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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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How's your local makerspace? Mine is awesome.
I mostly just show up to work the desk every week for 1/2 discount, and talk to randos about all kind of things, but also I've finally dipped into woodworking and the laser cutters.
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alternate term is hackerspace, think a place with a gym membership system but instead of weights it has tools.
Every other thread about makerspaces is talking about how they are filled with trannies. Are you a tranny?
Never seen one of those miraculous maker/hacker spaces that wasn't some 2m2 shag after all. Post some or gay until proven fake.
fake and gay. there are no good "makerspaces."
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I mean, the pimpest usually aren't accessible to the general public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4-sDUzLtv0
but I recall some in japan and china also keep out the riffraff and have a high degree of quality. One problem commercial chain hackerspaces (like TechShop) faced was many were built on the same sort of model as WeWork and other shared office spaces, which is a shit model. The problem others faced is they were created by people sufficiently adjacent to dirty commies that they became infested with the same kind of collective action problems that inevitably destroy all such organizations without an active patron to keep bailing them out.
I'm convinced you could develop a viable business model for a space like that, but it would need tight tailoring to ensure it worked well. If possible, I would look to partner with a local trade school both for cheap staff from new grads and maybe to develop a curriculum/certificate for advanced tools. Think baby's first CNC certificate. Not a full blown machinist's cert, but more of a "I know how to not kill myself or the machine" class.

We got one step closer to getting back off the grid. 2500 watts of glass on the roof. inverter/controller is installed. shed is wired.

next weekend we plan to trench, run 00 conduit to and from shed/house main panel and install/run weatherhead DC wires PV to controller.

once we get all the heavy work in next weekend, I can finish the rest by myself. connecting it all at the controller and wiring in the batteries.

system is still due for an upgrade, but we're going to use what we have for now. once we save up (cash only buyers) we will purchase 18 345w panels and a 300AH LiFePO4 battery to replace our FLA units.
How long are people actually getting out of those lithium batteries on a full solar setup? Is it really worth the money for em yet? And how deep do people discharge/recharge those things on a daily cycle?

I did an oil change on the wife’s car today. Where’s my ASE patch?
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Batteries: abt 12-20 yes.
DOD LiFePO4: 80% true full cycle daily.
panels: abt 15 good years. another 5 mediocre. 5 more poor.
controller/inverter: abt 25-50 years

it'll never save us money. it will never save the planet. it's not about that. it's about having resources when others dont.
I doubt that the chemistry has been around long enough to 'know' exactly, but it can be plotted-out.

LFPO has no maintenance,

Has 99% efficiency

Even if the cells degrade to 80% after 10 years, which seems a little heavy degrade, based on current stats, they will still be at 99% efficiency.

Solar use of lfpo with adequate reserve, is a very low cycle rate, so it's not from hard cycling that ages the batteries, but just age. Your OP setup says he's going with 15kw (300 ah at 50v nominal = 15000 watts) storage, which if it's just him and his woman, with a 6000+ watt array, should not only provide adequate reserve with no generator needed, but recharge slowly enough (120amps max) into the bank that a C rate of 0.4, which is about double of optimum, but,

How often is it really going to reach that peak? A few hours a day?

I like what Edison (the hybrid truck people) suggested with their solar installs: have half the panels facing east, the other half facing west. It evens out the energy production and makes it reflect more typical usage (peak morning, sag noon, peak evening). Some variation on that, depending on latitude. You'd need two identical strings. If the Sol-ark (DEYE) has multiple mppt inputs and a max voltage of 500v, then splitting the 18 into 9&9 gives a max open circuit voltage of 360v, and a working voltage of 315v, which should be plenty to both trigger and operate the MPPT's.

solar people know other solar people when they speak. thank you for your info.

it's mind numbing how many times I hear someone suggest I do exactly what I'm already showing in a photo or explained in a post.

>you should run 24v! more power!!

>48v system shown in photo

it's refreshing when someone chimes in with actual knowledge.

