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/lit/ - Literature

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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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I said I'd do it, here it is. New/Lit/ Magazine (Name Pending).
The important part about this project is that it is not for the vanity of the editor, as has been seen in other magazines. The first-person pronoun "I" will not be used in reference to the facillitator of this publication in any communications within these threads or elsewhere. The editor has no ambitions or agenda, but to make some of the most important modern intellectual voices heard (you).
The editor reserves the right to make mistakes, get drunk on weekends, and generally be autistic. If for any reason you wish to make the editor rich and successful, kill yourself.

>Submissions will be taken in this thread.
>There are no Discord chats, no email lists, just active work being done here.
>When/If one thread hits its limit, the next thread will come. Updates will be marked with "UPDATE #, ISSUE #" for clarity.
>Publications will be marked with "PUBLISHED" and a link. Print versions will be explored in small volumes, provided we get past #5 issues.
>Printed publications will be sold on-margin to pay for the ink. All transactional data regarding this will be posted in-thread if it ever happens.

>Vote on a Name Here:

>What can I write?
We need short stories, medium stories, long stories, comics, art, cover art, schizophrenic ramblings, political groanings, poetry, and prose, and especially letters to the editor to make the magazine better. Mark your submissions accordingly in the title.

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no point, considering this shit will never get anywhere
(pls update us OP)
OP died from a vax injury. i'm sorry you all had to hear this from me, his gay tranny lover

I thought I was his only one...

He is dead tho.

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Confucian morality makes no sense. So Liu Bei is righteous for quietly obeying the Emperor even though he was disrespected, but Song Jiang is also righteous for rebelling so long as he doesn't actually try to overthrow the Emperor, but Cao Cao is bad because he cuts out the middleman and takes power from an Emperor who sucks? What makes the Yellow Turbans bad but the Outlaws of the Marsh good?
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that's pretty heckin problematic
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If Cao Cao was so great, why couldn't he conquer the Western half of China?
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>mfw pang tong dies
>mfw Liu Bei's wife throws herself down a well because she thinks Zhao Zilong wouldn't be able to escape while also protecting her and Liu Bei is so angry that Zhao Zilong almost died saving his wife that he refuses to look at his newborn son
>mfw cao pi kills his younger brighter brother but cao cao does nothing about it despite knowing because being able to lie makes him a more cunning leader

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Kidnapped Panchen Lama edition.

Previous: >>23298914
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used to be a sweet boy, holding very tight to daddy's hand
I purposely pushed away all my friends in high school and I don't feel bad about it. We would normally hang out after school and just fuck around in town until it started to get dark but one day I thought "What if I just stop doing that? I don't need friends." and so I did. Every time that they would ask me if I wanted to hang out, I would say no and go home, they eventually stopped asking. We're still friendly with each other, if I were to text them, they wouldn't be aggressive or stand-off-ish or anything, but they're not my friends anymore.
Rejection never gets easier. That signature look of disgust on womens faces never stops punching me in the gut. The hatred I feel for myself is blistering, almost enjoyably so.
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did you lot see this >>23301915
many such cases

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Is he based or cringe?

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What, no shelf thread? This is the one in my bedroom.
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Any of you guys have older books?
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I keep a few loebs around too.
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What makes you think I'm a Jew? All the political books? I'm a proud White American man. You should read "Days of Rage". It details Jewish Communists and their attempts to undermine America. Here's a fun passage about the (((Boudin's))) accidentally blowing their own house up.
devi and evola physical copies holy
The difference between people who read books and people who collect books is palpable in this thread.

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>Might and Right do differ frightfully from hour to hour; but give them centuries to try it in, they are found to be identical.
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Once again you're confused as to how Carlyle is using these terms. If he says something is powerful, it may be an application of that term to someone or something that no materialistic individual would ever describe as powerful, since Carlyle believes in the spiritual and its ultimate victory.
Oxford University is the only major publishing house to reprint his works (they did Past and Present last year)
Shit. That's not good. One gatekeeper increases the probability of corruption.
No normie has any chance of embracing Carlyle any time soon.

