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How do you respond without sounding mad (or un-clever)?
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unironically, for once, a cliche fart would have been really good
>Can you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your son fucking your daughter.
Niggers tongue my anus,
I've suddenly realized how grateful I am to have you as my father. Despite my extreme physical deformity you've made every effort to treat me as your son, and at every turn I've done nothing but spite you for seemingly no reason. I will return to Casterly Rock, as you've ordered, and await your further command. I love you father and thank you for being there for me.
I mean, there’s not much difference in what Tywin Lannister did at Kings Landing during Robert’s Rebellion compared to what Walter Frey did arriving late to the Battle of The Trident…ones universally considered a coward and the other a brilliant and ruthless tactician.

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films that utilize this!?
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If only CURRENT YEAR retards went to the same level of effort. They just do retarded shit like, "Well it's a fictional story about aliens, so I can just make up whatever bullshit I want."
Yes, Alien is never in a million years an idiot plot.

Alien: Covenant on the other hand...
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>fags think a ship is unsinkable when it's made of iron
>go steaming around the Atlantic filled with icebergs at top speed like idiots
>don't have enough lifeboats for passenger capacity
Totally took me out of the movie. So unrealistic. Writers think the audience is stupid.
House of the Dragon
Everything by Guy Richie

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Times you acted like Charlie from the Whale
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I ate 10 bean burritos after pouring 2 cups of melted butter on them and had so many carbs I lost feeling in my right side and had to jerk off with my left side
I ate a cheddar brat and it was so good I ate a second one.
i ate dinner and then about 4 hours later right before bed i ate another meal
I just ate oreos, pringles, sour airheads, pop tarts and now I'm going for a diet pepsi.
I had my normal dinner last night but then was still hungry so ate a whole bunch of lil carrots with hummus. I'm such a greedy bitch

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>this is a 26 year old woman
Less believable than bringing back the dinosaurs
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Don't insult Owen Wilson like that
What a fool you are.
I know it blows zoomies minds but before mass microplastics and estrogen polluted water sources corrupting our genomes people used to stop looking 12 at the age of 12.
>spend your 20s with men in 30s
>reach your 30s
>men in 30s are dating woman in 20s
>get angry despite having done the same thing because now you "know better"
The book is shit, literally Michael Crichton self insert saying "science bad" ad nauseam. If the movie was a accurate adaptation the ending would be a meme for how retarded it was.

Is this film Blasphemous?
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sure but dabbing on christers is fun
Well the first words Jesus says is "I want God to hate me."
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What a faggoty word to use! Are you Ned Flanders? The Church Lady? You'd better steer clear of anything "the church" would look down upon. Wouldn't wanna disappoint baby jesus!

Fucking faggot.
literally half the gospels contradict each other, is The Bible (tm) blasphemous?

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Soufflé edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

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>Looks more like a flan.
I think I read somewhere that Godard was inspired by the saying "The proof is in the pudding", originally. But he really wanted to give his film a French touch, so the pudding became a souffle, and the rest is history.
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This cover lives rent free in my head because the lines are so fucking bad
>beams aboard your starship
fuck you, asshole.

thank you.
Quiz Show

glorified grave-robber
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How dare they portray white people as apologetic? White people shouldn't apologise for anything, they are bestowed by god to rule the earth, amirite
Of course it's better. Who cares that it was found in a land that currently belongs to such and such political entity or tribe? Are you the people who made this thing or legally purchased it from someone who made it? No? Fuck off, it's not yours.
No. How dare they change the character beyond recoginition is the point here.
>"Won't someone PLEASE think of the savage cannibals???"

