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The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

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Tjejer gråter just nu och ni bara är elaka mot kvinnor hela dagarna
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Åt 3000 kalorier igår och tränade idag
fastnade vatten i halsen kunde se ljuset varför lät jag bara inte mig själv kvävas
du bajsade i och fes i blöjan ^^
Gemene svensk har 300 hp och tror att kulturella och etniska skillnader inte finns och att man bara kan avlasta 5 miljoner blattenegrer i Sverige så kommer allt gå bra
du bajsade i och fes i blöjan ^^

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>black men see a black woman who is attractive and not trashy
>immediately assumes she only dates white men
>gets enraged and spams her posts

convince me BBC posting isn't just blacks projection or jeet agents trying to D&C
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How come blacks are so historically stupid?
kek the fact that she responded to one means she saw all those nigcels seething
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ngubu brothers....
In case any of you niggas are interested
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hollandse "cultuur"
Je zal maar bezorger zijn in Nederland, moet je nog bijleggen
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>Laten we een lijst maken van uitvindingen door negers
>rap muziek
>help me even

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Is there anything in your country that could compare to the joy of talking to a beautiful woman about casual stuff while drinking cocoa in an almost empty cafe?
This is a rhetorical question.
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holy mother of incel
hoeflation has changed male standards drastically
Not in my country, but in yours.

> sitting on top of the very kino bmp with fellow doomers watching the stars as you scan for drones while artillery ASMR soothe your ear.
Having sex with a woman.
High T

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Pasta King edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 5
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when's this from?
i'm fairly sure it cost more than that like 12 years ago when i was still in school
>plain pasta
what kind of serial killer would order this though
What is this? Deliveroo for a POW camp?

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People here actually pay 19% sales tax when buying an item,
(after their income was already taxed for 35-40%) and see nothing wrong with it.
At least many of us inherit a property and can laugh at the poorcel foreigners.
>People here actually pay 19% sales tax when buying an item,
You don't suffer in Germany. I wish our sales tax rate was as low as this (it's 20% here).
move over faggot
21% here
one cannot suffer in bongland
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harter internet typ.
Das ist nur von regionalem Interesse und nichts für landesweite news.

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Bawgariq edition

211 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
all this talk but no one said what the non retard amount of water consumption is
>Oбoбщeнитe дaнни oт тpитe гpaдa и 24-тe ceлa oт Дyнaвcкa Бългapия ни
пpeдocтaвят възмoжнocттa дa нaпpaвим някoи зaключeния oтнocнo oбщия пpoцec
нa cпaд нa нaceлeниeтo пpeз ХVII в. Глaвнoтo зaтpyднeниe тyк идвa oт гoлeминaтa
нa дoмaкинcтвaтa, кoятo e нeизвecтнa. Toвa, кoeтo ce нaблюдaвa, e, чe oбщия бpoй
epгeни cпaдa oт 36% oт цялoтo нaceлeниe пpeз 1579 г. нa 23% пpeз 1710 г. Bиcoкият
пpoцeнт epгeни oт 1579 г. изглeждa coчи, чe имa нapacтвaщи зaтpyднeния пpeд
млaдитe мъжe пpи cъздaвaнeтo нa coбcтвeни ceмeйcтвa вcлeдcтвиe липca нa opнa
зeмя или pacтящa нecигypнocт и зacилeнo финaнcoвo бpeмe. A дaли пък пpocтo нe
e oтpaжeниe нa пpoмянa в бpaчния мoдeл, пpи кoйтo бpaкът ce oтлaгa cъзнaтeлнo,
кaтo в peзyлтaт pязкo ce cкъcявaт дeтepoднитe гoдини нa cъпpyгaтa?
Toвa e
paзпpocтpaнeнa peaкция в гoлямa чacт oт Eвpoпa пpeз ХVII в., кoятo мoжe дa e
зaпoчнaлa мaлкo пo-paнo в Дyнaвcкa Бългapия.
>16th century incels
3+ liters for us big boys
Do you mean dicksucking or do you mean the number of them here?

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Why is the dirt in Africa red?
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erm idk, it's just like that or something
From all the blood that was spilled by whitey
God punishment on Africans, gave them goods worthless to them but valuable for westerners, while making the land not usable with the rudimentary agricultural methods available to them.
Iron from all the blood spilled by the euros
Non-meme answer: Type of rock from which the soil derives. Metamorphic to be precise. Same reason Brazil, India and Australia also have reddish dirt

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Why is Japan like this?
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Yummy in my tummy
But they said…
i want ones rolled by a japanese girl's feet
Asian women have lovely armpits

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The sun shines for Uruguay.
from the southwest
From the west side
To the East side
Nah, it's Brazil to the East. The sun doesn't shine from Brasil, it shines from Argentina's flag!

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Hitler var snill-utgaven.


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Ekstra Joker Nord dette her.
>den transsibirske jernbanen
Hadde vært moro å ta den en gang, hvis jeg var garantert internett tilgang hele reisen og kveldsservering av alkoyler.
Russerne ankommer norge
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>han til venstre ser ut som han er 30

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edizione promemoria
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spero che tu stia scaricando 150 gigabytes di porno interracial animato 3D
Lo compro o no Manor Lords?
>occhiali e lentiggini
Ma perche'? E' questo che e' orribile
doppie e disinstalli tutti i bideogiochini e cerchi una femmina per figliare

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How do they manage to be the one developed economy on earth that still has high birth rates and how do we copy them?
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Because the ones having babies live in a parallelsociety completely disconnected from the high tech society not having children.
Besides nearly 100% of their total population has immigrant ancestry
pp stfu
Regular people here have 3 kids, maybe 4, my family is russian and borderline atheistic and I have 2 siblings, if you remove the haredim our birthrate isn't anything special
A black man doing lezginka huh
The ultra orthodox are still a small segment of society aren't they? Not large enough to skew the statistics much
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here, nothing too special

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