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Captain Bluebear Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous thread: #23285840
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none of the books, as i said. Captain Bluebear started out as a character on German children's tv, where he'd tell (likely made up) crazy stories from his seafaring past to his grandkids. based off this they made a movie which came out in 99.
the creator of the character, Walter Moers, at some point decided to make him the protagonist of a fantasy novel that tells us of his early years , which came out in 99 as well (to massive success, it reached the top of the best seller lists) and kept on making books in the setting. as mentioned before, these different media are linked by hardly anything except the main character.
True. But now you got me thinking, I'd say Cil-Aujas was more like a Dark Souls dungeon - even had a boss at the end. Though as I was reading Judging Eye, the Cil-Aujas sequence was just a copy-pasted Moria sequence, almost beat-for-beat. Still enjoyed it.
The thing I liked about Cil-Aujas is that it was an obviously deliberate homage to Moria, but it was also unique and rather different.
Oh, I see your issue then. You expected a grand, sweeping epic, but BotNS is mostly Severian wandering about and doing side quests.
Kings of the Wyld is great. Sons of the Black Sword is also awesome.

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An excellent photograph.

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>Honor the Ballsack
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If this is the high school curriculum, who the fuck do frogs study in college?
Ryan Gosling's new war movie?
Gosling starring in a feature based on Junger's Paris War Diaries would likely be the greatest film of the 21st century.
>Meanwhile, I can ask the average French 14 year old and she will tell me about the poetry of Charlemagne and Alexander
and she looks like this lmao

James Joyce: The Midwit Redditor's Favorite Author
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Irish nationalism and liberation and any hope for it is a product of modernity. Joyce is also constantly expressing support for the sexual liberation, especially that of women, that modernity has provided.
Just look at the other major authors from the period. When you compare Joyce to someone like Kafka or Eliot, he's extremely optimistic.
finnegans wake is a good time you have to read it out aloud although
A chore to get through? It's an easy as fuck read...
What dumb fucking logic.
Why? One of the things that makes modernist writers so compelling is that their cynicism towards the forces of modernity makes their insights still relevant and emotionally resonant to those who live in the horrific product of those forces. I cannot help but feel disgust reading a man jerk off a the thought of everything that has made my life miserable.

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Hemingway ruined English prose.
Eliot ruined English poetry.
Daily reminder.
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His prose is literally uncontestably masterful. You need to read more poetry. The only writers who can compete with Joycian prose are actual poets. Making your argument, "Joycian prose is not good," is a brainlet's argument. You picked a poor hill on which to make a stand.
'Maximalist' prosody mastery [Nabokov but not ESL] is lacking, so is poetry that isn't naval-gazing tweets before Twitter and enjambled (bad) prose. That much is right.
I’m guessing you’re not very well-read, I mentioned AE Russell and Arnold, both poets that Joyce quips at in Ulysses who I’ve studied in depth, but I have read significantly more verse than you have, and have read Joyce’s entire verse, which I assume you dislike or didn’t know existed.
You've guessed wrong and in desperation. As I said, you've picked a poor hill on which to make a stand. Keep going on with your ethological appeals. It won't do you any good.
Pathetic desu I wonder if you’d even care if the book wasn’t famous. If I said Dark Laughter sucked (it doesn’t) would you bat an eye. You’re ultimately no better than a roadie

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/wbg/ Worldbuilding General

Eons Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"

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I'm writing about an ethnic conflict in a fictional country.
Some of the ethnicities involved are made up but one of them is real.
Writing real world people into an imaginary race war comes off as mean-spirited and exploitative but I also don't want to replace them with an uninspired analog. The whole purpose of having them in the story is for the reader to relate to them because every other group involved is a fantasy race.
What should I do?
If every other group involved is a fantasy race, why not just make the "real ethnic group" into generic humans flavored by and inspired by the "real ethnic group".
How do you do fantasy names without everything sounding like glup shitto
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Just found this, what about abilities for elementals for the classical four elements besides the obvious, like Fire elementals providing heat and light? I was thinking that Fire might provide purification and Water shapeshifting, for instance. Also, which arts/skills would go to Light and which to Shadow, and which one would be masculine and which feminine in your book?
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>more materials
Colorless diamonds, white opals, moon stones, birch sap, blue amber, anchor ice.
Look for things that are white, clear, crystalline, or found in cold climates. For instance, iceberg ice that's submerged for long periods of time is called anchor ice and is structurally different than the ice above the ice above the water (firn) that hasn't yet fully compacted. Then there are birch trees which are found all across Siberia despite the cold.
>fire witches
They're vain, haughty, and obsessed with their own elegance. They almost always have to be forcibly yanked into reality from the elemental bridges of stars in order to summon one. But they enjoy watching the courts of mortal worlds and taking in the intrigue. All elementals are rare, but Fire Witches so rarely appear in the material universe that they are often referred to in the singular as if there were only one that reigns over a border world kingdom.
Their polar opposites are Takers. Aside from having opposing elemental affinities, they are entirely unlike each other in behavior. Fire Witches have inflated egos, and Takers have imaginary egos. A Fire Witch's ego alone can cause a person's emotions to combust while Takers have such infinitesimal insubstantial egos that just looking at them will force a Taker to assume the shape and mimic the actions of the observer. Fire Witches don't want to enter the material universe, and Takers want to enter and never leave. If they succeed in bolstering their sense of self enough to appear in mirrors and move independent of their observers, they'll attempt to strike deals with them and trick them into giving up their bodies and being replaced. That's why they're called "Takers".
>more worlds
Those are the main three, but others technically exist as the origins of all physical and abstract matter. If something new shows its face in the universe, then a new border world will come into being. Some are just one-dimensional lines that wrap around the universe. All of them do that though. They're called border worlds because they wrap around the borders of the various shells that compose the universe. Imagine taking a football and wrapping it with different kinds of tape. And then you stitch another layer of leather on top of the ball and repeat the process. That's what the universe looks like. Each shell is a layer that sits on another layer, and at one point, they're stitched together. The seam line is called Peripheral Heaven, and the stitching itself is Axial Heaven.
Sorry for the rambling tangent, but it's hard to explain this universe without explaining related concepts.

