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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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They're gonna back USDT with BTC?
bitcoin isn’t real
are you retarded? or you just use truflation index to base your investment decisions
Is pre 1971 bullish or bearish?

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Are any other cryptos ISSA members?
Does ISSA matter?
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holy shit, anon, good find. I don't see any other crypto companies in there, am I missing them? It's a big list but looks like almost all banks/tradfi. I do see R3.
>I don't see any other crypto companies in there
"Swiss Chain" might be a crypto company by that name, but then the crypto company's name has no space.
So it might be another company altogether.

>I do see R3
That's R3 LLC, which is a general IT company.
It's not the R3 of Corda fame, which is a private company.
it hurts knowing i only have 12 make it stacks
you have 1.2 million stinks? wow :}
The make it stack with chainlink is 1 billion

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They seem to be the worst performing category this bullrun due to regulatory fears, but what about the compliant ones? With ETFs "legitimizing" crypto to an extent I don't see how crypto can be widely used for real world applications without some degree of privacy like what exists in tradfi.
>I don't see how crypto can be widely used for real world applications without some degree of privacy like what exists in tradfi.
You're right about this but this isn't related to ETFs or even coins pumping. XMR is the only crypto that both has a useful purpose and actually realizes it, and its price isn't doing anything exciting.
Monero is sound money, safe mode
lol do XMRtards really not understand what is actually useful about privacy? XMR can't achieve even 1/100000th of the potential use case for privacy enabling tokens because it has no differential privacy.

The exciting use cases for privacy in crypto are basically all related to being able to KYC sensitive data without revealing who the user is.

For example, being able to take out an undercollateralized loan without the lender knowing who you are, your credit score, or the assets you hold, because you can reveal you qualify based on their stipulations without actually showing them the specifics.

There are thousands of use cases for enabling differential privacy with smart contracts.

Can XMR do this? No.

Additionally, with an L1 with differential privacy you can have money go somewhere without anyone being able to see that while still giving certain entities (for example, your government, or bank) visibility should they need it. This clears these kinds of tokens for regulatory purposes, whereas Monero is destined to be a black market coin because the obfuscation is too costly for governments to figure out where money is going (which, by the way, they can still do).

Monero is a dino coin, with no real place in society other than maybe low level drug deals and kiddy porn trades. That's what you want to invest in?
unless you are concerned with first mover advantage.
personally i dont put huge priority on that issue.

enforced privacy has its uses.
Its not the kingpin of uses, but it deserves to be higher than it is. Especially with the state of crypto, XMR should be in the top 10, not slightly out of the top 50
It ignored reality, anon. The reality is, governments control the world as basically cartels, and none of the most powerful ones are going to accept something that is causing them pain. In theory, Monero is cool. In practice, it's going to get crushed into dust by being cut off from the generic, law-abiding public.

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missed the floor of pat last night because i didn't want to bridge eth to base and lock my eth for 7 days. also because i've been rugged like 200 times in the past week. fuck this stupid game.
Still early anon
use Chainlink's bridge,


30 minutes.
We're just getting started, anon

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what happened to biz while I was away? what is this email bullshit?

the jannies nuked the board
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The spam/shilling/scamming got out of control. This isn't even peak bullrun...something had to be done.

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It’s happening boys
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A pump of Israeli money
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Ready to go. Bought back in last week.
What is bad for any other exchange (CZ) is good for LCX. Let's get this fucking MiCA party going.
US sends billions to Israel, Israel hides the money in LCX. It’s that easy

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I'm going to use my tax return to get into stocks. What do I need to know?
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if youre dead set on stocks, though, just buy some easy broad index fund like VOO/VTI/whatever sounds good and keep accumulating when you get paid
>but i want to be a trader!
open a paper trading account now
practice with fake money to get experience risk-free
then, when you build up confidence, you can utilize your training to put down real money and then suddenly start losing all the trades you were winning before with fake money
do this for a while until you decide to crunch the numbers and realize you wouldve made far more from just accumulating a broad asset and doing nothing
you have now earned the title of trader and can safely pivot back to just accumulating some index fund
I think memecoins like BIAO are more convenient, especially considering how unstable btc is at the moment, it will be like this at least until the end of august
I'm up 5x
this lol

op with crypto you can at least do 50x in shorter time than in stocks lol, the only thing you need to understand is how to read truflation index, then its easy mode
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They eat a lot and grow very fast.

