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Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways, it's comfy too because it makes the urban core larger and takes longer to navigate through which is a vibe.

Does your city qualify for CHAD status?

>central urban area footprint of >=300 km^2
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the urban zone
>metro footprint >=1200 km^2
Care to explain a bit more about the map ? There seems to be going on alot more than the legend explains.
Picrel is not relevant, just a depiction of urban pop concentration, problem is that urban areas are often interchangeably conflated with metro area, I'm defining urban area as "city footprint".

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So how do you guys go to the range, just like pic related? What if you need to bring extra shit?
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have tried multiple with abdomen, back, hip, on chest and i really don't think there is one that is both comfortable and easy to draw from while riding. i don't really like the idea of it not being in a holster so fanny pack would be out for me and i don't like the idea of it staying on the bike.

though i have found abdomen to be the most comfortable so i just do that
I saw the exact same thing here in germany, two older gents, both riding bicycles, both with a rifle slung over. Very likely on their way to or from the hunt but it might have been the shooting club. Who knows. Either way no one takes offence. I don't know where ideas like >>1994178
come from. At least in my area no one cares about arms that have a valid use case. Now if someone was being suspicious with a black rifle or trying to conceal, that would probably ruffle some jimmies and lead to enquiries and opposition.
I also know french and finns who aren't as europeans are often portraied and quite frankly, I suspect no one in europe is actually spooked by open carry. As a matter of fact here concealed carry is a nono and more of an issue.
>Following the (((law)))
as if jewish run cities would even let ranges operate within the service area of transit
>banned guns on mass transit
Check out how many people on busses have guitar cases.

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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
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Obese schizophrenic troll OP samefagging because his nature is leaking out.
>You guys always mention idealized scenarios where you live next to ice cream parlors and brewpubs, coffee shops, nice independently owned restaurants, record stores, and so on.
I am the original poster you responded to. The irony is this exists in the East and in various places in the Midwest in America. A ton of it is mixed use, certain places in the Midwest and in the East are returning back to that. The Southwest is beginning to realize it's not sustainable as a whole as well.
>In reality most of the shops near you are
Most areas in the Midwest to the East are not even like that, you are cherry picking bad areas that have this, the irony is though most of what you mentioned exists in poor sprawl areas i have been to, none of them are walkable or mixed use. Besides people can choose not to live in bad areas or if they hate the area they have, they should allow things to improve in those areas.
>Drug addicts? In my neighborhood? YES PLEASE, says the urbanist.
lol you have to be trolling now. Even in my state which made it legal a few years back has a good security officer that checks your ID, sign in on a tablet, get your supply and go back home.
You're kind of stupid aren't you ? How comes you're assuming this ? I have not ome single recollection of an accident with a cager where I did not have the right of way. Not to speak of all the countless incidents where I had success avoiding a collision with a cager who did not have the right of way through evasive action. Guess what, like most cyclists I stick to all the traffic rules, stop at lights and stops, yield where others have the right of way and so on.
It shouldn't surprise you that cyclists have greater motivation to do so, actually.
And yes, its the degenerate cagers who take blind turns, dont understand roundabouts, merging, intersections in general and so on. Sometimes they're clearly on their phone too. In any case, they never look and many even go and tey to hit people after making eye contact. I have not more, probably less critical crashes when comparing myself to colleagues, many of which have a shorter commute or compromise and use motorized transport at times.
It is the cageoids.
Also nice strawman. Both of you. You did either not read or comprehend the post you're replying to but instead trying to insinuate bullshit.
I live out in the middle of Nowhere King County. Two blocks to a library. Three to a grocery store. Seattle has a long way to go to catch up.
isn't it depressing? tools like these only reinforce my cynicism. imagine, in a better world, how good things could be. imagine if amenities drew good towards them, rather than bad.

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Quill stems are pretty edition

Read this:

Old >>1991219
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>video rental card
damm I thought I was the boomerest boomer here, how did you not lose it after all these years?
still use it to get dvds on friday with my friends
Serious question how do you stop the tip of your penis getting cold in bib shorts?
I got a chill and needed to piss.
I don't want to tuck for obvious reasons.
There's bibs with better wind protection like gore c5 or similar
>air leaking through the seam of the rim
Should I retape/add more tape? sealant isn't doing the job.

