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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
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Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Megan was trembling in fear, as she and her three guardsmen friends, Flora, Daniel and Gregor entered the large, dimly lit hallway. The four were noticeably injured and anxious, with Flora being carried by Daniel. "G-Guys, I-I can't do this... I-I don't wanna t-tell her we failed. I-I know s-she'll hurt us if we tell her the bad news." Megan said, Gregor sighing in defeat. "We agreed to just tell her the truth. I'm sure that, if we're just honest, she might show some mercy. We just... need to keep calm, okay? Besides, if you run from her, you'll be as good as dead anyway..." Daniel started sobbing already, shaking his head and clearly panicking. "W-Why did have to happen to me... I-I just wanted to do a good job... w-why me..." The four would soon make their way to what used to be a containment chamber, the glass wall leading up to it having been destroyed. Aside from the destruction, the place was eerily clean and well maintained, with electricity allowing the place to be properly illuminated.

And in the remnants of the chamber, upon a large golden throne, sat their queen. Beside the queen sat many anxious guardsmen and a few scientist, some crouching whilst others were clearly on guard. Their queen had her legs crossed, her eyes looking down at the four soldiers who approached anxiously. She kept quiet, as the four would immediately bow in fear. "Y-Your majesty, w-we have failed t-to... c-convince the s-survivors n-near the f-factory of your rule. T-They f-fought back... a-and as you c-can already s-see, we... w-we unfortunately lost a m-man." The queen scoffed, hardly seeming to care as she leaned back a little. "I am already well aware of your co-workers failure. He was shot in the leg and taken in by those non-believers. Of course, I made sure he did not... betray me and my mission." The four guardsmen all looked terrified, knowing what that entailed.

Though soon after, Daniel broke down in front of her, much to the panic of the guardsmen. "P-Please, y-your majesty, h-have mercy! W-We're sorry for f-failing you! W-We will do better, we promise! Please j-just-" The queen would stand up with a soft stomp, before approaching Daniel and grabbing him by the neck. "Did I allow you to speak?" Daniel kept quiet, trembling in fear as the queen would tighten her grip on his neck. "I was going to pardon you, yet you speak out of turn and show your cowardice." She jabbed her fingernails into his flesh, before he moved his hands to her arms to try and get her to stop. Daniel started screaming in agony, the rest of his men looking down or away. Daniel's screams soon turned to gurgles, before a strange fleshy matter would wrap around the queens fingers, seeping into her flesh. She let go of Daniel, who fell to the ground and covered his neck with his hands as his breath sounded raspy and broken. He tried speaking, but no voice came out as he started letting out tears.
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>>Assign your men to do all kinds of jobs. Everyone could focus on one thing they'd have to do. Things like guarding the place, checking the papers strewn on the ground, or checking for anything dangerous in the room. (Write in who will do what.)
Zaria lockpick the cabinet, Derek and Lydia check the comps and try to Crack and get anything possible, we, Laura and Mike check the papers for anything interesting or out of place, Morgana, Artyon, and Thadeus have guard duty, anyone else check the office for clues or anything interesting/out of place.
Sensible division of labour, but I don't want to activate ANY computer systems in this place. I don't think there's any power anyway, but if we do manage to boot something we have no way of knowing what nasty things it might be networked to or any digital booby traps set by Andrei's paranoid mind. Let's just swipe the drive and plug it in somewhere else later.

Someone find some file boxes, we're taking as much of this paperwork as we can carry, anyone idle can be on filing duty. Any important-looking bits we photograph in case we can't bring them with us.

Also, does anyone have the key we found on Ms. Caerbannog? It might fit into something in this room. The cabinet, perhaps?
Before we have Zaria lockpick the cabinet, why not try using the key the rabbit had?
Don't remember which squad member had it, but we didn't leave it with Evander so it should be with us.
Either a lot of people died due to the security system in the incident, the "security system" brought back a lot, or some other subject caused this.

This is the rabbit's home. Let's use the key we got from her corpse before we try lockpicking. Give Zaria the key and if it doesn't work she can get her to lockpicking. Supporting, provided we don't waste ten minutes trying to pick the lock without at least trying the key.