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Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.
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OP back with progress.
link is dead, but don't worry, it's fucking happening
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disassembled an old broken electric oven, found some cool gizmos and switches inside. if I can be arsed i will route the power through the original power switch, and add a light.
There's already an internal mains filament bulb, then that got me thinking, I saved one of the hobs to use as a heat source (original oven elements trip the leccy, must have a short) however I am pretty damn sure it will be far too much heat- but I have an alternative, filament bulbs! I'm going to get a bunch of filament bulbs and install them in random places inside, any suggestions on where would be best? bottom is the obvious first thought; convection, but maybe there's be some benefit to having them in the sides? input appreciated.
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So I'm trying the airflow only method first. i was going to install 3 fans but one does the trick, i can feel the air blowing out of the gaps around the door on the front! did an experiment with some loo roll, put a few sheets inside on the rack and i can see it blowing slightly, across the whole rack, so there is air movement everywhere inside.
I just did a quick calculation and I think this costs me 0.1p to run per hour (one tenth of a penny), it's only 4.8 watts.
beef seasoned with salt and garlic granules drying as I type.
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well holy fuck it's working! i just checked it after 4 hours and it's like 30% dry.
Still feel like a little heat would help it though.
Will leave it on overnight, for a grand total of about 1p electricity cost.
I can't believe this is working.
if this works, big big thankyou anon!
I ... can just make jerky, overnight, for like 1p. what. I will add the other 2 fans I was planning for a total of 3p electricity cost. lol, lmao even.
Heat will speed it up but will change the final result. You may or may not prefer it. It’s not necessarily better or worse but it is different when heat is applied. Imo it’s superior without heat, more tender, better flavor, but others might prefer the slightly tougher/chewier texture from heated drying. And a lot of that can be greatly impacted by choice of meat/marinade anyway. Again look up marinades since a marinade with proper acidity and salt content can help increase the safety quite a bit. It looks like you didn’t do a marinade at all, which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s much safer to at least liberally salt the meat which hopefully you did. That oven is disgusting so maybe you’re not overly concerned about food safety I guess. You don’t need three fans. Intense airflow won’t help as much as you think and will more likely just disturb the food especially if you dry stuff like fruit that doesn’t sit as easily and is more likely to slide around.

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I decided to under cut my fireplace to install laminate flooring. It turned out okay all things considered.
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Not involved in any of this shit. truthfully I have seen laminate fuck ups cause huge gaping holes down the line, but I cant fathom why anyone would be this tilted over something like this. Plenty of houses built the normal way have weird shit like this anyway.
looks good to me op even if i think you are kind of crazy. better than 90% of the threads on here
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Good job OP, quarter round is for lazy people

Hey yall, I've been thinking of starting a commercial vent hood cleaning business with a couple buddies being that we all have restaurant experience. I'm already thinking of chemical costs and basic shit like scrapers/ an LLC, any suggestions or tips about anything I'm not considering?
General diy business thread if nothing else
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I'm thinking of making cables with a couple buddies being that we all have connection experience. I'm already thinking of connector costs and basic shit like wires/shrink tube/ an LLC, any suggestions or tips about anything I'm not considering?
General diy business thread if nothing else
What KIND of cables to what specs?
Just cables. Specs don't matter because there's going to be lots of different kinds.
So go for it and post results.
Good luck with getting beat on price every time by indians and the chinese, who can source materials far cheaper and pay $0.10-1.00/hr for labor for shit like this.