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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all good. I have heard belgian bikes in particular are hard to identify. Neat that you have a zeus fork.
6400 is a great groupset, love the dt shifters
That's not how pelvises and saddles interact. Best thing you can do is take any of the free bike fit instructions, follow it through and ride whatever base fit you arrive at for a few weeks. You can always go back to whatever you did before and hunchback vibes. But the odds are something is way off and you're unnecessarely dealing with some issue like weight distribution, reach or setback.
Also 'straight lower back' is not a valid goal.
>Neat that you have a zeus fork
The crown is nice. It doesn't have those ugly exterior braces that a lot of others have.
>6400 is a great groupset
Aesthetically great. Works pretty well too, the bar-end shifters are actually pretty nice. I do have to say that I don't really enjoy the classic hoods, I'm used to modern hoods.
I almost enjoy building and working on the bike more than riding it. I already have my eyes on what I want next but I'll keep this one for at least this summer.
Pretty nice. Id change cantis for some old 90s 1st gen XTR or XT v-brakes, and make it a 2x instead of 3x, and call it perfect.

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>What bags do you use
>What do you carry
>Why are all saddle bags shit
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are those bag at the rear just regular drybags?
I think the front end is a bit harsh on bigger pot holes or when riding over obstacles, while it handles the normal road buzz quite well. you have 32mm tires, so I guess it shouldn't be an issue for you with lower tire pressure.
10k on the stock wheels, not bad. my back wheel went out of true pretty quickly and mine came with the previous model where changing tires was really difficult.
You don't cycle more than 10km.
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I just did

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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only 23% of NYCs mta funding comes from fares. Most train funding comes from SALT property and/or income taxes. communists want to hike taxes on nontrain riders because black people avoid paying fares on the subway
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God, can you imagine if all these trips were made by car instead of MTA? It'd be glorious 24/7 gridlock just like the Founding Fathers intended.
minorities don't own/can't afford cars so the traffic wouldn't change
>be me, desiring to visit my holiday home at the atlantic coast
>cycle to the closest city, hop on a train, I think to Frankfurt or Mannheim first, change onto TGV from there, TGV leaves and arrives in Saarebruck or Karlsruhe... either of both I don't remember the exact route of that day
>once there, as soon as the doors open swarms and swarms of negros, not only italians and spanish no real arabs and africans, flood the train, even making their way into first class until its packed
Every passenger on that route is required to be able to produce a reservation for a seat with its number. Regardless of whatever excemption people benefit from regarding having to be able to produce a billet for the ride.
>Train does not leave as not every 'passenger' is seated and going by their number can not be seated.
>Operators repeatedly announce over the intercom, 'passengers' without a reservation for a seat must exit the train, otherwise the train will not leave.
>No one moves.
>Eventually conductors slowly move through the train, asking each and every person to present their ticket and gesture those who have none out of the train.
>Little do they know just how smart those types are. Whoever is sent to exit the train just walks to the other end to board it again.
>The conductors make one final attempt, closing the doors of every car they have evacuated before moving on to the next one.
The whole thing took like what, 3 hours... The remaining passengers were still mostly blacks and distinctly lower class in maneurism. The ride to paris was great, speed was good, west of paris all things train are just shit.
I just cycle the route ever since. I must admit it does take me a bit longer than this particular train ride did, 3 days instead of 1.
What Timmy gonna do?

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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
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England too
Run away!
Stop burning hundreds of people to death every year would be a start
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yimbys will defend this
In exchange for Banning E-Bikes, Electric Cars must be banned as well due to having similar issues.

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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We live in a society. If you want the benefits, your taxes will continue to fund infrastructure for the good of everyone. If you don't like that, kys.
Bakeries sell nothing but carb heavy foods that make you fat. Carnivorous diet is where it’s at but you guys moan at us for eating steaks cause muh climate change. You keep changing the subject to deflect blame. Laughable
You’re right it is cancerous and you’re very welcome to disagree with me and all the other “car brains” as we are so often mockingly called. Unfortunately because urbanism demands heavy bias towards public transport they always swarm the transport boards & sometimes pop up in the auto boards to start arguments with car enthusiasts (especially truck owners).

I thought this board was supposed to be about technological advancements and ways to improve things or discuss new ideas rather than cry about the fact the USA isn’t the Netherlands. The admins may as well make a NJB board for them at this point
So you're basically just admitting you're not even here to discuss transportation, you just want to shit up the board because someone hurt your fee fees on /o/. You and the urbanist yimby /r/fuckcars crowd are basically fraternal twins at this point, it's a shame you can't be confined to /d/ where you can have twincest together jerking each other off over your irrelevant /pol/ garbage
I read a lot more than I post, so make of that what you will. However as has been noted by other people in the past they do like to pop up at every little chance to complain about how walking is impossible and we should aim to emulate the Dutch. It doesn’t matter if it’s someone making a post about rising gas prices or congestion or the trains being broken down, you’ll see them pop up and somehow blame it on traditional American urban planning and the use of private cars and motorcycles.

