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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Cum is only 2-4% sperm, and only 3 to 10 % of sperm is active
I understand people being worried because they lack medical expertise, but the inefficiencies introduced by hypochondria must be enormous
last few finals of optometry school this week then it's off to externships for a year (and more nationalized tests woooo....) wish me luck, /med/bros.
best luck

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Is it possible for something like a vaccine program to cause mass psychological and behavioral changes in the population? If so, why would they want to do that?
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>it's possible for a TV program to cause mass psychological and behavior changes in the population.
This was demonstrated by the War of The Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 and it scared the shit out everyone. Some people even committed suicide because the thought the flat earth was really being invaded by martians. Gee, I wonder why "UFOs" is being pushed so hard these days?
Also demonstrated by 24 collectively breaking a bunch of Americans' brains.
I would say no. Alone, a vaccine program is a fairly boring thing that nobody cares about. What can cause people to go crazy about a vaccine program though is sensationalist media articles and wild theories on social media
what if the vaccine has rabies in it
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I heard the vax has chaff grenade type materials, a crystal that reflected special bandwidths of radiowaves, refacts infinitly many times inside, ensure a hit.

Broad band subliminal oppression.

Create a defeatable hell for yourself or have another's soulless hell be put on you. It can ALWAYS BE WORSE.

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Can a cycle/bounce exist, and could it mean we live infinite amounts of times, every single one of us?
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>that implies there's a unique something which goes into the goat, which we don't know if it's real.
Yes and no, qualitative experience/consciousness seems to be some yet to be defined property of reality, these complex forms seem to be merely a "focus point" of sorts, a way to bring information to a more readable form, and a way to memorize and repeat that information such that a continuous perception of experience may be formed, if you couldn't remember anything you would probably not be conscious, it could just be that it is merely the way the interactions between these things are expressed, like igniting TNT produces an explosion, the specific matter interactions produce qualitative experience, but it's just not possible to pinpoint where exactly that experience comes from or where it goes, personally I think consciousness is some fundamental of reality, all reality is one singular "consciousness", but without a form which could take in and process the information within itself, due to innate physical laws which dictate the behaviour of reality, it can't really perceive anything or know that it is conscious in any way because it has no way to store or process information in a way which would make sense, but of course that's a huge hypothetical, I don't think we will ever be able to explain it with these limited forms, a next step in evolution is necessary to change our perception of information and how we communicate it, words and numbers are just assigned values to specific things, but you can't assign values to everything, because not all is explainable by these simplistic terms and logic operations.
cont. due to text limit
>makes more sense to continue in some universe where the same matter arrangement somehow comes to be and manifests you
Perhaps, that is one likely outcome, but then comes the question of what makes you "you", because you're made of the exact same things that everything else is made of, there is no physical difference between the carbon atoms in your body and the carbon atoms in the center of a slowly dying star, or the water molecules in your body and some large lake, wherein lies the identity of "you" within these parts? I just see it like this, I was dead, there was absolutely nothing and then I came to existence as some form which, through interaction with the outside and the inside, formulates an experience, but I am not unique in the sense that even far less complex forms have experience, just not on the same level of complexity and not even the same type of perception, since different interactions produce different outputs, so the complexity of the form seems to play some role in the complexity of experience, but it is not unique to your form, all interactions produce some reaction, it is only through the cumulation of these interactions that a more complex image can manifest, so following from the statement that experience is not unique to one singular form of one singular type and can manifest in different forms with varying levels of complexity and different mechanisms of interaction and that there is no separate identity between the constituent parts of these forms, I see no reason why I couldn't have been a bug, or a rabbit, or born in America to John and Jane Smith in 1972, or born a billion years later in some hyper-advanced human society.
I don’t care for a goat or anything , we may be able to be reborn through the restarted cycle, as the same person.

Reincarnations are hard to figure out though
>we may be able to be reborn through the restarted cycle, as the same person.
Are you proposing that the outcome is always exactly the same? Personally I find that unlikely, given the amount of input conditions and potentially infinite amount of time and variability.
nta but don't think they can play out the same. which would make for another (You) each time, not this particular one. which blurs everything as far as ID goes.

Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?

Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

Just how delicate and precious is life really? Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.
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Did you actually read the whole post, or just the first sentence?
You know it's bad when you have "Harvard professors" trying to lecture American politicians on how "men" can get pregnant, lol.
indeed I only read the first sentence anon. mea culpa.
my point still stands by itself with no relation to your post.
Where is your single-celled organism that you created from scratch in your laboratory chud. You're not dumber than spontaneous, random processes, right?
oh this brain disease again. unless you can prove things don't have a cause then you have no standing. anything we observe has a cause (or a chain of them). always. this filters the midwits

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previous thread >>16072199

if you love stats, weird numbers and counterintutive science, this is your general. Because one of the things with statistics is that nothing ever seems to be what it tries to show you on a first glance or glimpse. Doesn't matter if you are a seasoned professional, NEET or some disgruntled grad student. All are welcome.

