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Woah! board is still garbage and filled with an abundance of bait, and every "vidya" thread is filled with retards that argue in bad faith and don't understand basic logic. Everybody are retards and literally NOBODY cares because they're either also retards, or have no principles or standards because nobody has the depth of character to care about anything but whats validated in whatever social group theyve decided to pledge allegiance to to feel better about themselves as they happily and mindlessly circlejerk videogames.

Anyway. I'm looking for 3 types of games. I'm hoping SOMEBODY will understand what I mean by this.

The first type is a type of game you can have a "deep appreciation for". Maybe people are different, but not every game I play. Even my favourite games. Are really games to "understand" at any deeper level. That's not a bad thing. Simple games are good. But sometimes there are certain games that are so tightly focused, and coherently designed that when you experience the game you go "ahhh I understand why that mechanic exist" it's like everything has an interconnected purpose. Discard this one if you can't immediately get it. Because some dude will mention DMC3 Because people interpret "purpose" in the most literal sense, justified by its existence, not it's context. I'm thinking more "Outer Wilds" or Dark Souls.

The second type is the type of game you can immerse yourself in and forget that you even exist. I don't mean a game that gives you a bunch of time wasting shit. Just a game that has a really investing world, that occupies you with tasks that feel "natural". I'm thinking Outer Wilds and Death Stranding.

The last type. Is a game that tries to address philosophical themes of "meaninglessness". And how human beings can never change or be better because they're more animal than human. Can never be anything more. Ideally a game that just feels like a giant thought experiment. I can't really think of anything to use as reference.

That is all.
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DO NOT RESPOND to this adhd troon schizo.

Be aware this is the Tomb Raider/Alan Wake 2 schizo, formerly known as Socrates. A neurotic individual who repeatedly claims he wants to discuss games he never finishes (nor gets 1/3 in) who types like he's writing a script to a 6 hour video essay. If you look at the timeline of some of his archived posts alone, it becomes obvious he's a lying freak. He was shilling out the ass for Alan Wake 2 before he even finished the game a single time, while decrying all comparisons to games like REmake 2 (while he shat on the game, pretending to have played it). This then led to the freak actually attempting to play a resident evil game a week later. He is also fond of spending more time watching video essays from the likes of Joseph Anderson and Hbomberman instead of actually playing video games.

I believe he is now referring to himself in the 3rd person for some retarded reason. If not then his "friend" is certainly the peculiar poster who spams the board with his neurotic drivel.

Reminder: this mentally ill adhd troon schizo has already ruined:
- tomb raider discussions
- alan wake discussions
- resident evil discussions
- dead space discussions
- last of us discussions (lol)
- void stranger discussions
- darkwood discussions

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he's a whiny bitch but he does have a point
you used to be able to actually discuss things on here in a way that feels much rarer nowadays
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/v/ and the Internet as a whole revolve around emotions and dopamine. If it doesn't give you instant gratification, it's not worth it. That's why theres so much rage bait here daily. That's why Anons can only argue in the most obtuse and retarded way because it gets them easy attention. Most arguments fall apart when you don't engage emotionally. Have your ever gone into a popular thread and see a post that gets a ton of replies? It's usually an egregious argument covered in multiple layers of irony to get a bunch of seething (You)'s. Genuine responses by normal people get little to no attention.
/v/ is very much a shithole but he's apart of the problem
what warrants this
ive seen other people with a distinct typing style not get this treatment
is it just posting frequently?

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Who's gonna take the trophy, Dragunov/Steve or Lili?
Place your bets.
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I'm never alright with how JP's fireballs can be jumped but if it isn't clean a full character's lengtha way it's still smacking you.
Maaaaaaan I don't want JP in grand finals
>JP vs Blanka/Luke grand finals
fuck this game
KakuGAWD must be swimming in pussy

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>release broken unbalanced EA slop
>cry for positive reviews when the game isn't there and instead is a massive slogfest
Can't get any more desperate kek
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Theres nothing wrong with asking for positive reviews from people that enjoyed your game

By nature its the negativity that will be heard more in that situation, since people that enjoy the game will keep playing it without really engaging with the review system, versus a guy who hates it = he will leave a negative review after an hour.

Also, the game isnt bad, it just needs a lot more time in the oven. Its gonna stay on my wishlist until it comes out of EA, I can see the potential
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I feel like I'm one of the only people who loved this game on /v/.