Doesn't matter who has it. Just that we have it.
>Assign your men to do all kinds of jobs. Everyone could focus on one thing they'd have to do. Things like guarding the place, checking the papers strewn on the ground, or checking for anything dangerous in the room. (Write in who will do what.)
Basically this but outlined below
>Try and check the computers to see if they work, or if you could take out the hard drive and take it along.
Have our techies look at it
>Check the pictures in the display and see if Laura had anything else to say about them. Maybe she could tell you something about the various people who were shown in the pictures.
We do this
>Check out the suspiciously closed and presumably locked cabinet. There was one which Lydia mentioned the last time she was here, right? Maybe you could open it somehow.
Get this locked picked via zaria
>Check through the papers which were strewn all around the place. Maybe you could check a few and find something of interest in them?
Have one of our men handle this, maybe lydia?
>Something else...
Have Artyom and the others start processing the bodies, Line them up and organizing them/tag them. This is both so we can collect the money but also so we can have Laura (ask if she is willing to do this). See if she recognizes any of them or what they specialize in.
Maybe this was a specific department in the facility, or maybe it was just anyone nearby. But its best we confirm.

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian and Orkney. You are also King of Camelot by right and claim! Of course, so far, shouldering this heady title has only resulted in lots of work, bizarre discoveries of how things work in Avalon, and the responsibility of fending off attacks from enemies.

Like the monstrous Wyvern, which had the temerity to eat two of your vassals!

Even if all the vassals are unruly Anarchists, rigid Nomenklatura, religious Fanatics, disloyal Pirates and other such odd characters... Going down that mental route is verboten for a King. You need as many Baphomets alive to enact your ultimate ambition of returning home with your identity restored!

The unnatural two headed creature lashes out with its long, poisonous stinger tail to disrupt your attack. Black smoking ichor beads at the end of the scorpion-like stinger, and the odd droplet sizzles as it drips on to the ground.

Perhaps attracting the attention of this thing wasn't the best idea...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian and Orkney

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>>Enter the abandoned house as a group, it's time to go hunting...
>>Enter the abandoned house as a group, it's time to go hunting...
I'll switch to supporting >>5989917

It's a good idea.

Come to think of it, regardless of whether we kill or capture it, we'll have to drag it back to Avalon for the mana either way. I don't think we paused to pick up our mana reaping sickle, what with the rush to defend our home and pursue the beastie. Should be worth a lot of mana though, natives of Avalon are supposed to be chunky.

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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>Threaten to tell the Ramsters
>Offer to give Intangerbil our fruit, and keep its secret, if it helps us find our friends first
Rolled 72, 37 = 109 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
Rolled 79, 45 = 124 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
Rolled 77, 37 = 114 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
>Threaten to tell the Ramsters

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Come help this talentless and skill-less peasant forge a future, or will you let them fade into obscurity?

What were they again?

This is my first time as QM and I make no promises this is going to be any good or enjoyable! I hope I got the formatting down and haven't already butchered this into oblivion.I will try my best, hope you enjoy!
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This feels like a daily occurrence. Best we can do is shrug it off and get shit done.

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: The Huntsman swung over to Central Park and met up with the Morlocks residing there. Shortly after arriving, he ran into Gwen Stacy, a.k.a. "Bastion", and her father, Captain George Stacy, and played a part in introducing them to Gwen's clone, Joy.

They didn't get along at first, but with a bit of persuasion, Joy was willing to sit down and hear her family out.

While that was happening, Ben spent some time with Ester, met up with Glass, and helped the two of them gather the rest of the Central Park mutants in order to discuss their plans going forward. Only, those plans were almost immediately derailed when Screwball crashed the party!

But oddly enough, she actually seems willing to help the Morlocks find their footing here on the surface.

Can she be trusted, or is she simply taking advantage of them in order to gain more clout? How will everyone react to learning that the Morlocks don't have any intention of leaving the park anytime soon? Will Ben ever be able to persuade his team to roll out of bed and help with Screwball's plan?

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“How’s school? Have you met any nice girls?”

“I’ve been doing alright in my classes. I still haven’t decided on a major, but Biochem and Sociology sound pretty interesting from what I’ve read. Although, I’m a little preoccupied with the extra credit assignments I’ve had to pick up for skipping classes.” Abe explained.

“You know how it is. Superheroing and all. Serving the greater good hasn’t had the most positive effect on my report card.”

“At least you don’t have to get mom and dad to sign them anymore.”

You both laughed, and thankfully, Abe let the matter of your father drop.

“Now, quit holding out on me. Tell me about those co-eds.” you demanded.

“I’ve been on a few dates, but my erratic schedule has pretty much killed any chances of me going steady with any of them. There was this one girl that I really liked, but I don’t know if I can keep up with her.”