Does anyone know of a fair priced powerstation that can run one of those portable tent A/C units or a swamp cooler? It's got to be expandable and last at least 7 hours. I'd like to DIY a whole solar powerstation rig at some point... it's just... what fucking powerstation do I get
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not OP, but I was hoping to set up a smaller solar system for a shed. Nothing serious, just enough power for lights, some small power tools, cell signal booster, and maybe a small AC/space heater. You guys think a kit like this would be enough, or should I look into something beefier?
1.84 is plenty enough energy fo-
>and maybe a small AC/space heater
annnnnnnnnd there goes your energy.
AC/Heating is monstrous when it comes to power draw.
A "small" space heater will drain an entire day of charging in an hour if on full blast. You're going to get 60-70% of that 1.84KW.
A/C? Fucking forget about it. Heating is more efficient than cooling because well.... There's no power waste with heat. Heat is just power being inefficient producing heat as a wasteproduct.
Cooling will... also produce heat because it has to go through more hoops. You pump that heat outside most times, but it's still wasting power on heat wasteproduct so you get even less cooling for your electricity usage than you would heat.
It's also easier to be warm during the cold than cool during the hot.
A/C is a power-hungry bitch.
Fans in the shade might work much better for the power cost.
To expand on that, if you want reliable cooling, get an inverter generator that can do 1500W and get some sort of A/C unit that can vent out the heat.
Heat, just use a propane/diesel heater. I mean you can use a generator to power an electric heater but now you're just taking the piss, just turn the gas into heat directly instead of turning the gas into electricity and then into heat.
> prices out a SEER 21 9k minisplit
$800 is a little low.for a quality unit. I was referring to the cost of power, or how much energy even the most efficient model will draw in a poorly insulated camper/trailer.

You thought I was referring to the price of the unit. No.

I think he should get a mini-freezer, make popsicles, and stick one up his ass. A lot of blood flows through that sphincter.

Like above anon says, running aircon or a heater will suck away all your power, requiring a system 3x the original size - for Aircon - and so much bigger than that again, for electric heat, that in the case of regular full-electric heat, you'll never fit it in a mobile application. Maybe a small electric heating pad.

One of the issues as I pointed out, is trailers etc are poorly insulated. It's more of a problem with heat than aircon, hypothetically, because basically what you are usually doing with aircon is dehumidifying, first. And trailers can be more airtight than they can have a good R value. But because your trailer or van etc must be parked in the sun for it's rooftop panels to work, typically the cabin is absorbing more heat, than if you simply parked in the shade and used a fan.

Small scale swamp coolers only work well in low humidity. That, therefore is highly dependent on where you are using and building your system. The amount of water needed, can cause issues, too.

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>get an inverter generator that can do 1500W and get some sort of A/C unit that can vent out the heat.
>Heat, just use a propane/diesel heater
Would be more efficient, but I was partially hoping to set up a climate controlled storage space that I could just leave alone for a few days at a time. I'd be a bit too nervious leaving a gas generator or a propane heater running unsupervised for a few days. Maybe I'll look into beefier systems

>you'll never fit it in a mobile application.
>trailers etc are poorly insulated
clearly stated it was for a shed. the RV pic was just something i grabbed off the amazon listing. I was even considering splurging a bit on 2x6 framing, so i could fit more insulation

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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When i was a child, my dad bought a foam plane for me once (the kind with a single motor propeller in the nose) and it was very fun to fly it. The only bad thing about it was that there was no remote control or anything so it would continue to fly straight endlessly.
Did you guys play with that kind of planes? My family was poor so i was only able to play with it once
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So I have a picrel chinese POS drone called a JJRC x17 laying around.

One day, upon plugging the battery in to charge, the BMS gave up it's magic smoke and thus it became a paperweight.

I'm wondering, if I could somehow re-use some parts and build a FPV drone out of it. I'm an absolute novice with drone-building, but I'm quite handy with fixing electronics overall(except the damn BMS that's all SMD components and appears pristine apart from it not working). Some tips/guidance would be really appreciated.
I had one of those, but mostly when I was a kid it was those balsa stick and tissue paper rubber band powered ones. Of give the rudder a little bend so it would fly in circles.
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it doesnt charge?

your best bet is to buy a new battery for it or open it up and solder a 3s USB BMS to the battery cells (you can buy em cheap on aliexpress)

i dont recommend reusing parts of it for an FPV quad unless you have experience building a quad from parts you ordered. in which case you could probably reuse the engines/props in some ultralight/long range FPV quad. or you could gut it and replace the internal electronics with an FPV AIO board + FPV camera and only keep the original engines
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Oh yeah, it doesn't charge or power up the drone at all. If power is supplied, it blinks it's State-of-charge lights, but nothing really happens. When it died, there was actual smoke and it sent me scrambling for a baking tray in case it would go all up in flames.

