to eachother and she noticed some shit I was doodling. She got transferred to another uni so we never went further. Never had a chance like this again.
What I'm trying to say is that meeting a girl that's into you that can 'change your life' is gambling. All you can do is maximize your chances by going out with friends and shit and hope something happens. To some people it happens sooner and to others it never happens at all.
It sucks. You won't stop hurting or being jealous whenever you see a happy couple or something but at least you are not 'wrong' in any way.
you are too young. Just have patience, your peak will be at 30
join the military.

Is converting to Islam because of a girl i like a bad idea? I really really like this girl. We are good friends and known each other for some years.
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Op here. Muslim women going out too see a non muslim male friend is unommon. So i dont know how to decipher her
The absolute state of modern men lol
Its because i dont want a modern woman
Thats not true at all. Only the secular diasporas like Iranians and other religious minorities like Christian lebs dont care. Even the libshit wants dont want the stigma from the community most of the time. But if youre gonna marry from a secular family you might as well get some normie girl since she will be just as pozzed as them and the normie girl will be easier.

I slept 30 mins last night. Should i call out of work there's no one to cover.
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I do this on a regular basis, often I skip sleep entirely
It's really not that bad once you settle in
I used to go 2-3 days without sleeping as a teenager and would hallucinate/become delirious, but I could do it. Nowadays in my 30s I can't even operate if I don't get at least 6 hours, I'll pass out at noon even with caffeine.
iktf, just go into work dead as shit and crash afterwards
once went in for a graveyard on 2 days no sleep
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i need some real advice. I've loved a girl for years and we broke up almost a year and half ago. im over it and it doesn't cross my mind that much only once a week or smth nothing important. There's a girl in my buddies college class and she saw me every once and then she started talking about me more and more that's like a year ago and since then she's trying so by telling the ones close to her how pretty iam, mimicking the way i react to things talk. and pretty much yapping about me and what im up to and telling them to link her up with me. meanwhile all we have between us is just a morning hello. Now here comes the struggle, I fuckin wanna get into a relationship with her she's like the prettiest and kindest girl in the college and everyone else has either confessed for her to her friends or they just have a crush on her. i want to get into a relationship but my fuckin situation doesn't let me. im currently lost i wanna hit the gym much more make money to spend with her snd just overall be steady. i dont want her to lose interest in me till i make myself perfect what can i do anons help a young brother out. i wanna keep her mine tell i make myself perfect for the time being.

Thanks guys

No i work retail so it's not so bad I guess.

Unfortunately I can't push myself like that anymore. More power to u tho

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Do you guys have any tips on how I can meet and date 18-21 year old women as a 33 year old man?
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Idc and dont wanna hear about it. this guy gets a fucking gf first try by making a fucking thread saying give me gf basically. wtf? you dont even know.what he looks like ffs
> you don't even know what he looks like
Idc about things like weight, height, income or d*ck size so it's not a problem. You'll find someone eventually no need to be jealous, but bitching about it won't make it happen faster bro. Gl tho.
I'm the "not OP" guy. She seems cool so I think we'll chat a bit. Not expecting anything to happen but hey, at the worst we'll have a chat with someone cool.
Sure, a bit later. I'm at work now. Odds are low for anything to happen but hey, you never know.
yayyy <3 cya soon then
It really is that simple, but don't think for one second anything here is actually real.

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Do you think these drums sound fine?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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Pic not related 'cause there's no truth to be found in your ramblings. It's not even new.
>There are only certain personality types and physical traits that women find desirable, in contrast to the male perspective which is far more diverse in its preferences.

That's like...the polar opposite of what reality is.
Really? You think women are more diverse in their tastes than men? That's the hill you want to die on?
need videos/tips on taking photos of myself
how do i take nice photos of myself without relying on someone else
She’s worried about what you think of her.

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