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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>I put the archers behind the spearmen, wait for the melee then charge their backs with cav
This is how the average strategy gamer thinks of strategy. A smoothbrained subhuman can come up with the above. *Executing* it is the hard part of battle.
The real challenge in battle stems from chaos, and dealing with that chaos is what separates good commanders from the bad.
The TW games and other strategy games you can micro each of your units from a bird's eye view and tell them exactly where to go, and they'll 100% follow your orders instantly.
It's like God has the command of one side of the battle. Of course you'd win every time.
Real battles are full of misinformations, misjudgement about enemy size/position and even own position and size. Units also do not respond to orders instantaneously or follow them correctly most fo the time. Even a good strategist like Napoleon, during Waterloo, had 1/3 of his army off-map chasing after some phantom enemy, had his elite cavalry charge into square without his consent, only for that phantom enemy to appear on his flank securing his defeat. This would never happen to the player in an average strategy game.
Real battles are chaotic and it takes actual high IQ and most importantly, LUCK to win.
Are there any games that do this?
pic rel is a board game that does this quite well
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A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.
Ignore all the retarded fuckwits blabbering on, they are smooth brained trailer trash who lack basic comprehension skills.
Yes, of course you are correct. Units obeying instantly and doing exactly as ordered. Bullshit. God like view of the situation. Bullshit. Most games dont have sufficient fog of war that simulates the imperfect information available. Most games do not incorporate sufficient mechanisms for adding chaos inflicted by poorly trained troops, variable morale and combat strength, misunderstood orders, the personalities of Commanders pursuing ego driven incentives, or their mere incompetence. History is full of such examples.
Probably two reasons why no game comes up to the mark. Firstly they cater to the mass of lowits who would spit the dummy if they didn't win a glorious victory every time. Second its probably too hard to code.
Additionally there's the issue of current AIs being able to cope with a fuckton of other variables if the game is played as single player, they struggle to cope with even now, although that could be solved by making games easier to play online against other humans with an efficient matchmaking system that filters out the rage quitters, the unreliable, the retards, and the babies.
You sound unreasonably mad. Did you not get any touchings last night..
what midwits like you and op never seem able to understand is that everyone agrees with you by default that these games are not realistic and that something like you or op are describing is more realistic.
the problem is either the lack of such games or such games being buggy and undercooked. but you keep working yourself into a froth trying to explain how your way is the most realistic while everyone just looks at your meltdown in confusion and disgust
And then you kill them?

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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That's what "client states" are supposedly for.
They come in too late to matter for a game, though, and there's not enough mechanical interaction with your vassals/etc.
And no, I don't mean getting specific new mechanics like stealing generals or dev, I mean interacting with all the mechanics that are already there for any given country, but that you as a overlord should be able to strongly interact with, if not all of the time, and back in turn, your vassals should be able to weakly interact with yours. For example I believe proportional vassal dev (and autonomy) should interact with your "reform progress" the same way it interacts with the "Great Power" ranking, and rebels should actually be shared, not just displayed as shared. Likewise, "state effects" should be shared too.
I know it would lead to complaints about "vassal AI fucking things up/not doing what the player wants it too" but that's actually better than players not caring about their vassals Ai at all outside of war.
Also estates (Oh God the estates)
I'm singling it out, because some retard said "AE should not decay", where AE is already gamey as fuck thing that's only there to impede progress, and what that would to is turn it into the situation in the vast majority of the TW games and some Civ versions, where after a point all the "diplomacy" in the game gets impossible, and you're playing war all the time, not because you chose/choose to, but because the game locked you out of half its mechanics.
My main problem with AE, is that it punishes a player after a conquest, not during, but that's not AE's fault, but several mechanics built into EU4 to make sure neither the AI nor the player can really "jump and kill" each other, mostly because a competent player could go and kill half of europe before the AI realized what's happening, hence the bberaucracy between actions got prolonged to give AI time to react, instead of making the AI react faster
Yes, Realm Divide is a great mechanic. And this doesn't affect unless you are already map painiting, so what's your problem, non-map-painter?
I really wish people would stop being delusional - they aren't le mega deep geopolitics and history simulators, they are 4X not too dofferent from Civ, except they are on a real world map instead of hexagonal board.
*Paradox games aren't

Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Sounds like a giga faggot
NTA but I read part 1 not long ago and really liked it, so good to hear that part 2 is even better. I put it on hold after part 1 to read a couple other books, one of which was actually Orlando Furioso, which I remember being referenced a few times in part 1, but I'll try to get around to part 2 soon.
Remember that there's always the element of personal taste involved. I liked part 2's more sombre, serious atmosphere but that won't necessarily be the case for you.
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And here my stupid ass was thinking QoH was the "vertical difficulty spike" people talked about in regards to Ruina.
Sorry bro, you are playing against a nerfed version of whatever you are fighting against

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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The answer is seven, by the way
remove the region entirely. it serves 0 purpose and the mod loses nothing by having it disappear
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My technology situation has been better
Because it's literally based off of D&D?
the idea of combining fantasy with history is indeed cool, although the execution ended up being less cool than the idea I had in my head.
IRL history still beats Anbennar in depth by a long margin, even if that might appear obvious it shouldn't necessarily be the case.

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>meant to save gaming
>no thread on /vst/
What went wrong?
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Maybe don't talk about shit you don't know anything about
I mean the construction comes with little pet peeves like plot points not always being where you want them, but I don't think being grid free is bad at all. In fact it makes certain things like establishing farms and burgages even better.
>People say this is Banished with Total War
At this point I'm fairly convinced that everyone who says this has either never played a city builder aside from Banished or hasn't played Manor Lords. The two games are nothing alike.
Anon please. To rotate the fucking building you need to press left-click and rotate your mouse in an awkward non-precise shit. There's a reason why ever since the 2000s that the default is Q/E or </>. The UI fucking sucks.
>Demolish building because you realize that higher tier structures forces higher tier resource demand (conveniently not explained in the pop-ups).
>Try to make the four-points fit again
>Fails because each point is blocked by other buildings nearby or as this anon >>1741958
Like seriously it's only innovative the first time you build it, and then it just becomes a pain.
Just so you know and this was something I didn't notice at first so don't feel bad, but there is a button to the left when you go to make a plot that will refresh its setup and change what side the "front" is for the plots. If you keep clicking it will make whatever size plot 1 plot instead of multiple as well so you can make bigger chicken farms or w/e behind their houses.
Its middle mouse button for me, holding left click is for rotating buildings which I agree is a bit fiddly and a weird choice.

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Anno series is dog shit

>play 1503
>tutorial sucks doesn’t explain anything well enough
>play 2070
>half the features are locked to online mode not even worth playing
>look at 1800
>comes with Ubisoft launcher and uplay

All I could tell in my time was the controls are shit, mechanics are shit, and the overall game is shit.

In short fuck Ubisoft. Shit game. 0/10.
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No active pause, no play.
>but they have 0.00001 speed mod
Which slows down the entire game engine like click responses
The two most dangerous (money-wise) things you can do are
1. Have imbalanced populations, thanks to the Royal Tax system. That system encourages you to go wide, on many different islands.
2. Over-produce things that you can't (or won't) use or sell off profitably.

As long as you avoid these two pitfalls, you should be able to take it easy since you'll have more money (and time) than you can ever spend. This is especially true if you make it to Investors; with enough of those money becomes irrelevant.
Yes it all can be overwhelming, but if you're making a huge profit you can take your time and build things up as you see fit.
okay boomer
Steampunk Anno is a great idea for a different game. Like I'd love a full gothic steampunk Anno.
In 1602 and 1503 while you couldn't soft lock you could slow your game to a stand still while the traders refreshed their inventory.

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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Haven't even started to learn III...
I tried playing this game for the first time in years and there are way too many things to micromanage. Industrial concern alerts always popping up to give me shitty little bonuses I don't care about, now instead of unlocking specific tanks, ships, and planes you have to unlock hulls and then customize them. What was wrong with unlocking historical models and putting them into production right away like you did when the game launched? Naval and Air upgrades taking up entire pages in the research tab etc. Fuck all of that
They gonna bring back the templates, some mods already do.
I think this was partially an oversight on their end, the armor/navy hud probably broke their shit.
This is also made even more clear when you check some old focuses which gave you templates, they are hella buggy now
>i love playing minors!!!! it's so heckin immersive!!!!!1!!! it reminds me that Black Lives Matter and that i need to check my privilege my fellow troonx xzisters! fuck those eurocentric bigots who don't want to hear black intersectional african-american stories!1!!
kys shill
In practice the designers just ensure the AI is always using terrible equipment that handicaps them so your planes can have a 10 to 1 kill ratio. They never bothered to balance the designers so you just minmax abd enjoy a free advantage over the AI.
If you don't want to engage with it, there are historical "presets" you can use instead that suck ss badly as ai designs.

