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I haven't raped any women in the last week. Where's my award?
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Lmao thanks 4 the draw n kind words
U used my old drawing so why not
It says my twt 404k0n
PNG is too big to upload here but I can’t see a difference on my iPad
Can you upload the png to catbox.moe ?
Or https://postimg.cc/ ?
Failing that you could post it over on /trash/, I believe that board is 4MB limit.
You can just post it in some rando thread like this one >>>/trash/65288253 if that works better.

>thanks 4 the draw n kind words
You're welcome.
Rape like drugs isn't cool.
Nice trips.

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Personal Blog Thread #109.0524

Some random thoughts:

When you think of conservatives (for any young people on here they were a thing that used to exist before right wing populists cannibalized them) or progressives you might think respectively of some nice old lady from the country who volunteers at the local church sorting clothes for their charity shop and would invite you in for dinner if you were looking disheveled or some lovely young person who volunteers at the local soup kitchen because they care about the downtrodden and would let you stay at their 'crash pad' for a week if your lease expired and wouldn't care if you made their couch smell like BO. For some reason that doesn't seem accurate anymore at least in terms of what each side thinks of each other rightly or wrongly. They might even consider each other to be angry vitriolic hateful people. I wonder if that implies something about some kind of decline or loss of a capability for modern people to maintain healthy functioning societies?

Why do people over the age of 12 now unironically talk about how cool they think they are, make passive aggressive or straight up aggressive comments, call each other childish names and not realize that relegates their opinions instantly to the dumpster due to self disclosing their own lack of character and pathological immaturity basically having the direct opposite of their intended effect, or argue about stupid nonsense that doesn't matter when there is no such thing as peacetime and whether they like it or not they are in some kind of liminal/hybrid greyzone war that demands their focus and attention and if they don't maintain a serious disciplined mentality they are essentially defenseless fodder for cognitive warfare information/influence campaigns and operations meant to weaken their countries socially and economically?

The mass cognitive decline and widespread aggression zombie apocalypse is real. Time to strap up and headshot some leg draggers.
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More random thoughts:

Affective polarization and negative partisanship are not viable alternative to having a personality. Nor are any other kind of fandoms for that matter. If you want my suggestions for a hobby I would strongly recommend collecting ketchup packets from diners. It is a highly stimulating and rewarding way to spend one's time. Don't eat the food at the diners though. It's gross.

If you mix sugar, water, and the liquid from inside a sheep's stomach you can make your own cola drinks at home for cents on the dollar compared to what you pay for them at the store. It is a little astringent and tart but you will get used to it over time. I used to sell bottles of it at the local farmers market but they won't let me hold a stall there anymore because every time someone tried to buy one I would shout at them about how I don't need their business or want lamewads to be seen drinking my product thereby tarnishing it's image. People found that to be extremely off-putting and unpleasant.

You straight up just don't need a washing machine. Put all your dirty clothes in a garbage bag and toss them in a river. If you were meant to own them they will find their way back to you. If I see you doing this I will strike you with a baton for littering and polluting our precious natural environment. Make sure I'm not around when you are on the riverbank if you don't want to be struck.

Mostly I am just thinking about what a wonderful, amazing, and awe inspiring world we all live in together. It is not perfect and has many flaws or suboptimal qualities both of our own making and in terms of the natural world but overall it is a rich and complex tapestry of events and phenomena that never ceases to inspire and concern me. I would say it is a solid 3/10 on the 'coolness scale'. The coolness scale is a highly precise and rigorous scientific instrument so you know what I'm saying holds weight.

