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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Domain Won the PT Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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I don't invest in cards.
It's not though?
That's my point. It's obviously to balance the cards so they aren't broken, but the nerf is too hard so they become useless. They should balance it differently so the cards at least become somewhat useful somewhere.
lmao shiggydiggy you didn't actually pay for that savanna
i neal

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Revanchism Edition
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw (embed)
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92636233
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Magi Case tier list for most words written?
>tier list autism
Wait a minute...
Do you mean a tier list of magi case builds for how many words they are?
A tier list of cyoas for how many words their discussion generated, with mavi case on too?
We need tierlists for magics, for characters, for builds, for individual lore pieces. Fuck it, let's make a tier list for every cock Italics sucked.
Holy shit, I'm impressed.

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


GW would like you to forget, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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There's definitely male and female chest-plates, but it looks like they put a male head on the female one.
I play IDK, I can't afford to lose anything.


Please alt-text your images for Tyrion.
It’s because you’re blind and GW are bad at painting faces
i mean what else would you call it?

its a backpack with mechanical hinges powering artificial energy wings.
Also because it’s a war game not kingdom death GW has never been interested in making cute models

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People claim that flying races are "overpowered" because they can bypass obstacles, especially overland obstacles. What about the rest of the party, you know the ones that are landbound? The same is said about tiny races like fairies, well yeah they can pass through the bars on doors, so what about the rest of the party?

It's funny how almost every strategy game to ever exist has some kind of flying unit, yet when it's a tabletop RPG it's suddenly a "problem".
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Any world with flight magic and flying monsters would develop technology and and tactics in tandem with them. It's not like they all just appeared yesterday. Most population centers would feature hardened underground bunkers, or would just be protected by massive domes, or both. Defensive siege engine technology would primarily focus on rotation speed, accuracy, and rate of fire, as opposed to long range bombardment - though not exclusively, as conventional warfare wouldn't stop existing, especially if these counters are effective enough that air assaults are not a dominant strategy.
Who are you quoting?
Flight is only unbalanced if the party are the only ones with access to it, or if no effective counterplay exists.

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Over 20 years in the hobby and I'm still surprised how little of us are able to calculate (or at least get a rough estimate) of dice probabilities before we have our characters attempt an action.
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Oh shit, you're right. My bad.
It is if your character is low intelligence or wisdom.
Smart characters should take actions based on good probability except where specific personality traits conflict.
Dumb characters should not factor probability in at all.
YMMV but in my experience most GMs won't tell you the target number until you commit to roll. Some not even after you've rolled.
Only taking the safes options gets boring after a while. There is only so much fun most people can find in optimizing.
That's what makes the game interesting, the dice rolls add a random element that keeps sessions from being your GM telling you a fun story about your characters. Even if my guy has a +8 to disarming a trap, there's still a chance I roll a small number or even a 1 and now we have to deal with an alarm

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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I agree that relying entirely on the randomly generated encounters results in an unsatisfying and uncompelling game
Same problem. For big monsters you have the fantasy combat table or something like that, but at least to me do not seem intended to be used in D&D sessions. You can try with some light-skinned/mid-skinned/hard-skinned homebrew, like I did.
the shit thing to do is to say
>oops, you didn't say you were specifically looking for traps here! you walk into a spike trap
the good thing to do is to
>as you enter, you see a switch a door a lever etc etc down this long hallway, your dwarf who's at the front takes note that the masonry over the floor seems inconsistent. Your beast / druid / beastman/whatever chokes at the ashy stench in the room
Give them something to start off with.

You've been told there's a trap. It's now your job to figure it out and navigate it. If you aren't told the trap exists and it's just a "haha, gotcha!" then all the DMs time is wasted and so is the players' time. You shouldn't be waiting around for the players to say "OKAY DM fine just fucking tell us what we see already"
If the players are running away and the characters may not be looking out for traps, it's fair game, especially because the traps may add a lot more dynamism to a chase.

