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What do you do to take care of your physical and mental health?

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You're supposed to boil/fry them beforehand
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is 6 inches big enough? I will kms if you say no
yeah it's the perfect size not too big or too small
ty sweetheart :)
Daily flossing, and mouthwash and twice-daily brushing. Near-daily moderate exercise. Diet low in processed foods and refined sugars.

are there any actual benefits to dating transfemmes over cis women? ive met cis women who have identical personalities to transfemmes such as liking smelly dudes, not showering, rotting all day, tranny music taste, etc.

what are the benefits
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im not straight go back to your twitter echo chamber lmfao im just not deluded enough to think men in dresses are women
But they aren't men in dresses tho. Their dicks aren't working, most of the time they don't even have balls anymore, they got tits, they have a high voice.

Like why would a faggot be into that?
they are men in dresses just ones with very fucked up bodies. no straight person will go "hmmmm yes i'd rather stick my cock in a poopwound over a pussy" but i can see the appeal for a really really closeted fag
>in a poopwound over a pussy
You know that only like 10%-20% of trannies get SRS right? Most men who fuck trannies have never seen a neovag.
Not to mention that a well made neovag looks pretty convincing. So if you aren't an AFAB who has lived with one for a substantial part of their live, or have seen one as a comparison recently, you'll probably not even notice it's a neovag.

A lot of trannies who got SRS go deep stealth and fuck guys without them knowing they aren't fucking a bio vag.

>but i can see the appeal for a really really closeted fag
Like no, gays also wouldn't fuck a neovag. Very closted gays may fuck non passing trannies with a dick, but also rarely.

>no straight person
Yes there are more than straights and gays... Most trannies are dating bisexuals you fucking retard
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The only thing that brings me sincere joy anymore is misgendering trannies, but GOD, does it ever.
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Don't use their language. It's correctly gendering, if it's anything.
i love tranny vs chud wars
chuds will win!
I have the utmost confidence!
it's hard not to win when your opponent has three mental breakdowns and a suicide attempt every he hears his birthname.
When I'm living my everyday life I expect to encounter transphobes. If you are hostile to me, I quickly sort you into the unsafe category and try to avoid you. You don't have the power over me you think you do, you're not a rare occurance. Clearly, given you're on /tttt/ we seem to have power over you.

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Has anybody else had doubts about their sexuality after actually hooking up with someone? I've basically always considered myself bisexual, but now that I've hooked up with a guy it was like the worst thing I've ever done. I felt so weird, uncomfortable, and out of place. Now I'm starting to think my attraction to guys is some fetish or the result of watching too much porn or some bullshit. I feel so retarded and embarrassed.

I find guys cute. At least I think I do. I have no idea and I just want to die. I feel so fake and stupid.
this is what all the senseless transbian hate results in

clearly you should stick to girls
I'm a man
this is yet to come

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It is even more gay to sleep with trans women than just to fuck regular men.
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What is so funny?
Trans is medical fraud
How is it medical you can cut off someone’s balls without the pretense of medicalism.
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Pandemonium edition

>QOTT: Would you hail Satan if he promised you a body of your choice?
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maybe this will sound crazy but this is one of the more tolerable threads on the board, to the point I like to hang out here often even though I'm trans
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>feminists spend 60+ years fighting to dismantle the retarded notion that certain interests are male/female, with instead a focus on cultural and social factors that make patriarchy ascribe masculinity/femininity to such things
>retarded repressors go "uhhhhh i'm so malebrained :("

plot twist retard-kun, it turns out that liking warhammer, programming, counter strike, or math are not 'male' in any way and are considered as such by sexist social norms and ingroup effects that lead to women who try to get into them being ostracized.

further, the reason you are into these things is not because you are malebrained, it's because you were an anxious dysphoric child and teenager who spent 8 hours a day on the computer because online spaces let you explore the identity you actually have instead of the one that society forced upon you.
you will never be a woman
even if you were a woman you would be ugly
gender dysphoria isn't even real
having a penis is better than having a vagina
children are life's greatest joy
I've heard this from you all my life, dad and what are you doing at the 4chan?
>plot twist retard-kun, it turns out that liking warhammer, programming, counter strike, or math are not 'male' in any way

Yes they are
Men and women are different
Deal with it troon

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Why do Thai trannies insist they are men instead of claiming they're women? You see western chuds praising this fact far and wide in comparison to the western trannies who vehemently claim they're women.
They don’t consider themselves women until they get srs
Because western trannyism is an episode in self reification in overdeveloped oversocialized prosperous societies