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I enjoy the remaster
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I'm so glad the game is a success and you're nothing but a sore loser hehe
If you find yourself citing weird sex fetishes in your mocking posts out of nowhere, you should take a step back from porn and the internet. It seems funny in the moment but I think you know it's pretty fucked up to have that reference in front of mind.
Imperium Surrectum sucks ass. WAAYY too much bloat, takes literally 5 minutes for a turn to finish because some retard thought adding a bazillion minor factions would equate to fun gameplay. I have a 990 M.2 mind you and it still took literal ages
>dubs of truth
checked and kek'd,your doing Gods' work anon.
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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Monthly milestones are whatever you make them to be, actually pursuing an optimised expansion path is largely unnecessary outside of Jack Sparrow difficulty. Filling the Old Earth Lab and personal lab in those times is genuinely extremely fast. Workshop and sickbay by August is fine. At this point, make sure you have your mess hall/onsen built and your rank C bounty licence manufactured and researched when able, overcharged radars in the plantation bases, with four flak cannons to blow up invaders (Hefaistos Batteries are a great alternative, although they don't have OP cannons in battlescape).

Camo catgirls, along with innovative grav harnesses, are never obsolete until late game. Gals in tactical or defender armor are the assault element and the ones absorbing fire anyway. At least until the Peacemaker outfit is available to buy (and only then because ten innocence rockets per battle, per cat is funny, not because it's actually an efficient use of time or money).
They'll always have a relevant role as disposable night scouts, because vision stats are hard to modify, and they come out of the gate with good vision/mobility/stealth. Their role as serious combatants shrinks as the game goes on for several reasons.
>high tech guns and armor shrink the power gap against stat-powered guns
>combat lethality increases across the board, and camo armor's bad defenses will mean the threat of sudden deaths increases proportionately
>because camo armors have bad defenses you won't want to use them on your well trained troops, meaning camo cats will have worse overall stats when it comes to fighting compared to your veterans/enemy elites
>even if you stasis pod your elites it's useless if they just get vaporized due to paper defenses
As a result the combat dominance of camo cats shrinks tremendously as the game goes on, and they take more of a utility role. You can squeeze out some more combat contribution from them if you follow these rules though:
>only ever shoot things that you know don't have spotter
>never aggressively reaction fire, since it could hit a spotter and get you killed
>never end your turns near an unscouted corner or building, since an enemy can just walk out and kill you, and reactions mostly can't protect you from this because of rule 2
>stay away from allies and crossfire zones (retreating them away from combat to heal is still okay)
>only kill spotters or potential spotters with a one hit melee kill from their blind side
>end turn in full cover if you are spotted, don't go near allies
>all canine-type enemies are basically the bane of your existence
You can use this to inform how you'll outfit and use your camo girls for a mission. Reaction-scaling gun being good if there's lots of non-spotters, high impact weapon you can fire once and duck behind cover like an RPG otherwise. High damage melee like fuso or plasma sword are good if there's lots of spotters with terrible vision, like humanists.
Also the plasma sword/dagger are devastatingly strong in the hands of a fresh recruit catgirl, since they have extremely high built in accuracy and scale damage entirely off reactions. The downside is they vaporize corpses, meaning you lose infamy and loot just for using them, and the amount isn't trivial when you're specifically going for instakills.
is camo armor camo paint or guerilla gear ?
guerillas are a little bit more versatile with their better defense stat, especially cold. I skipped all of my missions in the arctic belt because of that. but the bonuses to camo and reactions are smaller, so its either you're not being seen at all and can shoot through walls with your silenced toy gun, or you could survive a hit or two or a turn or so in the cold regions. idk
>filling out is genuinely extremely fast
I just sold glamour, engines, captives on the market and all my starter squad went to tiger tourism, easily netting around a mil or more in the first month
>Gals in armor
yeah I suppose I should have one in a plate mail/chainmail drawing out fire. platemail/shield easily tanks everything up to 14mm, makes it way easier to assault ninja APC
>mess hall/onsen
I did rush mess hall as well but kinda forgot about the warehouse mission so I fumbled a bit. onsen will genuinely take a lot of time since I didn't research weed plantations till halfway through the year and I only got a little bit, barely enough for one plantation, but that output would be enough to seed 9 more so its gonna be fine if a little slow
>shoot everything but spotters
I usually shoot at dogs and osiron but I guess I should've done the opposite
they have ridiculous reactions to the point that early game was getting shot at and bitten every time you moved/shot.
>banes of your existence
now they don't bother me as much, since dogs can't land a hit and osiron just dies in one shot from gun scaling past 100 dmg. that gun is ridiculous. I could shoot, penetrate, and destroy an APC its so powerful.