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>mfw the sci fi/fantasy film universe doesn’t follow the same logic and rules as earth and i get to annoyingly nitpick about it to make myself feel smart and above the material
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Have I watched him in the past 6 years? no. doesn't change the fact he's the best movie reviewer.
Going trough the plot of a movie while making quips (or cringe cutaway gags) is not actually reviewing though.
He was entertaining, until he grew too big and hired unhinged liberals.
Correct, idk why Doug thinks he's not funny on his own.
>The 14 fingered aliens use base-10 digit counting

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why does miyazaki keep making movies about pubescent girls
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They are in puberty abd their hormones should go wild. It's just not normal or healthy.
Sure, being nervous about your first kiss is fine and all but there is no way they are this autistic over the whole ordeal
>Sure, being nervous about your first kiss is fine and all but there is no way they are this autistic over the whole ordeal
I'm under the assumption you're a bit older, but as a zoomer who's pretty keenly aware of my generation and it's traits, it's nightmarish. The internet and COVID compeltely broke our communication skills and sense of attachment to others while for complex political and cultural reasons both sexes resent each other. As a result, our generation has crippling anxiety and general retardation about anything involving the opposite sex(and even same sex).
As one of the few who doesn't have those problems and sees the forest instead of the trees, I've realized I'm pretty dang fucked and that it'd be best to be alone for the time being given most people I know(and nearly all girls my age I've been involved with) are too retarded to function.
It's rough out here.
So children can kinda connect with them better? Adults can also connect because they were all children once obviously.
who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
>themes of transition
Nice Freudian slip tranny. We all know you like to live vicariously through the female heroines you read about because ywnbaw irl

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We need a kino that portrays nazis as heroes for once
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>i-it was just a little cannibalism!
Look forward to TOTAL KIKE DEATH
Cross of Iron.
Arguably Kelly's Heroes.
Hogan's Heroes.
The Grey Zone.
Arguably The Pianist (at the end, when Issak is saved by a Nazi and nearly killed by Polish/Russians).
Arguably Battle Of The Bulge.
Every fourth episode of Combat! Inglorious Basterds.
Guns of Navarrone.
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Never going to happen and you already know why.
Nazis did way more cannibalism for far less of a reason. They did it because they enjoyed it.

Same. First Isreal, then right wingers within Europe. Every church will burn, every part of western culture will be eradiated, every nationalist will die.

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do you love matt berry?
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Post it. Otherwise you're reddit.
You and he were… buddies… weren’t you?
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My name is Matthew Berry, and I pronounce things in an unnnusual way.
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>Ah prahnoons tings in an un-you-shill wae
who wore it better?
You can hear it playing in the background of a Domnall Gleeson scene. Completely took me out in the cinema

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You know what, despite the POCs in the cast this is actually quite "based and red-pilled", as us 4channers say. I recommend you give it a watch if you get the chance.
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>Ella Purnell is white
Is she? How do you know? She doesn't look particularly white and other than to let some jew hand rub himself to heaven over the subversivness of a white woman kissing a black man I fail to see any evidence she is.
Isn't this show really just the same thing as Rangs of Power?
Todd too.
Nah rather not watch, thank you
She's just a corporate hypocritical retard that refuses to see that she's responsible for the death of the planet

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you don’t torrent indie movies right anon?
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>x community
Ever notice how nobody mentions Caucasian community because then it sounds racist and bigoted?
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>Does this film even fall within the realms of parody?
It has to because the moment you start trying to define clear lines of when something stops being parody those lines will be endlessly pushed further and further against parody
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Why are you being the Joker, bro?

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Why does it get so much hate?
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The real crime there was Paris never pulling a "you're the mother of my children" on Janeway at some point to defuse a tense situation.
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She was beautiful. It's funny that they aged her in the show far better than she faired irl.
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>voyager along with the star wars prequals
There's always one of you.
Literally no one cared
Should have listened to Mot the barber...

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Superhero fatigue does not exist.
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My superhero is the one that stands up to the Jew in whatever way he can.
>You're not tired of eating fast food every day, you're tired of eating BAD fast food every day!
>ryan reynolds
still shit, anon
The 8 are prime examples of shit products
it's not cool when you know they are in some gay cinematic universe that will never end
the origin stories are the coolest. they don't make self-insert fantasy kino anymore

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