All that said, it was a thread started about commute times, clearly aimed at the public transport vs private cars debate. urbanists and drivers alike were bound to jump in.

I’m no airbus fanboy but has the A350 pretty much totally dethroned Boeing’s long haul offerings at this point? It’s reputation is so good that it has had a total hull loss and people are saying they’d fly on one again in a heartbeat
Twinjets are boring
Give me an a340neo

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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Mama didn't raise no bitch
every bike is a gravel bike if you try hard enough
another abandoned bike ripe for the taking
Rode to the Thames Barrier today.

Tell me your favourite loco and I'll rate it/base my opinion of you from it/foam at the mouth about it if it's cool or I haven't seen it yet. Pictured is mine, class 170 (in ScotRail saltire blue livery) they're kinda clunky and old but god do they ever make the best engine noise in the world, you aren't a railfan unless you've heard one thunder out of Glasgow central station. (Can you tell I'm a foamer for this thing?)
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its like the E60s little brother

it's annoying how little scale model stuff Boston in general has. if you're lucky you can find some F40s (that aren't even entirely correct livery wise) and the comet cars. once in every 3 blue moons some HO scale Bi-levels will pop up on ebay. maybe a poor-quality Boeing LRV from the 70s. no left-hand door PCCs either.
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You have bad taste
Based TexMexposter
Whoa that top one looks badass. Is this Russia?

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Why are they so (apparently) hated? People seem to dislike the fact that they have to wait for the lights to cycle before they can cross the road. But isn't this literally how they work in other normal parts of the world??

Also why are they called this? Because you have to "beg" cars to be able to cross the road? Do Americans really?
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I am a fan of this method desu
Thanks, but I already carry a gun.
Do you brandish it at vehicles while crossing the street?
>In the old times, when lights were on a timer, 2 minutes green in one direction, 2 minutes red in the other,
Yeah. The old days.
Now with car sensors, the light timing can be much shorter than that. So the crossing buttons bump up the minimum time in order to let your Aunt Milly to cross without getting slaughtered by a bus.
>Walk up to crossing.
>On the opposite side a pedestrian is already waiting. Nice no have to push button.
>Watch an entire cycle go by but no pedestrian light.
>Look at the guy on the opposite side, try to see if you can spot any indication of realisation on his face.
>Sigh, press the button and wait for the light so both of you can cross.

Now don't get me started on a left turn dead red when on the bike.

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pedals with clips or without?
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So you can break your neck in style, nice. I think I'll stick to my speedplays, nta
and if you aren't retarded, it isn't.
I obviously mean clipless you faggots.
Literally nobody uses the term clipless to describe clipless pedals.
Its always clickies, clicks or whatever but i never heard someone refer to it as clipless.
At the risk of sounding like one of those schizos who can't defend his point of view without screeching about foreigners, are you by any chance ESL? Because in the US, literally nobody says "clickies" or "clicks" to refer to clipless pedals. This sounds like something you made up.
Clickies and clicks are common terms. Obviously their origin is onomatopoeic. And as such those terms are widely understood and an accepted alternative to 'clipless'.
Now the thing is: Why again are (((you))) using the term 'clips' 3 times in your post while completely avoiding terms like 'clickies' or 'clipless' only to later try and make it look like people younare insulting were trying to make an effort to read you wrong ?
You sure do realise the effort you're putting into constructing your alternative reality only so you can avoid realising a mistake ?

American Express has released the latest limited edition Boeing 747 Delta SkyMiles Reserve Cards. These are metal cards from metal from rom two Delta 747 planes that were retired in 2017 after more than 27 years of service. The cards are available to Delta SkyMiles® Reserve and Reserve Business Card Members until June 5, 2024 (while supplies last).
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Why buy decade-old Boeing metal when fresh Boeing parts fall from the sky for free every week nowadays?
>annual card fee is $650
I think I'll just splurge at Planetags, thanks.
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Already got the old version. Not actually a bad deal despite the annual fee bump they just did, since each anniversary you get a companion ticket good for any roundtrip in the US including Hawaii/Alaska, the Caribbean, and Central America.
You forgot to say the point of the the Reserve card is that the companion ticket is good for (domestic) First Class, whereas the lower priced Platinum is only good for some fare classes of Economy.

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