There is no difference between a random encounter and an encounter picked off of a table, other than the DM not having control over their own game.
It is YOUR post that offers nothing. "Hey guys I saw these numbers in the books and I'm going to use X in my game. Thoughts?" And by "context" I mean the in-game situations and the reasoning that comes from those, which is 100x more valuable than any "I read this thing on page ## of the rulebook and am considering..." What is anyone supposed to discuss about that? Okay dude, go for it, have fun! Let us know how it goes.
You seem to have missed that i was AGREEING WITH and REINFORCING your post.
Thus I wrote

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/bgg/ - an absence of birds edition

previously on /bgg/ : >>92617273

TQ: have you ever bought a custom inlay for a boardgame?

Of what games did you keep the inlay it came with, of which games did you rip it out?

Do you keep the expansion boxes or do you cram the expansion into the base game box?

Should inlays have big enough card slots to allow for sleeved cards to fit?
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You basically have to proxy now unless you're rich. It's very out of print
I'm excited for Circuit shenanigans.
Interested to see how these fuckers will help. Sure, they can fill in a gap in the circuit, but then sending the lightning will kill it? Maybe an event will make the Voltswapper worth using.
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The black exile visits every game in the geek top 100. Chapter 53

>have you ever bought a custom inlay for a boardgame?
Not yet, but I'm very tempted to buy one for Agricola.
>Of what games did you keep the inlay it came with, of which games did you rip it out?
I rip it the fuck out of those Fantasy Flight big boxes that turn it into a single well in the middle but then you're supposed to put stuff under the cardboard. It's DUMB
>Do you keep the expansion boxes or do you cram the expansion into the base game box?
Depends on the expansion I guess.
>Should inlays have big enough card slots to allow for sleeved cards to fit?
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I heard that there's 1 Condottiere version that changed the rules and it's generally perceived as very bad, what does it change exactly? Also is this version "safe" regarding the rules? I can get it for pretty cheap.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:
https://youtu.be/ZDHt5do5r4w?si=lyR7cccCKAvjm50Y [Embed]

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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Okay then, second attempt to make MO list. How about now?
you definitely need to make the list closer to 15 order as that kind of list will go south quickly as MO does not have a good Chain of Command option. are you new to the game? do you have a limited collection? I can help you with a list.
I like that they and all of their link options have super jump. You can actually move a core of them around unlike most core teams. But most of the time I just take one to link with the Kriza.
New to the game, never played before outside single demo but I saw people like "Radio Free Cerebus" who frequently run 10 people lists and do fine so I thought it would be okay. When I make lists with MO, I always end up with either 12 or 13 people anyway and second group just exist in such case, with little order pool. From models, I mostly misses just few models from MO list that cannot be proxied, like Montessa or TAGs. And S4 remotes (have them but unpainted yet).
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Simple give IS access to the Artalis and the Sectorial get exponential better. remove NCO and drop each profile 1-2 points or fucking keep NCO on the profile and it finally gives them an NCO option.

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>naval-based campaign
>GM forces us to have a lame rowing boat, instead of a proper galleon, because he thinks only rowing boats can swim against the current/wind
>tried to explain to him how boats had these triangle sails, which allowed them to even sail almost directly against the wind, but he told me I am insane for thinking that

>keeps trying to steal our provisions
>is so petty and declared despite going on an expedition to an island with the expressed purpose to stay there for multiple days, he wanted our food to be kept on our boat and only relented when we threatened to go back to the ship

>our threats against NPCs never work, they are seemingly connected to an NPC hivemind and play hardcore game theory, where they know long-term the players lose if they kill NPCs
>keeps giving us a reason to hate NPCs, who would otherwise help us, like a noble lady settled her debt with us with the information that another rich noble lady has a mansion in the countryside with treasure and we can rob her, if we give the other lady half of it, the mansion was extremely well guarded and we almost all died and swore revenge (she pretends this is a reasonable deal and we are unreasonable)

>the bureaucracy of the enemy state we are fighting is working extremely well, because it turns out we are basically the only pirates in the entire sea, which makes the whole premise of the campaign kinda stupid and implies our characters are really retarded for deciding to go here

Why can’t he just bend the setting a little to make us look more reasonable? Isn’t this basically a collaborative story development? Why is he trying to make our characters into retards?
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Ah I see, that must be why Sci-fi games always go well. You and the group had a ship, but there isn’t a 60 page autism expansion to explain intricate ship mechanics. It’s their to go places and do cool battles
Sounds like your issues could be solved by not playing dnd
I haven't played D&D in years. Mainly wargaming now. All my friends grew up, or at least they pretended too.
You're absolutely right anon I'm sure if I constantly start meaningless fights my table will have no problem with it at all. I punch the king.
I found it.
Man, I've never cringed harder at such a bad DM lol, I could barely make it through the video.