“Oh yeah? Tell me about her.”

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What will you say?

>”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.”
>”Is she still looking for Ember? I’d rather not have every squirrel in the city on her trail.”
>”Abe, if you really care about this woman you’ve been so hung up on, then you should go after her. Tell her how you feel. Rejection isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you.”
>”I’m surprised you didn’t go into psychology or something like that. Someone with your powers could make a real difference in that field. Sociology is sort of similar, right?”
>”If you end up picking Biochem, you should have Gwen give you some pointers every now and again. I’m sure she’d love to help when she isn't busy with field agent work.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:

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>”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.”
A significant other who you don't have to hide your alter-ego from AND can hold their own in a fight is a serious luxury.
Worst case scenario, it doesn't work out and life goes on. There's no reason not to give it a shot.
>”If you end up picking Biochem, you should have Gwen give you some pointers every now and again. I’m sure she’d love to help when she isn't busy with field agent work.”
Anyways, I shouldn't be surprised that vibes he picks up stick with him like that. I just hope there's more good days than bad for him in the long run.
>”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.”
>”Not to mention how useful thousands of furry messengers are. With the right words they can probably deliver groceries, find the trendiest places in the city, and give you dirt on all your worst enemies! Oh, and chew through the wires in every house you’ll ever own if you upset her.”
>”… even if it doesn’t work out it’s good for someone to know who you are on both sides of the mask. We know that, but maybe she doesn’t.”
>”Besides, it sounds like the most important quality you should look for is a cheery personality. If you’re going to be carrying a piece of your partner everywhere, make it a piece that’ll help you carry the rest.”
I’d also support Gwen since she’s pretty cheery as well. Might make it awkward when she interacts with us, but oh well.

>”Is she still looking for Ember? I’d rather not have every squirrel in the city on her trail.”

>”I was surprised you didn’t go into psychology since your powers give you ins that most psychologists don’t get. If things also stick to you more then I can see why.”
I had been all for psychology, but I’m less enthusiastic knowing he’ll be carrying their burdens more so than the average psychologist.
Forgot that I took off my trip to vote in another thread. Just now realized that it was off for the last few posts!

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Part 4 has successfully loaded!
Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Val Lasombra as we learned of Gremory's past as the infamous Demon of Water that once terrorized Gaoth's lands with three other demons that were slain. We expanded our understanding of the world upon the reveal of Time and Space magic that Demons could wield through the counterelement of Mana called Soul, and went on a much-needed shopping spree that ended in The Flame of Arcadia undergoing some upgrades at the hand of the Shipwrights Guild that would render it inoperable until complete. Lobo relayed important information on a collection of reliable crewmen available for recruitment around Threespice, and the gang collected valuable blackmail information and loot from Stillwater's caches around the city. Lastly, they set out from the safety of the city to search for a group of independent Eldingarian engineers that were late for their arrival, only to find that they had been attacked by a group of Black Pirates that stranded them.

As we pick up our adventure again, the group is aboard the Skyseer, an intimidating and powerful Gaoth raidship run by Captain Jaghatai. They had negotiated peace with him, and convinced him to hunt down the pirate that felled Aito's ship nearby. As of the moment, the group is learning about the finer details of Gaoth culture, courtesy of Jaghatai's talkative and patriotic nature. For now, though...who will we be playing as this time around?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer.
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Rolled 7, 8, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 10 = 37 (8d10)

Jesus christ, Val, you don't have to show off that much. They didn't even get a pair!
Rolled 6, 10, 7, 3, 9, 8, 5, 3 = 51 (8d10)

Ramza's go.
Rolled 4, 4, 10, 6 = 24 (4d10)

Gigas roll.

He wanted to try the tricks he learned from the other pilot. Not his flashiest work, but damn effective.
We doing loop de loops around these scrubs. He's focused on getting a Goath girl that's dangerous. Gotta show off to the captain to get a waifu.

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Anon, you, that's right, you have somehow acquired Feyd Rautha's harem of cannibal slave girls (after Feyd Rautha was killed by Paul Atreides). What do?

>Ask for a blowjob.
>Ponder the life choices that have led to this moment.
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>Ask for a blowjob.
>Or hear me out, you can make them worse and feed them your enemies.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Ask if you can get a magical blowie for Witch Queen Mazela
>Or hear me out, you can make them worse and feed them your enemies.
>cannibal blowjob got deleted
What more will the fascist mods steal from us?