Some people may not like it if you try to make them do your homework, others won't care and will just help you. Let's discuss theories together, ask questions and try to meme a little about this field.

in the previous thread we discussed why Julia has promise but is not delivering. How some people still use Matlab but hate it.

So, grab your favorite statistical software, dust off your textbooks, and join me in this exciting journey through the world of /psg/ - Probability and Statistics General! Let's embark on this adventure together and unravel the mysteries of data one statistical concept at a time.
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Being a brainlet got me this far, not even sorry. SPSS just wurkz. I have no need for anything R does "faster" because I can do it in my head to the point where it's close enough and thus there's no point to even turning on the cumpooter. All my data is automatically fed into SPSS at the end of the day and whatever I don't want to fuck with too much I can pull out as needed.

I don't think people realize just how easy SPSS is to use because they are either too stupid to set up automation or too scared to pirate.
I'm sure you can get by on it, just like you can get by on Microsoft word.

It's just slower. Almost every software of any note allows automation. I know people who do all their analysis in excel with formulas and macros set up for automation, I still would never do that to myself because of how slow setting that up is.

Not only that, the benefit of coding is that it's quite narrative in flow. I can look at scripts and code and understand exactly what is going on (even if it's formatted by someone with little skill).

That's much more difficult to do with dedicated software, which typically is made to help and put guardrails up for those with low skill.
It shows you aren't a researcher.
>He spent AN ENTIRE CLASS going through how to install R and python and all that shit on Windows.

Installing python/software should be used as a filter.
>Either way, you should've brought your own printouts.
No note sheets or printouts are allowed in this class by the prof (Even though the sylabus stated we would be permitted 1 page of notes on exams)

I did learn afterwards, from another student, that certain casio calculators have all the tables id need for this class.

>Undergraduate stats are piss-easy
Yeah probably, but the median course grade in this class is still a failing grade. Im above the median and still probably going to fail. Mostly because im retarded though.

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According to science, this color is proof that our current theory about the color spectrum is wrong and that we need to re-evaluate our notions about what a color is.
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>What they actually mean is that cyan and yellow are pure colors, in that you can produce them with photons of a single energy
what? cyan and yellow can be made with either single photons and dual photons. it is exactly the opposite of "pure" color, they can be something or other, nothing pure in two-faced colors anon.
when you see magenta that's what you get. there's no other possible combination of photons resulting in magenta, it's "pure" that way, not two-faced. magenta is as honest as reg green and blue.
stop reminding me
Yellow and Cyan are fake, they share the same mechanism as Magenta in that they are colors that necessitate two cones being triggered to be seen.
How is that difficult for you people to understand?
you're telling me that joy and clarity are unreal?
Apparently not a lot of animals can see Red, which mean they probably also can't see Yellow and Magenta

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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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they just want to put in solar panels more trains and a few nuclear reactors you, is that such a bad thing?
>Twice the irradiance
>Only just slightly more than twice the temperature
>288 * 2 = 580k vs 737k
Use your last neuron and you'll know. It's self-evident if you aren't a /x/tard.
So you're making shit up because you don't understand how to interpret data. Got it.
>that cheap bait
Deeply retarded.

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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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No it doesn't. Their kosher, foreign owned media might, but the Europeans themselves don't
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>Their kosher, foreign owned media
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Are israelis indigenous to israel?
semites are indigenous to that region, they shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere else because doing so will necessarily harm to native indigenous species of wherever the semites try to colonize
That chart clearly states that the term “indigenous peoples” has no official definition according to the UN and is defined by traits such as having preserved pre-settler cultures.

Also if you notice, every single indigenous group in that chart except for Greenland and French Polynesia is an ethnic minority in its country, so if you’re suggesting that it has an anti-European bias for not recognizing white Europeans as indigenous to Europe then that would also make it anti-Chinese for not recognizing ethnic Han Chinese as indigenous to China, anti-Indian for not recognizing ethnic Indians as indigenous to India, and anti-Kenyan for not recognizing ethnic Kenyans as indigenous to Kenya because that’s just the bizarre categorization they use, not some specifically anti-white thing

>The New Horizons project cost $780.6 million

Why are we not launching these things every year?
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Each are tailor made to the specific mission, and there is little point in repeating teh experiment before we have examined and analysed all the data we already got.
Yeah I would at least expect a Uranus and Neptune orbiter missions between 2000-2030 from stupid nasa
they're too busy huilding a Mars gulag in secret, for 4channers and other free-speechers
No point launching things to non-planets. New Horizons was the pet project of the deranged Alan Stern.
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Not needed anymore James Webb Telescope gives us much sharper images