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Is cis f x ftm the most kino pairing?
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nah im supposed to go on it in like a month and a half tho. im curious are you an ftm
Interesting. And yeah I am, why did you think I responded to you?
idk i havent slept yet honestly my sleep is fucked completely from exams. if u have a discord ill add u u r interesting
It is not kino because I will never be able to get a woman pregnant. The one thing I want in life is to physically dominate a woman so completely that she literally begins growing part of me inside of herself. Iwn be able to achieve this. Why even live.
I get it. join /k5Pwjxq6, I don’t necessarily want to post my user here. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Why's there no thread for straight fujoshis with/looking for bisexual boyfriends? We're part of your community too
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The thing I hate most about 2024 is that there are females on 4chan.
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>Why doesn't the LGBT board have a thread for cis people in heterosexual relationships?
I assume it's because anything to do with Yaoi/BL culture became a very stupid taboo on the internet because due to proship/antiship discourse. Wokescolds in the LGBT community made actually liking yaoi without beating yourself over the head for it a social death sentence. Ironically these people never have anything to say about rabid yuri fans or even regular guys way into jacking it to lesbians.

When I discovered that and got harassed over enjoying yaoi (even though I had no interest in actually bothering anyone and just wanted to see my favorite guys fuck) is when I started truly disliking gays and lesbians despite being bi myself.
>Ironically these people never have anything to say about rabid yuri fans
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>ugly desperate incels cut their dicks off to turn into ""women""
lol lmao
>cute girl mutilates herself to become a hideous manlet
A fucking tragedy
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She was a lsebian anyways no ? Why do you care ? Even if she weren't famous she still wouldn't have fucked you. Straight up as a cis man idgaf when lesbians are pretty it's a lost cause anyways.
It's easier to seek escapism rather than face your real self and the implications of that, yes
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You will never be given an orchi by a 14 year old Ellen Page.
>tranny is also a /pol/tard
many such cases

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this is the treatment pickme’s deserve.
Me in the bottom left
Being licked by almost everyone except groypers? Good.
Hilarious how they need to put stubble on people who don't have it to make their sub-glacial IQ followers realise they're trans
>adding on facial hair to someone who doesn't grow any
is it a fetish at this point, or are conservatives so mentally impaired they don't know blaire is trans??
She doesn’t look like that THOUGH.

how much can a liplift help midface/philtrum hons..?
what else could be done(besides meme surgeries like lefort)
i dont rly need ffs idt itd really help my problem

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if you're "bi" porn can actually help you stay straight
if i try to do nofap and/or noporn for more than a week i'll start having gay fantasies
but if i fap to straight porn at least once every other day i almost never think of gay shit and when i do i'm repulsed by it
just make sure you stick to straight porn only
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nofap is gay
I've been fapping since I was less than 11 and it gave me a big dick also when I accidentally skip masturbating/sex for a day or two my libido falls.
> just make sure you stick to straight porn only

It doesn’t matter I’m too far down the porn rabbit hole. When I see straight porn I keep seeing myself as the girl instead of the guy. I have to stay away from it completely to start feeling normal.
This is apparently not rare at all if you study pornhub's annual statistics, but i have no idea why.
Nonetheless lesbian porn seems to be popular amongst both straight men and women.
more horny = wider scope of attraction
applies to ugly females too for example
so yea keeping your balls drained can have you be more "mono" but porn isnt going to cut it in the long run and you need a gf or female fwb
same i think applies to "mostly gay" people just reversed
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QOTT: what would your life in Victorian era Britain look like anon?
Last thread: >>35561916
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i can’t even jerk off with a vagina wtf
can someone draw the gayden getting fucked
your fault for dating a "transmasc". wtf did you expect
who are you? what's your discord?
what do you mean who am l? l just lurk here. l don’t have discord but l can make one if you want to talk. l wouldnt mind having someone to talk to.

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Prompt old copy pastas! Do what ever one you want! Remember no rating no rates! be nice but not distrustful.

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you don't sound like a man at all, pass
doesn't pass completely, it's too low but you seem to be on a good path

Your voice is perfect and your giggles are adorable

almost passable shame you’re unhinged in a goofy unfunny way

extreme gay/10
yes your voice is very "soft", like in a faggy way, it doesn't pass at all as you say
o.o writing about fantasy bug/bird stuff as well. also on here cause mentally not good rn. would love to chat (whimsiwhirl)

also your voice passes imo. ik some people saying that it’s too breathy but some girls just do talk breathy.
Yeah ik. I can do q good practice voice but I’m quite social irl and my voice just has some psychosocial muscle memory bullshit with pitch specifically, and besides a couple of close friends who I have opened to about voice mod stuff, I can’t feel comfortable just changing my voice with people every time I see them

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