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Welcome to Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times. A collection of auto-conclusive short sidestories in Prancijan!

Select one of the characters, complete their short story, and move to the next one! You’ll decide the fate of each one, help them succeed or watch them fail! It’s all down to your choices!

Please, pick who you want to play as first:

Rob Banks – Officially demoted (again) from his position as Police Chief, Rob Banks has been tasked to aid the mysterious Unit 95 with its most important mission so far: Apprehend the most powerful homeless man in the shelter. Can they defeat the man blessed by the city itself?

Dunja – This Orange Star United spy snuck into a high society party where President Lazarus Gordon Junior and his cabinet are guests of honor. Her mission is to assassinate the ‘Air Force General’ Wichapi Cherrikano. Will she taint her hands with blood? Or will she die in the process?

Ivanna L. Tavarez – After years under the tutelage of the former head of government Lazarus Gordon Senior, the second phase of his revenge is underway. As the future head of state, Ivanna has to pick a right-hand man from the prisoners locked up in the highest security prison in the country to serve her. Will she choose wisely?

Uzziel – The most outstanding prospect of the Saoinji & Koroma Educational Program of Excellency is being interviewed to work directly under presidential candidate Elicarto Lloydington. To test his competency, he’ll face challenges not even the bravest in Pokyo Lokyo could hope to survive. Will he tame the metaphorical White Tiger of the Concrete Jungle?

Richard Wright – The reinstated detective started his own private investigation on Elicarto Lloydington, and gathered enough information to get a search warrant for his office. He’ll find more than mere clues if he’s not cautious. Will this be the first step towards the politician’s downfall? Or will Richard be made to disappear like countless others?

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(Only Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
>Put another name to make sure this isn’t a sham. (Write In.)
Your own!
>Put another name to make sure this isn’t a sham. (Write In.)
Carol Sung/Yung-P
>Put another name to make sure this isn’t a sham. (Write In.)
Bogos Brinted

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You are Kai, a newly minted edgerunner trying to scrape by in Night City. Almost two weeks ago your father, an NCPD netrunner, was murdered under suspicious circumstances during a Cyberpsycho attack on Kabuki Marketplace. You’re out looking for answers. Answers and eddies. Eddies to pay for your several ill mother’s medical expenses, eddies for more gear, eddies for information, eddies for allies. Everything in Night City has a price, and everyone has secrets, especially your family. Dad was an Edgrerunner for decades in secret, and your Mom used to be a big corpo scientist for Biotechnica, running a whole genetic enhancement and cloning project you didn’t even know existed - or that you were a part of - until a few days ago. The only person you can fully trust is yourself… and perhaps Alice (Hlin), the ghostly AI that your netrunner father was working with in secret before they both got attacked on New Year’s Eve. The last couple of weeks have been busy with small jobs for the static Aldecaldo fixer Dakota, both solo and with other edgerunners, and right now you’re recovering from nearly getting flatlined trying to infiltrate a Raffen Shiv subnet. Ouch. You’re still one of the freshest faces around Night City's shadows for now, but all it takes to end that is a single bullet - This line of work is a meat grinder, and runners are the meat.

2076.01.012, 07:15
Night City (Kabuki, your apartment)

Sitting on your apartment’s worn old sofa, you munch on a plate of mind bendingly delicious cookies Vicky baked last night. Real chocolate, baked with care, still fresh enough to be almost gooey it is so soft but not crumbling apart… Maybe you did die during that last run, and this is heaven. Vicky is out handling some early morning biz, she just left a few minutes ago with a vest and her Metel, but you weren’t left alone in enjoying these wonderful baked goods.

You’re never alone anymore.

With every bite you take, Alice savors the flavors and textures as well, a second ghostly sensation radiating throughout your mind as you experience her pleasure at each bite as if it were your own. The cookies are twice as good in this strange gestalt state, and for once you really don’t mind it at all. There are benefits to existing spread between two minds it would seem, when you are acting in accord the intensity of your shared feeling and sensations is… fascinating, if a little worrying still. Your entanglement has deepened after your shared IC induced coma, but you’re determined to find a silver lining to this whole synchronization mess.
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>>Agree to do some basic netrunning practice. It’s simple stuff, you can’t do much with just one another but your skills are still quite basic.
>Agree to do some basic netrunning practice. It’s simple stuff, you can’t do much with just one another but your skills are still quite basic.
We're too green.
>Agree to do some basic netrunning practice. It’s simple stuff, you can’t do much with just one another but your skills are still quite basic.
>Agree to do some basic netrunning practice. It’s simple stuff, you can’t do much with just one another but your skills are still quite basic.
If any stray thought we happen to have in common can turn into a stack overflow in our head, we need to be able to function even while distracted. And THAT calls for practice.
>Agree to do some basic netrunning practice. It’s simple stuff, you can’t do much with just one another but your skills are still quite basic.