I also had the idea to put a generic BMS in there, but I do not know the pinout for the connector and since the BMS board also has the power button, and some unmarked active components, I think it's a bit too involved. Also had no luck finding the BMS board alone on Aliexpress.

I really do not want to invest in a new battery, because it's about 1/3 of the total price and the stock electronics are crap, it's the GPS/compass on it that is really bad, it will wander and start toilet-bowling out of the blue quite often.

I really like the idea about gutting it and just keeping the frame/engines. I'm sure there will be some growing pains, but it doesn't sound too insurmountable overall.

Either-way, thanks a lot! Now I know my options better and have a better idea on what to research further.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2785345

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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Are LiFePO4 batteries actually significantly safer than Li-Ion batteries?
I wanna do an electrical project but I got too scared after seeing some housefires
I'd appreciate some help from Anon with a simple problem with my tv
A bit of back story. Went abroad for 3 months and thought everything was fine. Got back and someone had turned off my fridge and left it open. Fly shit and all nastiness all over the walls.

Would this be appropriate for cleaning the shit and what not off my walls? It's a big job and I would rather not do it by hand if I can save myself some effort.
Only low quality shittily sealed batteries explode. If you aren't buying cheap Chinese shit you have nothing to worry about. Just don't leave them unattended and maybe invest in a outlet timer so it auto shuts off.
Been using one for years in my workshop and damaged it pretty bad once. Still works and does the job.
What do I even do with this? I bought it for some reason and I’m confused

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My retarded boomer Dad cut down a bunch of tree branches (red circles in the picture below) and now you can see straight through into our backyard. These trees are 20 years old. I don't know why he did this. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.

Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son. What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
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That explains a lot. I've always wondered why boomers are such lawn mowing enthusiasts. I think quite a few get into food prepping, too. Like just chopping ingredients for later but never using them.
That the limbs had been there for years makes them more likely to fall than less likely.
can also be used for meking medicine and archer's bows
ive got a neighbor that mows his lawn every other day' like an obsession, a drug addiction.
i let mine go wild and may mow once every two weeks or once a month

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What would be the best method of supplying wired internet to multiple buildings over say 10 acres of land spread out?
Not necessarily the cheapest nor the highest bandwidth, just running wire to different spots that are going to go through one isp bill?
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Based edger trick
>How long will it hold up?
Not very long (3-5 years) because fiber is sensitive to moisture and at that sum total you didn't spend enough on the fiber to get direct burial rated outdoor cable that'll protect the fiber from moisture. Moisture will turn it opaque enough to fuck up the signal eventually. If you spend about $30-50 more next time to get that sort of fiber, it's probably going to outlast you (barring some sort of digging accident where you sever it).
Yep and that is exactly my plan. 3 years would be great. Might run conduit next time idk.

Also have a fun 500' run through the woods I did with cat5. I didn't even run it on the ground, I just put a heavy weight on the cable and tossed it to where I needed it. The only precaution I took was installing gas discharge surge protectors on each end. Which will die first, the fiber or the cat5?!?!
I would do point-to-multipoint or point-to-point radio bridges, depending on how many buildings and their layout, how much speed you need, the surrounding radio interference, and what your fresnel clearance looks like, you have several frequency options.

900MHz is going to be your best bet for punching through trees, but the speeds can be limited.
My buddy uses a 20km ptp wireless link from his house in the woods (on a radio tower) to town for internet and yes it actually is reliable. But you do have to use commercial equipment, not some dogshit wifi meant for retail customers.