The map is fantastic, the animations look great, every single weapon I found had a different moveset, even weapons in the same class. It was seriously great. Of course it has issues, but it's honestly one of the better EA games.
Snoys raided that shit. Starfield was just an average Bethesda game. Nothing more nothing less. I legitimately do not understand how someone can play it and think it's anything more or less than a 7-8/10 game.
It probably wouldn't take a week to solve the tech issues, and as you said these things are not really quantifiable in real world scenarios.
In a way yes, which is why gaming is slop only pretty much, it just takes too much money, aka time and expertise, for passion projects that aren't snes games to be doable
Which is why crowd funding exists, which includes early access.
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I thought this post was from some literal who developer but then I look at the stats of his current game and bro acting like he's going to starve to death from these statistics alone lol. These are good stats regardless of his game's EA state so why they fuck is ge begging for lol. Personally I dont get the appeal of EA games like it would've been understandable if he gave out a free demo for people try and give feedback on but I get why these games have to exist I guess. It's just I don't see the point of buying an unfinished game with no release date in sight for when it'll eventually get out of its EA state. Also I will say that I do feel bad for publisher he got shackled with. It's the same publisher who barely even marketed Penny's Big Breakaway and left it out to die so his game getting quite popular seems like a miracle to me.

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What is your preferred brew when playing vidya? For me its Yorkshire tea.
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earl grey
I don't need validation for my sexuality like you, whiny bitch.
It's archon of flesh that drew it.
>Yorkshire tea.
I have lots of tea and alternate between them, my personal favorite is darjeeling tea with a bit of mik.
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>Protagonist is an [asexual] [lesbian] who goes by [Stardust]
>all three of these details are relevant to the story and have narrative payoff
Can you tolerate inclusivity when it actually matters and isn't just for brownie points?
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Making a main character completely unrelatable in a sequel is bad
Asexuals belong in a woodchipper, hate em, dont dress sexyand tease and then state " oh im asexual, i dont fel arousal"

Holy tourist
Boring MC, incoherent and incomplete story, didn't live up to the expectations, rushed chapters and a bad use of characters
How is one asexual and also a lesbian at the same time? You can't not feel arousal but also be a woman aroused by other women.

I don't, I don't understand.

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Have you ever shopped for games in Japan? What's it like?
Its a giant flea market but just games
all the shelves are too close together for my fatass
>want to go to japan one day
It’s extremely cheap, safe, and the people are courteous. Stop being a little bitch and just go

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Just drop your vidya webms here
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im listening and learning
if you didn't skip the cutscene would you survive?
impressive on a technical level how smoothly it handles all the animation.
I don't think so based on buffs on expiring based on cutscenes

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>Grand dad of anime MMO
>update is so bad that private servers overtake its population
>makes a future in making cash grabby mobile garbage
>no MMO ever comes as close to this social experience
It's okay anon. If you wanna meet new people in an MMO, just join that MMO's discord server.
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Ok lads, let's be honest. Which monster is it?
If I'd ever develop an mmo I'd put in the card system (every mob drops one, gives reason to go back to lower lvl places) and having merchant chars (being online the same time as your main though) to sell stuff
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>this nigga was in the game since the start (and GMs gave it to members of large guilds they were in/friends with)
>the actual mob came like a decade later
So play vchat then. You don't want a game clearly.
RO was a tool to socialize with other people first and foremost. The gameplay was secondary.

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>gets this mad over some comment online
>calls others dumb and implies their young
Honestly only a loser acne ridden teen could act like you did, anon.
The only think I'll use is color correction
Literally the only thing you have to do to fix GBA games is play with the gamma
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damn, thats cool, prompt?
Bottom right has the coolest helm
anon? anon come back!
I never used artist tags, if it looks good I inpaint and enhance it and if it looks bad I re generate. I guess that is a downside if you liked using those tags though.
>no phallic helmet to showcase his virility

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Why aren't movement shooters popular anymore?
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High skill floor means most new players get filtered meaning the playerbase doesn't explode, if it doesn't explode its a dead game, new people don't want to play dead games and it's a vicious feedback loop. High level players have no one to dunk on and get burnt out facing each other all the time and eventually drop out too.
QC doesnt have bloat.
>why would i play Quake 3 Arena with better graphics and new maps
because its a new Quake 3 Arena with better graphics and new maps.
remember how the Marauder in DOOM Eternal filtered every single god damn console nigger?
>guyz this is unfair im supposed to actually press more than 1 button while playing an FPS
truly a nightmare.
Marauder wasn't a difficulty filter it was just a flow killer. It was the only enemy in the game that had to be fought with specific timing/positioning which is antithetical to how the game is played up to that point. Marauder was a shitty enemy design, not because it made the difficulty go up but because it made the fun go down.
quake champions was held back by its god awful launcher, no custom games and servers
fuck bethesda for holding back everything, trying to make it "esports" and forcing the scene to adapt to their shitty match-system and servers

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Less is more
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we've all seen your videos on the Grummz petition, no one with working chromosomes cares about this
Women are unironically more repulsed everytime they see a feminist men talking. Seriously, just look at their faces.
Everyone knows coomer games exist just like everyone knows kpop fangirls exist
Man, I still can't et over the Atelier Ryza body proportions. Eve's real life model is very athletic (read STICC) but the in-game model has extremely exaggerated hips, so it just looks weird compared to the rest of her body.

2B looks far more reasonable.
If less is more, just imagine how much more MORE would be!
Most women on social media are attracted to Korean designs more than you think.