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You are William Daylight. You almost beat the shit out of a random furry, survive getting disemboweled again, convince your landlord to take a bet in exchange for armor, trusted a librarian, finally made plans to look for a druggie, and made plans to jump some gangsters for a bakery girl’s knowledge. All in all a very eventful week of work and progress.
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accept if we keep the demon stone and no enslavement contract, just the don't tell anyone else about us or you are disintegrated one
We're an ord that shows initative and all the major factions want us at this school, so therefore they probably want us and we can try to use this as leverage to cut our loot losses from the lost fight
We can't keep the demon stone fren. That's not on the table. And I don't think us snitching on rose is gonna make her like us. Plus we don't want the stone. We just don't want hellscream to figure out we don't have the stone.
Huh he gave us an out? This faction isn't as bad as I thought it was. Either that or it's a manipulation.
>Take the blood contract

We already payed the cost and I don't think there's another way to get the rogue training we need.
I'll beat your fucking ass, boy. How about YOU fuck off? I don't care about some day one bs. Talm bout some "day one." How about I spend one day in your momma pussy, bitch? Stupid-ass nigga.

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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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>Just before the fight

Poor Asher, I suppose the requirement to activate your savescum ability is death, then you'd naturally hate using it, huh?
>>During the fight
Just so you know, the probability of rolling at least one 1 on 3d20 is 14.25%. We will be swimming in critfails.
>Just before the fight
Yeah. Maybe a balance with "1 and no success" or "1 and nothing above 18" can be reached?

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A cute voice echoes,"Yuusha-sama! Yuusha-sama! Rise and shine!"

Startled, you snap awake. But there's nobody there. It was just a dream. Alone in your cramped studio apartment, you realize it's Monday morning. School awaits, yet the thought fills you with dread. The bullies are going to beat you up and steal your lunch money once more. Such is the fate of a fat loser in a school from a poor neighborhood.

Will you attend school today?
>Yes, there’s no choice.
>No, perhaps it's best to skip.

Roll 1d100. The result will determine today's luck.
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Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Pull out the gun and start the shooting.
This is game over right
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>I’m sorry, Nakamura-san. My bad. I'll get you a strawberry milk to make up for it. [DC 80]
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Please forgive me, Nakamura-san. Can we just forget this? I'll do whatever you want for a week. [DC 50]
we're already going to jail in the 2nd choice, then ?
Rolled 28 (1d100)

>I’m sorry, Nakamura-san. My bad. I'll get you a strawberry milk to make up for it. [DC 80]
Welp might as well go all in

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
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>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!

News to me. The only other one I knew of was The Devil is a Part-Timer, and Chiho is bestgirl.
>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!
>Breeding HuCow to take her place
>Sacred vow
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
I'd say you change bull for cow, since it's a cuckqueen situation
>I see your vision, but it'll need to be a fair rule. I'm no tyrant, got that ?
>Write-in: For humans at least for me, marriage is a sacred act only done to the one you care deeply about not for something petty and useless like power.

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Lucian, once a peasant, has ascended the ranks to become a Grail Knight. Now he must return to Bretonnia, to the Duchy of Mousillon. There the threat of Vampirism, those under the Sway of Nagash, seek to send forth their terror upon Bretonnia.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

Dramatis Personae

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>>Lop off his head
This. Is. To. The. Death.
Also a target that is face level allows us to enjoy the longer reach of this weapon versus the sword. The threat alone should keep his blade way from us, in fact.
Cause a grail knight is hard to replace and really really useful.
Killing one is kinda something we want to avoid if possible, even if it causes more issues down the line of honour.

>Off with his head
Lets finish this quickly then.
why tf are tou giving thy speech if you are voting for the killy option
At this point it does not really matter. The vote was already made to kill the Grail Knight so he might as well go whole hog.
Well i reàd the lines
"One of them is going to die here today" and I have a functional pattern recognition of exactly how much the QM doesnt deviate from what he states.

So one of us is gonna die here, and nothing we do will change that. I do not intend to go to morrs garden, so lets not draw this out.

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