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I want to write something and have a doc open in front of me right now, but instead I'm listening to a YouTube video while browsing 4Chan, and any time I even think of starting I instantly lose focus.
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Write a everyday even if its just a sentence.
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Relatable but deadly.

I suggest thinking of simpler problems to solve first and working your way up. Like instead of writing that big grand important project you feel you're missing out on by wasting time, think of a small, simple, perhaps silly/dumb thing you could write instead, a problem with a clear solution you can get done quickly. Then gradually progress upwards until you're worked out the subconscious anxiety of starting. Intellectual pursuits are funny like that, it's not just about consciously knowing that you need to do something, you need to train your brain to adapt to the behavior so it doesn't view it with aversion. It's all about the dopamine.
I disagree with your statement, I find them very effective at what they do.
To add on this, if you find you're having trouble even starting something simple, then try doing things not writing-related. Think of something simple you can accomplish--something that needs to be done, not something you just want to do--and do it. No background Youtube/distractions/"content consumption", these are artificial "needs" (music is fine though-- preferred even!). Maybe you've got a kitchen to clean, a bunch of dishes to wash. A room to tidy up. Hell, if you have trouble starting that, reduce it to something even simpler. Find the SIMPLEST, smallest possible thing you can do that needs to be done, maybe just organizing a single sock drawer, and do it. Once you're finished think of how glad you are you got that done, then think of something else you can do. Gradually work your way up in complexity. Take little breaks as needed, don't overwork yourself, but don't get complacent and think "ok I'm done I don't need to think about anything for now". What you'll be doing here is training your dopaminergic system to understand that the best thing for you is accomplishing goals.
God damn, I have been slowly chipping away at this problem. I will spend literal hours at work thinking of what I'd want to write, but as soon as I have a keyboard in front of me I can hardly think of a even a the next word to write.
Bit by bit I am at least getting myself to write SOMETHING. The best success I've had is half goofing off writing a 'children's book' supplement to the real story I want to make some progress on.

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the third man
>Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, who arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to find him dead. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Maj. Calloway and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna

the whole wide world
>Robert E. Howard is introduced to Novalyne Price, a teacher with aspirations of becoming an author herself, and they begin a unique relationship filled with conversation and imagination. Although the possibility exists for romance, Howard's obsession with his work and dedication to his sick mother leads Price to look elsewhere for love, leaving Howard feeling betrayed and alone

>A talented writer, Edgar Allen, arrives in Hollywood with big dreams but is quickly pulled into a world of madness and depravity. A detective investigating a series of murders discovers that they are similar to the murders that occur in the new script by Edgar. Who will survive and what parts will be left for them?
adaptation is sort of about writing
in the mouth of madness
One of my personal favorites: Renaissance Man

> marketing man gets fired and winds up teaching Shakespeare (Hamlet) to army recruits
> stars Danny Devito, Gregory Hines
> Directed by Penny Marshall
Also, Theater of Blood (1973)

> Vincent Price plays an actor who hunts down and kills a slew of critics who humiliated him.
> head and shoulders above The Menu

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