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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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I've got two weeks in November to go somewhere, and was thinking Portugal. Despite having been around the world a bit, I've never gone to Europe. I'd just stay on the mainland between Lisbon and Porto for time, probably stop in Evora, Coimbra, and Braga too. Just interested in the food, old cities, and such. Don't care so much about beaches as its probably too cold in November.
I've always wanted to do Portugal too, but I just have so much on my bucket list ahead of it. November is the rainy season in Portugal, same with Rome. You could go down and do Greece. They have better weather that time of year with less rain. Even Madrid and central Spain might be a better bet. It would be a little cooler in central Spain than Portugal, but less chance of rain in the interior than on the coast.
Worst time to go, hence why you probably paid no more than $500 for your plane ticket.

Also, the cities suck, especially Lisbon. Everybody who goes to Portugal goes to Algarve, if not the Azores, and only in the Summer.

>t. Guy who went to Portugal in November once and regretted it.

What are the "types" of people you always see traveling?
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People whose lives revolve around travel are low quality human beings, almost always hedonists
Nice slave mentality, peasant. Let me guess, you think a "hard day's work" is an admirable thing?
>theres a fucking Korean tourist there
Every time lmao. At least they're usually pretty chill and tend to have better English skills than Japanese people do. But if you'd like to see Japanese tourists, go to Bangkok and hang out in that one area that caters to Japanese tourists (the name of which eludes me now but it's not hard to find). I've never seen so many people dressed like anime characters outside of a convention and I don't even go to those since they actually tend to smell even fucking worse than Bangkok does with its open air sewers.

scotch claws typed this
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No he's right. Travel as a lifestyle necessarily attracts shallow and hedonist people

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Hello, I will be your seat neighbor for the next 7 hours.
What do
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I always carry a copy of consumer rights documents for such situations. Usually, after highlighting key passages, the person understands and put it back up. Make sure you get the copies translated, too.
I can't decide whether i hate fat fucks or screaming toddlers more. last plane i was on the infants puked all over it, up and down the aisle. the stewardess had to put down baking soda and cover the floor in a towel on top of the puke. but there's nothing quite as disgusting as a fat fuck's pasty, clammy, hairy arm and thigh pressing against you the entire flight. even worse when they order a meal on a 5 hour flight... like really, dude? you really can't go that long without eating? fat fuckign shit
fat fucks should need to buy two seats
tickets should be charged based on passenger and luggage total weight. they're jewing me over a carry-on and yet beetus mountain paid the same ticket I did? just charge according to weight and airlines would make a fortune, especially any flight out of the US south. christ almighty there are wall-e blobs rolling around down there.
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Would be glorious watching fatcunts being asked to climb into picrel
That's funny, I also carry a copy of consumer rights, highlighting the part where I paid for a reclinable seat so I can recline it.

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What are the most beautiful places in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales?
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I'd add Portmeirion and the Gower to Wales and the Yorkshire Dales (and by extension Knaresborough and Richmond) to England.
i went to whitby unknowingly on the biannual goth weekend
there are some stereotypical things of a british seaside town like things for kids to guilt their parents into wasting money on for them. it has one of the famous contenders of best fish and chips shop The Magpie Cafe, it was nice, but i dont think i'd wait in a long line if there were other places with seating available. line wasnt so bad when i went tho.
whitby has a nice ruined abbey overlooking the town - costs money to enter tho its part of english heritage charity.
i dont know if english heritage sites have reciprocal membership entrances but there is another organization the national trust that preserve some historical sites - from majority of europe and former uk colonies and a few more first world countries if you have an equivalent national trust membership it works internationally.

went to one of the nearby villages, i think it was robin hood's bay - don't accidentally drive down the hill its a one lane both way steep hill road with traffic .
maybe it was staithes tho.

dont know many specific places of interior north york moors, but Rievaulx Abbey looks cool. ravenscar looks like nice coastline hiking.
>>Brecon beacons
Bannau brycheiniog
Sorry I don't speak retarded sheep
You don’t need to. I don’t speak French yet I know it’s called Mont Blanc not white mountain :)

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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The shame culture is huge there. Japanese boss won't fire you, they make you quit out of shame. They are called madogiwazoku "window tribe". You go to work, no task, no assignment, no meeting, coworker all shun you. Eventually you will grow shame that you are useless and quit. And the company will continue to claim they never fire you.

