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Are seals of the Phocini tribe (Pagophilus, Histriophoca, Halichoerus, Phoca, Pusa) capable of physical violence at all? Or do they just exclusively angrily shout at each other and occasionally bite each others back flippers if the seal is particularly bloodthirsty
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>Animals tend to settle
No, they don't. It depends on if it hurt more than they wanted to win.

It often doesn't and they come back day after day and they do, in fact, kill each other. Fuck off with your noble savage fantasy.

>The psychology of some guy getting pissy that he got beat up is pretty human.
It isn't human. Simple emotional cost/value evaluation, it's the most animal thing on earth. Does it hurt bad enough to stop wanting it?

The idea that once you lose, you are a loser, and must fall back in line or you are "dishonorable" (implying you will received lessened status as punishment for continuing to be disruptive) is primate behavior.
humans kill losers all the time especially if the loser was after their mate or their territory. so do animals. you can just go on youtube and watch hours of lions, wolves, and bears dismembering and eviscerating rival males.
I see blacks turn justifiable self defense into murder charges daily by stomping out KOd guys until their brain is on the sidewalk
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>Industrial revolution and its consequence have been disastrous to a human race

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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Semi-realistic (i.e., animals probably could survive on modern-day earth without choking to death due to different oxygen levels or something)

1. Paranthropus boisei
2. Homotherium latidens
3. Megaloceros giganteus
4. Mammuthus primigenius
5. Pinguinus impennis
Why do you imagine they would be any less ugly than modern pygmies?
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These absolute units.
>woolly mammoth
>Steller's sea cow
>Haast's eagle
>Moa (let's pretend this is one species)
I'd mainly restore recently extinct species but also an actual dinosaur because it would be cool as fuck.
Spinosaurus so that people can stop bitching about how it looked.

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

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Do NOT bring him around any bitches in heat. Mine has been trying to hump the cat for the past three days nonstop after I made that mistake.
He's been around a dog in heat. Just smelt her and made smega. Why do you furfags reply to stupid shit but not real questions?
Oh... so it didn't count or your dog is GAY!
Is this the proper way to handle an unruly dog?
about the end of the road for the old man and I don't know how to cope with it

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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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He can fly!
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Now there are 2!
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approaching bump limit
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How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?
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If they were already “aggressive” then no shit it was “fine”, doing that to normal well adjusted cats usually doesn’t end well
People who do this don't see the animal as a living creature with its own life, they see it as a toy that only exists for them to play with. Big sign that the individual has a narcissistic personality and at least based on my anecdotal life experience, every person who does this is also insanely cruel and abusive but hides it behind larping as nice.
>don't worry they reveal themselves over any tiny inconvenience
Seethe harder dog buttsniffer
i don’t own dogs (catfag) but every dog owner who has shit to say about small dogs and cats are sociopathic (you’ll see how they “joke” about being violent against them because they’re “annoying”) and do shit like op’s pic.

personally i like both cats and dogs, i like small ones too. but most dog owners are retarded psychopaths and should euthanize themselves.
If it's fine for a cow it's fine for a dog.

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There is no way that horse is alive. If they lie down for even a second, they die. It's just the whey they're made.
You will die of rabies, yes.

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So who is in the wrong here?
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kill yourself
>you cant intervene in "nature" because... you can't!
peak soi
>single insult triggers this response
Kinda looking like he hit a nerve.
the nerve of someone sick of hearing toxobrains talk about bestiality because really all toxotroons have it on the brain all the time. i saw a toxotroon posting about putting peanut butter up assholes. who the fuck thinks of that? toxo trannies, surprise
>cat loving dog hating dog fuckers
the dogfag has gone insane and is now thinking about trannies. many such cases
this is why you don't french kiss your dogs

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Dogfags are insane and violent. More news at 11.
Sure, but do you know if your pitbull is going to randomly get a mental breakdown?
You can't train against mental illness in your dog.

I don't doubt they can be loyal and loving dogs when trained correctly. But its the fact that so many of them were bred to be naturally aggressive and have so many mental health problems that can make them become violent with little notice.

Imagine if you took humans and selectively bred those where the best in gladiatorial combat and also wanted them to be able to get violent really quickly for said combat. That is exactly why Pitbulls have so many issues.