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How did grifters manage to fool retards into believing glorified madlibs is actual artificial intelligence?
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spoiler: it is an electronic abacus, that's it! It will never be anything else, it is just really good at tricking stupid people it isnt that, because stupid people only see surface level,. they never understand how things really work under the hood, so to speak
Unironically true. My blood starts to boil whenever I have to watch someone google something.
No, you are literally a grifter who advertises crystals and prepper supplies on a shitty wordpress site with esoteric in the title that you are always trying to advertise here without paying for a banner ad.
1. Because they introduced an AGI cop-out so they could call everything under the sun AI.
2. Because despite 1,000 posts on /g/ and elsewhere making the point, anti-AI-hype Chads still refuse to take the CAPTCHA death blow outside 4chan. The CAPTCHA death blow is thus: CAPTCHAs are by definition Turing tests, so if real AI is here, CAPTCHAs would be useless and therefore Google et. al. should be moving to get rid of that annoying garbage. Yet they are not. So either CAPTCHAs disappear or the technocrats are forced to concede that real AI isn't here. Win-win for anti-AI-hype Chads.
>fool retards into believing glorified madlib

The biggest strength of GPT is coding. People use it for dumb shit, which can be googled as well, but for programmers GPT is the equivalent of a calculator what an calculator is for an engineer.

If you're coding functionally as well as test driven, you can easily build small functions and test them instantly. You can even use GPT to build custom Jenkins pipelines if you separate stages properly.

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why did international space community think that shitskin have taken real sharpest image of moon from most filthy place and poophole of earth.
this look ai generated.
streetshitter trying hard to prove this is real.
lol he captured it with 8" scope
>sharpest image of moon
Please, shut the fuck up retard.

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> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?
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it's basically applied differential equations, its closer to physics than math
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No, Its Organic Mathematics, how humans Shadow Calculate Pi/Phi/i and all manner of things, like I and Oiler did.

The Cognitive, Phenomenological, perception of Pure Mathematics, or Physiology d'Mathematique.
Coomer did what you did, "physics measures".

Me too, just more expansive.

Not all math is "ethical", I would be done with this and impliment a slower return but more stable, besides, half thebprofits are from efficiency and cost cutting.

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Can any med student tell me if my hypothesis is correct?

A fungus like jock itch, it would be like a grass.
Which grows on the skin.

If I use peroxyde water is like burning it.
But the fungus will grow again, like grass.

If I keep using peroxyde water every day, It will regrow, but lesser every time.
Eventually the skin regrows, and the fungus is simply expelled because the skin would have entirelly being replaced, like cutting a fungus area in a bannana.

This would explain why is so hard to get rid off?

Is my idea more or less on the right path?
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A couple principles to keep in mind with any proposed treatment :

1. Potency. This is the easy part. By this logic you should throw bleach on the skin. Hell, even too much water can kill microorganisms. The hard part is not losing potency, as microorganisms can rapidly adapt. This is why you need to finish antibiotic regimens or else you'll make a stronger version of the organism. Are you sure that fungus would be killed in the deeper layers of skin? Likely not. Which brings us to second point

2. Specificity. Throwing H2O2 on fungus might kill it yes, but you'll kill your skin as well. This is part of what makes chemotherapy so awful. It's a poison that kills cancer just slightly faster than your own cells. This is why medicines often target specific structures in microorganisms that don't exist in our body the same way. Less chance of downstream effects

So in other words just go to the urgent care anon. You can permanently scar your skin with h2o2. And that's without a guarantee of expelling fungus
more info needed,
>hep C virus survives boiling
uh, okay
>hep C virus survives MANY years on a surface
The fuck? How many is "many"? Viruses are dead shit, they should fall apart eventually as microbial life goes on without them.
rip to his junk

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Yes there's a picrel suggesting how it could be seen as a business model.
Your reply had nothing to do with what I said. I said that capitalism only pretends scarcity - so for example, there isn't enough houses for everybody, so we have to determine who gets to own one. There isn't enough bread for everybody, so we have to somehow decide who gets to eat. But this almost never happens in reality, and the only two scarce things are jobs and money, and there are empty houses, amd people who can't afford to buy one.
There's a bunch of careless people at the top of capitalism that don't care about these problems the lower end face and are controlling things and stopping help from coming so they can keep their top position. Largely due to luck
Didn't Elon used to market his electric cars on the basis of them being environmentally friendly? What changed?
>But this almost never happens in reality
It is reality. It's the darwinian nature of living beings, the biological motivation systems of fear/desire, punishment/reward, pain/pleasure and all the psychology that derives from these biological motivation system like the will to exercise power over others, territorial behaviour etc. Human emotions are a dashboard for how well we satisfy these drives. It feels good to do better than anyone else.

You seem to want to downplay the reality biology in favor of the fantasy of social constructivism and morality. Instead I propose to recognize that some humans have a different kind of biology: they feel better when sharing and cooperating rather than dominating.

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