You don't want that, right Anon-kun? You don't want to have a job in Japan where you do nothing and feel ashamed all day. That would be so terrible.
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>but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes
>be Japanese
>be number 1 shamefur worker
>no work
>get given no responsibilities
>become number 1 shamefur worker
>get given even more no responsibility
>keep going
>receive 50 salaries
>retire early
>I like osaka, but want to find other medium sized (asian) cities that bring the same perks
I liked Korea, especially Busan has a nice vibe. But getting a job there is a shitshow

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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She should've asked you about your fatherhood plans before making herself preggers. Hopefully she's on bc. In any case, if I were you I'd hop back on her and go for round two asap cus that's hot af
go offshore and get a 0% tax carribean shell company to put all that through. costs a few thousand to set up and <$1000 a year from then on. no capital gains ever.
Looks like incel janny is on patrol. Quick guys act like you don't have sex in south east Asia!
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Philippines vs Thailand for tranny fucking, which one is better?
Thailand by far. They can afford hormones and tits. Philippines is really grim and very few pass. They also act like gays instead of their own thing.

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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Oh yeah? What does it taste like? More curiously, why would it give you ED? Does Viagra help? I don't have actual ED but I'm in my early 40s and my erection quality isn't what it used to be. But if I pop 25mg of that stuff, I've got a boner I could rob a bank with.
I was joking but yes, think of how nasty thai whisky is and add some more nasty points and then you'll get close to the snake whisky. it is a gimmick for tourists or perhaps dumb asians who think it gives them power. I am early 40s also, and just came back from thailand. boner works but seems to require constant stimulation and can get soft in the time taken to get from the mouth to the pussy. I might have to just get in shape or get some viagra.. some thai pussies are so tight so you really need a strong erection.
You won't regret checking out the Viagra, my brother boomer. Give it a go. It comes in 50mg and 100mg. Maybe it's available in 25mg somewhere but I don't know. I just buy 50 and break them in half. Start small like that and see how it goes.

Any kind of animal they throw in the alcohol will kind of make it smoother, so theoretically it tastes better with the snake than without it.

There's something they do that's more fun than snake whisky though. It's called jar whisky, where they put a big jar of whisky with a bunch of straws in it and everybody has to compete to get it down.
Your not supposed to drink the snake whiskey, it's just in alcohol to preserve it, it's supposed to just be an ornamental thing

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What are you supposed to say? I said Tourism and then he asked how long I will be staying and I said 4 weeks and he gave me a funny look but still let me in. I’m working from my laptop btw I just didn’t want to say that in case it caused me issues
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They have never asked me that. Probably because the question is on the immigration/arrival card that I would already have filled in.
Depends on the country but in most cases yes
This is only a technicality so they have cause to deport people abusing tourist visas long-term, realistically nobody is going to care or know about it if you remote work for a few weeks as long as you don't admit to it

However your company's IT might find out if you don't have the skills to mask your location and in that case you can get fired or sued depending on data security laws your work is subject to.
The only time I got asked was on returning to my own country during covid years. My answer was deemed inadequate, so I was shipped to a detention facility for quarantine purposes.
no. working counts as doing work for a local company. business for a business visa means doing business related activities with a local company on behalf of a foreign company.
you doing laptop work while on a tourist visa is grey area because it is neither 'work' which requires a work visa or 'business' which requires a business visa.
for all intents and purposes you are just on your laptop while vacationing.
Canadian or Australian?

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What to do in Indonesia?
Where would you go and what would you do if you were there for a few weeks?
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>seeking relationship advice on a travel board with the only connection being the country
>So what say you?
Ask another board

Just do it. She's obviously crazy or trying to take advantage of you in some way or another, but who cares. You only live once.

Maybe, maybe... witnessing my best friend break up with his toxic babymama really tries that mindset though
Read: shitty and disconnected. There isn't a decent nightlife district you can just walk around in and vibe, its scattered all over the place so an evening out means taxi rides and annoying walking distances.