Anons, any coins we can ape that capitalize on the upcoming CZ trial? This can be huge, but I'm oblivious to any current coins that can blow up due to this event.
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In what world is that rugged?
Rugging upwards
Yeah it rugged /s

People just taking profits as they should before we go higher.

Im getting excited here
Also randoms who bought on feb 2nd cashing out before the moon

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Shutup retard
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this is a buy signal
great, another sale on SUPER, I was actually thinking about buying more, but there was no dip

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>mfw cryptoniggers are crabbing for two months while I'm getting rich off stocks
Sucks to be you
>mfw I'm up 50x in 2 days
>cz SOLidarity

Is buying stuff overseas and selling it a good financial decision? Anyone have tips or experience with this? Should I just get a shipping container full of shit from Morocco or Mexico and flip it here?

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We're hitting an obvious bulltrap in the next few hours. If you're in green, please sell now, or you will regret it badly tomorrow. Remember, +1% is better than -10%.
hk etf 30th

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Hello biztards. It seems like literally everyone here has forgotten the original biz and finance topic; the stock market. Seems like every post is about BTC or chainlink or bear or some other shit.
What happened to the good old days of investing money into the stock market?

Whats the matter with you people? Yall fags or what?
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how much did u start with?
how much is enough to start with today?
dude you're gonna lose all your money on options
just get a better job with more income
Thanks, I have a decent amount of education in capital markets but not as much insight into people who actually trade and got rich from it (unless they work for a bank and get commission on top of a base salary), as they're pretty rare, which is why I asked you those questions. Since you're okay with questions, what's your personal AUM (or what was it at your peak) and what did you use to fund your initial trading? Were you in a high paid industry before or did you bootstrap yourself with trading only?
Yes, there's going to be some Web2 services integrated. That's the natural evolution of the internet. What are you arguing here?

You're not refuting what I'm saying about Link


What you're talking about doesn't at refute the value of smartcontracts, you're merely bringing up adversaries to the field. Banks have their own private blockchains compliant with the law and are using smart contracts and are waiting on legal clarity to proceed further. Legal compliance doesn't mean smart contracts are useless. In you're point about Tornado Cash speaks the exact opposite. Smart contracts are so powerful that the government would undermine their law to arrest developers and force RPC-URL providers to comply. And the fact that you can still interact with the Tornado cash contract still speaks volumes to the reliability of contracts. As long the ETH blcokchain is up ,you can interact with it.

It's fine to point out the obstacles and hurdles of this space, but you guys need to hear yourselves speak or read over your points several times. You're supporting the resiliency and value of smart contracts with these points.
Why would I invest or talk about stock market when the hot shit is obviously crypto, we can do 20x in just a matter of a few days, lmao, look at whats happened with memecoins like shiba or gaming coins like super

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>don't FOMO
>don't get bored during bear market/crab market
>later in the cycle, "influencers" (e.g. ansem) are local top signals and if you happen to be holding something they tweet about you should use that opportunity to use their dumbass followers as exit liquidity
>everything not BTC is shitcoin
>everything not PoW is scam
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do the opposite of what biz says is a pretty good rule.
remember YOU WILL NEVER SELL THE TOP. Set a number and take profits. You don't know how much its going to be and its ZERO unless you sell.
Buy CZ on Sol

Court case is tomorrow, inevitable moon.


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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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It didn't do anything. What exactly was it supposed to do?
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
muh 70k
Here comes the dump as expected. Enough of these games, just drop it to 10 already.
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IF only we knew it was coming...

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My landlord just sent me the lease renewal. The rent is going up $150/mo. I want to buy a house, but interest rates are 7%. On top of that, no one is listing their home for sale. What am I supposed to do?
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quit your job, buy one of those $100 lots in kansas, and throw a steel pole barn house on it
thanks for paying the mortage, taxes, maintenance, plus tip on my "expensive property" just to avoid dying of exposure to the elements despite the fact that it is expensive, rent slave
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Rent doesn't cover a mortgage anymore. The investors are gone.
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Everyone put 5% down so a 5% correction means they will just walk away. Sorry zesties.
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Nice quints. Why aren't you living with your parents?

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i'm not, well, my validator is doing it's thing and i rather not withdraw otherwise i'm just trading instead of holding...i'm not too good at timing the market so i rather do things my way and hold through the volatility instead.
no because if youre reading the news you'd know why i wont do that

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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SOFI sisters, what happened?! We did great during Q1 and we dropped 10 percent. BAKA
i'm all in SQQQ again
This anon is destined for a bad time.
the US is in a recession
Mag7 literally won't give a single fuck.

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