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I shall use the alt. start mod to do a gnome-only run.

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The worst game ever made.
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A Complete THQ Nordic Victory! This brings us ever closer to TTS: Total THQ Salvation!
lmfao i still miss SP2
Supreme Ruler 2030 or Power & Revolution.

These are only ones left. World Economy and Warfare is becoming an indie slop/scam
I would legit rather play this then Scamorlords
>not slop
The Fr*nch devs just fix like one or two bugs, add some current thing slop mechanics, package all of that as a "new edition" at full price and go back on Le Strike for the rest of the year.

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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Like the breathing trees and those strange little blobs? It did include more mutants, though, which was good.
This will not gonna age poorly in the future.
>no glowing tiberium infused plants
>no veinholes
>no fiends
>no floaters even
EA scaled down Tiberium infestation in their game. In addition to many other sins.

Because you expected more than just "hostile alien bugs"?

Have you tried force-firing 2 corruptors at each tripod before sending tripods on an A-move? Granted they'd need AA support but gun walkers are always good to have.
He forgot no ion storms, no widespread mutants, Divination completely abandoned with a fig leaf of "h-hey, at least you get a few infantry upgrades as Nod!" Also blue Tiberium is no longer a potential minefield.

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Now that manor lords has flopped, we are ready to discuss the best strategy larp game ever
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What's with you spamming the board about Manor Lords? Is it reverse marketing or are you just a skitzo? Also I don't enjoy having to do this because I like Attila.
>slavic magic
he still thinks its one crazed lunatic omg man seriously fucking get help or touch grass

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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How do you make custom banners in bannerlord?
hope it still works
Is there one that lets you use your own symbols like in warband?
no idea, I just remember using this thing and slowly piecing together the IMPLYING bit with simple shapes

ITT: The hardest RTS campaigns you've ever played
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Battle Realms is bullshit, that mission where you have to defend one central building from raiders and all you have us all the heroes you've met so far (and you can permanently miss if you choose the "wrong" missions on the overworld map) filters me every time
Probably the remaster for the first games.

Cncnets version of Tiberian sun just worked for me. On Linux as well.
>These were made to sell walkthroughs. I mean, it's possible to complete them on your own, but they really require save scumming and multiple retries.
You vere bound to reload about 3 times per 2 missions on a completely new campaign anyway. Not everyone was yet so good as to recover from most mistakes even in the relatively easy campaigns of that age.
And that specific mission is one of the worse thought-through ones, that anon is right.

Kind of, in fact you can just go straight sought from that northern train stop (which you can blow up for experience anyway), blow up the truck that actually has the mission goal (spawned as a veterancy "crate") and have your win in like 10 minutes if you took your time. You don't even need to send an engineer into the ship.
The trick is surviving the patrols with each infantry group including 1 diskthrower, and especially the two titans on the big loop below the bridges. From what I remember if the walkers see your units they lock onto them and not return to patrol (the only thing I remembered from playing the mission many years ago).
I'm the one who posted the screenshot and I'm playing the original just with Firestorm. Which, turns out, greatly improves veterancy (halves requirements and doubles non-specific benefits) and that helps in this mission quite a lot.
The order in which I managed to beat the campaigns for the first time:

>RA: Soviets
>RA: Allies

In my experience the campaigns get easier with every newer game. Although beating it for the first time, meaning that I played it on easy mode when I got stuck (and still getting stuck, lol). Note that the original version of TD didn't have difficulties back then, they natively started with the release of RA. Generally, GDI campaigns are easier than NOD, Soviet are easier than Allies.
TB campaigns had a few missions that were real stoppers which let you leave the game for several months or even years to retry later. Also there were missions that were significantly harder than their alternative choices. Note also that you couldn't save on the mission selection menu, so just 'picking the other one' wasn't an option, especially when you haven't saved your game for a long time and sometimes had to replay 3 missions.

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