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Separating race and class is bad because it allows for builds, and builds are bad for tabletop roleplaying.
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So chainmail?
You have to go back that far to find a "Good" ttrpg?
Both OD&D and B/X are good, as are other RPGs made in this style.
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>At that point you're just gonna keep hacking off parts of the game until its just an freeform roleplay game
Yes. That is the point and goal.
Then why even have a system? Get out, yes you can roleplay but really you want some sort of crunch and mechanics to back shit up. It is after all a GAME and every game have mechanics unless you want a calvin ball beer and pretzels shitfest which really at that point there is no community, no discussion just a bunch of bastards yapping about nothing. I at least want to talk about the mechanics and the weird shit to it.

Just look at the difference in discussion on builds for Pathfinder first edition vs something like Monster of the week. You can discuss at length with pathfinder both in a lore standpoint, character, mechanics, builds. With Motw you just pick archetype then the best option then its done at most you just got a circlejerk.

Your goal is shit.
They rather ttrpg be board games.
Maybe this will be more there speed

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Silly ships edition

Last Thread: >>92639858

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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well. it's more of a representation than scale modelling I guess.
My infantry is way too big too, but any smaller and they would be unrecognizable at that scale
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Got some work done on my fire scorpion and undine. WIP pic, I’ve made a little more progress since I took this.

I gave up on trying to paint helmet lenses on the undine, they’re so recessed on the model, I figure you wouldn’t be able to see it at table distances anyway.
Well, thanks for the BV anon! I'm just surprised it's not there.
I can of course use the model to represent the UM-R93 for some reason, but that's like, Dark Age era and locks a lot out.
It’s a newer variant, they probably haven’t gotten around to adding it yet.
Apparently only from the "ForcePack Record Sheets UrbanMech Lance" you can get from CGLs Battletech download page

>Your party has just succeeded in formenting a revolution and overthrowing the government/aristocracy
>Now you have to put the pieces back together and make a state from nothing but revolutionary zeal
How does your party fare?
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As my party is backed by another institution (the most important wizard guild on the continent) they immediately establish a scholarly dictatorship.
Real-life Liar Darkfalse
>functioning communism
Bruh why didn't you tell us this was a fantasy setting?
The plan was to create a land that didn't need us to protect it, and a people who didn't need rulers. Unfortunately, the Skull Rain started before we were even a quarter of the way through, and then the Collapse happened. Watching the earth swallow an entire metropolis and everyone inside it is not exactly conducive to peaceful, non-hierarchial relations, especially when this follows previous portents of annihilation.

We still don't know if these were "natural" magical events or if someone caused it all just to make our jobs harder.
It’s up to 110 now actually, thanks to Oman

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"Cityfighting in Tzaragrad" edition
Previous thread: >>92559710

>/GROG/ Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn (embed)

>What is Oldhammer? The long settled definition is 80s Warhammer, this includes up to the third ed of WHFB, and Rogue Trader. Nevertheless, in this general people are happy to talk about games and editions from the 90s and early 00s.
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Oh i dont think he gets exposure here- been asking around 3 time in last 4/5 threads and this is the first one that got a response, dont think the link flies around either. Good to know he ships fast
I got his name from a mainstream site where he had samples listed. I bought some of those, was happy, bought some gsc later. Now all of his listings are down and it's an empty shop page most of the time.

Some people prefer the convenience/security of going through a 3rd party, so he'll post people's orders on his shop page if you ask. You're paying extra if you do that. I've never bought direct from the guy. I wanted the safety net as I was buying bulk.

3 weeks international postage to Australia. May be faster if you live in a better economic zone. Didn't fuck me on the postage, either. Classic.
Uhh, I will have to look for that one...
15 GBP for two old WD magazines and then 25 more for the delivery.
If there's one thing I hate in being russian is these insane delivery costs. And there's next to nothing retrogaming-wise that can be bought in this country because 80's and 90's were a major downer - you just have no option but order cool stuff from overseas.
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