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It's kinda... sad when you see people not willing to take the simple steps to just, enjoy things.
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Its the costumers holy right to purchase or not purchase a product based on whatever reason they want.
Being Italian I grew up with everyone expecting me to like soccer and pop music. When I tell them I don't give a fuck about any sport the conversation immediately dies
If a developer actively chooses to invest some of their available resources into real life politics and online drama, I can't be bothered with their game as they prove to me that their priorities are beyond fucked
>The devs support something I dislike!
But the libs taught me this was a valid reason? Or is this one of those "rules for thee, not for me" moments?
fuck off, ESL

>claimed by people who benefit from the monopoly

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Valve tried native Linux support first during the Steam Machines, and even gave devs a bunch of tools to make it easier for them. No one bothered.

Proton was the response to the realization that 99% of devs are too lazy to support anything but Windows
I'd rather a game through Proton, than the common shitty Linux port abandoned by a 3rd party contractor that wasn't paid to keep it updated.
how is it a monopoly when devs are free to sell their games elsewhere, even both on steam and elsewhere at the same time? sounds like a pretty weak monopoly to me
It's apparently a monopoly, predatory and unethical to offer the best service on the market.
That remains to be seen. No one has made a store service with all the features Steam has. You can't call something like Epic Games Store competition when they lack so many things that Steam has: reviews (which you know come from people that own the game), community boards (when EGS gave away Subnautica for free people were on the Steam forums asking for help with tech issues for a game they got on EGS), workshop/mod support integrated, a specialized program for input mapping things to a controller to play games with a controller that don't have official support, remote play to play offline split-screen online (and play emulators online if you are savy enough) and probably more. Steam's real advantage is the years they had to cultivate these features.

How did this happen?
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I believe putin’s fascist russia faces a serious risk of breakdown in the not-too-distant future. All that’s missing is a spark that will rile the people and elites and move them to take action. That could be an increase in fuel prices, the development that led to a citizen revolt in Kazakhstan earlier this year; a blatantly falsified election, such as the one that led to riots in autocratic Belarus in 2020; or thousands of body bags returning to Russia from the war in Ukraine
Stellar Blade is not a Sony game. That's how it happened.
so two more weeks
I've heard it's in dev hell and the team is full of in fighting and people playing the blame game. Yes, the new Fable looks really fucking ugly. But I can't wait to play this dumpster fire. Might even rival Saints Row reboot.
No. PlayStation committed suicide by cucking out to PC, and Microsoft went full retard by cucking out to other consoles. Nintendo won.


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>Looked it up
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Overcomplicate something that was simple.
They unironically used animals to design his musculature.
His face is deformed from the satsui no hadou. It's always been a thing with his character.
I can't believe John Streets is dead

Patchnotes out
previews soon
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Nope, there for MD4, and there just the same as picking a floor buff as last time
I dont see a reason for a cap since you can just up the amount of SP it consumes as a soft cap

Even if its 5sp per flip you lose like 20+ sp for a HE ego which puts you at 70% flip chance off the bat
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That sucks but oh well
>maybe 3
It was 5 in LoR, so I guess same amount here.
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Guileless and Passionate, it's Malcute!

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>motion blur is on by default
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The purple/white/cyan borders effect
Post her 2B cosplay
Do you remember the old 3D movie glasses which had a red lens and a blue lens? When you took the glasses off and looked at the film it had some Red and Blue outlines? It's kind of like that that, to a less extreme degree.
Leviticus 20 13
Deuteronomy 23
Yes. Those whores exclusively cosplay as characters that are currently trending.

This game died unceremoniously. It just got so boring and repetitive after a while
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skill issue
>i get why they don't want primary weapons to be too strong and encourage you to use your stratagems but man
That is bollocks, the stratagem have huge cooldowns, most of the time you kill members of your squad and the game is too frantic for any kind of strategic thinking when shit hits the fan at higher difficulties.
>It just got so boring and repetitive after a while
It's a co-op exclusive game, what the fuck are you talking about retard? You need immersive/highly interactive NPCs or a sandbox to spend hundreds of hours on a game that allows you to play it alone or alone with the choice of playing with others if you want. Otherwise you're stuck with a <100 game.
I read somewhere that the studio that did the JP voices have a very strict requirement that they're only available in japan. Typical jap autism so no chance of it happening
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>Fire the Railgun at an oncoming Annihilator Tank, head on
>It explodes

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>announce new character
>let people play her in EVO Japan
>don't allow any filming or photography
>don't show a new trailer after the game's grand finals
Why are Cygames so retarded when it comes to advertising this game?
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I'm just looking through character designs. Is GBVS made by fujoshis? Siegfried's design is so fucking badass in the gacha holy shit and the fighting game gets a bland ikemen version. What the fuck?
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>Siegfried's design is so fucking badass in the gacha
Sir please…the exe…
brother you can just put the helmet on in-game
Ok? I'm pointing out the original design, not the femcel coomer one.

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