Thanks for reading!
here is my blog today i swallowed 4 packs of gum and hated my life and i also hate britain
Here's the thing about infantile, ignorant, and irrational people that always makes me laugh the hardest; they're literally always wrong and they never actually say anything of any substance about people, events, ideas, or the world around them. Everything they say merely exhibits and demonstrates how broken and narrow their worldview and the belief systems they espouse are. They will try to insult you over things you're completely open about and aren't particularly embarrassing to begin with or are such out of character over the top fabrications no one with a three digit IQ would ever believe them. They can never just read a text interpret it accurately. They always read 'special meanings' into things that just aren't there and have to reach so hard their arm breaks doing mental gymnastics to come up with them. I have personally had these kinds of land apes declare themselves my super special enemy based on nothing then they turn around and think random offhand comments I make are in some way lauding them or vindicating their backwards ideas. How cognitively limited do you have to be to bother someone minding their own business and make it obvious you despise them then think them saying 'nice weather we're having lately' is some kind of super secret code phrase about how cool and important you are? That has literally happened to me quite often. Why would anyone compliment someone who hates them? It makes no sense. The fact they have to lie or descend into some weird fantasy to win some creepy imaginary competition should be a big warning sign to them that something is wrong but instead they wallow in it like pigs in mud. Nothing more hilarious than someone trying to insult or attack you by making stuff up then forgetting it's not true or never having the self awareness to realize they made it up to begin with. Why would an insult bother someone if it doesn't even apply to them or refers to things they're not ashamed of? Day one stuff people.
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This quote is usually attributed to Elanor Roosevelt and I think it's a little outdated. A lot of really foolish or ignorant people discuss ideas. You can't go on any social media or content sharing platform without seeing a good handful of them these days. The latter two are mostly still true though. I personally have experienced myself people thinking I am super special enemies with randos I was very loosely acquainted with multiple years ago but haven't seen or spoken to since. Does it seem like I have nothing more important to think about besides petty hillbilly feuds with strangers who's name I literally can't remember? Last time I checked my name isn't Hatfield or McCoy. People have such fragile childlike egos in the contemporary world so they're stuck in these stupid little kiddy games over who gets the most cool points. I couldn't care less. The only thing I'm worried about right now is the the pandemic of extreme infantile, ignorant, and irrational suboptimal backwards cognition that knows no class, creed, nation, or ideology, infecting highly concerning volumes of people indiscriminately across various social strata, industries, levels of education attainment, political movements, cultures, subcultures, and geographical borders. I truly believe if this is not countered, corrected, mitigated, and halted it will be the initial causal mechanism in a social, political, military, ecological, and economic Rube Goldberg machine that will lead to the end of any recognizable form of civilization globally and likely the entire human species if not all life on Earth. Sure people arguing or gossiping over who is Mommy's special little guy and acting like snot nosed brats is cute and all but let's be real there can be nothing less important going on in the world right now. It literally just doesn't matter. I know this is not a popular opinion but I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear. Afterwards I will drive you through the night and down the hills.
It's very important if you want to persuade someone of something to offer them carrots and not just sticks. Anyone can complain and tear things down but you need to offer a positive alternative or hopeful plan for things to come in order to get some buy in or convert anyone to your cause. What is my alternative to how infantile and cognitively impaired people are becoming? Well my instinct is to make some kind of quasi-irreverent but ultimately inoffensive joke which would prove wrong everyone who thinks you can't be serious, mature, and disciplined while retaining a sense of humor or fun, which is just plain ridiculous, but wouldn't really offer anything of substance in the way of convincing anyone of anything. Instead I will refer to Karl Rove and his recent talks about how America and it's extreme pathological polarization may seem bad but the country has been through similar periods before and pulled through so it is not far fetched to think they can make it out of this current era intact. There have been world wars and all kinds of weird disasters or the plague but we're all still here. As long as the sky is not on fire there is still hope for us yet. After that load of goopy sappy talk here is some dumb nonsense to wash the taste out of your mouth:

I really want to go to an open mic night at a comedy club and just spout garbled nonsense on stage until I am asked to leave. I wonder how long it would take. Probably not enough time to be amusing but would be a fun experience regardless. Except going to the comedy club and being around people who spend their time getting drunk at a comedy club. That sounds like a terrible way to spend an evening. Those people are gross.

Thanks for reading!

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why has usage of the word ‘nigger’ gone up so much c around here lately?
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I, for one, would never use the term "nigger". Saying "nigger" is offensive, and I would strongly recommend my fellow posters avoid saying the word "nigger", no matter the context.
it is because i hate niggers.
what nigger builds a house out of glass lol, retard
this is why i don't feel guilty for calling white people the n-word, because most white people i know fit the definition as provided by The Boondocks..
ESPECIALLY white people on 4chink
this analogy doesn't work when OP is anonymous -_____-

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the holy foote
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Can it do anything peculiar/special other than >>11472103 ?
Who knew niceness would one day cleanse the world with terrible destruction?
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this is nice board

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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Oh please, I'll make it wiggle and nothing bad will happen, gimmie a second.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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There are 277 calories in a 16 fl. oz serving of yoghurt.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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These are 65.1 Kilobytes of FIRST.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
sucrose is so cute
this and a joint
this artist really knows how to distinguish coom from milk, like holy shit

Tethered caps can eat my ass. EU is fucked every bottle I buy is so hard to drink because the bottlecap is tattooing my cheek.
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Our tap water is poisonous and free from any kind of mineral. Still tastes like shit even after it passes through a Sodastream + some type of can filter.
So tedious though :(
No my best bet is to unscrew the entire thing together with the little ring at the botoom.
Why grease up some more dishes if it comes in a big plastic glass itself?
I'd gladly switch, they couldn't handle this and die of thirst too.
just twist it off, but trying to screw the cap back on the will get stuck in the threads
why did we do this it was a terrible idea
Stop throwing your caps on the ground then, r'tard, and they won't have to do this.
op wouldnt do that right?
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Wait a second
Why doesn't that regulation apply to crown corks???

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ITT: coloured balls
ITT: dubs

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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have you ever been in a ball pit?
how many ball can you and your best friend crush before mom says its its time to leave i can crush at least 200

spongebob boiling in a pot of shit
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yep its always the tranys haha
tranys from arby's
Did you say ARBY'S?


im glad I dont filter these threads so I can keep reporting them for automated spam
spongebob boiling in a pot of shit

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im a psycho psycho teddy

"did i ever tell you that my parents actually disliked me?"
"bye then!"

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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so should I keep bumping this thread
mouth is weeping
next weekend when
lovely the threadate

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gosh anon your such a loser
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i do not like this part on literally all of this guys drawings
fukken saved
Shut up Hufflepuff mudblood

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whoever kept telling me to watch jojo on this board – i watched the entirety of seasons one and two. ive seen every episode up until the finale of stardust crusaders

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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Watch Jojo Rabbit.
oh yeah?
damm never saw it that way so true
oh yeah?
good thread

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...wait for it....
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We already came to the conclusion of this, and it was W. T. Snacks fucking a dead whale.


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this girler isnt wearing any clothes!
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that's Megumin, a crimson demon mage capable of the most powerful explosion magic in the world
epic pranjk

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
imagine boyhandling her tiny body

Your fortune: Bad Luck
a special moment between lovers
Imagine beating her within an inch of her life

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how sweet
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behold the king in yellow

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