If they where cross bred with a dog that was not known to have mental illness or just not aggressive it could work out. Like a Beagle, Boxer, or Labrador.

Until Pitbull breeders admit that the minds of the dogs they breed are as deterministic as the way they look this issue will never be solved.

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Nah, Techichi are clearly Chihuahuas that got unsmashed and unslammed, where Toadlines started as normal pitbulls.
Does anyone know what the condition for baldness around the nose, lips, and eyes are called?
I am trying to track down what this condition is, and the first Toadline that seems to display it is Pimpy.
THREE pit threads back to back
Sir this is the Toadline thread.
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I wonder what desmashed pibs will look like in a few hundred years.

Toadlines are the Cris of /an/.

>go on a hike
>all trees are the same kind
>no animals
>no insects
>maybe one or two songbirds and one woodpecker
>streams completely empty, no frogs, no fish, no bugs
Why are forests here (NE USA) so empty? I grew up in a thirdy world Asia and there were insects everywhere--beetles, grasshoppers, praying mantises, butterflies, dragonflies--and small animals like frogs, toads, and all kinds of birds. Every stream was filled with fish, amphibians, and sometimes crayfish.
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don't even bother entertaining the mentally ill rightoids. they see one bad post about a leftist and will apply it to all of them, but if you show them one bad stereotype of a rightoid they will overfill their diapers in anger
They keep spraying anyways.
dilate harder you fucking freak
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They're around. I saw this little dude in a vernal pool on a hike today in NE USA. There were 4 other newts (juveniles and adults) as well as water beetles and a shit ton of caddisfly larvae. Saw a few garter snakes and frogs too.
that would be the second time

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what type of person gets a dog like this
The kind of person that only posts on tiktok, youtube shorts and misspells words intentionally to try and look cool.

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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So worms are awesome? Cool
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>yes I use terracotta pots for all my plants inside and out how could you tell
Are these pots cheap.
You can quite easily experimentally validate it with two sponges.
Plain unadorned terracotta is probably the cheapest pots beside plastic

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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I am attempting to breed some otocinclus when I tear down this old set up. I have pygmy corydoras currently breeding, and I have read that otocinclus like breeding around corydoras. Will moving some of the pygmy corys water, theoretically containing their pheromones, in to my oto tank be enough, or should I just move both to the same tank?
Both breeding tanks will run concurrent to each other, so if it works I'll hopefully have plenty of catfish soon enough.
Based catfish enthusiast.

What would you recommend for a 20 gallon all-catfish, all-the-time tank?
>Will moving some of the pygmy corys water, theoretically containing their pheromones, in to my oto tank be enough
Idk why don't you just try it? Is the exchange of water gonna be that detrimental that you can't experiment?
I prefer species only tanks which ruins the fun of your question, but 50+ pygmy corys in a 20gal is literally why I started breeding them, fuck paying for them lmao.
20g is a lil small for anything bigger, a royal whiptail and some glass cats would be kino in a bigger tank though. Hoplos are cool too.

I will try it, just got sand living rent free in my head. I was planning a bare glass bottom for the otto tank for algae and biofilm growth. I don't want to fuck around adding sand for some corys to play in after the fact. Fucking sand.
I will see if the sex water works, any other tips would be appreciated, especially for growing excess biofilm or edible algaes for them.
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Oto* kms

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I see these fuckers all the time and I asked around in 5 discords wtf it is and nobody could tell me. It makes this odor when it dies but it's not the normal stinkbug (though I do see those on occasion as well). Anyone have an idea?
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>I heard there are extra small mesh screens for this purpose
I got tutu fabric from the dollar store to make my own window screen
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they are friends, let them in
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>tutu fabric
I read tutu I thought "what the fuck kind of african shit is that and how did you find it at your dollar store". lmaooooo I'm trying to think of the last time I've actually read the word tutu. I can't imagine myself buying tutu fabric in person though.
I remember always being super paranoid about this as a kid and having my worst fears confirmed that they do exactly as you say. Shit sucks when you live somewhere with a completely flat topography and there’s almost always a stagnant pool of water no matter where you go
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Does anyone know what bug left these eggs? I took them off a day ago assuming they were caterpillar eggs, but a search of keywords makes me think they're wasp eggs. If that's the case, is it too late to put them back outside to let them hatch?

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This is real
No, it's a costume and paint. Maybe some prosthetics too.

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