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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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he was specifically talking about a turbine. the first stage is usually the limiting factor of how high the temperature and pressure can go (the higher the better, see carnot) so they actually managed to make mono crystalline turbine blades and air cooling is also a thing i guess but the course about turbines and gas turbines has been a while
oh and i actually have been behind a control pannel in a training centrum of a gas power plant
they had given us the simple task of shutting down the turbine but no one could. my idea was to just cut off the gas, it will turn off eventually even though it would be ugly but we would do what was asked. and even that was a challenge. yes i failed
fuck me yes i don't know how to operate a gas power plant in 5 minutes. i've seen a control room up close and there's at least a dozen of people there
>Get a degree in mechanical engineering and then get a job in design engineering.
Design engineering is something of a unicorn job, you're going to need more than just a basic ME background to snag the job. Also understand that a lot of the artsy and UI side of design is actually its own field, Industrial Design.
To have a shot at a design engineering job, you're going to need an extremely solid CAD background and ideally a portfolio of projects to show off. It's also going to help if you have a solid understanding of GD&T, so your part drawings are very clearly understandable by outside parties (especially details like what tolerances you're making different features on your parts to).
this is what one of the teachers told us, you're not going to reinvent the wheel, you're going to to maintenance work and looking at tables will be your bread and butter
at least he wasn't spreading delusions. the teacher that came before him actually sort of invented a welding technique that made him loaded but i'm not going to do that, i'm dumb
i don't know anything about welding and material science to me is a black hole. steel bends and twists in a certain way but that's it
>Why can't I find the canonical equation/chart for flow in a thin linear elastic tube?
there isn't one. i don't know the specifics of what you're trying to do but laminar flow in a pipe was already aids enough, this is something else entirely. seems like a subject worthy of a master dissertation

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>We're going to test that!
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>ltt for obvious reason
I watched that and didn't see anything suspect in his testing methods that seemed like he was favoring the LTT driver over any of the other brands, what do you mean?
Eh a lot of the tests don’t really translate to real world scenarios

Cheater pipe on a ratchet, the bend resistance of a screw driver shaft while prying etc is some real Mexican tier shit

A a lot of the cheaper tools perform well but in the real world aren’t all that good tools
Baseless retard
I’m not sure if that Olsa brand is straight rebrands. They have a few designs I haven’t seen anwhere else. Pic related only seems to come from them, and they have stubby flex head combination wrenches with a 6pt ratcheting end and a V-cut open end, you don’t see those from anybody else either.

Maybe some autist dug into them, but they could be like a Tekton trying to grow by investing some money into new designs coming from a Taiwan factory, or maybe it’s like VIM which was quietly doing a ton of private label stuff for many years before popping up with their own lines.

There’s a lot of brands who don’t really manufacture shit themselves, they just spec it out to order from Asian factories. Some of it is straight rebranded generic stuff, but Olsa has some original products which means they have money to get the custom tooling for it coming from somewhere.
>doesn't really tell you any genuinely useful information
of course it does, it proves that just about any diagonal cutters are pretty good.

>A a lot of the cheaper tools perform well but in the real world aren’t all that good tools
that is some nuclear powered cope there.

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Abominations Thread XLIV

Efficient use of space edition
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how the fuck do you manage this
literally how do you fuck up stairs
was it that hard to build 1 wall of drywall between the stairs and the kitchen
utterly retarded
all they had to do was cut and excavate a flat round level pad into the dirt hillside. two guys with shovels could have done it in a day
why are you going for shredded cheese at 3 am in the morning?
moron money than brians

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I broke of these pic related stoneware mugs and am thinking of doing a faux kintsugi thing. However, I also want to be able to microwave this thing, so JB Weld is out, epoxies are apparently out (temperature issues and potential fuming or whatever when exposed to enough heat), and superglue was never practical to begin with.

Unless someone has any better ideas, I was thinking of resorting to a cement mixture of some kind and sorta painting on my gold (mica) pigment onto the cracks and then figure out how lacquers work.
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Then what adhesive am I thinking about?
I have a kintsugi kit incoming in order to repair my gaiwan. Various urushi, gold, silver, tools. I have some background in miniature painting. I think I can get the mechanics down if I can come up with a good plan to bring it all together.
>file edges of cracks
>mugi-urushi to bring it back together
>kokuso-urushi for the chip
>sabi-urushi to fill in cracks
>sand down
>black urushi once or twice for buttery smooth lines
>bangara urushi very thin
>gold powder
As for a humidity cabinet, still undecided exactly how but the wet towel+box or bin technique should be fine. Might use seedling mat to increase temps.
Anybody here work with urushi before? I'm excited to try.
Is that bio kintsugi crap any good?
I'd rather microwave myself.
Couldn't you just microwave the water in a separate container?

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