Sure you can go to a brothel and fuck sex trafficked minors from the province but that's pretty fucking lame and evil. Actually having a good time and legit meeting people is a pain in the ass in that city.

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I went to Korea for a few weeks this winter and I really liked it... has anyone traveled/lived there for an extended period of time? How was it for you? Tips, advice, stories, etc?

I've been steadily learning more about its language and more highbrow culture (not the kpop stuff), and it's made me even more interested. I'm a 28 year old grad student who just got his masters and is starting a PhD, and if that doesn't work out, I was seriously thinking of applying for South Korea's English teaching program or something and going to a rural area for a few years before figuring out what to do next.
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>Tips, advice

-Korea is pretty GOAT if you need cheap visa resets, you can get a small room place with a shower+fridge for around 300-400/mo
-You'll need to make sure any data sim you get has a korean phone #, holy shit it will you will need it
-Get a wowpass
-Don't bother with trains from 5PM-7PM unless you want squish mode
-Get a VPN of some sort before going to korea their internet safety BS is annoying
-Unless you know Korean don't stay outside busan/seoul (maybe I just have bad luck but the amount of NO ENGLISH! bs seemed to be worse than Japan or other countries)
-Jeju is fine but everything is couple focused
-Korean men are hilariously cringey
-If you expect Seoul to be Tokyo 2.0 lower you expectations
-the beaches outside Jeju are depressing
-turn off emergency alerts on your cellphone they are stupidly annoying

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yep, good looking well-adjusted korean women don't racemix.
It's just politics. Don't mind it

lol ok

Lol ok

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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how many years ago was that? that the key point
wots this?
December last year. I'm 36 now
no. vietnamese food is a league below thai food
I like Vietnamese food more than thai. Viets also do the bakery thing properly.
I think I could live off pho and vermicilli indefinitely and be perfectly content.

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I'm going to Vegas for five days for an event in July. I'm looking for things to do and meet people from other parts of America but don't really want to spend too much time at the casino and I definitely don't want to go to loud rooftop concerts. I'm open to bars but I don't drink alcohol unless I'm very close friends with the people I drink with.

Honestly, my goal is to just find a nice single girl and then enjoy a nice stay Hell's Kitchen or something. Or something else classy

Thanks for your responses in advance
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How much money we talking here? Hundreds? Thousands
If you discus ladies of the night, they ban you. You're not even allowed to warn people that instead of hookers, it's infinitely cheaper and safer to just go to an asian massage parlor on west spring mountain blvd.

If you have a car, there are a lot of cool shops off the strip. Cash 4 Chaos is a cool punk record store, the gambler's general store is awesome if you're looking for poker chips. There are a bunch of cool vintage/rockabilly clothing stores in the neighborhood around Red Kat Vintage. They also built a semi-covered outdoor mall near Red Rock called Downtown Summerlin that is really nice for walking around when the weather is good, but you really need to catch it when they're running the indoor market.
Check out Casino Quest. It’s better to book an hour or two, learn the table games, and pretend to be a high roller than to blow your money on casino games you have no idea how to play.


Day drinking, POOL PARTIES! You're welcome OP.
There’s a Thai place just off Fremont called Le Thai that is delicious and affordable

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What are the best places to visit here? Is Portland viable to get a good overall taste of the state and New England in general?
Half the state is owned by Canada and is off-limits
Moved here a year ago for school. I think Portland is stupidly overrated. If you want to get a feel for Maine I'd say the coastal towns in Downeast Maine are your best bet. Start at Booth Bay or Rockland and just follow the coast to Lubec. Shit gets stupid busy in the summer though so you better hit the road now.
>Is Portland viable to get a good overall taste of the state and New England in general?
No, you've gotta go coastal or further north

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The purist attitude of this site is obnoxious.
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Peak reddit post
>Most cities offer the same experience and you end up doing the same shit
True to some extent, but not nearly as painfully true in Europe as it is in America.
Imagine not being able to post anything beyond buzzwords and copied memes. You can't even write a sentence, kek.
>t. cannot into planning
Wait, so now you're saying you should plan to stay in smaller places, and not just cities?

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